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Course Title: Mastering Google Sheets

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide comprehensive training in Google Sheets, covering

basic to advanced functionalities. Participants will learn how to create, format, analyze,
and visualize data using Google Sheets. The course will also cover collaborative
features and integration with other Google Workspace applications.


10 weeks (20 sessions)

Week 1-2: Introduction to Google Sheets

● Introduction to Google Sheets interface

● Basic spreadsheet navigation
● Entering and editing data
● Formatting cells and data
● Basic formulas and functions (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, IF)

Week 3-4: Intermediate Spreadsheet Skills

● Advanced formatting options (e.g., conditional formatting, custom number

● Managing multiple sheets and workbooks
● Data validation and drop-down lists
● Advanced formulas and functions (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH)
● Working with dates and times

Week 5-6: Data Analysis and Visualization

● Sorting and filtering data

● Pivot tables and pivot charts
● Using charts and graphs for data visualization
● Data analysis tools (e.g., Goal Seek, Solver)
● Importing data from external sources (e.g., CSV files, Google Forms)

Week 7-8: Collaboration and Sharing

● Sharing and collaborating on spreadsheets

● Commenting and suggesting changes
● Version history and revision tracking
● Protecting sheets and ranges
● Using Google Sheets in conjunction with Google Drive and other Google
Workspace apps

Week 9-10: Advanced Topics and Customization

● Scripting with Google Apps Script

● Automating tasks with macros and add-ons
● Advanced data manipulation techniques
● Customizing Google Sheets with Apps Script and add-ons
● Best practices for efficient spreadsheet management


● Weekly quizzes and assignments

● Mid-term and final projects involving real-world data analysis and reporting
● Participation in collaborative exercises and discussions


● Google Sheets Help Center

● Online tutorials and guides
● Recommended reading materials and videos


● Basic computer literacy

● Familiarity with spreadsheets (preferred but not required)

Note: This syllabus is subject to change based on the instructor's discretion and the
needs of the participants.

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