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Chapter 2 :Have a bad boy style

Jane POV

The next morning I was awakened by my best friend Jennifer Black . When I was up I
looked at my best friend with all smiles on her face , she had her curly red hair in a bun , she
was wearning demin. Everything she had on was demin . That was when I realized she was
up to something . When I asked her where what is wrong she said we are going to the mall.

From the minute I heard she say the word mall I was feeling sick it is juat that I hate going
to the mall . I used to love it before but there was something that made me stop going .

So I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready . To go with her , but it's not like she will
take no for an answer .

When I was finished I went down stairs and saw marcel and coby in the living room. When
I asked them what they were doing here marcel said, “ Jenny called and told me to come
over we are going to have fun today”.

I know what he means by that whenever Jennifer say fun she means going shopping and
cause trouble.

The five of us got in Marcel car which had Marcel and Jennifer at the front and cody my
brother and I at the back. He didn't want to come but mom insisted that he come . We all
went to the closest mall.

When we went inside of the mall it was after five minutes that we noticed that we had lost
Jennifer . Normally you would go and look for a lost friend but we were all very glad
because we know she wondered off to one of those shoe boutique . The four of us went to
the food court and bought mac donals and ate ; it was not long after we notice Jennifer
holding ten shopping bags filled with shoes, clothes and lingerie.

When she arrived next to us , she sat down next to me and Jack and she let out a sigh . It
was not long after that Jack bought up a suggestion that we could go watch a movie. I didn't
want to go watch a movie that Jack would pick he always picks all the scary ones whenever
we go to a movie theater he always does that.

When we arrived at the movie theater that was in the mall. I was so terrified , I just can't
stand scary movies at all .

I tried to say calm but all of my friends were laughing at how I was scared. It was when Jack
asked me for money to buy tickets for the movie and snacks. When he left I was praying for
him to not pick a scary movie .

When he came back , and gave me the change and the ticket when I looked at what movie
he choose and it was the conjouring . The moment I saw that I was terrified. It gave me
chills and made the hairs on my hand rise.
When we entered the movie theater we all had been seated in a row . I was seated next to a
young man who kind of near my age. I couldn't figure his face out because of the theater
was very dark.

As soon as the movie had started I was afraid of what may happen to me and also to the man
that was seated next to me . That is because whenever I am watching a scary movie next to
anyone I would grab their arms or any body part that is close to me.

The beginning of the movie was kind of ok but as soon as it got to the terrifiying part , I
grab the arm of my seat . The next thing I know is that I had grab the man next to me arm
as soon as I realised what I had done . I whispered to him a sorry , he whispered back it't
ok . It was something in his voice that sound familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it . The
movie was getting scarier and at that moment I grabbed the man hand again .

It was at the end of the movie that I got to cool my nerves . When we exited the theater I
could hear my brother and my friends giggling behind me . It was when I suggested that we
go to the food court . When we got to the food court I bought a cheese pizza to help my
nerves ease . It was when I turned towards my table to my friends that I saw him with them
laughing and talking I was at shock because I didn't know what was happening . It was
when I realised it was the guy from yesterday. At that moment I was angry again by just
looking at him.

Scott POV

I heard the ringing of my phone , when I answered it . The caller on the other end was my
best friend Colt Evans .

I had asked why he had wakeed me up, he said we are going to go out today . I didn't want
to but I needed it because of what had happened yesterday . At an instant I got up and went
to the bathroom to get ready .

When I felt my face it was still hurting from the kick yesterday. As I think back of what
happened yesterday .


It was around eight in the morning when my dad had called me to the office we had just
moved from canada to new york . We were supposed to move to our grand parents house
today but I couldn't because dad had called saying it is important .so I decided to go to his
office first and then go to the house . I told mom what happened and she said, “that she
would move everything but I must come right after I was finished to help her” .

I was worried why he had called me this early in the morning and for what . I began to get
ready to go to the garage to pull out the car , but when I put the key in the ignition and
turned it. It wouln't start I tried for over seven times and I gave up. At that moment I
decided to go take the bus at the bus stop . I was lucky that the bus stop was not far from
the hotel.

When I got in the bus to go to my father company to find out why he called me . When I
arrived at the company and went in the elevator to go to his office . When I entered his
office he told me to take a seat . I kind of know what he going to tell me but I prayed that it
wasn't that .

But all he said was that I was of age to take over the companies and he was placing me at
the company in los angeles .i tried to get away from it by telling him if I can finish high
school first . He just told me that he would considered it only if don't get in trouble . At
which he know would be hard . I gave it a taught and I realised whether I behave good or
not I would still have to take care of the company whether I liked it or not .

As I left that company I was so angry . So I took a bus to go to my grand parents home that
mom told me to go . When I got off at the bus stop , I started walking on the sidewalk
towards the house I was so angry at what happened earlier at the office . It is just that he
doesn't listen to me and ask what my dreams are and what I want to do with life .

I was angry at my father that I didn't watched where I was going and I walked into girl .
When she walked into me she had a hand on my chest bracing herself from falling in to my
arms . When I looked down at her I noticed that she has a kind of hazel eyes she had curly
burnette hair she was so beautiful and she didn't even had make up on . I was so mesmerized
by her that I was brought back to reality . It was then that all of the argument had started .
The only that surprised me was that she kicked me . I never taught that someone would do
that they would always firlt with me or try to get in my pants because evey girl that talked to
me wants to sleep with me.


when I finished getting ready . There was a knocked on the door it was then that I realised it
was colt at the door. We bought went to his car and he started to dive , after afew seconds I
asked him “ where we are going” . He said “we are going to the mall” . When we entered
the mall Colt decided he wanted to buy some books so I went with him .

When we were leaving the book store I saw the girl I saw yesterday . When I looked at her I
could see how she didn't pay any attention to what her friends were telling her. After they
were walking I followed her to food court where she bought her food to eat . It was when I
noticed the boy that was sitting close to her was her brother he was trying to aggrivate her .
After a thirty minutes I heard he said that they would be watching the conjouring .

That was when I told Colt we were going to watch a movie and he immediately accept it .
When we got in theater I was seated right next to her . It was easy and free because Colt and
I didn't have to pay because the mall owner is one of my cousins . So when she had sat
down in her seat right at the coner of me I could see she was tense .

When the movie had reach the scary part I could see she grabbed on the arm of her seat after
a couple of seconds she gabbed my arm . I could see she didn't realised , but when she did
she said sorry .

When the movie had ended I could hear she told one friend she was going to buy pizza .
It was at that moment I recongised one of her friends . So when she went to order Colt and I
went over to Cody to say hi and we were introduced to one another and we started to get
along well .

When she had come back with the pizza I noticed that she was shocked to see me . It was
after I heard her say , “what the fudge” which is weird because yesterday she used the f
word .

Jane pov

I was so shocked at what had happened because I nearly swore again . So I decided to go
towards the table . It was when cody introduced us,

“ Jane this is scott and colt they were my friends from my previous school . And Scott and
Colt this is Jane my best friend , but I would warn you don't upset her she is going to kill
you”. They all laugh at what cody had said . When cody stopped laughing he turned towards
me and noticed I was not happy at what he said.

“ Um jane are you angry at what I just said you know I was only joking right”, he said being
dramatic again.

I just let it slide because I know that he was trying to cool my nerves from the movie we had

“ oh I know you are joking”, I slapped him behind his head while grabbing a slice of pizza.

After a couple minutes I heard Scott asked me , “ jane do you curse” at the very moment
Marcel and Cody looked at each other and answered in a union a no .

When the two of them had said no , Jennifer started saying, “ well she she used to curse and
then she stopped” . Scott and Colt look bewildered as if they don't know what was going on
at that moment.
As she was going to explain what she said , Marcel and Cody kicked telling her to stop and
then she mouthed to me I am sorry.

After a minute cody told me , “ J I want to ask you a question about something” I asked
him what! He could sence I was angry and he was right I was mad at Jennifer for talking
about my past how could she she didn't even know what happened at that time.

He said , “ok ok I won't make you angry but can you answer this question . I told him ok .
Between me and Marcel who do you think is good looking . It was that question again . And
out of nowhere I heard Jennifer giggle and told Cody you know if you and her weren't
friends , she would already beat you balck and blue everyone started to laugh . He pleade for
me to answer me , I just told him what I told him yesterday that would rather look at a pig
than look at you. He was being dramatic again .

We were all laughing at what had happen . It was a while later that I heard Marcel say , “
you know what J it has been a while since I have seen you laugh and enjoy yourself .” I just
said, really they all said yes . Then my brother said I am gald you are starting to heal of
what happen two years ago . I didn't want my friends to know what I went through so I
kicked him on his knee under the table to notify him to shut up and he looked at me trying
to ask why I did that . He then realised that he should shut up because he was starting to
exposed everything .

It was after a few minutes when Cody said , J did you know scott is living in our
neighbourhood . I said which part of the neighbourhood he said both of you are neighbours
I was shocked . I told him ,

“no because marcel and I are neighbours”.

He then told me the Sullivan's home on the right I said oh . I was just irriated at that because
I taught that I was going to see him today and never see him again . But now I have to see
him everyday .

And once we have new neighbours my mom would want my brother and I to go over and
say hi and welcomed them. I was so angry not only did I meet him today I will have to see
him everyday of my life until I graduate.

After a few moments I told my friends that I will be leaving , and they all say they will be
leaving too . When we left the food court I saw someone familiar coming towards me. I then
noticed that it was my father . When I looked at my brother and then back at the direction.
He noticed what was happening.

He then told my three friends what was the situation about , all of my friends knew about
my relationship with my father . My friends tried to help get away from him but I told them
I am brave now to handle him .

When he arrived he said , “ Jane can I talk to you” , I told him , “no”. It was then that I
broke out and started to get angry and started shouting, “ you had time to talk about
everything 13 years ago , but no you only wanted o take everything from mom and her
family . You know that mom had a rich father who would do anything for her but you didn't
realise that he will stop talk to her . So you went and get mom pregant twice because you
taught once we are heirs to the Olsens and we would receive shares too . You would always
demand for things she could give so you used her and us . So dad all I can say is that you
never loved us you just used us as properties and as objects. So I would like it if you would
say far away from me and my brother.

And out of nowhere I heard my brother say , “would you please say away from her you are
the reason she is like this . She always say that not everyone is like you and two years ago
she realise that everyone is like you”.

Everyone started to walk towards the exit . I could feel that my heart felt a lot lighter . Then
Jennifer asked , “ Jane remember when we met in grade nine when you saved me from a
bully” . I answered with a yes . I then asked her why . She said that do you remember that
you would always swear and laugh and you would always be the live of the party , and you
would wear makeup and dress in the coolest clothes . I said why are you telling me this .
She said, “ I think you are beginning to be the same person I met when I was in grade
nine .”

I then heard Marcel say well that is weird because whether you change from what you are
before to what you are now you would always beat us if we make you angry . Everyone
started to laugh at what Marcel said .


when we arrived home I told mom everthing that had happen she then comforted me and
told me that everthing will be ok . We then ordered take out from a chinese resturant
because mom said that she is too tired to cook . After we finished lunch mom asked me if I
can baked some cookies for the new neighbours. So I asked her how many persons live
there she told me about twelve of them . All I could say is wow that is one big family so I
decided to bake the cookies .

While baking the cookies a taught came to my to my mind that I should put some wassabi
inside of the cookies that are for scott . I made a variety of cokies which include oat meal
cookies ,chocolate chip cookies , cherry drop cookies and cinnamon cookies . There were
about ten dozens of cookies that were made .

When I had finished everthing which had include decorating and placing them in tiny bags
for each person in the house hold . And I made sure the one that scott had was made
beautifully . When I finished with all of the prepartion with the cookies I decided to go and
take a shower because of all the flour that was on me .

When I got out of the shower I quickly pulled on some black sweat pants and an pink sweat
shirt and then I quickly pulled my long curly brunette hair in a bun . When I was finished
getting ready I quickly ran downstairs to find my mom and brother waiting on me .

The two of them grabbed their coat while I grabbed the cookies that was on the island that
was in the kitchen. The three of us quickly walked over to the sullivan's house .

The sullivans house not only looked big but it looked more like a mansion itself . When we
walked up to the door I mom knocked on the door while my brother and I just stayed behind
her admiring and talking about the house .

We were inturupted by the sound of the door bell , after a couple of seconds a lady came to
open the door . The lady looked like she was in her late thirties . She had very red hair it was
in a high pony tail she was about 5'1 she wore a blue skinny jeans and a white t shirt .

She then grabbed my mom in a bear hug saying happily ,

“ it's been like forever since I last saw you”

My brother and I looked at each other confused at what was going on at the moment .
When they had broken away from their hug my mom introduced us saying ,

“ karen these are my kids Jane and Jack . Kids this is Karen sullivan we went to the same
high school together .”

We told her hi there was silence for a couple of seconds when my mom said ,
“ Jane made you some cookies for the family”
karen replied “ wow it looked like you already know who to give what and who not give

We giggled she then said let me call the kids down she then shouted ,

“kids we have guests ccome down quickly.”

They all came down at one time. Then she said ,

“ kids this is miss olsen , and her kids jane and jack there are our neighbours . Guys these
are my kids Sam , Jacob , Austin , Caleb , Nick , Nicholous , Zion , Stephen , Scott and my
youngest Luke”

When she had finished calling their names I felt someone grabbed my leg when I looked
down it was luke . I then took a bag of cookie out of the basket and handed the basket to my
brother and I knelt down to reach at his height I asked ,

“ hey luke how old are you”

he said , “ I am five”

I said , “ well luke do you like cookies”

he said , “ yes”.

Do you have chocolate chip I love chocolate chip .”

I then told him , “ well you are in luck because I have got you some chocolate chip
cookies hope you like it I made it.”

I gave the cookies and then he went going towards Scott telling him something and then
realised he was coming towards me I then took the cookies that contain the wassabi and
gave it to him and then I ditributed the rest of the cookies to his brothers . Before he could
take a bite I told mom I was coming back I rushed through the door as quickly as possible
and gigglling .

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