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(Titrant Volume, mL)(Acid Normality)(50,000)

Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3 =

Sample Volume, mL

Amps =
Area of Circle* = (0.785)(Diameter2)

Area of Circle = (3.14)(Radius2 )

Area of Cone (lateral area) = (3.14)(Radius) Radius 2

 Height 2

Area of Cone (total surface area) = (3.14)(Radius)(Radius + Radius 2

 Height 2

Area of Cylinder (total exterior surface area) = [End #1 SA] + [End #2 SA] + [(3.14)(Diameter)(Height or Depth)]
Where SA = surface area

Area of Rectangle* = (Length)(Width)

Area of Right Triangle* =

Sum of All Terms

Average (arithmetic mean) =
Number of Terms

Average (geometric mean) = [(X1)(X2)(X3)(X4)(Xn)] 1/n The nth root of the product of n numbers

Blending = (V1)(C1) + (V2)(C2) = (V3)(C3) Where V = volume or flow, C = concentration or percent solution

Desired Flow
Chemical Feed Pump Setting, % Stroke =  100%
Maximum Flow

(Flow, MGD)(Dose, mg/L)(3.785 L/gal)(1,000,000 gal/MG)

Chemical Feed Pump Setting, mL/min =
(Feed Chemical Density, mg/mL)(1,440 min/day)

Chemical Feed Pump Setting, mL/min =

(Flow, m 3 /day)(Dose , mg/L)
(Feed Chemical Density, g/cm 3 )(Active Chemical, % expressed as a decimal)(1 ,440 min/day)

Circumference of Circle = (3.14)(Diameter)

(Instantan eous Flow)(Tota l Sample Volume)

Composite Sample Single Portion =
(Number of Portions)( Average Flow)

CT Calculation = (Disinfectant Residual Concentration, mg/L)(Time, min)

Degrees Celsius =
 F  32 
1 .8
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Degrees Fahrenheit = (ºC)(1.8) + 32

Detention Time = Units must be compatible

Electromotive Force, volts* = (Current, amps)(Resistance, ohms)

(Dosage, mg/L)(Flow , MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)

Feed Rate, lb/day* =
Purity, % expressed as a decimal

(Dosage, mg/L)(Flow Rate, m 3 /day)

Feed Rate, kg/day* =
(Purity, % expressed as a decimal)(1 ,000)

Feed Rate (Fluoride), lb/day =

(Dosage, mg/L)(Capa city, MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)
(Available Fluoride Ion, % expressed as a decimal )(Purity, % expressed as a decimal)

Feed Rate (Fluoride), kg/day =

(Dosage, mg/L)(Capacity, m 3 /day)
(Available Fluoride Ion, % expressed as a decimal)(Purity, % expressed as a decimal)(1,000)

(Plant capacity, gpm)(Dosage, mg/L)

Feed Rate (Fluoride Saturator), gpm =
18,000 mg/L

(Plant capacity, Lpm)(Dosage, mg/L)

Feed Rate (Fluoride Saturator), Lpm =
18,000 mg/L

(Backwash Rate, gpm/ft 2 )(12 in/ft)

Filter Backwash Rise Rate, in/min =
7.48 gal/ft 3

Water Rise, cm
Filter Backwash Rise Rate, cm/min =
Time, min

Water Drop, ft
Filter Drop Test Velocity, ft/min =
Time of Drop, min

Water Drop, m
Filter Drop Test Velocity, m/min =
Time of Drop, min

Flow, gpm
Filter Loading Rate, gpm/ft2 =
Filter area, ft 2

Flow, L/sec
Filter Loading Rate, L/sec/m2 =
Filter area, m 2

(Solids Loading, lb/day)(Recovery, % expressed as a decimal)

Filter Yield, lb/hr/ft2 =
(Filter Operation, hr/day)(Area, ft 2 )

(Solids Concentrat ion, % expressed as a decimal)(S ludge Feed Rate, L/hr)(10)

Filter Yield, kg/hr/m2 =
(Surface Area of Filter, m 2 )

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Flow Rate, ft3/sec* = (Area, ft2)(Velocity, ft/sec)

Flow Rate, m3/sec* = (Area, m2)(Velocity, m/sec)

Force, lb* = (Pressure, psi)(Area, in2)

Force, newtons* = (Pressure, pascals)(Area, m2)

(Titrant Volume, mL)(1,000)

Hardness, as mg CaCO3/L = Only when the titration factor is 1.00 of EDTA
Sample Volume, mL

(Flow, gpm)(Head, ft)

Horsepower, Brake, hp =
(3,960 ) (Pump Efficiency , % expressed as a decimal)

(9.8)(Flow , m 3 /sec)(Head , m)
Horsepower, Brake, kW =
(Pump Efficiency , % expressed as a decimal)

Horsepower, Motor, hp =
(Flow, gpm)(Head, ft)
(3,960)(Pump Efficiency, % expressed as a decimal)(Motor Efficiency, % expressed as a decimal)

Horsepower, Motor, kW =
(9.8)(Flow, m /sec)(Head, m)
(Pump Efficiency, % expressed as a decimal)(Motor Efficiency, % expressed as a decimal)

(Flow, gpm)(Head,ft)
Horsepower, Water, hp =

Horsepower, Water, kW = (9.8)(Flow, m3/sec)(Head, m)

Total Flow Applied, gpd

Hydraulic Loading Rate, gpd/ft2 =
Area, ft 2

3 2 Total Flow Applied, m3 /day

Hydraulic Loading Rate, m /day/m =
Area, m 2

Chlorine Required, lb
Hypochlorite Strength, % =  100%
(Hypochlorite Solution Needed, gal)(8.34 lb/gal)

(Chlorine Required, kg)(100)

Hypochlorite Strength, % =
(Hypochlor ite Solution Needed, kg)

Langelier Saturation Index = pH – pHs

Volume, gal
Leakage, gpd =
Time, days

Volume, L
Leakage, Lpd =
Time, days

Loading Rate, lb/day* = (Flow, MGD)(Concentration, mg/L)(8.34 lb/gal)

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(Volume, m 3 /day )(Concentrat ion, mg/L)
Loading Rate, kg/day* =

Mass, lb* = (Volume, MG)(Concentration, mg/L)(8.34 lb/gal)

(Volume, m 3 )(Concentration, mg/L)

Mass, kg* =

Milliequivalent = (mL)(Normality)

Moles of Solute
Molarity =
Liters of Solution

Number of Equivalent Weights of Solute

Normality =
Liters of Solution

Total Weight
Number of Equivalent Weights =
Equivalent Weight

Total Weight
Number of Moles =
Molecular Weight

(Flow, L/sec)(Head, m)(9.8)

Power, kW =

(Original Flow - Reduced Flow)(100%)

Reduction in Flow, % =
Original Flow

In  Out
Removal, % =  100%

Drop or Rise
Slope, % =  100%

(Dry Solids, g) (1,000,000 )

Solids, mg/L =
Sample Volume, mL

Weight, mg
Solids Concentration, mg/L =
Volume, L

Specific Weight of Substance, lb/gal

Specific Gravity =
8.34 lb/gal

Specific Gravity = Specific Weight of Substance, kg/L

1.0, kg/L

Flow, gpd
Surface Loading Rate or Surface Overflow Rate, gpd/ft2 =
Area, ft 2

Flow, Lpd
Surface Loading Rate or Surface Overflow Rate, Lpd/m2 =
Area, m 2

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Three Normal Equation = (C1 x V1) + (C2 x V2) = (C3 x V3) Where V1 + V2 = V3; C =concentration, V = volume or
flow; Concentration units must match; Volume units
must match

A B
Threshold Odor Number = Where A = volume of odor causing sample, B = volume of odor free water

Two Normal Equation = (C1 x V1) = (C2 x V2) Where C = Concentration, V = volume or flow; Concentration units
must match; Volume units must match

Flow Rate, ft 3 / sec

Velocity, ft/sec =
Area, ft 2

Distance, ft
Velocity, ft/sec =
Time, sec
Velocity, m/sec = Flow Rate, m2 / sec
Area, m

Distance, m
Velocity, m/sec =
Time, sec

Volume of Cone* = (1/3)(0.785)(Diameter2)(Height)

Volume of Cylinder* = (0.785)(Diameter2)(Height)

Volume of Rectangular Tank* = (Length)(Width)(Height)

Volume of Water Produced, gpd

Water Use, gpcd =

Volume of Water Produced, Lpd

Water Use, Lpcd =

Watts (AC circuit) = (Volts)(Amps)(Power Factor)

Watts (DC circuit) = (Volts)(Amps)

Flow, gpd
Weir Overflow Rate, gpd/ft =
Weir Length, ft

Flow, Lpd
Weir Overflow Rate, Lpd/m =
Weir Length, m

Water hp
Wire-to-Water Efficiency, % =  100 %
Motor hp

(Flow, gpm)(Total Dynamic Head, ft)(0.746 kW/hp)(100 %)

Wire-to-Water Efficiency, % =
(3,960)(El ectrical Demand, kW)

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C ................. Celsius Lpm .............liters per minute
cfs ............... cubic feet per second LSI...............Langelier Saturation Index
cm ............... centimeters m..................meters
DO .............. dissolved oxygen MG ..............million gallons
EMF ........... electromotive force MGD ...........million US gallons per day
F .................. Fahrenheit mg/L ............milligrams per liter
ft ................. feet min ..............minutes
ft lb ............. foot-pound mL ...............milliliters
g .................. grams ML...............million liters
gal ............... US gallons MLD ............million liters per day
gfd............... US gallons flux per day ORP.............oxidation reduction potential
gpcd ............ US gallons per capita per day ppb per billion
gpd .............. US gallons per day ppm per million
gpg .............. grains per US gallon psi ................pounds per square inch
gpm............. US gallons per minute Q ..................flow
hp ................ horsepower RPM ............revolutions per minute
hr ................ hours SDI ..............sludge density index
in ................. inches sec ................second
kg ................ kilograms SS.................settleable solids
km............... kilometers TOC organic carbon
kPa ............. kilopascals TSS suspended solids
kW .............. kilowatts TTHM trihalomethanes
kWh ............ kilowatt-hours VS ................volatile solids
L ................. liters W .................watts
lb ................. pounds yd .................yards
Lpcd ........... liters per capita per day yr .................years
Lpd ............. liters per day

Conversion Factors
1 acre .............................................. = 43,560 ft2 1 inch .............................................. = 2.54 cm
= 4,046.9 m2 1 liter per second ........................... = 0.0864 MLD
1 acre foot of water ....................... = 326,000 gal 1 meter of water ............................ = 9.8 kPa
1 cubic foot of water ..................... = 7.48 gal 1 metric ton ................................... = 2,205 lb
= 62.4 lb = 1,000 kg
1 cubic foot per second ................. = 0.646 MGD 1 mile .............................................. = 5,280 ft
= 448.8 gpm = 1.61 km
1 cubic meter of water .................. = 1,000 kg 1 million US gallons per day ........ = 694 gpm
= 1,000 L = 1.55 ft3/sec
= 264 gal 1 pound .......................................... = 0.454 kg
1 foot .............................................. = 0.305 m 1 pound per square inch ............... = 2.31 ft of water
1 foot of water................................ = 0.433 psi = 6.89 kPa
1 gallon (US) .................................. = 3.785 L 1 square meter............................... = 1.19 yd2
= 8.34 lb of water 1 ton ............................................... = 2,000 lb
1 grain per US gallon .................... = 17.1 mg/L 1% .................................................. = 10,000 mg/L
1 hectare......................................... = 10,000 m2  or pi ............................................. = 3.14
1 horsepower ................................. = 0.746 kW
= 746 W
= 33,000 ft lb/min

Alkalinity Relationships
All Alkalinity expressed as mg/L as CaCO3 ● P – phenolphthalein alkalinity ● T – total alkalinity

Result of Titration Hydroxide Alkalinity Carbonate Alkalinity Bicarbonate Concentration

P=0 0 0 T
P < ½T 0 2P T – 2P
P = ½T 0 2P 0
P > ½T 2P – T 2(T – P) 0
P=T T 0 0
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* Pie Wheels

To find the quantity above the horizontal line: multiply the pie wedges below the line together.
To solve for one of the pie wedges below the horizontal line: cover that pie wedge, then divide the remaining pie wedge(s)
into the quantity above the horizontal line.
Given units must match the units shown in the pie wheel.
When US and metric units or values differ, the metric is shown in parentheses, e.g. (m2).

Area of Circle Area of Rectangle Area of Right Triangle

Area Area Area

Circle Rectangle Right Triangle

Height 1
0.785 Diameter 2 Length Width 2

Electromotive Force (EMF), Volts Feed Rate, lb/day (kg/day) Flow Rate, ft /sec (m3 /sec)

EMF Chemical Feed, Flow Rate

100% Purity 3
ft /sec (m 3/sec)
lb/day (kg/day)

Flow 8.34 lb/gal

Current Resistance Area Velocity
MGD (0.001) 2
Amps Ohms 3
(M /day) ft (m2 ) ft/sec (m/sec)

Force, lb (Newtons) Loading Rate, lb/day (kg/day) Mass, lb (kg)

Force Loading Rate Mass

lb (Newtons) lb/day (kg/day) lb (kg)

Flow 8.34 lb/gal Volume 8.34 lb/gal

Pressure Area MGD
2 2 (0.001) MG (m3 ) (0.001)
psi (pascals) in (m ) (m3/day)
Concentration Concentration
mg/L mg/L

Volume of Cone Volume of Cylinder Volume of Rectangular Tank

Volume Volume Volume

Cone Cylinder Rectangle

1/3 0.785 0.785 Height Length Height

Diameter2 Height
Diameter 2

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