DMU Preliminary Water Supply Design Report

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Final Design Report

22 Sep, 2016

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4 Water Supply Design Report


24 Table of Contents
25 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................4
26 1.1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT.........................................................................................................................5

27 1.2. LAYOUT OF THE REPORT...........................................................................................................................5

28 1.3. CLIMATE OF SURROUNDING......................................................................................................................6

29 1.4. PREVAILING CONDITION............................................................................................................................6

30 2. WATER DEMAND................................................................................................................................. 6
31 2.1. DIRECT METHOD.....................................................................................................................................9

32 3. SERVICE RESERVOIRS SIZING.............................................................................................................. 17

33 3.1. SERVICE RESERVOIRS SIZING BY MASS –CURVE METHOD..............................................................................17

34 4. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM....................................................................................................................... 20
35 4.1. DESIGN CRITERIA OR PARAMETERS............................................................................................................20

36 4.1.1. Design period and planning horizon.............................................................................................20

37 4.1.2. Principal design criteria................................................................................................................22

38 4.2. PIPE LINES............................................................................................................................................22

39 4.2.1. Distribution main.........................................................................................................................22

40 4.2.2. pipe material................................................................................................................................22

41 4.2.3. Trench depth................................................................................................................................22

42 4.2.4. Pipe backfilling and bedding........................................................................................................22

43 4.2.5. Pipe Fittings..................................................................................................................................22

44 Pipe line fittings (bends, tees, etc).......................................................................................................................23

45 4.3. DISINFECTION.......................................................................................................................................23

46 4.4. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS....................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

47 4.5. NETWORK SIMULATION..........................................................................................................................28

48 4.6. NETWORK SIMULATION RESULTS..............................................................................................................28

49 4.6.1. Available Pressure Heads.............................................................................................................28

50 4.6.2. Velocity and head loss..................................................................................................................28

51 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................................30

52 5.1. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................30

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8 Water Supply Design Report

53 5.2. RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................30


55 FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION................................................................................................................................................................... 2

56 FIGURE 2 PIPE LAYOUT............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
57 FIGURE 3 PATTERN............................................................................................................................................................................ 14



63 TABLE 2 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STORAGE OF WATER FOR DOMESTIC USES........................................................................................ 9
64 TABLE 3 DAILY DEMAND OF DIFFERENT CONSUMTIONS................................................................................................................200
65 TABLE 4 DEMAND PATTERN..............................................................................................................................................................13
66 TABLE 5 RESERVOIR VOLUME CALCULATRION..................................................................................................................................14
67 TABLE 6 METHOD OF DELVERY OF WATER........................................................................................................................................17
68 TABLE 7 DESIGN LIFE OF THE DIFFERENT WAER SUPPLY SCHEME COMPONENTS.............................................................................31
69 TABLE 8 JUNCTION REPORT AT 7:00 HRS (MAXIMUM HOUR DEMAND).........................................................................................................32
70 TABLE 9 PIPE REPORT AT 7:00 HOUR ( PEAK DEMAND) AT 7:00 HOUR........................................................................................................33
71 TABLE 10 CHLORINE REQUIREMENT.........................................................................................................................................................41













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12 Water Supply Design Report


85 1. Introduction
86 Construction Design Share Company has entered an agreement with Debre Markos University to
87 execute Master Plan of Newly proposed College as per our agreement one our task is to design
88 Water Supply Networks of the compound.

89 The main objective of the project is to supply demand water to each specific node, according to its
90 needs of each node we synchronize standard of Minister of Water Resource design criteria in each
91 specific categories of water demand and pressure needs.

92 Up on finalizing the contract negotiations with the client, the Consultant officially mobilized and
93 started the project work by looking for relevant data. Topographic surveying has been carried out
94 within and around the proposed master plan. Site visit has been also made to have a detailed im-
95 pression of the problem on site and to comprehend the existing appropriate reservoir area.


97 1.1. Description of the Project Area

98 The study area is located in North part of Ethiopia in Amhara National Regional State in East Goj-
99 jam at Debre Markos Town. Geographically the project area approximately lies in the geographic
100 coordinates of 1146351 North and 37+ 359267 East about 299km far from Addis Ababa.













14 Debre Markos University Health Campus 4



114 Figure:1 Project Location


116 1.2. Purpose of the Report

117 The Report describes the various approaches and methodologies followed in the study and final
118 detail design of water supply schemes that can augment the operation of the proposed facilities.


120 1.3. Layout of the Report

121 The report cover major or topics considered relevant for the project implementation and is
122 grouped into the following major fields:

123  Situation synopsis revealing the existing compound topographic with the proposed reservoir
124 place.

125  Technical approach and methodology for the design

126  Detailed computations in hydraulically analysing and sizing of the scheme components

127  Pressure contour map preparation on the surveyed topographic maps.

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19 Water Supply Design Report



129 1.4. Climate of Surrounding

130 The Climate of the city and its surroundings has moderate climatic condition, and experiences one
131 distinct wet and dry season. As per the study report of different scholars and data analysis from
132 meteorological station, city and its surrounding is characterized as mono-modal rainfall pattern
133 frequently occurred with peak rain season from (June-September with the mean annual rainfall
134 varies from about 155 to 301 mm. And peak dry season from November –January with mean an-
135 nual rainfall vary from 24 to 12 mm.

136 The mean annual temperature of ranges is between 12oC and 22oC. The weather in most cases is
137 generally moderate and relatively comfortable throughout the year.

138 1.5. Prevailing Condition

139 The site visit has enabled to identify the prevailing existing topographic condition that is appropri-
140 ate to Ground Reservoir which supplies each node demand with a minimum pressure head and
141 with gravity system.

142 2. Water Demand

143 Detail study is conducted to exploit water demand of propose master plan of new campus of De-
144 bre Markos University. During desk study in our office, number of students, teachers and adminis-
145 tration staffs and the newly proposed hospital demands is estimated based on the fulfillment of
146 needs of master plan.

147 Accordingly the demand analysis in each building type which is specified above will follow by the
148 methodology:-






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156 Figure:2 Pipe Layout


28 8



159 2.1. Direct Method

160 Direct estimation of the water demand for students; propose teaching hospital and staffs population
161 according to the capacity of the newly proposed master plan.

162 Therefore we use the following design standard to estimate the above mentioned water demand
163 analysis.





















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33 Water Supply Design Report


184 Table:1Urban Water Supply Design Criteria by Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia minister of Water Resource Janu -
185 ary 31, 2006 for direct method.





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207 Table:2 Recommended minimum storage of water for domestic uses

•I Type of building occupancy Consumption per head per day (L)

(a) Factories with bathroom

(i) with canteen 45

(ii) without canteen 40

(b) Factories without bathroom

(i) with canteen 25
(ii) without canteen 20
(c) Dwellings with house connections 60-100
(d) Dwellings with yard connection 30-35
(e) Public fountains (standard pipes) 15-20
(f) Hospitals (per bed) 150·200
(g) Hostels (dormitories) 60
(h) Hotels (per bed) 100 -150
(i) Offices 25
(j) Restaurants (per seat) 60
(k) Bars (per seat) 50
(I) Cinemas and theatres (per seat) 15
(m) Schools
(i) Day Schools 15
(ii) Boarding schools 60
208 Plumbing Service of Buildings: Ethiopia Code of Practice (EBCS-9)















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53 Water Supply Design Report


Table:3 Daily Demand of Different Consumptions

Per Demand Demand Total De-

Number Total Num- Total De-
N Capita per Block per Block mand per
Block Names of users ber of mand (l/
o per day per day in per day in Day
in Blocks Blocks s)
in litters litters (l/s) in litters
1 Dormitory 688 40 27520 0.32 32 880640 10.19
2 Laundry Taps 2752 10 27520 0.32 8 220160 2.55
3 Lecturer’s apartment 100 100 10000 0.12 28 280000 3.24
4 Villa 16 100 1600 0.02 18 28800 0.33
5 Cafeteria 4500 60 270000 3.13 3 810000 9.38
6 Plaza 800 60 48000 0.56 2 96000 1.11
7 Central Library 800 7 5600 0.06 4 22400 0.26
8 Class Room 600 7 4200 0.05 8 33600 0.39
9 Laboratory 300 25 7500 0.09 2 15000 0.17
10 Administration 400 25 10000 0.12 2 20000 0.23
Lecture Hall
11 Proposed Research 300 25 7500 0.09 8 60000 0.69
12 Proposed Workshops 300 30 9000 0.10 4 36000 0.42
13 Equipment Storage
100 25 2500 0.03 6 15000 0.17
Proposed Multipur-
14 pose Hall 500 25 12500 0.14 1 12500 0.14
15 Staff lounge 200 60 12000 0.14 2 24000 0.28
16 Swimming pool 1 1 4000 0.05 1 4000 0.05
17 Gymnasium 100 30 3000 0.03 1 3000 0.03
18 Hospital per bed 1000 150 150000 1.74 1 150000 1.74
19 Hospital for staff 500 25 12500 0.14 1 12500 0.14
Total Demand 2723600 31.52








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Demand Total Demands in

Demands in each Catagories
Factors Each catagories l/d

Sub -Total Water Demands in liter per day l/day 2723600.00

Sub-Total Water Demands in liter per second l/s 31.52

climate factor (Say 1.0 for 12-20 C) 1 31.52
Socio-economic Factor (Say 1.1 for A) 1 31.52

Unaccounted For Water(UFW) 20% 6.30

Total Water Demand l/s 37.83

Water Demand for fire fighting 10% 3.78

Average Day Demand l/s 41.61

Maximum Day Demand Factor 1.4

Peak Hour Water Demand Factor 1.9

Maximum Day Water Demand l/s 58.25

Peak Hour Water Demand l/s 79.06

1. Urban Water Supply Design Criteria by Federal Democratic Repuplic of Ethiopia ministery of Water
Resource January 31,2006.
2. Design Guideline for water supply projects by Oromia Water Works Design and Supervision
Enterprise December 2008.
3.Plumbing Service of Buildings: Ethiopia Code of Practice (EBCS-9)








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244 3. Service Reservoirs Sizing

245 3.1. Service Reservoirs Sizing by Mass–Curve method.

246 Based the above water demand analysis Storage requirement in the Distribution system has been
247 sized based on balancing volume and emergency requirements. Therefore the following pattern mul-
248 tipler factor is used.

249 Source:

250  Design Guideline for water supply projects by Oromia Water Works Design and Supervision Enter-
251 prise December 2008 for graph.

252  To design the different elements of a water supply scheme the following demand patter type have
253 to be considered

254 Figure: 3 Hydraulic Pattern-1




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268 Table:4 Demand Pattern


Water Demand (l/s)

Hour Pattern Multipliers
at each hour

0 1.5 62.415
1 1.5 62.415
2 1.3 54.093
3 0.3 12.483
4 0.3 12.483
5 1 41.61
6 1.1 45.771
7 1.9 79.059
8 1.7 70.737
9 1.5 62.415
10 1.5 62.415
11 1.4 58.254
12 1.4 58.254
13 1.3 54.093
14 1.2 49.932
15 1.5 62.415
16 1 41.61
17 0.5 20.805
18 0.5 20.805
19 0.3 12.483
20 0.3 12.483
21 0.3 12.483
22 0.3 12.483
23 0.4 16.644
Total Multipliers 24

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Table:5 Reservoir volume calculation

Maximum Day Demand, Q (l/s) = 41.61

Q(m3/h) = 149.80

Demand Pat- Storage, V Cumulative

Hour Consumption (m3/h)
tern (m3/h) Storage

0 1.6 239.6736 -89.8776 239.674

1 1.5 224.694 -74.898 164.776
2 1.3 194.7348 -44.9388 119.837
3 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 224.694
4 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 329.551
5 1 149.796 0 329.551
6 1.1 164.7756 -14.9796 314.572
7 1.9 284.6124 -134.8164 179.755
8 1.7 254.6532 -104.8572 74.898
9 1.5 224.694 -74.898 0.000
10 1.5 224.694 -74.898 -74.898
11 1.4 209.7144 -59.9184 -134.816
12 1.4 209.7144 -59.9184 -194.735
13 1.3 194.7348 -44.9388 -239.674
14 1.2 179.7552 -29.9592 -269.633
15 1.5 224.694 -74.898 -344.531
16 1 149.796 0 -344.531
17 0.5 74.898 74.898 -269.633
18 0.5 74.898 74.898 -194.735
19 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 -89.878
20 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 14.980
21 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 119.837
22 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 224.694
23 0.3 44.9388 104.8572 329.551
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73 Water Supply Design Report


Storage for Balancing Demands 674.08

Reserve for Fire Fighting (10%) 67.41
Additional Storage Capacity, m3 741.49
Recommended Capacity Reservoir, m3 1000.00

277 Therefore, for the first phase construct 1000m3 ground reservoir and then1000m3 shall be added another fi-
278 nal phase.



281 4. Distribution System

282 There are four basic arrangements of water supply systems for delivery of water from the source
283 to the consumer. These types are listed below, with their salient characteristics:

284 Table:6 Method of delivery of water

Types Source to Storage Reser-

Storage voir to Con-

Type 1 Pure Gravity Sys- Gravity Gravity


Type 2 Mixed Fixed rate Gravity

Pumping/Gravity pumping

Type 3 Mixed
Variable rate Part pumping/
pumping part gravity
Type 3 Pure pumping
Variable rate pumping only - no storage
285 But for this project pure gravity system is preferred due to the topographic advantage of the
286 project.
287 Based on our site assessment and topographic condition of the compound the distribution net-
288 work needs to be served by one pressure Zone.

289 This zone covers the whole part of water demand of compound. As per our storage volume re-
290 quirement analysis as shown above 1000m3 to be Recommended which will be constructed on
291 the nearest hill side of compound with coordinates Easting 362846.49, Northing 1147515.63 and
292 at elevation 2510 m.

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77 Water Supply Design Report


293 4.1. Design criteria or parameters

294 4.1.1. Design period and planning horizon

295 A water supply scheme includes huge and costly structures which cannot replace or increases in
296 their capacities, easily and conveniently. In order to avoid future complication of expansions, the
297 various components of a water supply scheme are purposely made large; so as to satisfy the con-
298 sumer needs for a reasonable number of years to come.



301 Table:7 Design life of the different water supply scheme components

Components Civil structures Mechanical & electrical (years)


River water intakes 50 15

Boreholes 25 15

Impounding dams 50

Treatment plants

- Clarifiers 50 15

- Filtration 50 15

- Chemical dosing equip- 50 10

Pumping stations 50 15

Service reservoirs

- Concrete 50 15

- Prestressed steel 20 15

- Pioneer water tank 50


- DCI 40

- Steel pipes 40

- uPVC 25

- HDPE 50

Pipeline fittings 25

Building 50

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81 Water Supply Design Report




306 4.1.2. Principal design criteria

307 The main criteria adapted for the design of the water supply schemes are:-

308  The drinking water quality standard adopted is the national and WHO water quality guidelines

309  Scheme components such as pumping stations, conveyance units were designed as per accepted
310 standards.

311 4.2. Pipe lines

312 4.2.1. Distribution main

313 The distribution mains were sized using water cad computer programmed model.
314 The distribution main was sized for a minimum head as the pioneer tank or concrete reservoir and
315 Pipe pressure class was chosen for the maximum head that may occur under minimum flow condi-
316 tion or zero flow.

317 The distribution system is based on the down feed by using the roof water tank storage.

318 4.2.2. Pipe material

319 The selection of pipe material will depend upon the thickness is included in the nature of the
320 ground in which pipes are to be laid, overburden soil pressure, surge, type of traffic load and the
321 cost of the pipe.

322 Based on these criteria in this case HDPE is preferred.

323 4.2.3. Trench depth

324 Where the pipe is subjected to vehicular traffic the minimum cover provided shall be other
325 areas the minimum depth of cover will be 0.8m or 0.9m depending on the selected material. If the
326 above depths cannot be obtained due to the natural ground profiles, the pipes will be encased in
327 concrete.

328 4.2.4. Pipe backfilling and bedding

329 A typical trenching, backfilling and bedding design encompassing backfilling material type and
330 bedding thickness is included in the BOQ general specification.

331 4.2.5. Pipe Fittings

332 Washout valves

333 Washout valves will be provided at all low points on the distribution mains to enable mains to be
334 drained for maintenance and repair.
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85 Water Supply Design Report


335 Isolating valves

336 Isolating valves on transmission mains will be provided to allow a portion of the system to be iso-
337 lated for repairs. The locations of the valves were dictated by the profile of the pipeline and were
338 usually located adjacent to a washout. The maximum spacing between valves shall be 500m.

339 On distribution mains the number of isolating valves to be installed at a junction will be n-1,
340 where n is the number of branches at the junction. Valve locations could be at interconnecting
341 pipes, bypass pipe connections, hydrant connections, washout and air vents.

342 Gate valves compatible in size, type and pressure ratings to the system were used as isolating
343 valves. Sanitary

344 Ancillary fittings

345 Pipe line fittings (bends, tees, etc)

346 Pipe line fittings were appropriate for the pipeline material and were similar in size and class to
347 the pipeline.

348 Thrust blocks

349 If the pipe line was unrestrained then concrete thrust blocks were provided to resist thrust forces
350 at all bends, tapers, junctions or valves.

351 Pipe supports

352 Concrete supports for pipes were provided whenever the pipe was to be laid above the ground
353 surface and also in situations where the ground conditions are poor. Lateral transverse anchors
354 were provided when the pipe is to be laid on a steep slope.

355 Valve chambers

356 Concrete/masonry valve chambers shall be provided for each valve location for protection and to
357 provide easy access.

358 Road and other crossings

359 Whenever a pipeline crosses gravel, asphalted or concrete roads and river/ditch crossing, rein-
360 forced pipes which will protect the pipe shall be provided. For heavy traffic road crossings, encase-
361 ment shall be considered.

362 4.3. Disinfection

363 According to Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality third edition incorporating the first and second
364 addenda volume 1 recommendations by world health organization Geneva 2008.
365 Microbial guidelines
366 The objective of zero E. coli per 100 ml of water is the goal for all water supplies and should be the
367 target even in emergencies; however, it may be difficult to achieve in the immediate post-disaster
368 period. This highlights the need for appropriate disinfection.
369 An indication of a certain level of faecal indicator bacteria alone is not a reliable guide to microbial
370 water safety. Some faecal pathogens, including many viruses and protozoal cysts and oocysts, may
371 be more resistant to treatment (e.g., by chlorine) than common faecal indicator bacteria. More
87 Debre Markos University Health Campus 23

89 Water Supply Design Report


372 generally, if a sanitary survey suggests the risk of faecal contamination, then even a very low level
373 of faecal contamination may be considered to present a risk, especially during an outbreak of a
374 potentially waterborne disease, such as cholera.
375 Drinking-water should be disinfected in emergency situations, and an adequate disinfectant resid-
376 ual (e.g., chlorine) should be maintained in the system. Turbid water should be clarified wherever
377 possible to enable disinfection to be effective. Minimum target concentrations for chlorine at
378 point of delivery are 0.2 mg/litre in normal circumstances and 0.5 mg/litre in high-risk circum-
379 stances. But for this project average of the two peaks adopted that mean 0.35 mg/litre at the
380 points of delivery. (See monthly mass of chlorine required under Appendix).

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412 Determination of Pump characteristics

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441 4.4. Network Simulation

442 The network simulation was carried out using Water CAD and was undertaken for extended peri-
443 ods by taking the hourly demand variation pattern into consideration. Critical pipeline sections
444 with excessive head losses were identified. Then the diameter was increased until the minimum
445 supply pressure 15 m was maintained in all parts of the system. Adjustments to the network
446 model were undertaken until all the flow parameters (velocity and pressure) were within accept-
447 able design limits.
448 Two extended period (24 hours) simulations were carried out, one for the average day in which
449 the minimum hour exists and one for maximum day in which the peak hour exists.
450 4.5. Network Simulation Results

451 4.5.1. Available Pressure Heads

452 The final computer simulation result shows that the nodal pressure is nearly equivalent to the
453 maximum allowable pressure set in the design criteria during minimum flow conditions. While
454 satisfy the minimum pressure in the system during the peak hour flow conditions.

455 One method to reduce the excessive pressure in the system is by introducing a pressure reducing
456 valve on the distribution network which can reduce the pressure below the acceptable range as
457 per the design criteria.

458 However, the use of automatic valves such as pressure reducing valves will question the sustain-
459 ability of the project due to unavailability of spares when the valves are malfunctioning and the
460 requirement of maintenance skills. In addition, these valves require a bypass system with a gate
461 valve to be used during the failure of the pressure reducing valve which makes the investment rel-
462 atively higher and leads to the awkward operation of the system until spare parts are received and
463 maintenance is carried out as it requires the valve to be throttled when there is low demand and
464 opened fully during peak hour demand to control the downstream pressure.

465 Therefore the best recommendable option is not to install pressure reducing valves since the pres-
466 sure in the system is not greater than 110mwc which can be managed by PN 200 pipe class.


468 4.5.2. Velocity and head loss

469 According to Urban Water Supply Design Criteria by Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia min-
470 ister of Water Resource January 31, 2006 is.

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471 Water velocities shall be maintained from 0.6 m/sec to 2 m/sec, except in lower elevation pipes Ve-
472 locities may be even lower limiting velocities.

473 Head loss is related to velocity and pipe roughness. The maximum head loss with therefore be gov-
474 erned by the maximum velocity criterion.

475 On the other hand, the minimum and the maximum velocities within the distribution system are
476 achieved as per the design criteria during the peak flow conditions with some exception of the fol-
477 lowing pipe lines: some pipe around the lecture apartment will get less than 0.6m/s at peak hour
478 demand, and for the case of min hour demand we should provide washout valve for the pipe un-
479 der low velocity value to satisfy the removal of silt. (See final simulation results under Appendix).



482 4.6. Rating of Electrical Equipment

483 4.6.1. Transformers

484 The rating is assessed by calculating and summarizing the probable single loads in the supply system. From the
485 list of standard transformer ratings, the one anticipated standard size above the calculated value is assessed as
486 the supply transformer for the actual site. A transformer has a lifetime of at least 40 years. The transformer is
487 rated to cover the total load required.

488 4.6.2. High Voltage (HV) Lines

489 The HV distribution lines from the national distribution grid shall be rated to cover the demand

490 4.6.3. Diesel Generating Sets

491 The main requirement for the standby power supply is to cover the water supply when the main power supply is
492 interrupted the standby power supply should cover 100% of the total load.

493 4.6.4. Functional Requirement of diesel generating sets

494 The diesel generating sets shall be used when the main power supply from the national distribution grid fails.
495 The diesel shall be manually initiated by activating the start push button when the automatic starting system
496 fails.

497 When the main power supply returns, in addition to the automatic start up, a manual procedure option shall be
498 carried out for the switch back to normal operation. The circuit breaker for the diesel generating set and the cir-
499 cuit breaker for the EEPCO incoming feeder shall be interlocked.

500 4.6.5. Functional Requirement of Pumps

501 When the power supply to the surface pump fails or is switched off manually, the pumps control shall be reset.
502 To start the pump, a manual initiation of the start push button shall be carried out.

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508 5. Conclusions and Recommendation

509 5.1.1. Conclusion

510 In this design analysis distribution system of water supply the following condition is assumed.
511  The source of the water is bore hole which satisfy national and world health organization stan-
512 dards.
513  After surveying data is collected, drilling and pump test completion report the design of transmis-
514 sion main system will be conducted.
515 5.1.2. Recommendation

516 The above design of all the water supply components are based on the proposed architectural design, so
517 any change or revision these architectural design will be forced to review this design of water supply
518 infrastructure.














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563 Table:8 Junction report at 7:00 Hrs (Maximum Hour Demand)

Hydraulic Grade Pressure (m

ID Label Elevation (m) (m) H2O) Pattern
33 J-3 2,454.40 2,495.43 40.9 Pattern 1
35 J-4 2,455.00 2,494.05 39 Pattern 1
37 J-5 2,455.40 2,493.46 38 Pattern 1
39 J-6 2,456.20 2,493.13 36.9 Pattern 1
47 J-10 2,459.61 2,493.29 33.6 Pattern 1
49 J-11 2,459.24 2,493.61 34.3 Pattern 1
51 J-12 2,458.83 2,494.20 35.3 Pattern 1
53 J-13 2,458.38 2,495.42 37 Pattern 1
55 J-14-8 2,473.34 2,495.09 21.7 Pattern 1
57 J-15-1 2,475.00 2,495.13 20.1 Pattern 1
59 J-16-2 2,475.55 2,493.75 18.2 Pattern 1
61 J-17-3 2,476.07 2,493.16 17.1 Pattern 1
63 J-18-4 2,476.82 2,492.84 16 Pattern 1
65 J-19-5 2,475.00 2,492.97 17.9 Pattern 1
67 J-20-6 2,473.13 2,493.31 20.1 Pattern 1
69 J-21-7 2,475.75 2,493.90 18.1 Pattern 1
73 J-23 2,459.26 2,493.86 34.5 Pattern 1
75 J-24 2,459.12 2,493.77 34.6 Pattern 1
77 J-25 2,458.60 2,493.20 34.5 Pattern 1
79 J-26 2,457.71 2,492.87 35.1 Pattern 1
81 J-27 2,456.50 2,492.72 36.1 Pattern 1
83 J-28-13 2,476.51 2,492.62 16.1 Pattern 1
85 J-29-16 2,475.06 2,493.49 18.4 Pattern 1
87 J-30-15 2,475.46 2,492.93 17.4 Pattern 1
89 J-31-14 2,473.83 2,492.59 18.7 Pattern 1
91 J-32 2,457.16 2,494.98 37.7 Pattern 1
93 J-33 2,457.16 2,494.87 37.6 Pattern 1
95 J-34 2,456.75 2,494.29 37.5 Pattern 1
97 J-35 2,455.80 2,493.73 37.9 Pattern 1
99 J-36 2,454.38 2,493.40 38.9 Pattern 1
101 J-37-12 2,474.76 2,492.87 18.1 Pattern 1
103 J-38-9 2,477.62 2,494.50 16.8 Pattern 1
105 J-39-10 2,477.13 2,493.81 16.6 Pattern 1
107 J-40-11 2,476.19 2,493.31 17.1 Pattern 1
111 J-42 2,452.81 2,494.21 41.3 Pattern 1
113 J-43 2,453.87 2,493.72 39.8 Pattern 1
115 J-44 2,457.94 2,492.69 34.7 Pattern 1

123 Debre Markos University Health Campus 32

125 Water Supply Design Report


117 J-45 2,458.08 2,491.93 33.8 Pattern 1

119 J-46 2,458.26 2,492.01 33.7 Pattern 1
121 J-47 2,458.06 2,491.19 33.1 Pattern 1
123 J-48 2,453.71 2,493.27 39.5 Pattern 1
125 J-49 2,454.38 2,492.84 38.4 Pattern 1
127 J-50 2,454.38 2,492.40 37.9 Pattern 1
129 J-51 2,457.43 2,492.01 34.5 Pattern 1
131 J-52 2,471.02 2,491.56 20.5 Pattern 1
133 J-53 2,453.01 2,492.10 39 Pattern 1
135 J-54 2,453.51 2,491.69 38.1 Pattern 1
137 J-55 2,468.54 2,491.36 22.8 Pattern 1
139 J-56 2,454.82 2,490.87 36 Pattern 1
141 J-57 2,468.96 2,490.57 21.6 Pattern 1
143 J-58 2,449.09 2,493.66 44.5 Pattern 1
145 J-59 2,450.17 2,493.28 43 Pattern 1
147 J-60 2,450.72 2,492.96 42.2 Pattern 1
149 J-61 2,450.97 2,492.40 41.3 Pattern 1
151 J-62 2,451.03 2,491.79 40.7 Pattern 1
153 J-63 2,450.95 2,491.33 40.3 Pattern 1
155 J-64 2,470.55 2,491.12 20.5 Pattern 1
157 J-65-19 2,470.11 2,492.90 22.7 Pattern 1
159 J-66-20 2,470.30 2,492.36 22 Pattern 1
161 J-67-21 2,470.50 2,491.75 21.2 Pattern 1
163 J-68-22 2,470.51 2,491.29 20.7 Pattern 1
165 J-69 2,445.38 2,492.34 46.9 Pattern 1
167 J-70 2,445.85 2,492.09 46.2 Pattern 1
169 J-71 2,443.63 2,492.00 48.3 Pattern 1
171 J-72 2,445.95 2,491.50 45.5 Pattern 1
173 J-73 2,445.82 2,491.92 46 Pattern 1
175 J-74 2,446.95 2,491.55 44.5 Pattern 1
177 J-75 2,447.74 2,490.59 42.8 Pattern 1
179 J-76 2,448.11 2,490.45 42.3 Pattern 1
181 J-77-23 2,469.00 2,490.41 21.4 Pattern 1
183 J-78-26 2,469.97 2,491.87 21.9 Pattern 1
185 J-79-25 2,469.48 2,491.51 22 Pattern 1
187 J-80-24 2,469.00 2,490.55 21.5 Pattern 1
193 J-83 2,451.93 2,491.84 39.8 Pattern 1
199 J-86 2,444.82 2,490.70 45.8 Pattern 1
201 J-87 2,448.79 2,488.83 40 Pattern 1
205 J-89 2,450.95 2,486.66 35.6 Pattern 1
211 J-92 2,434.22 2,485.96 51.6 Pattern 1
217 J-95 2,432.54 2,485.70 53.1 Pattern 1
223 J-98 2,413.97 2,484.17 70.1 Pattern 1
238 J-106 2,445.93 2,486.54 40.5 Pattern 1
240 J-107 2,445.08 2,486.09 40.9 Pattern 1
242 J-108 2,442.11 2,487.39 45.2 Pattern 1
244 J-109 2,437.15 2,487.83 50.6 Pattern 1
246 J-110 2,439.06 2,487.44 48.3 Pattern 1
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129 Water Supply Design Report


248 J-111 2,447.61 2,486.07 38.4 Pattern 1

250 J-112 2,446.21 2,485.62 39.3 Pattern 1
252 J-113 2,443.63 2,486.92 43.2 Pattern 1
256 J-115 2,442.71 2,484.79 42 Pattern 1
258 J-116 2,441.43 2,484.35 42.8 Pattern 1
260 J-117 2,437.83 2,485.69 47.8 Pattern 1
262 J-118 2,432.77 2,486.15 53.3 Pattern 1
264 J-119 2,434.13 2,485.68 51.5 Pattern 1
266 J-120 2,444.17 2,484.28 40 Pattern 1
268 J-121 2,443.05 2,483.84 40.7 Pattern 1
270 J-122 2,439.45 2,485.22 45.7 Pattern 1
274 J-124 2,429.66 2,483.61 53.8 Pattern 1
276 J-125 2,440.92 2,482.75 41.7 Pattern 1
278 J-126 2,429.24 2,483.40 54 Pattern 1
280 J-127 2,440.74 2,482.60 41.8 Pattern 1
282 J-128 2,423.82 2,484.73 60.8 Pattern 1
284 J-129 2,440.21 2,483.90 43.6 Pattern 1
286 J-130 2,421.96 2,484.96 62.9 Pattern 1
288 J-131 2,440.55 2,484.11 43.5 Pattern 1
296 J-135 2,439.23 2,484.80 45.5 Pattern 1
300 J-137 2,441.30 2,484.47 43.1 Pattern 1
304 J-139 2,443.69 2,485.34 41.6 Pattern 1
308 J-141 2,444.56 2,485.01 40.4 Pattern 1
312 J-143 2,406.98 2,484.43 77.3 Pattern 1
314 J-144 2,433.41 2,484.06 50.5 Pattern 1
316 J-145 2,408.36 2,484.12 75.6 Pattern 1
318 J-146 2,435.16 2,483.73 48.5 Pattern 1
320 J-147 2,411.37 2,484.69 73.2 Pattern 1
322 J-148 2,438.28 2,484.31 45.9 Pattern 1
324 J-149 2,411.81 2,483.81 71.9 Pattern 1
326 J-150 2,438.38 2,483.40 44.9 Pattern 1
330 J-152 2,401.16 2,483.85 82.5 Pattern 1
332 J-153 2,428.06 2,483.46 55.3 Pattern 1
334 J-154 2,402.73 2,482.94 80 Pattern 1
336 J-155 2,429.66 2,482.82 53 Pattern 1
338 J-156 2,405.56 2,484.15 78.4 Pattern 1
340 J-157 2,431.88 2,484.03 52 Pattern 1
342 J-158 2,408.32 2,483.86 75.4 Pattern 1
344 J-159 2,432.27 2,483.73 51.4 Pattern 1
346 J-160 2,452.68 2,497.31 44.5 Pattern 1
348 J-161 2,454.25 2,496.59 42.3 Pattern 1
350 J-162 2,457.62 2,495.47 37.8 Pattern 1
352 J-163 2,457.35 2,495.36 37.9 Pattern 1
354 J-164 2,456.38 2,494.79 38.3 Pattern 1
356 J-165 2,455.13 2,494.44 39.2 Pattern 1
358 J-166 2,453.53 2,494.29 40.7 Pattern 1
360 J-167 2,473.64 2,493.97 20.3 Pattern 1
362 J-168 2,475.15 2,494.12 18.9 Pattern 1
131 Debre Markos University Health Campus 34

133 Water Supply Design Report


364 J-169 2,476.33 2,494.46 18.1 Pattern 1

366 J-170 2,477.22 2,495.06 17.8 Pattern 1
368 J-171 2,454.31 2,496.44 42 Pattern 1
370 J-172 2,453.85 2,495.87 41.9 Pattern 1
372 J-173 2,453.22 2,495.48 42.2 Pattern 1
374 J-174 2,452.35 2,495.34 42.9 Pattern 1
382 J-178 2,475.77 2,496.00 20.2 Pattern 1
384 J-179 2,474.19 2,495.60 21.4 Pattern 1
386 J-180 2,473.53 2,495.21 21.6 Pattern 1
388 J-181 2,472.64 2,495.07 22.4 Pattern 1
390 J-182 2,452.78 2,495.49 42.6 Pattern 1
392 J-183 2,452.85 2,495.41 42.5 Pattern 1
394 J-184 2,453.31 2,495.19 41.8 Pattern 1
396 J-185 2,453.90 2,494.81 40.8 Pattern 1
398 J-186 2,454.53 2,494.67 40.1 Pattern 1
400 J-187 2,472.80 2,494.29 21.4 Pattern 1
402 J-188 2,474.35 2,494.41 20 Pattern 1
404 J-189 2,477.83 2,494.81 16.9 Pattern 1
406 J-190 2,477.71 2,495.04 17.3 Pattern 1
408 J-191 2,450.63 2,494.38 43.7 Pattern 1
410 J-192 2,450.14 2,494.28 44.1 Pattern 1
412 J-193 2,448.48 2,494.07 45.5 Pattern 1
414 J-194 2,447.16 2,493.69 46.4 Pattern 1
416 J-195 2,446.13 2,493.55 47.3 Pattern 1
420 J-197 2,440.23 2,489.08 48.7 Pattern 1
422 J-198 2,473.36 2,493.99 20.6 Pattern 1
424 J-199 2,471.98 2,493.79 21.8 Pattern 1
426 J-200 2,472.94 2,493.39 20.4 Pattern 1
429 J-202 2,472.40 2,493.23 20.8 Pattern 1
431 J-203 2,437.32 2,489.06 51.6 Pattern 1
433 J-204 2,433.38 2,489.01 55.5 Pattern 1
435 J-205 2,432.96 2,489.00 55.9 Pattern 1
437 J-206 2,430.43 2,488.98 58.4 Pattern 1
439 J-207 2,428.09 2,488.98 60.8 Pattern 1
441 J-208 2,426.37 2,488.98 62.5 Pattern 1
443 J-209 2,430.86 2,489.00 58 Pattern 1
445 J-210 2,429.05 2,488.98 59.8 Pattern 1
449 J-212 2,422.13 2,489.60 67.3 Pattern 1
451 J-213 2,418.65 2,489.58 70.8 Pattern 1
453 J-214 2,411.00 2,489.58 78.4 Pattern 1
455 J-215 2,413.64 2,489.57 75.8 Pattern 1
457 J-216 2,422.59 2,489.60 66.9 Pattern 1
459 J-217 2,418.88 2,489.58 70.6 Pattern 1
469 J-222 2,405.82 2,483.73 77.8 Pattern 1
471 J-223 2,402.58 2,483.92 81.2 Pattern 1
473 J-224 2,399.36 2,482.54 83 Pattern 1
475 J-225 2,397.47 2,482.36 84.7 Pattern 1
477 J-226 2,396.93 2,481.45 84.3 Pattern 1
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137 Water Supply Design Report


479 J-227 2,422.44 2,481.21 58.7 Pattern 1

481 J-228 2,434.58 2,483.07 48.4 Pattern 1
483 J-229 2,432.32 2,483.45 51 Pattern 1
485 J-230 2,428.75 2,483.64 54.8 Pattern 1
487 J-231 2,425.06 2,482.28 57.1 Pattern 1
489 J-232 2,423.21 2,482.14 58.8 Pattern 1
491 J-233 2,414.48 2,484.09 69.5 Pattern 1
495 J-235 2,440.82 2,483.99 43.1 Pattern 1
497 J-236 2,412.29 2,484.21 71.8 Pattern 1
499 J-237 2,409.04 2,484.41 75.2 Pattern 1
501 J-238 2,402.49 2,483.18 80.5 Pattern 1
503 J-239 2,400.41 2,482.99 82.4 Pattern 1
505 J-240 2,401.05 2,482.11 80.9 Pattern 1
507 J-241 2,427.49 2,481.82 54.2 Pattern 1
509 J-242 2,438.77 2,484.09 45.2 Pattern 1
511 J-243 2,435.46 2,484.06 48.5 Pattern 1
513 J-244 2,427.91 2,482.84 54.8 Pattern 1
515 J-245 2,425.49 2,482.66 57.1 Pattern 1
527 J-251 2,427.97 2,484.24 56.2 Pattern 1
529 J-252 2,445.18 2,484.35 39.1 Pattern 1
531 J-253 2,441.22 2,484.49 43.2 Pattern 1
533 J-254 2,429.42 2,484.55 55 Pattern 1
535 J-255 2,445.42 2,486.77 41.3 Pattern 1
537 J-256 2,434.06 2,485.08 50.9 Pattern 1
539 J-257 2,433.70 2,484.99 51.2 Pattern 1
541 J-258 2,433.60 2,484.74 51 Pattern 1
543 J-259 2,432.66 2,484.23 51.5 Pattern 1
545 J-260 2,430.97 2,483.88 52.8 Pattern 1
547 J-261 2,429.49 2,482.67 53.1 Pattern 1
549 J-262 2,427.74 2,482.37 54.5 Pattern 1
551 J-263 2,426.05 2,482.13 56 Pattern 1
553 J-264 2,426.96 2,482.04 55 Pattern 1
555 J-265 2,434.93 2,484.64 49.6 Pattern 1
557 J-266 2,434.08 2,484.12 49.9 Pattern 1
559 J-267 2,432.35 2,483.77 51.3 Pattern 1
561 J-268 2,430.20 2,482.56 52.3 Pattern 1
563 J-269 2,428.76 2,482.26 53.4 Pattern 1
565 J-270 2,429.34 2,484.38 54.9 Pattern 1
567 J-271 2,429.24 2,484.22 54.9 Pattern 1
569 J-272 2,428.46 2,483.70 55.1 Pattern 1
571 J-273 2,426.73 2,483.34 56.5 Pattern 1
573 J-274 2,424.56 2,482.12 57.4 Pattern 1
575 J-275 2,423.65 2,481.83 58.1 Pattern 1
577 J-276 2,422.46 2,481.59 59 Pattern 1
579 J-277 2,423.63 2,481.49 57.7 Pattern 1
581 J-278 2,424.95 2,481.73 56.7 Pattern 1
583 J-279 2,426.43 2,482.02 55.5 Pattern 1
585 J-280 2,428.30 2,483.24 54.8 Pattern 1
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141 Water Supply Design Report


587 J-281 2,430.03 2,483.60 53.5 Pattern 1

589 J-282 2,430.46 2,484.12 53.5 Pattern 1
591 J-283 2,423.23 2,483.43 60.1 Pattern 1
593 J-284 2,422.99 2,483.24 60.1 Pattern 1
595 J-285 2,422.35 2,482.74 60.3 Pattern 1
597 J-286 2,420.61 2,482.40 61.7 Pattern 1
599 J-287 2,420.10 2,482.00 61.8 Pattern 1
601 J-288 2,419.44 2,481.70 62.1 Pattern 1
603 J-289 2,419.10 2,481.46 62.2 Pattern 1
605 J-290 2,420.23 2,481.35 61 Pattern 1
607 J-291 2,425.18 2,483.12 57.8 Pattern 1
611 J-293 2,424.31 2,482.63 58.2 Pattern 1
613 J-294 2,422.55 2,482.28 59.6 Pattern 1
615 J-295 2,421.57 2,481.88 60.2 Pattern 1
617 J-296 2,420.75 2,481.59 60.7 Pattern 1
619 J-297 2,455.26 2,493.61 38.3 Pattern 1
622 J-298 2,457.58 2,493.38 35.7 Pattern 1
624 J-299 2,459.09 2,493.77 34.6 Pattern 1
627 J-300 2,458.54 2,493.54 34.9 Pattern 1
630 J-302 2,457.34 2,493.88 36.5 Pattern 1
632 J-303 2,458.29 2,493.03 34.7 Pattern 1
635 J-304 2,457.89 2,492.80 34.8 Pattern 1
637 J-305 2,455.00 2,492.33 37.3 Pattern 1
642 J-307 2,458.34 2,495.76 37.3 Pattern 1
646 J-309 2,457.22 2,495.19 37.9 Pattern 1
648 J-310 2,453.59 2,495.77 42.1 Pattern 1
651 J-311 2,454.90 2,495.53 40.5 Pattern 1
653 J-312 2,456.06 2,494.69 38.5 Pattern 1
656 J-313 2,455.72 2,494.45 38.7 Pattern 1
658 J-314 2,453.57 2,495.09 41.4 Pattern 1
661 J-315 2,451.94 2,494.86 42.8 Pattern 1
663 J-316 2,447.93 2,493.98 46 Pattern 1
666 J-317 2,450.25 2,493.74 43.4 Pattern 1
669 J-319 2,455.03 2,493.24 38.1 Pattern 1
672 J-320 2,455.00 2,492.69 37.6 Pattern 1
674 J-321 2,446.96 2,491.39 44.3 Pattern 1
676 J-322 2,444.42 2,491.68 47.2 Pattern 1
679 J-323 2,445.38 2,491.59 46.1 Pattern 1
681 J-324 2,441.66 2,488.28 46.5 Pattern 1
684 J-325 2,440.00 2,486.78 46.7 Pattern 1
686 J-326 2,441.15 2,486.62 45.4 Pattern 1
694 J-329 2,456.20 2,494.12 37.8 Pattern 1
710 J-331 2,452.50 2,496.43 43.8 Pattern 1
712 J-332 2,452.50 2,495.66 43.1 Pattern 1
719 J-334 2,452.50 2,496.84 44.3 Pattern 1
728 J-337 2,454.00 2,496.64 42.5 Pattern 1
730 J-338 2,454.00 2,495.41 41.3 Pattern 1
744 J-342 2,451.50 2,497.44 45.8 Pattern 1
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145 Water Supply Design Report


746 J-343 2,457.30 2,495.59 38.2 Pattern 1

752 J-345 2,451.00 2,496.89 45.8 Pattern 1
755 J-346 2,455.20 2,496.69 41.4 Pattern 1
757 J-347 2,457.00 2,495.99 38.9 Pattern 1
760 J-348 2,454.00 2,494.44 40.4 Pattern 1
762 J-349 2,447.50 2,492.27 44.7 Pattern 1
764 J-350 2,434.00 2,489.96 55.8 Pattern 1
769 J-352 2,449.00 2,488.64 39.6 Pattern 1
793 J-360 2,430.00 2,483.91 53.8 Pattern 1
797 J-361 2,412.00 2,484.97 72.8 Pattern 1
824 J-369 2,451.02 2,493.95 42.8 Pattern 1
827 J-370 2,448.50 2,493.70 45.1 Pattern 1
847 J-378 2,444.50 2,492.90 48.3 Pattern 1
849 J-379 2,436.50 2,491.50 54.9 Pattern 1
851 J-380 2,450.50 2,493.18 42.6 Pattern 1
853 J-381 2,450.50 2,491.82 41.2 Pattern 1
855 J-382 2,407.49 2,483.41 75.8 Pattern 1
859 J-383 2,434.24 2,489.87 55.5 Pattern 1
862 J-384 2,409.00 2,487.30 78.1 Pattern 1
865 J-385 2,413.00 2,486.78 73.6 Pattern 1
867 J-386 2,415.95 2,485.39 69.3 Pattern 1
870 J-387 2,407.80 2,484.46 76.5 Pattern 1
874 J-388 2,402.14 2,483.96 81.7 Pattern 1
878 J-389 2,412.45 2,485.55 73 Pattern 1
881 J-390 2,403.73 2,483.63 79.7 Pattern 1
885 J-391 2,400.17 2,483.13 82.8 Pattern 1
894 J-393 2,412.37 2,485.10 72.6 Pattern 1
897 J-394 2,412.50 2,484.91 72.3 Pattern 1
900 J-395 2,418.00 2,484.79 66.7 Pattern 1
907 J-397 2,406.20 2,485.26 78.9 Pattern 1
910 J-398 2,405.00 2,484.72 79.6 Pattern 1
913 J-399 2,402.00 2,485.02 82.9 Pattern 1
918 J-400 2,419.03 2,486.28 67.1 Pattern 1
921 J-401 2,410.47 2,484.96 74.3 Pattern 1
925 J-402 2,404.86 2,484.38 79.4 Pattern 1
930 J-403 2,401.00 2,484.16 83 Pattern 1
933 J-404 2,406.00 2,484.74 78.6 Pattern 1
937 J-405 2,415.36 2,485.78 70.3 Pattern 1
940 J-406 2,418.00 2,485.16 67 Pattern 1
943 J-407 2,417.50 2,485.48 67.8 Pattern 1
947 J-408 2,411.00 2,485.57 74.4 Pattern 1
952 J-410 2,411.00 2,484.96 73.8 Pattern 1
955 J-411 2,409.00 2,485.26 76.1 Pattern 1
960 J-412 2,446.34 2,486.83 40.4 Pattern 1
963 J-413 2,442.59 2,485.09 42.4 Pattern 1
971 J-414 2,429.99 2,486.50 56.4 Pattern 1
975 J-415 2,432.01 2,486.76 54.6 Pattern 1
980 J-416 2,447.63 2,487.49 39.8 Pattern 1
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149 Water Supply Design Report


991 J-419 2,448.57 2,487.59 38.9 Pattern 1

1026 J-428 2,452.00 2,493.24 41.2 Pattern 1
1031 J-429 2,451.00 2,494.42 43.3 Pattern 1
1034 J-430 2,453.12 2,493.05 39.9 Pattern 1
1039 J-431 2,455.00 2,490.19 35.1 Pattern 1
1041 J-432 2,455.00 2,491.98 36.9 Pattern 1
1043 J-433 2,452.51 2,486.50 33.9 Pattern 1
1045 J-434 2,450.50 2,485.66 35.1 Pattern 1
1047 J-435 2,440.95 2,485.39 44.3 Pattern 1
1049 J-436 2,440.07 2,483.95 43.8 Pattern 1
1051 J-437 2,448.82 2,488.21 39.3 Pattern 1
1054 J-438 2,420.00 2,483.64 63.5 Pattern 1
1056 J-439 2,435.67 2,489.81 54 Pattern 1
1059 J-440 2,444.50 2,485.19 40.6 Pattern 1
1062 J-441 2,433.00 2,486.40 53.3 Pattern 1
1066 J-442 2,434.13 2,488.11 53.9 Pattern 1
1080 J-448 2,436.07 2,489.63 53.4 Pattern 1












579 Table:9 Pipe Report at 7:00 Hour (Peak demand)

Length Start Stop Hazen-Williams Flow Velocity (m/

Label (m) Node Node Diameter (mm) Material C (L/s) s)
P-4 40 J-3 J-4 75 HDPE 150 4 1.43
P-6 40 J-5 J-6 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6

151 Debre Markos University Health Campus 39

153 Water Supply Design Report


P-11 39 J-10 J-11 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6

P-13 36 J-12 J-13 75 HDPE 150 4 1.43
P-14 13 J-13 J-14-8 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-15 12 J-3 J-15-1 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-16 12 J-4 J-16-2 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-17 12 J-5 J-17-3 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-18 12 J-6 J-18-4 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-19 13 J-10 J-19-5 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-20 12 J-11 J-20-6 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-21 12 J-12 J-21-7 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-24 11 J-23 J-24 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-25 40 J-24 J-25 90 HDPE 150 4 1
P-27 42 J-26 J-27 75 HDPE 150 1 0.42
P-28 12 J-27 J-28-13 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-29 11 J-24 J-29-16 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-30 11 J-25 J-30-15 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-31 11 J-26 J-31-14 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-33 12 J-32 J-33 110 HDPE 150 5 0.91
P-34 40 J-33 J-34 90 HDPE 150 4 1
P-36 40 J-35 J-36 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-37 21 J-36 J-37-12 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-38 15 J-33 J-38-9 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-39 19 J-34 J-39-10 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-40 17 J-35 J-40-11 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-43 86 J-42 J-43 110 HDPE 150 4 0.69
P-45 36 J-44 J-45 40 HDPE 150 1 0.74
P-46 31 J-44 J-46 40 HDPE 150 1 0.76
P-47 38 J-46 J-47 40 HDPE 150 1 0.76
P-48 81 J-43 J-48 90 HDPE 150 2 0.61
P-49 16 J-48 J-49 50 HDPE 150 1 0.98
P-50 19 J-49 J-50 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-51 109 J-49 J-51 50 HDPE 150 1 0.49
P-52 20 J-51 J-52 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-53 132 J-48 J-53 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-54 15 J-53 J-54 50 HDPE 150 1 0.98
P-55 15 J-54 J-55 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-56 109 J-54 J-56 50 HDPE 150 1 0.49
P-57 13 J-56 J-57 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-59 62 J-58 J-59 62 HDPE 150 4 0.72
P-60 32 J-59 J-60 75 HDPE 150 2 0.73
P-61 36 J-60 J-61 63 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-62 70 J-61 J-62 63 HDPE 150 1 0.61
P-63 38 J-62 J-63 50 HDPE 150 1 0.63
P-69 76 J-59 J-69 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-70 20 J-69 J-70 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-71 33 J-70 J-71 63 HDPE 150 1 0.32
P-73 11 J-70 J-73 63 HDPE 150 2 0.86
P-74 39 J-73 J-74 63 HDPE 150 1 0.64
P-75 70 J-74 J-75 50 HDPE 150 1 0.68
P-106 59 J-106 J-107 50 HDPE 150 1 0.49
P-108 59 J-108 J-109 50 HDPE 150 1 0.59

155 Debre Markos University Health Campus 40

157 Water Supply Design Report


P-109 17 J-109 J-110 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77

P-110 21 J-106 J-111 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-111 21 J-107 J-112 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-112 21 J-108 J-113 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-115 58 J-115 J-116 50 HDPE 150 1 0.49
P-117 60 J-117 J-118 50 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-118 21 J-118 J-119 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-119 23 J-115 J-120 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-120 23 J-116 J-121 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-121 21 J-117 J-122 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-124 38 J-124 J-125 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-125 28 J-124 J-126 50 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-126 36 J-126 J-127 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-128 37 J-128 J-129 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-129 29 J-128 J-130 50 HDPE 150 1 0.49
P-130 38 J-130 J-131 40 HDPE 150 1 0.77
P-143 15 J-143 J-144 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-144 38 J-143 J-145 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-145 15 J-145 J-146 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-147 15 J-147 J-148 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-148 35 J-147 J-149 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-149 16 J-149 J-150 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-152 16 J-152 J-153 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-153 36 J-152 J-154 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-154 15 J-154 J-155 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-156 15 J-156 J-157 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-157 35 J-156 J-158 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-158 15 J-158 J-159 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-159 1,550 R-1 J-160 200 HDPE 150 53 1.83
P-162 13 J-162 J-163 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-163 40 J-163 J-164 90 HDPE 150 4 1
P-165 43 J-165 J-166 75 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-166 13 J-166 J-167 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-167 13 J-165 J-168 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-168 13 J-164 J-169 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-169 12 J-163 J-170 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-170 18 J-161 J-171 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-171 41 J-171 J-172 90 HDPE 150 4 1
P-173 41 J-173 J-174 75 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-177 18 J-171 J-178 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-178 11 J-172 J-179 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-179 11 J-173 J-180 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-180 11 J-174 J-181 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-182 10 J-182 J-183 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-183 40 J-183 J-184 110 HDPE 150 4 0.67
P-185 40 J-185 J-186 75 HDPE 150 1 0.42
P-186 15 J-186 J-187 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-187 15 J-185 J-188 50 HDPE 150 1 0.97
P-188 15 J-184 J-189 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-189 14 J-183 J-190 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-191 11 J-191 J-192 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86

159 Debre Markos University Health Campus 41

161 Water Supply Design Report


P-192 40 J-192 J-193 110 HDPE 150 4 0.67

P-194 41 J-194 J-195 75 HDPE 150 1 0.54
P-197 12 J-192 J-198 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-198 11 J-193 J-199 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-199 12 J-194 J-200 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-200 13 J-195 J-202 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-221 36 J-222 J-223 90 HDPE 150 2 0.58
P-223 34 J-224 J-225 90 HDPE 150 2 0.58
P-224 36 J-225 J-226 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-225 10 J-226 J-227 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-227 11 J-222 J-229 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-228 11 J-223 J-230 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-229 10 J-224 J-231 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-230 9 J-225 J-232 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-233 12 J-233 J-235 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-235 38 J-236 J-237 90 HDPE 150 2 0.58
P-237 36 J-238 J-239 90 HDPE 150 2 0.58
P-238 35 J-239 J-240 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-239 12 J-240 J-241 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-240 15 J-236 J-242 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-241 14 J-237 J-243 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-242 14 J-238 J-244 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-243 13 J-239 J-245 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-254 200 J-255 J-256 110 HDPE 150 5 0.94
P-255 9 J-256 J-257 110 HDPE 150 5 0.94
P-256 12 J-257 J-258 63 HDPE 150 2 0.96
P-257 35 J-258 J-259 63 HDPE 150 1 0.8
P-258 37 J-259 J-260 63 HDPE 150 1 0.64
P-259 71 J-260 J-261 50 HDPE 150 1 0.76
P-260 37 J-261 J-262 50 HDPE 150 1 0.51
P-268 48 J-257 J-270 90 HDPE 150 4 0.94
P-269 8 J-270 J-271 63 HDPE 150 2 0.96
P-270 36 J-271 J-272 63 HDPE 150 2 0.8
P-271 37 J-272 J-273 63 HDPE 150 1 0.64
P-272 72 J-273 J-274 50 HDPE 150 1 0.76
P-273 35 J-274 J-275 50 HDPE 150 1 0.51
P-281 48 J-270 J-283 63 HDPE 150 2 0.96
P-282 9 J-283 J-284 63 HDPE 150 2 0.96
P-283 35 J-284 J-285 63 HDPE 150 1 0.8
P-284 35 J-285 J-286 63 HDPE 150 1 0.64
P-285 72 J-286 J-287 63 HDPE 150 1 0.48
P-286 37 J-287 J-288 50 HDPE 150 1 0.51
P-295 24 J-4 J-297 75 HDPE 150 3 1.01
P-296 12 J-297 J-5 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-298 14 J-11 J-299 75 HDPE 150 2 0.82
P-299 23 J-299 J-12 75 HDPE 150 3 1.01
P-302 23 J-25 J-303 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-303 13 J-303 J-26 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-309 180 J-307 J-42 160 HDPE 150 10 1.03
P-310 54 J-307 J-309 50 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-311 13 J-172 J-310 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71

163 Debre Markos University Health Campus 42

165 Water Supply Design Report


P-312 23 J-310 J-173 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83

P-314 13 J-164 J-312 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-315 20 J-312 J-165 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-317 13 J-184 J-314 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-318 23 J-314 J-185 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-320 13 J-193 J-316 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-321 23 J-316 J-194 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-323 29 J-43 J-319 63 HDPE 150 2 0.87
P-324 65 J-319 J-44 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-325 32 J-319 J-320 40 HDPE 150 1 0.66
P-327 41 J-71 J-322 50 HDPE 150 1 0.51
P-331 132 J-324 J-255 110 HDPE 150 6 1.01
P-332 60 J-324 J-325 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-337 23 J-34 J-329 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-338 13 J-329 J-35 63 HDPE 150 2 1.19
P-343 134 J-331 J-332 160 HDPE 150 10 0.81
P-348 33 J-160 J-334 160 HDPE 150 20 33m
P-349 260 J-334 J-331 160 HDPE 150 10 0.64
P-355 138 J-337 J-338 160 HDPE 150 13 1.06
P-365 1,445 R-1 J-342 200 HDPE 150 51 1.37
P-366 163 J-342 J-343 200 HDPE 150 51 1.72
P-370 79 J-160 J-345 160 HDPE 150 33 1.11
P-371 176 J-345 J-337 160 HDPE 150 13 0.54
P-372 19 J-345 J-346 180 HDPE 150 20 1.31
P-373 72 J-346 J-347 160 HDPE 150 15 0.99
P-374 42 J-347 J-307 140 HDPE 150 10 0.85
P-375 98 J-343 J-348 200 HDPE 150 51 1.72
P-376 185 J-348 J-349 200 HDPE 150 51 1.72
P-377 198 J-349 J-350 250 HDPE 150 51 1.72
P-418 35 J-42 J-369 110 HDPE 150 6 0.98
P-419 45 J-369 J-58 90 HDPE 150 4 0.72
P-420 44 J-369 J-370 75 HDPE 150 1 0.55
P-426 36 J-233 J-236 75 HDPE 150 1 0.42
P-432 74 J-370 J-378 50 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-433 131 J-378 J-379 50 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-434 42 J-370 J-380 50 HDPE 150 1 0.63
P-435 112 J-380 J-381 50 HDPE 150 1 0.63
P-437 39 J-382 J-222 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-438 14 J-382 J-228 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-439 12 J-350 J-383 250 HDPE 150 38 1.29
P-441 326 J-383 J-384 225 HDPE 150 31 1.3
P-443 60 J-384 J-385 110 HDPE 150 13 1.1
P-446 14 J-237 J-387 110 HDPE 150 3 0.6
P-449 9 J-223 J-388 110 HDPE 150 3 0.6
P-451 46 J-387 J-388 90 HDPE 150 3 0.87
P-452 42 J-386 J-389 110 HDPE 150 9 0.73
P-455 17 J-390 J-238 75 HDPE 150 3 1.25
P-458 22 J-391 J-224 75 HDPE 150 3 1.25
P-459 46 J-390 J-391 90 HDPE 150 3 0.87
P-464 36 J-386 J-393 110 HDPE 150 9 0.96
P-465 43 J-393 J-387 90 HDPE 150 7 1.16

167 Debre Markos University Health Campus 43

169 Water Supply Design Report


P-466 16 J-393 J-394 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83

P-467 17 J-394 J-253 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-468 34 J-394 J-395 75 HDPE 150 1 0.42
P-469 18 J-395 J-252 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-473 37 J-389 J-397 90 HDPE 150 9 0.96
P-474 41 J-397 J-390 90 HDPE 150 7 1.74
P-476 19 J-398 J-251 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-477 19 J-397 J-399 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-478 36 J-399 J-398 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-479 19 J-399 J-254 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-480 117 J-384 J-389 110 HDPE 150 18 1.47
P-484 21 J-401 J-147 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-487 18 J-402 J-156 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-488 46 J-401 J-402 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-491 24 J-403 J-152 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-493 46 J-404 J-403 90 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-494 25 J-404 J-143 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-495 33 J-400 J-405 110 HDPE 150 7 1.16
P-496 44 J-405 J-401 90 HDPE 150 4 1.16
P-498 19 J-406 J-141 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-499 24 J-405 J-407 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-500 38 J-407 J-406 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-501 17 J-407 J-139 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-502 30 J-385 J-408 90 HDPE 150 7 1.74
P-503 45 J-408 J-404 90 HDPE 150 4 1.16
P-506 20 J-410 J-137 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-507 25 J-408 J-411 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-508 36 J-411 J-410 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-509 18 J-411 J-135 50 HDPE 150 1 0.94
P-510 110 J-385 J-400 110 HDPE 150 7 0.72
P-511 63 J-352 J-412 75 HDPE 150 3 1.31
P-514 132 J-413 J-360 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-516 33 J-413 J-115 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-517 32 J-412 J-106 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-518 54 J-412 J-413 63 HDPE 150 2 1.24
P-519 99 J-361 J-98 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-521 190 J-414 J-361 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-522 99 J-414 J-95 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-524 21 J-415 J-414 75 HDPE 150 2 0.83
P-526 99 J-415 J-92 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-528 181 J-416 J-415 110 HDPE 150 3 0.58
P-529 102 J-416 J-89 63 HDPE 150 1 0.59
P-536 26 J-419 J-416 125 HDPE 150 4 0.6
P-553 84 J-83 J-86 75 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-565 138 J-338 J-429 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-566 149 J-429 J-428 90 HDPE 150 3 0.71
P-567 63 J-428 J-430 110 HDPE 150 3 0.47
P-568 152 J-430 J-305 75 HDPE 150 1 0.42
P-569 84 J-430 J-83 90 HDPE 150 2 0.57
P-570 2 J-86 J-87 75 HDPE 150 1 0.93
P-571 93 J-83 J-431 93 HDPE 150 1 0.93

171 Debre Markos University Health Campus 44

173 Water Supply Design Report


P-572 45 J-305 J-432 50 HDPE 150 1 0.45

P-573 20 J-89 J-433 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-574 38 J-92 J-434 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-575 39 J-95 J-435 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-576 27 J-98 J-436 63 HDPE 150 1 0.6
P-577 170 J-352 J-437 140 HDPE 150 6 0.62
P-578 168 J-437 J-419 140 HDPE 150 4 0.6
P-579 390 J-437 J-438 63 HDPE 150 1 0.7
P-580 34 J-350 J-439 180 HDPE 150 13 0.82
P-581 270 J-439 J-352 140 HDPE 150 9 0.76
P-583 27 J-440 J-130 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-585 135 J-441 J-440 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-586 29 J-441 J-118 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-587 59 J-439 J-442 75 HDPE 150 3 1.31
P-588 53 J-442 J-441 63 HDPE 150 2 1.24
P-589 31 J-442 J-109 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
P-594 92 J-383 J-448 140 HDPE 150 7 0.6
P-595 205 J-448 J-197 110 HDPE 150 7 0.6
P-597 32 J-332 J-182 110 HDPE 150 10 1.06
P-598 63 J-338 J-32 110 HDPE 150 10 1.1
P-599 72 J-161 J-162 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-600 48 J-334 J-161 110 HDPE 150 10 1.06
P-601 131 J-32 J-23 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-602 72 J-182 J-191 110 HDPE 150 5 0.86
P-605 43 J-197 J-324 110 HDPE 150 7 1.21
P-615 25 J-347 J-13 90 HDPE 150 5 1.29
P-616 23 J-346 J-3 75 HDPE 150 5 1.85
P-617 33 J-360 J-124 63 HDPE 150 1 0.62
585 Table 10 Chlorine Requirement

Chlorine Residual Average Monthly Volume Monthly Demand of Yearly Demand of chlo-
in the system Daily Water of water in liter chlorine rine
mg/liter Demand (l/

mg kg mg kg

0.35 23.519 60,961,248.00 21,336,436.80 21.34 259,593,314.40 259.59

175 Debre Markos University Health Campus 45



178 46



181 47


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