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Eebcotonal Recholg Riaz “Uddin ASH2129039M Nor! 02. Term t0Ls Semmany of (nib: 01 Introcloelion bb Bleational Bychakgs" Te field of edveabional pach iden - prov Yalvable insihts, ento onder, 7 "eer heoavn; chvelop and behave woithin advational sof; a. | Ths ooo summarizes Fhe bey coneepte covered 40 nil one, focosing on the significance. of ye along Ln edveation , De eslagn oy hohe of ool psyehaleny, its relakionship fo general and) devabp cola in tenckig ord arn, , Bychadleas a7) Sha Se) fie they of homan behavior and mendol proeesren. It Lnvolvas understanfix how indiivioah Phink, fool ard belave vin dliflerent-“ Aikvabions. CN Good defines pexcholeay ob “the stody Ff achushmenls of onanism, especially the homan opganuism do chéengi environment There s no dovh}- that peppholeg tsa pure rtiene. Because ab ty empivied and eyslemalte study, whieh USO MngowTemenf. and toby of measurement for the dhodly. Anal SU of. Abat Reycholag y hay terra those are well dafrracel, Rychs leny > an acaclmie and scientific shudy oe mental proeesser and bobavion, which abso rer clo 0 applicabien of avoh ‘roalege to various spheres oF homar- aclivity sn ny “dnves ypelated fo Be ag. ps adueakiar and work, and ts Lhe uy mart healfy problems. That's iohy Woocoort aml Marg wi 5 daid, “Reycholeay By the nfs Fy Seay & Seiontpie g Lhe activities of an unmenen ri on Ap his/he» anvivonment” Abnormal psyebole eee chology Apt @ ro cholgys Dey mental poyeltn sf ‘4d? Alu 1 Goetal ard wan al psyehaay, ave ta on branches of sy Where the Doves Prebalgy Oe emotional , snduh rand social changer that ceeur across dhe Life spon of human betma. And ‘Glveational Byehodlegy allempls to slimprove Leaching mefheds and material 4o salvo problem» af Learning, a and to MOHOPR Learning ability and sonal Progress: 9 Ard odveation’ is noon ar the prot of ‘nolf- vealiratin ov odlf-ackalitalion . According 4o Saami Vivelanan da ‘ . ‘Fdveation by the manifestobion of perfeohon already prosomt um man” s Mahatma Gardhi saiol, oe “By eclveaion , Pow, an alround draw? of the best in chill and mar — body ,»mind and . ppinit’, a u ‘ Ard Fyoobel” definey il a d by whieh child woken Bi, trlemmel?, “freun® by which te be do lays a ervelal vole in advection b ee. SE cleel how stuolents Nes dlevalop, and behove. Lt provicler Laight nto, abfockive Aeaching n ie, clorsroom management dachniques, ard shident mobyabion. Mats why @-V.Gped defines Avealional peychotayy ab the snverhigation of cepehel -caf prieloel inve a en aietiy taptbee i Ake proeli lea hion ups i ri metp +o chedion, coe arta F harding.&, the earner, the Soar ni proerr ancl hs shawning hiloalin’ ‘are he nobysctemailon of ahecaboral Reychology. ) Homan Arowh and Development; D loapre 3. Pew ora and Adsuskmants 4 Maton and Fve 1N; §- Teehniquer and Mabbcds o sheely, are the areay covered) by Blueati Reyeholeny according to a eommiltee tok op by Deparfment of doabional fe, Rychaleas of ASC American Seientifie Gensily? The. obyechives of Sheetonel gelato ahdly how individvals Seonn chy. ai edocabional settings. It examiner foclors such as agnilive proenrrar, noetal imforachions, and environmenkal fm nflueneer om earning overs, or oe os bob Phoor: fal and ed, aims émprove edveational preatiees a cutemes. » usb answer the guesheny such an, Woh i whak fo teach’? a: y of the dacching proetrs ond why 2 Becabionnl . e8ycholeay ee robbed fo general 1esyeholepey 1% aly i privet te oa wel ea ws Pawig hts for) doy loprev-rdal ay, whie oon growth and bvark in oh Jos Kagan. @ Underslarcling developmenlel slagen amd sndivideal differen ess ‘dy cman pig ns teaching amof havning. Glveahion af psyehalogy infrms inotruclional desk "4. erieulon olev olep mt, and arrsarsmenf- ry i helps hee ercate enduciva Looe environments, foilrs jmriroebon ty » Mo and facilitate ng howning experiance. & onpdying Royeholeg ical Lheowi ar 3) parcarch a a) Ure ean enbaner dludent expcgeme on,and academie achtavementy ondenpinnin 3 of bebouion ord heovning Horling wilh che nervous syslom ard brain. The narrows yt DOYVOS an bedly's communi eofion mabicork, comprised ot neoroms that fromm signal behowen different porls of the Lely. The brain, a vital eomponent G the nervous ryslom. ovchartraler eomphx fonctions buch as porexolion, egnition, and emofion, Shaping behovion. and lnatering procns 2d, forthermore, the unit explras’ Lhe naorotgical , haris of bebavion and tanning, alveidatin how | nevral pafhays ond newrolrans mittens infloen eos | CoP our hts, emotions and aclioms. Unclorsland | Hhare mechanisms provicles dinspht info pheronera 4 | dike maineny formation, deeision-moding, ard Saryuage aaquinition. . En addition Jo tha mepvovs ryslom, the gbrclor ayhem ploys a erveial ain nequlaling bedily forelions amd inflveneiay bebowrion Hormanen weerated by gercs, malolale, proemsers Ske melalalism , brass -peyponre, andl repreduclive fonction. This intnitale, trlerplay Achooom hormones and behavior underrconan’ the aignificeinee. g the glordolr syslem sais sheping homdm eaporienee, Moroover , the fmpack of the glordolan system on human devebpment and kanning utr proforrd. Normonal Mrebvalions doring eniten! poriecs of olerclop can inflvonen eaqnittve abilities’, rodial behoviom, and emohional yenucotion. Acldihonall, hormonal imbalances moy aonlyibulo fo awning disorchrr ov psychiatric conditions, oridesienting Me dmporlance” of eormnidening, buialegieal faelens - dn edveational amd Aheropevtie aelfings. $0, we em at, “My uni provisos ¢ comprehensive axpbration of the io ical ° Soondations of belavion aay owning, emphoaia, the Prteranirecefednens Of the nervous system, a incr ghd gyn 2h sap hone "harning Theories ut ee vnit oben Eranadrs Theorier’, which elven into Lhe mals ected cor ‘ PIUNY » eaamining cominonl' oO Gcapmiein eat se olin 4 advartional eonfozts. It begins by Acrophini ang the eonepl of harning verdus maturation, highlghling Me destin lon behoeen innate doy men — —lal procera a» and acquired krowledre Harongh experione- Te bebovionist perspective fakes eardam shae, emphariting observable bebavises ord the Inflenee of exfermos stimuli ov learning. Clan shea! Haring arn deorired 4 Revby, expbror Ye Qasociachon behoeer smu! and. pasponsor, while operant conditioning , advan ead by Binaan, foewser on te, role of Ponforeement- and punbshanent” Ln Aheping bebovin. Acllitiomelly, connechioni nm underseorer the rignifieanee of revval neloorks and dheln adaplte charges Im Faellileting leanoving proerdey . rawitloriog Jo the gognilive perspective , Yhe oni explores Piogatts theory of egnilive development, whieh posishs distinet ahgon oF eoprilive grout, each eharaelorired Sy unique ways of urclerslanocliag the coowlol. The Foformation proeersr opproceh Wikeny the mia bo computer, aloeidading how semnery dmput is aneédedl, stored and pelrieved. Gmatrveliviam @ a another prominent theopy , emphasiri karneps oellye consbrveli of dnouleclge Avaigh eaperieneer Yavioats puch on pedicel ond sceial cons} rvelvkom forher eapbre the role of- roelal interactonn and perronal imteractionr In knowledge aguinition: . . Grrjrocllyhem . dndrode ws eonfemporary cvtlok on Searnin , emphasing the intorcorneetednens of know He in a dbigital age» Tres theap posits that- “frarning oeetinr throgh sehoordd, where wna ais and elpote. in diverrre énfermotion Aour ey feel litatecl by technology Broghook the ori; He prachieal Jimpbieohony op here theories for advection ane kel O Beaders ean vlilize —behavioris} prineipls to dey offeelive olksrravm ‘mo: emer strafeaies ant reinforcement eahniques. @aniltve dheovier Lnfoom Jorsfruetional design, ampbaairing saa ffol \ ™ IM» oargphori 2 a fol a and gaynitfive devolopment alignment. Gruirvelnt approaches promote keavnen- sentored frolrvetion and collaborative larni e2perienecs. Gonnelivism urdlerrcorer the jmpoolanee of digital Siterocy and naworked learning eovironruns, “in preparing harnery Soo the ecompleriter of moolern voorld. onderslameting and inleprating Nite Uverwe perspockives, advechors. con ocleot a hetise -axppreceh to insipvelion, codering Jo He varied mech and Learning Rbyles of hein Atuderdts, ullimafely ser meanings] and Lealing lewning outcome. () Oni st In elligenee and ‘leoarntng” Se The unit oF Irdlligence and ecco nig” debves dint Mhe moltipeld concept of initelijene ord US impact gp earnixg . It boginas by eaplowi " He meni _ eneepl; omel oledermmombs of trdelbjene, conreclening factory rvoh as genelies, anvinonment- and, cect, ral imploeness. TL imporchanes, of meanovri: intliigene. im wahoeckion emphorizeds ay undersbrdiry sflents eamifre abilities com inform iortro ioral shad y aad intervention hilored to taclivich needs. Te ont: examimes various molhals of. mearuring indbligener, ineliling the dntedligence huolion (18) foods sock as te Skaforel-Bimet ard usechaler ee eee stancasd'2ed . axsorsanenty provicle guantifative measunes mibve abilthiers ceress Afferent “hoces Aeturmore, Gardner's Melle intellyenee Peon eaponds Ae Strodilimeal sid of dtedigenes, , >» slonlfying molliple clistinet Jovmo, such ay Le vioie , Lgéeal- Hahharvebjesl, / morical, spotted, Lh, - inorbatoe, inforporrored, Weare and Oy ole jnlollegen ray, Golemens eomeepl of Gnoboral IrboWiganee. adds collar dimemion to urdersdandbing intelligence, focusing on the abilily 6 peciive, unckrshod, ard manage omobons of foctiraly . Finally, te amesph of differonticites chor . os oxplred, which ackioalecges Has diverse geqrulve profiles ead Lednni ahyles ahiclents B piLbving Jmobe ocbjon, F 5 accomodate vindwidual ahrengiha , prgren 0d, ard readiners Levels, aolvactors “esen optirive pesmi Saperieneen ard promsfe shelirt- uecesa. ae Frowdedgo, of Teaching Lean Environment delvey into the eyromie insen, environ ments amd Ae oooh: Teegyniing Nein pivotal role» mn Aap alvecttional ovteome: I} begin by aloe bing the Bignificonee A environments in foebilly eelen daching and hosing ‘experiences. q A cordogive Leopnieg environment encompass os Phyoieal, social, emotional, and gegritive aspects that novlora rboden- emgegement motivation, and achievement Chaseam monogement amerger os a dey ampeets wit adveatrs Jrrhed with ereating Sed! moineiming an: environment eondveie te learning | Strategies pr affective ebrryovm monegemen one exploved, eneomparsing }achniques for ing Slime» and for) } wad OPVEL » wear mes and forlening posiive » Inderodhond, qe Te omni info ones Ahr howe 7 Leavering preeens » eramines yarious faders pot Leach ign Jeanning environment, inclcling clarrrcom Loyout, roouress , eoeker

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