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Prenat Diagn 2002; 22: 111–113.

DOI: 10.1002 / pd.254

Fetal, neonatal cord, and maternal plasma concentrations of

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Thomas Walther1*, Renaldo Faber2, Björn Maul3, Heinz-Peter Schultheiss1, Wolf-E. Siems3 and Holger Stepan2
Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Institute of Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, Germany

Objectives Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a component of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS),

catalyses the degradation of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. It was the aim of the present study to measure
ACE activity in human fetal blood and to determine its changes with advancing gestational age.

Methods Fetal blood was sampled by cordocentesis from six control fetuses and six fetuses with Rh
isoimmunisation. Cord blood was sampled from six preterm neonates, 15 neonates after spontaneous
delivery at term and six neonates at term after caesarean section. In addition, maternal ACE values were
determined. ACE activity was measured using the miniaturised fluorimetric method.

Results In normal fetuses (13.31t1.41 nmol HL/min/ml) and fetuses with Rh isoimmunisation
(13.08t2.00 nmol HL/min/ml) ACE activity was significantly higher than in corresponding maternal
plasma (10.39t0.93 nmol HL/min/ml, p<0.05). Neonatal cord blood of preterm newborns
(10.43t0.69 nmol HL/min/ml) and term newborns (8.99t0.49 nmol HL/min/ml) showed a significantly
decreased ACE activity compared to the fetal controls.

Conclusion We conclude that the high fetal ACE activity and the stringent regulation with advancing
gestational age indicate the physiological importance of the enzyme during prenatal development.
Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDS: angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE); Rh isoimmunisation; peplidase activity; cordocentesis

INTRODUCTION RAS, including ACE, in the fetoplacental unit that is

involved in the modulation of placental perfusion and
The role of endogenous vasoactive peptides as fetal haemodynamics.
regulators of cardiac function in health and disease is Rat fetuses showed higher ACE plasma concentra-
an emerging area of fetal cardiovascular research. tions compared to maternal values (Peleg et al., 1988),
Components of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS) whereas previous reports on fetal ACE concentration
have been found to change during ontogenesis in during gestation are conflicting. In humans, premature
humans and animals. Since these variations occur in infants show a higher ACE activity compared to term
the prenatal and postnatal period, this system has a infants (Bender et al., 1978). At present, there are no
relevant adaptive function during fetal development data available on ACE plasma concentration in
and after birth. human fetal blood and its changes during gestation
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), an impor- and under pathological conditions. The aim of the
tant component of the RAS, is a dipeptidyl carbo- present study was the measurement of plasma ACE
xypeptidase and catalyses the degradation of the activity in normal and Rh isoimmunised fetuses as well
decapeptide angiotensin I (A I) to the octapeptide as in neonatal cord blood of preterm and term
angiotensin II (A II), a potent vasopressor, at the newborns and maternal plasma.
histidyl-leucine (His-Leu) dipeptide. Although the lung
is the major site for the conversion of A I to A II,
plasma ACE activity can be measured and reflects the METHODS
production of ACE in vascular endothelial cells and
the catalytic activity of this enzyme in the peripheral Fetal blood samples (1 ml) were collected from six
circulation. anaemic fetuses with Rh isoimmunisation without
A number of studies provide evidence for an active hydrops (mean gestational age 30 weeks, range
27–32 weeks; mean haematocrit<0.30). Blood samples
were also obtained from six fetuses undergoing
*Correspondence to: T. Walther, University Hospital Benjamin
Franklin, Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Free Uni- cordocentesis for maternal infection but in whom
versity of Berlin, Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin, Germany. fetal infection had been excluded (mean gestational
E-mail: age 21 weeks, range 20–23 weeks); these were used as a

Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received: 3 May 2001
Revised: 3 August 2001
Accepted: 14 August 2001

reference group (control). In addition, blood of all

pregnant women was collected (n=12).
Neonatal cord blood was sampled from six preterm
neonates (mean gestational age 34 weeks, range
30–35 weeks) after spontaneous preterm delivery, 15
neonates at term after normal spontaneous delivery
(mean gestational age 39 weeks, range 37–41 weeks).
Additionally, cord blood was taken from six neonates
after elective caesarean section (mean gestational age
38 weeks, range 37–40 weeks). Cord blood was sampled
from the umbilical vein immediately after separation
from the placenta. In parallel, blood of the corres-
ponding mothers was taken. The maternal groups did
not differ in age or parity. Pregnant women with
cardiovascular disorders, diabetes mellitus or anti-
hypertensive treatment were excluded. Informed
consent was obtained. Approval of the study was
obtained from the medical, scientific and ethical Figure 1 — ACE activity (in nmol HL/min/ml) is shown as meant
committees of the University of Leipzig. SEM for fetal (black bars) and corresponding maternal (gray bars)
All blood samples were drawn into tubes containing plasma at different time points of gestation. *p<0.05 vs fetal
control; # vs corresponding maternal control; § vs preterm
citrate solution. Immediately after sampling, plasma
was separated by centrifugation at 4000 g for 10 min
and frozen at x80uC. ACE was measured according newborns (8.99t0.49 nmol HL/min/ml, p<0.05 vs
to a miniaturised fluorimetric method (Friedland and preterm newborns).
Silverstein, 1976). In brief, 25 ml plasma were incu- Plasma ACE activity of cord blood of neonates
bated for 180 min with 20 ml (0.025 M) Hip-His-Leu at term (spontaneous delivery 9.08t0.57 nmol HL/
as substrate at 37uC in a chloride-containing phos- min/ml vs caesarean section 8.59t0.98 nmol HL/min/
phate buffer (pH 8.3). To prevent the degradation of ml) and of the mothers (spontaneous delivery 9.96t
His-Leu by aminopeptidases, 10 ml bestatin (10x3 M) 0.75 nmol HL/min/ml vs caesarean section 9.52t
were added. The final volume was 250 ml per tube. The 0.83 nmol HL/min/ml) did not depend on the mode
reaction was stopped by addition of 1 ml 0.4 M NaOH. of delivery.
Maternal ACE activity was equal between pregnant
The fluorescence was developed by reaction of
women and women after delivery.
produced His-Leu with freshly prepared 2% meth-
anolic o-phthalaldehyde solution (100 ml/tube). Exactly
10 min later, the formation of fluorescence was fixed
by acidification with 300 ml 2M HCl. The suspension DISCUSSION
was centrifuged at 10 000 g and the fluorescence was
measured at 500/365 nm (Perkin-Elmer fluorimeter). The ontogeny of the fetal RAS has been investigated
As standardisation reagent His-Leu was used. Con- in experimental animals. At present, there is a great
trols of specificity were carried out for each probe number of studies suggesting that the RAS is
with 10x6 M of the specific ACE inhibitor, lisinopril. important in cardiovascular control before birth. For
Results are expressed as meantstandard error of example, cord blood concentrations of angiotensin II
mean (SEM). Statistical comparisons were made by after delivery exceed maternal concentrations of this
one-way analysis of the variance and Tukey HSD test. effector molecule (Pipkin and Symonds, 1977) indicat-
Statistical significance was considered as p<0.05. ing an activated fetal RAS.
The present study is the first to show ACE activity
in human fetal blood. In human fetuses, ACE activity
is significantly higher compared to the maternal
RESULTS circulation. A higher ACE activity in the fetus has
been reported previously from other species (Peleg
ACE activity was detectable in all blood samples and et al., 1988; Forhead et al., 1998) and indicates the
was significantly higher in normal fetuses than in functional importance of the RAS in the fetal
corresponding maternal plasma (13.31t1.41 nmol HL/ organism. Since the fetal metabolic clearance rate of
min/ml vs 10.39t0.93 nmol HL/min/ml, p<0.05; angiotensin II (ANG II) is about ten-fold higher than
Figure 1). Rh isoimmunisation did not affect ACE maternal (Rosenfeld et al., 1995), reflecting a great
activity (13.08t2.00 nmol HL/min/ml). placental capacity of ANG II removal, the high fetal
Neonatal cord blood of preterm newborns showed ACE activity contributes to the early functioning of
a significantly decreased ACE activity compared to the RAS prior to birth.
the fetal controls (10.43t0.69 nmol HL/min/ml), but Fetuses with Rh isoimmunisation that are charac-
no significant difference in maternal ACE activity terised by a hyperdynamic circulation due to fetal
(9.88t0.52 nmol HL/min/ml). A further significant anaemia show no differences in ACE activity to
decrease of ACE activity was measured in term control fetuses. Since hypotension is relatively

Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat Diagn 2002; 22: 111–113.

common in anaemia secondary to Rh alloimmunisa- plasma ACE activity either in maternal or in cord
tion (Phibbs et al., 1976), a possible stimulation of the blood. Since cardiovascular and endocrine factors
RAS system is obviously not achieved by a higher during normal labour or obstetric analgesia have no
ACE activity. Moreover, it has been documented that effect on fetal and maternal plasma ACE activity, the
hypoxaemia also stimulates the RAS in human enzyme seems to be well controlled in the peripheral
neonates at delivery (Tetlow and Broughton Pipkin, circulation. Therefore, abnormal maternal ACE activ-
1983). However, the fetuses investigated in the present ity could be a clear indicator of maternal or fetal
study showed anaemia but not hypoxaemia. Thus, the pathology.
blood gas tension in fetuses with Rh isoimmunisation
should not trigger the RAS system.
Furthermore, the present study shows a dependency ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of the fetal ACE activity on gestational age with a
decline during fetal maturation. Data on ontogenic This research was supported by a grant (WA 1441/1)
changes of the ACE activity during fetal development from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
are conflicting. In the sheep fetus, plasma ACE
increases towards term (Forhead et al., 1998). This
also occurs in the fetal guinea pig, with values at term
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Copyright # 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat Diagn 2002; 22: 111–113.

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