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Jenna Ortega - B.

Keywords in Context

- Each generation creates its the generation born Gen(eratie) Z

own words. Woke, for example between the late
is a typical Gen Z (line 8) word. 1990s and about
- Spielberg is one of the most people born and generatie,
influential film directors of his living at about the leeftijdsgroep
generation. same time period
- It is becoming more and more identity based on a geaardheid,
accepted that the gender that a person's sexual, gender
person identifies with isn't social, cultural and
always the same as their psychological
biological sex. aspects
- In some languages, like French, a grammatical woordgeslacht
it’s quite easy to spot category, often
grammatical gender in nouns designated as male,
because of the articles ‘le’ and female, or neuter
‘la'; for example, ‘la fille’ means
the girl and ‘le garçon’ the boy.
- Performing is in her genes: her a part of a cell in gen
mother is a stand-up comedian the body that
and her father a professional controls certain
dancer. characteristics or
qualities that have
been passed on
from the parents
- Unlike your blood, fingerprints related to the genes genetisch
and your genetic code are

- Many series are often so a new product, spin-off,

successful that the makers service or television afgeleide
decide to create a spin-off (line programme that is
13) featuring one of the based on another
characters. one that already
- The shepherd's daughter to make thread spinnen
learned to spin (to spin – spun – from wool, cotton or
spun) the wool into yarn. silk by twisting it
- Let's go for a spin this a ride, a drive for tochtje, eindje
afternoon. pleasure rijden
- My third-grade school teacher, an unmarried vrijster
Miss Grey, was an old spinster. woman
- This antique spinning wheel a hand-driven or spinnewiel
was used to spin wool at home. foot-driven machine
for spinning yarn or
- Two flies were caught in the insect with eight spin
web the spider had spun legs, arachnid

- The band will perform (line 32) to play, to act, to optreden

at Glastonbury Festival, too. appear
- They also had a gig in Liverpool performance optreden
- Their dance performance was act optreden,
praised in the press. uitvoering
- Messi scored five goals which achievement prestatie
is a magnificent performance.
- In private, he is very quiet, but artist, actor, star artiest
on stage he is a real performer.
- Robots execute thousands of to carry out, to do uitvoeren
operations every minute.

- The singer wouldn’t let herself strain, stress druk

be intimidated by the pressure
(line 51) from the media
- My client was pressurised into to intimidate, to onder druk
signing the agreement even urge, to force zetten
though she had no intention of
- He may have an impressive CV, admirable, causing indrukwekken
but I don’t like his attitude. a person to feel d
respect for a
special quality or
- The man pressed her for more to urge, to push aandringen
information, but she refused to
give it to him.
- I managed to compress ten to shrink, to shorten verminderen,
pages of notes into four comprimeren,
paragraphs. terugbrengen
- The revolt was suppressed to put down, to onderdrukken
violently by the riot police. quell
- I hope he didn't get a wrong idea, opinion indruk
impression of the trip.

- Experts are figuring out (line to try and find uitzoeken

54) ways to get less salt in
processed food.
- She wore a gorgeous dress that body shape figuur
flattered her figure.
- If the viewing figures drop statistics, numbers cijfer
much further, the TV company
will cancel the programme.
- She doesn’t want to work there. That makes sense! Dat is logisch!
– That figures! The working Dat ligt voor
conditions are horrible. de hand!
- I figure we’ll get there around to think, to imagine denken
eight. Do you think that’s in

- During their research, the to watch and observeren,

psychologists observe (line 67) analyse bekijken
the children while they’re
playing certain games.
- The doctors want to keep him to be watched ter observatie
under observation for a few carefully
days because his situation is
not stable yet.
- The police were able to monitor to keep a watchful in de gaten
all incoming and outgoing calls eye on houden,
of the criminals and got a lot of afluisteren
information that way.
- International observers monitor someone who visits waarnemer
the goings-on of the a place officially to
presidential election. make sure that
something is done
fairly and correctly

- It's important that parents warn paedophile, kinderlokker,

their children against online someone who is pedofiel
child predators (line 74). sexually interested
in children
- Tigers and lions are predators; animals that prey roofdieren
they kill and eat other animals. on and eat other
- A hawk is a predatory bird. preying on and roofvogel
eating animals
- Although dolphins appear to be animals that breast zoogdieren
fish-like, they are considered feed their offspring
marine mammals.
- Most predators are carnivores an animal that eats carnivoor,
and eat only meat. only meat vleeseter
Not all dinosaurs were an animal that eats herbivoor,
dangerous. Many were only plants planteneter
herbivores and only ate plants.
People are omnivores since an animal that eats omnivoor,
they eat both meat and plants. both meat and alleseter

- Last night, I watched a exciting movie thriller,

psychological thriller (line 78) spannende
based on a Stephen King novel. film
- I really like his new novel - it’s exciting, hair- spannend
thrilling, funny and very catchy. raising
- Thrill-seekers are people who people who crave sensatiezoeke
love doing extreme sports like excitement r
skydiving, bungee- or BASE
- They were thrilled to hear their delighted, excited enthousiast,
first grandchild had been born. opgetogen,

- With his sense of curiosity (line eagerness to know nieuwsgierigh

83), he’d make a great eid
- I was curious to know how she inquisitive, nieuwsgierig
was coping, so I decided to interested
give her a call.
- Isn’t it curious that he isn’t strange, odd vreemd
here yet? He left an hour before
- Don't be such a nosey parker! an inquisitive nieuwsgierig
Mind your own business! person aagje

- My sister had a huge crush on very much in love stapelgek zijn

(line 89) the boy next door, but op, hevig
it was not reciprocal. He was in verliefd zijn op
love with another girl.
- The writer fell passionately in intensely, madly smoorverliefd,
love with a French waitress. stapelverliefd
- The fan who had been to be too interested geobsedeerd,
obsessed with the actress had or too worried bezeten
stalked her for months. about something or
someone and only
think about that
thing or person

- He was shuttling (line 110) to commute, to forenzen, heen

daily between his home in the travel between the en weer reizen
country and his city office. same two places
- There is a shuttle service a public pendeldienst
between the station and the conveyance that
airport. travels back and
forth at regular
intervals over a
particular route
- We took the ferry to the a boat used to veerboot, pont
mainland. cross a body of
water with
vehicles, or goods

- The couple was so poor they to rear, to bring up opvoeden

were barely able to raise (line
116) their children properly.
- Please raise your hand if you to lift, to put up opsteken
agree to the proposal.
- They're raising money for the to acquire, to obtain inzamelen
flood victims in Haiti.
- The Arabs have been breeding to keep animals for fokken
race horses for generations. the purpose of
producing young
animals in a
controlled way
- The sea eagles have bred to produce offspring broeden
successfully here for the past
six years. It is a safe spot for
their eggs.
- The new tax bill has raised a to cause, to lead to oproepen
lot of questions.
- Championship thoroughbreds a horse of pure or volbloed
cost up to $300,000 to unmixed breed,
purchase. stock, or lineage

- He received an award for his part, performance rol

leading role (line 126) in the
- Michelle Obama, former First example, heroine rolmodel
Lady, is a fantastic role model
for all girls.
- You can meet the cast of the all the actors in a alle acteurs of
play after the show in a meet- play, film or show (toneel)speler
and-greet. uit een film
toneelspel of
- He used the cast to create mould, shaped vorm,
more copies of the sculpture container gietvorm
he’d made.
- This information certainly casts to provide an een nieuw
a new light on the case. explanation for a licht werpen
situation or op
problem, or
information that
makes it easier to

- Because her face is so telling, lively sprekend,

expressive (line 135), I can uitdrukkingsvo
always see what she is l
- She is a very articulate and able to express welbespraakt
always knows just what to say. oneself readily,
clearly, and
- He made an eloquent appeal for articulate, well- welbespraakt,
healthier and better school spoken eloquent
lunches. His message was clear
and strong.
- He got elocution classes to public speaking, welsprekendh
overcome his stammer. speech eid
He mumbled an apology and to murmur, to mompelen,
ran away. mutter stamelen

- This actor is very much in sought after, er is vraag

demand (line 156) these days desired naar
and he’s all over the media.
- The board modified the plans to requirement, desire eis
meet the demands of the union.
- According to the laws of supply the relationship vraag en
and demand, oil prices should between how much aanbod
continue to rise. of a particular
product is available
and how much of it
people want
- The passengers demanded an to require request eisen, erop
explanation for the delay. forcefully, to insist staan
- We require at least five more need nodig hebben
volunteers for the show.

- He refuses to say sorry honour, self-respect trots

because his pride (line 164)
gets in the way.
- He is much too proud to ask for having a high trots
help. opinion of one's
own dignity
- I proudly present to you - our with pride met trots
latest home-made video.
- He boasted about the new car to speak with pochen,
his father had bought. exaggeration and opscheppen
excessive pride
- Canterbury boasts a cathedral to be proud in the beschikken
and a university. possession of, to over

- At a young age, children are able to be attacked kwetsbaar

very vulnerable (line 174) and or mentally hurt or
should be protected. easily influenced
- The vulnerability of disabled the quality of being kwetsbaarheid
senior citizens must be taken easily harmed, hurt
into account. or attacked
- The reception of asylum delicate, precarious gevoelig
seekers is a rather sensitive
subject in quite a few
- Julie was prone to migraine likely to suffer from vatbaar voor
even as a teenager. She’d something, easily
spend days in bed. affected by
- The witness' testimony is easily understood vatbaar voor
susceptible to various or explained in a
interpretations. certain way
- I tried bribing my mom to let easily influenced or vatbaar,
me go out, but she wasn’t harmed by gevoelig,
susceptible to my attempts. something ontvankelijk

The hotel didn’t live up to (line to meet, to satisfy, beantwoorden

184) our expectations, and we to come up to aan, voldoen
left. aan
- His presentation satisfied his to please tevreden
teachers, and he received a B stelllen
for it.
- His work is not excellent, but sufficient, voldoende
certainly satisfactory. acceptable
- The salesman was dissatisfied discontented ontevreden
with his job and resigned.
- The plan was met (to meet- to get, to receive krijgen,
met-met) with much resistance ontvangen
from the French people.
- The soldiers had fortified the to resist, to oppose weerstaan,
building to withstand the tegenstand
attacks. bieden

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