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Argumentative Essay – Individual Project

Due: WEEK 10 (Friday, March 15)

This assignment is related to assignment 1, which was an outline for the argumentative essay. You chose
a topic, wrote your basic outline, and found some related references. Now, it is the time to write your
argumentative essay. The lengths should be between 1200-1500 words (references not included). During
this course, you learned several APA lessons and got familiar with the concepts of argumentative essays.
Do the following steps to succeed:

1. Review the topic you selected for assignment 1 and have a look at your outline.
2. Think of how to make your topic more controversial for this assignment (arguments and counter
argument, rebuttals)
3. Review the class lessons on “Argumentative Essay” writing.
4. Upgrade your outline by developing an argumentative essay type (point-by-point, block, or
classical) and finding more relevant/reliable sources (Minimum 4 references, maximum 6)
5. Review the lessons for writing “Introduction”, “body”, and “conclusion” paragraphs.
6. Use the three methods of citations “paraphrasing + quoting + summarizing” in this assignment.
7. Make sure to use narrative and parenthetical citations for quotations and paraphrases.
8. Use the various verbs, phrases, structures your teacher taught you for citations.
9. Read the FIVE samples of argumentative essays and get yourself familiar (Week 8)
10. You can have a meeting with your team members and discuss your findings and concepts
11. Do not copy/paste the ideas or examples from other individuals. Each person designs and develops
his/her assignment.
12. Make sure your argumentative essay contains these key elements: A controversial topic,
arguments, counter arguments, rebuttals and evidence for points & reasons
13. Submission file: title page + body pages + references all in Microsoft Words not pdf! (ONE file
14. Remember to use font Times New Roman, size 12 to write your essay.
15. No plagiarism or use of AI will be accepted! 0

Important deadlines:
Your upgraded outline + updated references + Basic Draft for peer editing Wednesday (week 9) 10%

Final Draft: Friday March 15 (Week 10)


Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Still Learning

85 – 100 70 – 84 55 – 69 0 – 54
 Addresses the essay  Only partially addresses the
question for the most essay question  Does not address the
 Addresses the essay question  A few of the arguments, essay question
thoroughly counterarguments and  Lacks arguments,
 Includes clear
Content +  Includes clear and strong rebuttals are unclear or counter arguments and
arguments, counter
arguments, counter arguments irrelevant. rebuttals
critical thinking arguments and
and rebuttals  Includes only a few of the  Lacks most of the
__ /20 rebuttals
 Includes all the essay parts necessary parts necessary parts
 Includes most of the
 Critical thinking is evident.  Little evidence of critical,  No evidence of critical,
necessary parts careful thought and careful thought or
 Some critical thinking analysis and/or insight analysis and/or insight
is evident.
 Generally clear
relationship between  Relationship between ideas is
 Very clear relationship between ideas sometimes unclear.  Relationship between
Coherence, ideas  Mostly correct use of  A few connectors have been ideas not clear
 Accurate use of connectors connectors. used correctly.  Limited/inaccurate use of
cohesion and  Accurate use of pronouns  Mostly correct use of  A few pronouns have been connectors
organization  Each Paragraph has a single pronouns used correctly.  Few / no pronouns
developed central idea  Each paragraph has a  Some paragraphs have more  Main ideas cannot be
__ /20  Logical and clear organization of central idea than one central idea identified
paragraphs (BLOCK / THEMATIC)  Logical organization of  Unclear organization pattern  No organizational pattern
paragraphs (BLOCK / (BLOCK / THEMATIC)
 Inaccurate use of vocabulary
 Frequently inaccurate use
 Correct use and spelling of  Word choice and or wrong spelling confuses the
and spelling of vocabulary
Vocabulary vocabulary spelling is mostly correct reader sometimes
 Highly repetitive and very
 Little repetition of words (except for  Correct use of synonyms  Repetitive use of basic
__ /20 basic vocabulary
some key words) with a few minor errors vocabulary
 Mostly informal and non-
 Formal and academic throughout  Formal and academic  A mix of formal and informal,
sometimes academic
 Errors of structure,
 Mostly correct
punctuation and
sentences, punctuation  Errors of structure /
 Correct sentences, punctuation and capitalization are very
Grammar and capitalization; errors punctuation / capitalization
capitalization frequent making it
do not confuse the are frequent causing confusion
__ /20  A variety of sentence types and
reader  Very few compound / complex
impossible to follow ideas
grammatical structures  Structures are extremely
 A variety of sentence sentences
limited (mostly simple
 Most formatting  Only some APA formatting
 Few APA formatting
(/design) rules have (/design) rules have been
 APA formatting (/design) rules have (/design) rules have been
APA (7 ed) been followed consistently
been followed followed
 Intext citation is  Intext citation is correct is
 Intext citation is correct throughout  Intext citation is
generally correct often inaccurate
 All references have been formatted inaccurate / does not exist
__ /20  Most references have  Some references have been
according to APA rules  No reference page / only
been formatted formatted according to APA
URLs have been provided
according to APA rules rules

__ /100

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