Regrets The Boycott Unilever Products in Indonesia

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Regrets the Boycott Unilever Products in Indonesia

This topic has been discussed a lot lately. Unilever, a well-known brand with a variety of
products, now has an inevitable presence in Indonesia. Unilever itself is not just a big
name, its products have dominated various sectors in Indonesia. Starting from food,
household necessities, to beauty products, Unilever offers a variety of choices at
competitive prices and quality. With at least 45 products spread on the market. Examples
include Pepsodent, Bango soy sauce, Walls ice cream, Rexona, Royco, and many more.
However, recently, this company has attracted controversy because it was accused of
having an 'affiliation' with Israel. This resulted in Unilever being included in the list of
companies boycotted by Indonesia. Of course, this boycott has led to pro and con
opinions among the public.

Some argue that they agree with the regret of this boycott. They consider that this is less
effective because Unilever is not included in the top 3 largest companies that support
Israel. This boycott also causes market losses that already have Unilever products to sell
and local products that find it difficult to compete with foreign products because of the
huge differences in quality and price. Many community-run shops sell Unilever products.
Meanwhile, voicing the boycott caused Unilever products in the shop to go unsold and
caused losses for the shop. This means that the Indonesian economy is in decline, which
will also have an impact on people's welfare. where our society still depends on this
industry. and if we continue to boycott there will certainly be an economic crisis and a
social crisis.

However, on the other hand, there are those who argue that they do not agree with the
regret of this boycott, because they believe that it is effective to help our brothers in
Palestine. Its effectiveness can be measured by the response it provoked from Israel.
Israel's supporters have spent a lot of money in support of Israel's aggression against
Palestine. They also support local products that can replace Unilever products and at the
same time provide a boost to the economy by increasing sales of domestic products,
thereby creating jobs and supporting domestic economic growth.

Thus, there are positive and negative sides to each choice regarding the issue of
boycotting Unilever products. So it all comes back to each person's thoughts.

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