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Carmelite St., Escalante City, Negros Occidental


A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of series and
mathematical induction and the Binomial Theorem.
B. Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to keenly observe and investigate patterns, and
formulate appropriate mathematical statements and prove them using
mathematical induction and/or Binomial Theorem.
C. Learning Competency

The learners illustrate Pascal’s Triangle in the expansion of( x + y )nfor small
positive integral values of n. (STEM_PC11SMI-Ii-2)
D. Specific Learning Outcome
At the end of the 60-minute period, 75% of the students will have 80%
proficiency and will be able to solve the binomial expansion using the Binomial

Binomial theorem, statement that for any positive integer n, the nth power of the
sum of two numbers a and b may be expressed as the sum of n + 1 terms of the

The formula for solving Binomial theorem:

The binomial theorem formula is (a+b)n= ∑nr=0nCr an-rbr, where n is a positive
integer and a, b are real numbers, and 0 < r ≤ n. This formula helps to expand the
binomial expressions such as (x + a)10, (2x + 5)3, (x - (1/x))4, and so on.
The binomial theorem states: If x and y are real numbers, then for all n ∈ N,

(x+y)n = nC0 xny0 + nC1 xn-1y1 + nC2 xn-2 y2 + ... + nCk xn-kyk +....+ nCn x0yn
⇒ (x + y)n = ∑nk=0nCk xn-kyk
where, nCr = n! / [r! (n - r)!]

Value Focus: Accuracy


Materials: Chalk, Manila Paper
ICT: Laptop, TV, Binomial Theorem Pure Math or Binomial Calculator


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Pre Activity:
• Prayer
Before we start our lessons for today, I
would like to ask [student’s name] to Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus
lead us a prayer. Christ, thank you for another life to enjoy,
another day to learn, and a new set of things we
will experience. As we go through our lesson
today, may let us be instruments to do good
things. Help us be obedient, honest, and kind to
one another. Please bless our teacher, and our
classmates. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thank you, [student's name], for
leading us in prayer today.

• Greetings
Good morning/afternoon class!
Good morning/afternoon Sir!
• Checking Attendance
It's time to check your attendance.
…say present… (Students raise their hand and say present as the
teacher calls in their name)
“Class before we start, please pick up
the pieces of paper or plastic under (Students pick up the pieces of paper or plastic)
your chair”

“So, how was your day?”

“HAHAHA that’s good know!” “Still handsome and beautiful sir!”

• Drill
Let us have first a drill.
Directions: Develop the following
square binomials:

1 (2+6)2

2 (3-6)2

3 (4-3)2

4 (1-4)2

5 (7+7)2

• Review/ Recalling of Previous Lesson

Last meeting, we have discussed about
Principle of Mathematical Induction
and how to solve it. So, what is The principle of mathematical induction is
principle of mathematical induction? then: If the integer 0 belongs to the class F and F
is hereditary, every nonnegative integer belongs
to F. Alternatively, if the integer 1 belongs to
the class F and F is hereditary, then every
positive integer belongs to F.
Are there any questions or concerns
you have about our previous lesson?
None Sir!
So, class this is your opportunity to
speak up and make sure you have a
clear understanding of everything we
discuss. I hope this was helpful for
everyone, and that you feel confident
about what we've learned so far. If you
have any additional questions, feel
free to ask me.

B. Motivation
Now that you have no clarifications and
questions, let’s have a short activity.

C. Lesson Proper
Student determine what kind of
1 1
example this, x + a, 2x – 3y, −¿ ,
x x That kind of example we called Binomial
4 expression.
7x- ?

(Very Good) that’s the correct answer!

It’s all about Binomial Sir!
What do you think will be our topic
for today?

Now, that you already know our topic Objective:

for today. Please read the objective At the end of the period, learners will be able to
aloud solve problems involving binomial theorem.
Thank you, everyone. This objective
will serve as our guide in today’s

An expression consisting of two

terms, connected by + or – sign is (Students listen attentively to the discussion)
called a binomial expression

Binomial theorem if a and b are real

numbers and n is a positive integer,
then (a + b)n =nC0 an + nC1 an – 1 b1
+ nC2 an – 2 b2 + ...... + nCr an – r br
+ ... + nCn bn, where nCr =
for 0 ≤ r ≤ n

The general term or (r + 1)th term in

the expansion is given by Tr+1 = nCr an-r

There are some important

observations of a binomial theorem. (Students raise their hands)
Anybody who can volunteer to read?

Yes, (Students Names) kindly read the

number one some important
observations of a binomial theorem. 1. The total number of terms in the binomial
expansion of (a + b)n is n + 1, i.e. one
more than the exponent n.
Yes, (Students Names) kindly read the
number two some important
observations of a binomial theorem 2. In the expansion, the first term is raised to the
power of the binomial and in each subsequent
terms the power of a reduces by one with
simultaneous increase in the power of b by one,
till power of b becomes equal to the power of
binomial, i.e., the power of a is n in the first
term, (n – 1) in the second term and so on
ending with zero in the last term. At the same
time power of b is 0 in the first term, 1 in the
second term and 2 in the third term and so on,
ending with n in the last term.

Yes, (Students Names) kindly read the

number three some important
observations of a binomial theorem 3. In any term the sum of the indices
(exponents) of ‘a’ and ‘b’ is equal to n (i.e., the
power of the binomial).

Yes, (Students Names) kindly read the

number three some important
observations of a binomial theorem
4. The coefficients in the expansion follow a
certain pattern known as pascal’s triangle.

Example of binomial theorem try to

find the rth term in the expansion of
(x+ ¿2r

We have Tr= 2rCr-1(x)2r-r+1( )r-1
= L 2 r
Lr−1 Lr +1
= L2r
Lr−1 Lr +1

Please get a scratch of paper and try to

solve the given example of binomial (Students get a scratch of paper)

I’ll give you 20 mins to expand the

following (1 – x + x2)4? Solution: Put 1 – x = y. Then
(1 – x + x2)4 = (y + x2)4
= 4C0 y4 (x2)0 + 4C1 y3 (x2)1
+ 4C2 y2 (x2)2 + 4C3 y (x2)3 + 4C4 (x2)4
= y4 + 4y3 x2 + 6y2 x4 + 4y x6 + x8
= (1 – x)4 + 4x2 (1 – x)3 + 6x4 (1 – x)2 + 4x6(1 –
x) + x8
(Very Good) that’s the correct answer! = 1 – 4x + 10x2 – 16x3 + 19x4 – 16x5 + 10x6 –
4x7 + x8
Are there any questions or concerns
you have about our lesson today?

None Sir!
So, class this is your opportunity to
speak up and make sure you have a
clear understanding of everything we
discuss. If you have any additional
questions, feel free to ask me.

D. Activity
Now that you have no clarifications and
questions, let us have our group activity.

The students will be divided into groups of

four where each student will identify (Students listen attentively to the instructions)
themselves with their respective strengths,
interest, and experiences.

Activity 1 (Group 1 & 3)

Direction: Expand each expression.
a. Expression 1: (x1+y1) (x2+y2)
b. Expression 2: (x1+y1) (x2+y2) (x3+y3)
c. Expression 3: (x1+y1) (x2+y2) (x3+y3)

Activity 1 (Group 2& 4)

Direction: Expand each expression
a. Find the 4th term from the end in the
expansion of (x2/2-2/x2)9
b. Evaluate: (x2-√ 1−x 2)4 + (x2+√ 1−x 2)4
E. Abstraction

What is the important formula of binomial Some of the most important properties of
theorem? binomial coefficients are: C0 + C1 + C2 + … + Cn
= 2. C0 + C2 + C4 + … = C1 + C3 + C5 + … = 2.
C0 – C1 + C2 – C3 + … +(−1)n .

What is the importance of the binomial The binomial theorem can be used to forecast
theorem? how a country's economy will perform in the
near future. It is quite valuable in terms of
making accurate economic forecasts. Because
we are anticipating the future state of the
economy based on present facts and insights,
this research is also known as Economic

Expand (a + b)5

⟹ (a + b) 5 = an + (51) a5– 1b1 + (5 2) a5 – 2b2 + (53)

a5– 3b3 + (54) a5– 4b4 + b5

= a5 + 5a4b + 10a3b2 + 10a2b3 + 5ab4 + b5

F. Application

Direction: Solve the following using the
Binomial Theorem to expand:

1. (x + y )5
2. (m+n)6

1. x5+5x4y+10x3y2+10x2y3+5xy4+y5
2. m6+6m5n+15m4n2+20m3n3+15m2n4+6mn5+n6
Direction: On your one half crosswise, solve the following:
1. Find the coefficient of x11 in the expansion of x3- 2
p x
2. Find the middle term in the expansion of ( + )9
x p

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