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Crypto Trading Robot Ecosystem


Jing Huang Chief Executive Officer, and Co-founder

Yang Mo Chief Technology Officer, and Co-founder
Hanchao Yang Chief Investment Officer, and Co-founder
NetCentric provides a quantitative, automated, artificial intelligence. The trading decision pro-
decentralized, and intelligent wealth manage- cess is fully automated and modularized — as-
ment platform for the cryptocurrency market. sembled in a robot capable of performing quanti-
Our quantitative models are developed with cut- tative analysis, risk management, trading activity,
ting-edge technology based on complex net- and portfolio management.
works, quantum mechanics, chaos theory, and

With NetCentric Trading Robot DApp

One click to rent a robot without any requirements in coding or trading expertise.
DIY your own trading bot, and simply slide and click to create your own trading robot.
Release your trading robot and collect payments in NET token.
Table of Contents

Preface 01

1. Introduction to NetCentric Trading Robot 02

What is a Trading Robot
What is a Trading Robot Factory
What is NetCentric Social Trading
The Value of Trading Signal Data

2. NetCentric Trading Technology 05

Fully Automated, Modularized, and Intelligent Trading Robot
Peer-to-Peer Trading Robot Marketplace
Peer-to-Peer Social Trading Marketplace

3. Decentralized Wealth Management 10

4. The Ecosystem of NetCentric 11

5. Smart Contract 14

6. NET Token 15
NET Token Definition and Applications

7. NetCentric Featured Trading Strategies 18

Complex Network Series
News Impact System in Classical Mechanics
Parallel Crypto Network Constructor (PCNC)
Network Portfolio Theory
Examples of Trading Performance

8. Team 23

9. Advisors 24

Risk Factors and Disclaimers 26

1 / 28


In the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008, centralized authorities sparked a massive amount of fiat liquidity
among central banks across the globe. As a result of the U.S. Federal Reserve decreasing key interest rate from 5% to
0.20%, many financial asset classes, such as equity and real estate, have skyrocketed to a historical high. However, the
increased value in stocks and real estate only benefited a small group of individuals known as the 1%.

In today’s investment environment, a top fi- NetCentric hopes to decentralize wealth man-
nancial investment entity can consistently in- agement services by providing quantitative
crease investor’s wealth and beat economic strategies using robotic trading applications.
asset inflation rate. However, these investment Leveraging the blockchain technologies and
opportunities from top-notch private wealth cryptocurrencies, NetCentric’s vision is to
management, hedge funds, private equity funds open up the world of trading automation for
or venture capitals are provided exclusively to everyone. Traditionally, quantitative trading
the wealthiest institutions and individuals. The strategies possess great restriction because
continued depreciation of nations’ sovereign they usually require someone who understands
currencies and an increase of national debts both programming and financial markets. For
around the world have created a very bipolar those who do not have experiences in financial
wealth structure for personal finances. trading via quantitative automation methods,
NetCentric trading ecosystem aims to remove
the barrier to engage in cryptocurrency trading.
Introduction to
NetCentric Trading Robot
3 / 28 1. Introduction to NetCentric Trading Robot

What is a Trading Robot?

A trading robot is capable of multiple data and quantitative analysis functions
including decision making, risk management, position control, order execution
and report generation.

Crypto market is a non-stop NetCentric Trading Robots are

restless global market which quantitative and fully automat-
opens 24 hours a day and 7 days ed. They will trade, watch for
a week. Its high volatility could every opportunity, and analyze
provide both exciting net re- risks every single second. Net-
turns or terrible losses. Human Centric robots have a variety of
traders face many challenges trading styles, from passive to
during the trading decision active, conservative to aggres-
making process and suffer from sive, low frequency to high fre-
the 24/7 time frame for active quency, according to the inves-
trading. tors’ preference.

What is the Trading Robot Factory?

With NetCentric’s Trading Ro- NetCentric modularized the

bot Factory infrastructure, even trading process into 8 compo-
8-year-old children can gener- nents. Each of the modular
ate their own trading robots and LEGO® bricks is referred to as
bring their creative ideas into a trading robot part. In Trading
reality. It is as easy as playing Robot Factory, users can choose
with LEGO® bricks. and combine different parts to
create their own trading robots.
1. Introduction to NetCentric Trading Robot 4 / 28

What is the
NetCentric Social Trading Platform?

The NetCentric Social Trading Account trading signals are

Platform (NSTP) provides a generated from one or multiple
marketplace for users to rent robots and manual trades. With
third-party trading robots and our social trading mechanism,
purchase trading signals. Trad- users will benefit from not only
ing robot makers can list their trading but also providing trad-
trading robots on NSTP at pric- ing signals.
es they feel most justified,
whereas trading robot users can
check each bot’s historical re-
turn and volatility level to pick
the best match for their invest-
ment portfolio.

The Value of Trading Signal Data

In 2015, professional traders spent over $50 billion purchasing financial market
data, of which $4 billion was spent on professional analytical services and sys-
tems (predictive analytics). By the year 2020, the financial data market is ex-
pected to increase approximately 6 times, and these price costs are only for
professional analytical systems alone.

B2C financial information for NetCentric believes that, in the

non-professionals is a huge near future, the data of our so-
market. Roughly 54% of Amer- cial trading signals will strong-
icans have personal financial ly support the AI trading devel-
exposure to equity stocks; in opment. This data could be
China, the number is estimated potentially valuable for institu-
to be about 30%. Trading finan- tions such as hedge funds and
cial assets is very common for property trading firms.
most people in the world, and
many are now switching their
focus to cryptocurrencies.
Trading Technology
2. NetCentric Trading Technology 6 / 28

Fully Automated
Intelligent Trading Robot
NetCentric trading robot consists of 8 modules:

Cross Exchange Cryptocurrency

Data Source Filter

Quantitative Strategy Decision Making

Back-testing Position Control

Order Execution Report Generation

Each module may consist of one or more functions depending on user choice. Basic functions are free of charge, while
more advanced functions will cost NET token to activate (explained in section 6). All functions in each module are deliv-
ered ready to use and to assemble. Creating a NetCentric trading robot only requires users to perform “drag”, “drop”,
and “click” actions, allowing every user to create his or her own unique trading robot hassle-free.
7 / 28 2. NetCentric Trading Technology

Picture from Digital Trends

Cross Exchange Database Cryptocurrency Filter

Our database and SDK are integrated with most Cryptocurrency Filter helps to locate a subgroup
major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bi- of coins and tokens suitable for certain quantita-
nance, Bitfinex, Bibox, CEX, Coincheck, Gdax, tive strategies. For example, the emotion index
etc. The integration of exchange data facilitates calculated from social networks can reflect the
the implementation of arbitrage strategies, asyn- average investment attitudes of the majority of
chronous predictions, and other trading strate- users from different platforms. Similar technical
gies. NetCentric users can acquire candlestick indicators work well on the “hot” trending to-
data for free, which includes open, high, low, kens. The accuracy of upside trading signal in-
close, volume in several time frequencies across creases for the tokens with positive sentiment.
exchanges (1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, NetCentric users can also choose other parame-
1 day, etc.). Furthermore, tick data or high-fre- ters, such as recently listed, crypto payment solu-
quency data are available for subscription using tions, and cross-chain technologies for filtering
NET tokens for advanced investors. purposes.
2. NetCentric Trading Technology 8 / 28

Quantitative Strategy Position Control

In the arsenal of quantitative strategies, NetCen- The smartest investors and traders will not reveal
tric provides more than 30+ advanced trading their financial strategy at any time. It is then very
models and 100+ technical indicators. The strat- crucial to one’s investment performance by man-
egies cover a variety of investment styles includ- aging market risks through trading position con-
ing momentum, mean-reverting, event driven, trol. Users can assign a certain amount of tokens
relative value, arbitrage, buy & hold, long & or cryptocurrencies to a trading robot or hire a
short, etc. By selecting one or more strategies, NetCentric AI risk manager to help with their al-
NetCentric users enjoy crypto wealth manage- location of funds. NetCentric’s own trading robot
ment services equivalent to investing into a col- risk managers use AI, systemic risk measure-
lection of hedge funds and mutual funds. ments, and Copula CoVaR to help users manage
their trading positions.

Decision Making Order Execution

The user decision making process becomes com- Depending on the liquidity of each cryptocurren-
plicated when choosing multiple trading strate- cy, simply sending a large market order is not al-
gies. This module simplifies complicated trading ways the best trading execution. Signal trading
strategies to basic logical operations of “and” slippage may lead to basis loss even when the
with “or”. Also, NetCentric provides scientific trading signals of the robot makes a profit. Algo-
decision making tools such as Bayesian infer- rithmic trading is a method of executing a large
ence, neural networks, support vector machines, order using automated and pre-programmed trad-
deep learning, and many other machine learning ing instructions. NetCentric provides algorithmic
techniques to help users select the right trading order execution functions such as volume weight-
strategies according to their needs. ed average price (VWAP) and time weighted av-
erage price (TWAP) for all users. Nonetheless,
users can still send a limit or market order with-
Back Testing out incurring any trade execution fees. Further-
more, many cryptocurrency exchanges offer their
Test and train the robot before being placed into
own algorithmic routers to help traders reduce
live trading environment. The testing module
market impact and save money on transaction
creates back-test models to help understand the
expected return and risk loss of a certain trading
Report Generation
A detailed trading report will be recorded dy-
namically with each trade order execution. It
plays the roles of an accountant and a trading as-
9 / 28 2. NetCentric Trading Technology

The figure below shows an example of a NetCentric trading robot.

Note that this particular bot consists of multiple advanced functions which may not be included in the complimentary

Cross Exchange

Free 100NET/Week

Segment Social
Crypto Blockchain Emotional
Payment Intelligence

75NET/Week Free 30NET/Day

NetCentric Intelligent Trading Robot

Rainbow Moving Emotion

Quantitative Trading Average Analytics

Bayesian 50NET/Month
Decision Decison Maker

Back Test

AI Risk
Position Manager 10NET/Month

50NET/Month 5NET/Month

Order Smart Router Algorithmic
Execution Execution

Automated Order
Report Execution

Running this advanced trading robot requires NET tokens. Users may also rent out their bot at a NET token price of
Insufficient NET balance will trigger a pause for robot their desire. Robot rent will be collected on a weekly basis.
computation and new order submission. The robot will Users of the bot may also tip and rate it after each week’s
shut down when all opening trading positions are closed. performance.
3. Decentralized Wealth Management 10 / 28

Wealth Management
Robot Statistics

31.25% 21.88% 15.63%

Long Only : 10 Momentum : 7 Buy & Hold : 5

12.5% 9.37% 9.37%

Arbitrage : 4 Event Driven : 3 Mean Reverting : 3

Wealth management is a concept of investment variety of trading robots that deliver all types of
advisory which incorporates financial planning, investment strategies. Subscribing to a robot
portfolio management, risk management and equipped with event-driven strategy is equiva-
many other financial services. Currently, the pri- lent to investing in an event-driven theme hedge
vate wealth management industry is dominated fund. By hiring a passive trading robot which
by investment banks, funds, and wealth manage- creates a crypto based portfolio to hold, the user
ment companies. In other words, wealth is man- is investing in a mutual-fund-type product. Se-
aged by centralized institutions subject to censor- lecting multiple trading robots of different in-
ship coercion risk. In addition, it also requires a vestment styles equates to creating a personal
strong relationship between investors and institu- investing platform using fund of funds (FoF) for-
tions, which may not always be attainable for the mat.
average person.
NetCentric transforms wealth management into a
The unique features of blockchain significantly decentralized service to each user. NetCentric ac-
reduce the cost to build such trust through smart counts are private, customized, automated, quan-
contract. NetCentric seeks to build a decentral- titative, and intelligent wealth managers.
ized wealth management infrastructure with a
11 / 28 4. Ecosystem of NetCentric

Ecosystem of NetCentric

Risk Manager
Financial Analyst
Fund Manager Robot Designer
Financial Engineer
Financial Advisor
Portfolio Manager Subscriber


NetCentric is developing a decentralized and au- ment by decentralizing and simplifying the in-
tonomous investment ecosystem. In comparison vestment and trading processes.
to a traditional wealth management fund, the
NetCentric ecosystem simplifies financial invest- In addition, NetCentric lowers the bar on cost
ment roles into trading robot designers, traders, and time commitment for individual investors to
and subscribers. NetCentric aims to improve the experiment with hedge fund and mutual fund ser-
transparency and efficiency of wealth manage- vices in the crypto market.
4. Ecosystem of NetCentric 12 / 28

Trading Robot Marketplace
NetCentric’s peer-to-peer trading robot marketplace allows robot designers to collect NET token from their robot sub-
scribers. Below is an example (with all randomly generated figures) of trading robot subscription. A bot designer devel-
oped 5 trading robots. His total revenue is 9,389.53 NETs per month from 3 subscribers. A commission of 10% will be
collected by NetCentric. The bot designer earns a net income of 8,450.57 NETs per month.


NET/Week Robot
938.95 Subscriber
9,389.53 50
NET/Month NET/Day

Robot Designer 35 Robot

NET/Day Subscriber



The robot marketplace can be understood as ing investment to everyone, from trading gurus
crowd-sourced quantitative trading. By inspiring to crypto rookies, as anyone can assemble, use,
everyone to participate in the development of and rent trading robots on the NetCentric plat-
trading strategies, NetCentric intends to bring the form.
unlimited and democratized possibilities of trad-
13 / 28 4. Ecosystem of NetCentric

Interchangeability in
Social Trading Marketplace
The society of robot trading, which includes de- titative trading models work and understanding
signers, subscribers, traders, and trader follow- what goes into automated intelligent trading,
ers, is the most valuable property of this platform. NetCentric allows users to carry multiple roles at
By removing the obstacles of learning how quan- the same time. (See graph below)

NET/Day 8,000

NET/Week Trader
50 9,389.53 24000 8,000
NET/Day NET/Month NET/Month NET/Month

35 Trader Trader
NET/Day Followers
NET/Month 8,000

5. Smart Contract 14 / 28

Smart Contract


Trader/Designer Subscriber
Account NET paid Account

False True NET < Fee


Cancel True Fund < Threshold


Robot Manual
Training Stop True

To maintain the NetCentric ecosystem, all bot pay for the subscription, investable balance is be-
subscriptions that include NET token transac- low a threshold, or manual cancellation occurs,
tions will be executed by smart contracts. The the robot will close all the opening positions and
rules will be written in blockchain between trad- stop trading.
er, designer, and subscriber. Similar to the quan-
titative trading procedures, the execution of The implementation of smart contracts facilitates
smart contract is also automated and immutable. decentralized financial trading services by ensur-
ing counterparty authenticity. Since each party’s
A standard procedure starts from the trader/de- credit history and performance are automatically
signer signing on the subscription agreement. recorded and immutable, users no longer need to
Then the trading robot will be launched when a worry about dishonest participants. In addition,
NET token payment from the subscriber is con- automated conditional programming execution
firmed. The smart contract will dynamically allows and ensures anonymous and faithful exe-
check the subscriber’s NET balance. If the sub- cution of the subscription contract.
scriber’s NET balance becomes insufficient to
15 / 28

NET Tokens
6. NET Tokens 16 / 28

NET Tokens
Definition and Applications
By releasing NET tokens, NetCentric offers all participants (crypto investors, traders, and developers) a chance to be-
come the creators to a decentralized investment ecosystem and the pioneers of an revolutionary wealth management

NET tokens are utility tokens which can be used NET token’s valuation will partially depend on
to purchase upgrade function parts for trading ro- trading robot price, which is determined by bot
bots, subscription services from advanced trad- demand and supply. In other words, trading robot
ing robots, and trading signals from various trad- designers and investors are key factors that affect
ing robot creators. For bots with limited the NET token valuation. NET tokens will also
management cap, NET token holders with the be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, giving
higher amount of NetPower will have priority of users complete freedom to open trading and ac-
access (NetPower System is explained in page cess to the latest trading modules.
17 / 28 6. NET Tokens

NetPower System

Community contribution plays a significant role Note that NetPower are non-transferable and
in the success of today’s blockchain projects. non-divisible among accounts and cannot be
NetCentric values community members with traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. However,
great commitments and contributions to the eco- users with higher NetPower will have superior
system. With the five-level NetPower System, access to creating and renting more advanced
users will experience superior platform features bots and be rewarded with more NET tokens.
as they level up from Level 1 to Level 5 accord-
ing to their contribution and reputation scores on
the platform.

NetPower is determined by:

Token Holdings ; Referral Rewards ; Community Contributions

Coefficient of Token Holdings

Approximately 1 NET token = 1 NetPower.

Coefficient of Referrals
When the new user levels up, additional NetPower will be reward to the referee.

Coefficient of Community Contributions

Calculated based on positive and negative behaviors in the ecosystem.

NetPower score is recalculated on a weekly basis. System will automatically record user’s daily av-
erage power score for more accurate results.
18 / 28

NetCentric Featured
Trading Strategies
19 / 28 7. NetCentric Featured Trading Strategies

Complex Network Series

A complex network series refers to networks that feature patterns of connections between their ele-
ments that are neither purely regular nor purely random. Most real-world networks, such as transpor-
tation, social or gene-regulatory networks, are complex. Euler’s celebrated 1735 solutions to the
Königsberg bridge problem is often cited as the first true proof in the theory of networks, and during
the twentieth-century, graph theory has developed into a substantial body of knowledge. The stock
market network reveals its own internal systemic risk factors. The stock market network is “relaxed”
when the market is in a good condition.

Stock Market Network of S&P 500 in 2007 (Left) and 2008 (Right)

Hedging Network (HN) is a hedging strategy that longs cryptos in the long network while shorting
those in others. By analyzing the structures and fluctuation of long & short networks dynamically,
NetCentric will be able to capture the co-movement features among multiple cryptocurrencies. Usu-
ally, HN trades around 5~20 cryptocurrencies on a daily basis.

Crypto Networks: Long (Left) and Short (Right) Networks

7. NetCentric Featured Trading Strategies 20 / 28

News Impact System in Classical Mechanics

News Impact System in Classical Mechanics (NISCM ) is a methodology capable of making directional predictions in
the market.

NISCM have the following characteristics:

NISCM measures the duration of current news/events impact (financial or political)
NISCM models news and price movements into force, velocity and acceleration
NISCM accuracy regarding S&P 100 component stocks is around 70% with 2%+ actual return per
trade (2017-2018)

News Articles SFNAS 9-Level Score

Ave. Price Increment Mechanical
Stock Data

Ave. ABS Volume Increment

Direction V



In the crypto market, NISCM mainly focuses on The implementation of NISCM could be classi-
news and social media user sentiment. SFNAS is fied into long-only, short-only, or long-short rela-
a featured text mining tool developed by Net- tive value strategies. It could be either a crypto-
Centric. It will transfer textual data into quantita- currency filter or a quantitative trading strategy.
tive scores. A negative score indicates negative In many cases, positive sentiment emotions do
attitude of the investors while a positive value not always translate into gains in price. Positive
represents the opposite. The score, price and vol- sentiment could produce the opposite effects
ume are modeled into velocity, mass and acceler- when the price level is already high. Modeling an
ation of an object. Through mimicking the mo- asset as a flying object helps to interpret such
tion of force from SFNAS, NetCentric models phenomenon. In this methodology, NISCM pro-
are capable of predicting the price movement of vides interpretation of complicated price-event
the target cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, NIS- scenarios which can, therefore, improve the ac-
CM is built upon classical Newtonian mechanics curacy of price predictions.
so that the “energy” of an event is interpreted as
the duration of its impact. The higher the energy
level is outputted, the longer the event will affect
prices of the target cryptocurrencies.
21 / 28 7. NetCentric Featured Trading Strategies

Parallel Crypto Network Constructor (PCNC)

Parallel Crypto Network Constructor (PCNC) is an algorithm that NetCentric designed to construct
the complex network of crypto assets on large-scale trading data. It leads to a thorough understanding
of the crypto portfolio network structure. The cost of time is tested on personal desktop shown in the
following figure.

Time Cost (min)

1129 1140



600 582



20000 50000 188595 215260 274280 295000

Time Cost for Crypto Network Generation (CPU Intel i7 3.4 GHz,12 GB memory)

PCNC is a tool for monitoring crypto transactions on different blockchains. By constructing the trans-
action networks, more information will be available to improve the accuracy and profitability of in-
vestment decisions.

Network Portfolio Theory

Network portfolio theory is developed from the concept of complex networks. Rather than using ap-
plications from modern portfolio theory, it is computable for large-scale portfolio optimization. It
finds the network’s most efficient portfolios from thousands of assets within just a few minutes.

By minimizing systemic risk, the performance is improved using Harry Markowitz’s modern portfo-
lio theory. See graph below:
7. NetCentric Featured Trading Strategies 22 / 28

Examples of Trading Performance

The graph below shows the performance of NetCentric trading robots during Dec 2017. It has seen a 500%+ return
without leverage during the first-month bot testing. Notice that the detailed trading time and volume are hidden for our
current clients’ privacy.

The record has combined performances of three robots. Part of the trading records is listed as below:

Another robot trading on crypto-fiat pairs gained 90.86% on ETH/USD pair in the most recent 2000 hours (2017/12/20-
2018/03/22) while ETH/USD dropped -23.38%. The robot is built on fractal theory and other technical indicators.
23 / 28 8. Team


Jing Huang
London School of Economics & Political Science, MS in Informatics
SOAS, University of London, MS in Management
Janlent, CEO, COO
COFCO Shanghai, Assistant General Manager
Brewin Dolphin Securities Ltd, Chief Representative of China

Yang Mo, Ph.D.

University of Cambridge, Ph.D. in Electric Engineering
Elastos, Director of Applications
National Mobile Operating System, Project Leader
Mobile Standard Workgroup of China, Expert CTO
Foxconn Kortide, Director of Product
Akomedia, CEO
Epson Lab, Researcher

Hanchao Yang, Ph.D.

Market Value Management for Several Tokens (Market Cap $200M+)
Stevens Institute of Technology, Ph.D. in Financial Engineering
10 Years in Financial Modeling

Project Experience:
Large-scale Mortgage Portfolio Risk Management
Network Portfolio Theory
Quantum Trading Strategies
ACTUS (Algorithmic Contract Type Unified Standards)
9. Advisor 24 / 28


Elie Galam
Eastmore Group, Chief Investment Officer
Advisor to Bancor, Legolas Exchange, and Gimli
Panorama Partner, Chief Investment Officer
Two Sigma, Portfolio Manager
Harvard University, Master’s in Applied Mathematics
Ecole Centrale Paris, Master’s in Engineering
Epson Lab, Researcher

Pierre Maarek
Exane, Head of Equity Derivatives Sales Trading
Advisor to Shivom, Fusion, Crypterium, Legolas, Kinguin, Opporty.
com, Protos Cryptocurrency Asset Management
IXIS Securities, Pan European Equity Sales
JP Morgan Chase, Risk Management IR Derivative Analyst
EDHEC Business School, Master’s in Finance
Tilburg University, Master’s in Finance

Mohammed S. Shaalan, CFA, FRM

Finweavers, Inc., Founder
NetExchange LLC., Partner
Eton Park Capital Management, Head of Risk Reporting
Viking Global Investors, Solution Architect
Lehman Brothers, Vice President
25 / 28 9. Advisor


Jun Liu
LightInTheBox Holding Co, Co-Founder (Acquired by Amazon in 2004),Vice President
Zhejiang Donfanghaina, Chairman
Tongji University, Master of Business Administration
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Master of Business Ad-
Fusion Capital, Co-Founder (Portfolio companies include: Newton,
DCC, Egretia, Proton, Carblock, Popchain, and Dfinity

Dinghe Hu
Goldstate Securities Co., Executive Vice President
Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China, Ph.D Mentor
China Economic and Social Council, Council Member
Lifan Group, Chairman
Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, Chairman

David Zou
Aizhi Information Technology, Chairman & Founder
Harvard University, JF Kennedy School of Government, Edward
S. Mason Fellow
Fiat-Chrysler Group, Director of Government Affairs an Corpo-
rate Events (Asia-Pacific Region)
Harvard University, MPA
Cambridge University, M.Phil
9. Advisor 26 / 28


Akatsuki Ryu
Co-founder of Avianbury
8 years software and hardware engineering development experience
Global Hacking Contest Rankings (Blockchain Technology Intro-
duced in StoraEnso Hacking Game Solution)
27 / 28

Risk Factors and Disclaimers

This document does not constitute an offer to sell, an invitation to induce an offer, or a solicitation of an offer to acquire
securities. This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.

The sale of NET tokens constitutes the sale of a business and financial performance, the perfor-
legal software product under British Virgin Is- mance, and accuracy of NetCentric trading ro-
lands law. This product sale is conducted by Net- bots, and often contain words such as ‘expect’,
Centric LLC (British Virgin Islands), a BVI Lim- ‘anticipate’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘believe’, ‘seek’,
ited Liability Company, operating under British ‘see’, ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘estimate’, ‘forecast’ or
Virgin Islands law. It is the responsibility of each ‘target’. Such forward-looking statements by
potential purchaser of net tokens to determine if their nature address matters that are, to different
the purchaser can legally purchase NET tokens in degrees, uncertain. We cannot guarantee that any
the purchaser’s jurisdiction and whether the pur- forward-looking statements, backtests or experi-
chaser can then resell the net tokens to another ments made by us or expected results of opera-
purchaser in any given jurisdiction. tion of NetCentric trading robots will correlate
with the actual future facts or results.
All potential risks can be assessed regarding to-
ken sale. For the convenience of our users, NetCentric
white paper, website and other related documents
Our white paper may contain ‘forward-looking are available in a number of languages. In the
statements’ - that is, statements related to future, event there is any conflict between the English
not past, events. In this context, forward-looking language version and a foreign language version,
statements often address our expected future the English language version shall govern.
Crypto Trading Robot Ecosystem

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