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The impact of social media on Mental health

Jasdeep Kaur (2320216)

University Canada West

ENGL 100 31

Mehri Mohammadian Haghighi

February 4th, 2024


The impacts of social media on mental health

Introduction: In this contemporary era, social media has considerable influence on different

fronts. Every aspect of society is now affected by social media in one way or another.

Thesis statement: Although social media object to provide networking, it has led to adverse

effects such as cyber bullying, addiction and so on.


Argument 1: Cyber-bullying

 It leads to increase negativity

 Social media has enabled people to use electronic communication to harass and bully


Argument 2: Social comparison

 It led Feeling of insecurity.

 People start expecting an unrealistic life.

Argument 3: Addiction and distraction

 Constantly checking social media for updates which leads to addiction.

Counter Argument: Others might say that using more social media is essential for people to get

inspiration by looking at social media objectively.

 It has adverse effects on mental health.


Conclusion: In conclusion, in order to avoid mental sickness, use social media wisely or do not

become addicted.


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