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Fuel and Combustion Laboratory (F&C)

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Capstone Project on Energy

Class Introduction

Instructor: Prof. Wei-Cheng Wang

Capstone Project on Energy
• Several students/group
• Wednesday: 5:10 ~ 6:00 PM (temporary, 1-hour
presentation, 5829)
Thursday: 12:10 ~ 4:00 PM
• One hour (Wednesday) presentation ; 4 hours
(Thursday) hands-on work
• Final presentation (at the end of the next semester) :
An equipment with specific functions designed and
manufactured by the group, with the applications of
related knowledge/courses, specifically on ENERGY
(simulation is only for assisting your work!!)
• Funding source: 10,000 NTD/group; other
• Once the topic is made, no group change
• Grading: Proposal (15 %) ; weekly report (20
%) ; mid-term report (30 %) ; final report (35 %)
• Evaluating points: Innovative; Report quality;
Presentation; Budget control; Cost
analysis/Marketing/Sale; Attendance; Team
Work/Work management; Product
functionality/quality/visuality; Ambition
Week Schedule Activity
1 Introduction and Project topic discussion Meet in Class
2 Preparing proposal Not meet in class
3 Proposal discuss by appointment Meet by Appointment
* Not meet in class
4 Written proposal turn-in
* Written report turn-in
5 Proposal presentation Meet in Class
* Not meet in class
6 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
* Meet by Appointment
7 Progress discuss by appointment
* Written report turn-in
* Not meet in class
8 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
9 Mid-term presentation Meet in Class
* Not meet in class
10 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
* Meet by Appointment
11 Progress discuss by appointment
* Written report turn-in
* Not meet in class
12 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
13 Progress presentation Meet in Class
* Not meet in class
14 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
* Meet by Appointment
15 Progress discuss by appointment
* Written report turn-in
* Not meet in class
16 Hands-on progress
* Written report turn-in
17 Final presentation Meet in Class
• Week 5: Proposal presentation (15 mins/group)
• Week 9: Mid-term presentation (15 mins/group)
• Week 13: Progress presentation (15 mins/group)
• Week 17: Final presentation (15 mins/group)
• Written report: must contain several pages, not the “print-out” of the
presentation slides
=> Weekly progress and difficulties; planned work thereafter
=> Written report turned-in through Moodle
• Hand-on progress : NOT meet in class but can schedule a team
individual meeting by appointment (Need to turn in written report)
• Progress discuss by appointment: Make appointment (optional) when
the progress discussion is needed (Need to turn in written report)
• In-class presentation => NO need to submit the written report
• All in English
1. One-year work
2. Good for demonstration
3. Product transportation (size…etc)
4. Electricity availability
5. Manufacturing (avoid external manufacturing)
6. Novelty (avoid similar topics from the previous years)
7. Budget

 When the group is assigned, start discussing the topic

 The topic has to be approved before working on proposal
 Describe (either through email or by appointment with me)
the topic within week 1 to week 3
• Content:
(1) Design target short description
(2) Introduction or background or literature survey or
(3) Method: Design method and proposed simulation tool
for assisting the design
(4) Expected problems/difficulties/solutions
(5) Budget
(6) Individual work assignment
(7) Milestones and timelines
(8) Contributions to the society
(9) Reference

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