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Document Classification: Internal

Version: 1.0

Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited

Standard Operating Procedure - SDLC
Version: 1.0
Document No.: KPDCL/ISMS/SOP-
Initial effective date:
New effective date (post review)

This document is the exclusive property of KPDCL, and its contents must not be communicated
to unauthorized persons or person outside the company without written consent from the CISO.
Document Classification: Internal
Version: 1.0

0: Document Control

0.1: Version History:

Sr. Date Version Description of change Owner Approved by

1 V1.0 Initial Release KPDCL CISO

0.2: Authorization:

Prepared by Reviewed By Approved By (Apex Committee)

Empanelled Consultants: IT Manager
Essential Infosec Pvt. Ltd.

0.3: Distribution List:

Sr. No Department or Function Name Distribution Medium

1 IT Email

This document is the exclusive property of KPDCL, and its contents must not be communicated
to unauthorized persons or person outside the company without written consent from the CISO.
Document Classification: Internal
Version: 1.0

1. Purpose: This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlines the steps to be followed by
KPDCL (Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited) in the Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC) process in accordance with the guidelines set forth by ISO 27001:2022
(International Organization for Standardization). The purpose is to ensure the development of
secure and reliable software systems that comply with information security standards and

2. Scope: This SOP applies to all software development projects undertaken by KPDCL and its
associated departments. It encompasses all stages of the SDLC process from initiation to
deployment and maintenance.

3. Responsibilities:

 Project Manager: Responsible for overseeing the entire SDLC process and ensuring
compliance with ISO 27001 standards.
 Development Team: Responsible for following the SDLC phases and implementing
appropriate security measures.
 Quality Assurance Team: Responsible for conducting security testing and ensuring
compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.
 Information Security Officer: Responsible for providing guidance on security
protocols and ensuring adherence to ISO 27001 standards.

4. SDLC Phases:

4.1 Initiation:

 Define project objectives, scope, and requirements.

 Conduct a preliminary risk assessment to identify potential security risks.
 Assign roles and responsibilities within the development team.
 Obtain approval from the relevant stakeholders.

4.2 Planning:

 Develop a detailed project plan including timelines, resource allocation, and budget.
 Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and define risk mitigation strategies.
 Establish security requirements and guidelines based on ISO 27001 standards.
 Create a secure development environment with necessary access controls and

4.3 Analysis:

 Gather and analyze user requirements.

 Identify potential security vulnerabilities and threats.
 Define security controls and measures to address identified risks.
 Document functional and non-functional requirements with a focus on security.

4.4 Design:

 Develop a detailed technical design based on the requirements and security controls

This document is the exclusive property of KPDCL, and its contents must not be communicated
to unauthorized persons or person outside the company without written consent from the CISO.
Document Classification: Internal
Version: 1.0

 Incorporate security best practices into the architecture and design of the software
 Conduct peer reviews and security assessments of the design documents.
 Document the design specifications and security considerations.

4.5 Implementation:

 Develop the software application according to the approved design specifications.

 Implement security features and controls as per ISO 27001 standards.
 Conduct secure coding practices to mitigate common vulnerabilities.
 Perform code reviews and testing to ensure adherence to security requirements.

4.6 Testing:

 Conduct comprehensive security testing including penetration testing, vulnerability

scanning, and code analysis.
 Verify the effectiveness of security controls and measures implemented.
 Address any identified security issues and vulnerabilities.
 Document test results and remediation efforts.

4.7 Deployment:

 Prepare the software application for deployment in the production environment.

 Ensure secure configuration and deployment practices are followed.
 Conduct final security assessments and approvals before release.
 Monitor the deployment process and address any security concerns that arise.

4.8 Maintenance:

 Establish procedures for ongoing maintenance and support of the software application.
 Monitor and manage security updates and patches.
 Conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify and address new threats.
 Continuously improve security measures based on lessons learned and evolving threats.

5. Documentation:

 All documentation related to the SDLC process, including project plans, design
documents, test results, and security assessments, must be maintained and updated
throughout the project lifecycle.
 Document all security controls and measures implemented in accordance with ISO
27001 standards.
 Ensure that all stakeholders have access to relevant documentation and are aware of
their responsibilities.

6. Compliance and Audit:

 Regular audits shall be conducted to verify compliance with ISO 27001 standards and
internal policies.
 Any deviations from the established procedures shall be documented and addressed
 Corrective and preventive actions shall be implemented as necessary to ensure ongoing
compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.

This document is the exclusive property of KPDCL, and its contents must not be communicated
to unauthorized persons or person outside the company without written consent from the CISO.
Document Classification: Internal
Version: 1.0

7. Training and Awareness:

 Provide training and awareness programs to all personnel involved in the SDLC process.
 Ensure that developers, testers, and other stakeholders are knowledgeable about
security best practices and ISO 27001 requirements.
 Encourage a culture of security awareness and accountability throughout the

8. Review and Approval: This SOP shall be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect
changes in technology, regulations, and organizational requirements. Any revisions to the SOP
must be approved by the designated authority.

9. References:

 ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information technology — Security techniques — Information

security management systems — Requirements
 Relevant organizational policies and procedures

This document is the exclusive property of KPDCL, and its contents must not be communicated
to unauthorized persons or person outside the company without written consent from the CISO.

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