ProPrac Essay Dayrit

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Dayrit, Angela Ysabelle M.

Discuss the importance of building laws and regulations/codes in the practice of
architecture profession in the Philippines. (min. 200 words)

In the field of Architecture, it is important to have sets of laws and regulations that
we need to follow. Because it ensures the safety, functionality, and sustainability of the
structures. The laws and regulations also protect the architects and their clients, for
example, In R.A. 386, Article 1723. The architect is liable for 15 years from the completion
of the structure if the structure collapses due to the plans and specifications. It ensures
the client, and it gives the architect responsibility to ensure the client's building it strong
to endure its usage.
Building laws are important to have standards for the quality of structures built. The
laws provide minimum standards for structural integrity and safety measures, especially
here in the Philippines where there are natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes.
These laws also include requirements for energy efficiency, renewable energy integration,
and green building techniques in response to growing concerns about environmental
sustainability. Long-term financial savings and a decreased environmental effect are two
benefits of compliance.

Urban planning rules and building laws interact to preserve community identity,
control population density, and encourage effective land use. Requirements for setbacks,
height limitations, and zoning all support sustainable urban development. Overall, the
laws and codes set by the government help us in designing homes / structures that are
up to the standards. Because architects are not just about the design of the building, but
they are also concerned about the overall experiences of the users.
To put it simply, building laws and regulations in the Philippines are essential
foundations that support the architectural profession by guaranteeing sustainability,
accountability, and safety. In addition to protecting people and property, they also
advance urban growth and the nation's competitiveness globally. These frameworks give
Filipino architects the ability to design buildings that satisfy international standards and
consider the demands and context of the Philippines. Internationally, architects are
essential in creating a future that is safer, more sustainable, and aesthetically beautiful
for future generations as stewards of the built environment.

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