Beneteau-Burnat B - Serum ACE in Healthy and Sarcoidotic Children - Comparison With Reference Intervals For Adults

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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.

New York: UNipub hormone-secreting pituitary tumor: biosynthetic characterization

1978:469-504. and clinical studies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987;64:536-42.
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follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and progester- alpha subunit of glycoprotein hormones by pituitary adenomas.
Ibid. 1976;43:97-106.
one in the normal menstrual cycle. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 26. Rosen SW, Weintraub BD. Ectopic production of the isolated
1969;29:12-9. alpha subunit of the glycoprotein hormones. A quantitative
23. MacFarlane IA, Beardwell CG, Shalet SM, Ainslie-Green, marker in certain cases of cancer.Ibid. 1974;290:1441-7.
Rankin E. Glycoprotein hormone alpha subunit secretion in pa- 27. Quigley MM, Tyrey L, Hammond CB. Utility of assay of alpha
tients with pituitary adenomas: influence of TRH, LRH, and subunit of human choriomcgonadotropinin management of gas-

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bromocriptine. Acts Endocrinol (Copenhagen) 1982;99:489-92. tational trophoblastic malignancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol
24. Klibanski A, Deutsch PJ, Jameson JL, et al. Luteinizing 1980;138:545-9.

CLIN. CHEM. 36/2, 344-346 (1990)

Serum Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Healthy and Sarcoidotic Children: Comparison

with the Reference Interval for Adults
B. B#{233}nOteau-Burnat,
B. Baudin, G. Morgant, F. Ch. Baumann,t and J. Giboudeau

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured in determined for several enzymatic assays (2,3),but little is
serum of 187 healthy children between the ages six months known about the reference values for serum of children,
and 18 years. Results were pooled for five-year age intervals even though sarcoidosis has been widely described in
and compared with the reference values for adults that we children and young adults (4, 5). The substrate N-[3-
previously determined [din Chem 1986;32:884-6). Results (2-furyl)acryloyl]-L-phenylalanyl-L-glycyl-L-glycine (FAPGG)
for each age group were also studied as a function of sex. permits kinetic assays of ACE activity. We previously
Children had higher ACE activities in serum than did adults reported an automated determination of serum ACE activ-
(P <0.001), but these activities were age-related only from ity based on use of this substrate with a discrete analyzer
age four to 18 years. Adolescents showed sex-related differ- and demonstrated the reliability, rapidity, and simplicity
ences, with higher serum ACE activities in boys than in girls of the assay that makes it suitable for routine use and for
(P <0.05). Both sex- and age-related differences may be clinical investigations of ACE (6).
related to a steroid hormonal regulation of ACE biosynthesis. In the present study, using the same enzymic assay, we
We also verified that children with sarcoidosis (n = 20) had measured ACE in serum of 187 healthy children, ages six
significantly increased serum ACE activity. Such physiologi- months to 18 years, to determine whether there were age-
cal variations in serum ACE activity must be taken into and sex-related differences in the normal reference inter-
account for diagnosing sarcoidosis in children, for following vaL
the course of the disease, and for evaluating the accuracy of
therapy. Subjects and Methods
Subjects. We obtained serum samples from 187 appar-
Additional Keyphrasea: sex- and age-relatedeffects pediatric ently healthy children (95 girls, 92 boys) during a consul-
chemistry steroids monitoring therapy hypertension
tation for routine health control in the Center of Preventive
enzyme activity Medicine of Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (ages six months to four
years) and the Pediatry Medical Center of Paris 12 (ages
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; EC, four to 18 years). We arbitrarily grouped the 187 subjects
dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I) catalyzes the conversion of into five-year age intervals. We also studied the results for
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasopressor, and each group according to sex.
inactivates bradykinin, a vasodilator. Thus it is important We also collected sera from 20 children with active
in homeostasis of blood pressure. ACE is primarily synthe- sarcoidosis confirmed by clinical findings plus a positive
sized by endothelial cells but also by macrophages under biopsy (Department of Pediatric Pneumology, Trousseau
certain conditions of stimulation-e.g., in the course of Hospital, Paris).
sarcoidosis. Determination of ACE activity in serum or Determination oIACE in serum. ACE activity was deter-
plasma is of particular interest in the diagnosis of clinically mined according to the automated method previously do-
active sarcoidosis and the management of the disease after scribed, with FAPGG as the substrate (6). One unit (1 U) of
corticotherapy or without drug treatment (1,2).Reference ACE activity is the amount of enzyme that hydrolyzes 1
intervals for ACE in serum of human adults have been lLmol of FAPGG per minute at 37#{176}C.
Data analysis. For statistical comparison we used Stu-
dent’s t-test for non-paired data.
Laboratoire de Biochimie A, H#{244}pital
Saint-Antoine, 184, rue du
Fbg. St.-Antoine, 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France. Results
t DeceasedSeptember 1988.
Received August 9, 1989;accepted October 19, 1989. Table 1 summarizes the ACE activity in serum of

344 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1990

and in those with sarcoidosis, but little is known about
Table 1. Variations of ACE Activity in Serum of physiological sex- and age-related differences for this en-
Healthy Children as a Function of Age and in zyme in children. We previously reported a reference inter-
Comparison with Healthy Adults val for serum ACE activity in normal adults, enzyme
Serum ACE activity being determined by an automated kinetic method
Age group (years) n (mean ± SD), U/I
with FAPGG as the substrate. There was no significant
0.5-2 40 109 ± 33 difference either by age or by sex in adults, but we noticed
2-4 47 100 ± 30 higher values in newborns, premature infants being no

Downloaded from by University of Cape Town Libraries user on 13 February 2020
4-9 31 124 ± 428 different from full-term infants. Now we show that serum
9-13 38 138 ± 47b ACE activity is returned to the adult value in six-month-
13-18 15 boys 126 ± old infants and is stabilized at this concentration until the
16 girls 102 ± 30 age of four years. Then, serum ACE gradually increases
Children (<18) 187 118 ± 30b until puberty; afterward, it decreases during adolescence to
Adults(>18) 156 100 ± 35C again reach adult values, but ACE activity stays at high
aD Significantlydifferentfrom the adult values: 8 P <0.01; b p <#{216}#{216}values for a longer time in boys than in girls.
CFrom reference 6. Our results are comparable with those reported by Ro-
driguez et al. (5), who found higher values for normal
children than for adults but no age- or sex-related differ-
healthy children as compared with the reference interval in ences. This discrepancy could be explained by the fact that
adults (6). they used another substrate, hippuryl-histidyl-leucine, in a
Overall, the children had higher mean serum ACE less sensitive assay.
activity than did adults: 118 (SD 30) vs 100 (SD 35) UIL. The high ACE activities determined in serum from
A more detailed analysis, however, demonstrated an newborns have been explicated as the consequence of the
age-related dependence. Between six months and four rapid development of lung capillaries after parturition (7),
years we observed no difference; from four years to 13 capillary endothelial cells being the principal source of
years, serum ACE progressively increased; after 13 years, circulating ACE. This phenomenon cannot explain the
serum ACE gradually decreased until it reached values for increased ACE values between four and 18 years. Rather,
adults. Furthermore, between 13 and 18 years, a sex- such an increment may be related to a hormonal regulation
related difference was apparent: serum ACE decreased to of ACE synthesis, because it is well known that hormones
normal adult values faster in girls (102 ± 30 UIL) than in from the renal cortical and thyroid glands can stimulate
boys (126 ± 34 UIL) (P <0.05) (Figure 1). ACE biosynthesis, as shown in in vivo studies (8) as well as
We also verified statistically significant (P <0.01) high in vitro in cultures of endothelial cells (8, 9). On the other
serum ACE activity in subjects with sarcoidosis, both in hand, the difference encountered between boys and girls
adults (n = 15, 220 ± 48 UIL) and in children (n = 20, 200 during puberty may be related more specifically to a steroid
± 30 U/L). However, the difference between the sarcoidotic hormonal regulation of ACE synthesis. Testicular and
adults and the sarcoidotic children was not significant. epididymal ACE are known to develop at puberty and
depend on pituitary function (10). In particular,the devel-
Discussion opment during puberty and the maintenance during adult-
Serum ACE has been widely studied in normal adults hood of testicular ACE require the presence of an intact
pituitary gland, and thus they are under endocrinological
8 8 U) U) UI control (11).
L I. L
8 18 (8 18 (5
dl U) 8 8 8,

In conclusion, the high ACE activities frequently en-
countered in serum from boys four years to 18 years old and
from girls four years to 13 years old must be taken into
d fd C, account for diagnosing sarcoidosis and monitoring therapy
in this disease.

1. Lieberman J. Elevation of serum angiotensin-converting en-
150 - zyme (ACE) level in sarcoidosis. Am J Med 1975;59:365-72.
2. Lieberman J. The specificity and nature of serum angiotensin-
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sin-converting enzyme in serum. Clin Chem 1983;29:1093-6.
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of renin, angiotensin I and II, angiotensin-converting enzyme and
50 - NS NS NS NS p.O5 aldosterone in infancy and childhood. Eur J Pediatr 1983;141:3-7.
5. Rodriguez GE, Shimb C, Abernaty RS, Kending EL. Serum
angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in normal children and in
those with sarcoidosis. J Pediatr 1981;99:68-72.
6. B#{233}n#{233}teau
B, Baudin B, Morgant C, Giboudeau J, Baumann
- Boys
FCh. Automated kinetic assay of angiotensin-converting enzyme
in serum. Clin Chem 1986;32:884-6.
- - Ciris 7. Pitt B, Lister G, Davies P, Reid L. Correlation of pulmonary
Fig. 1. Comparison of serum ACE actMty (U/L, y.axis) between the ACE activity and capillary surface area during postnatal develop-
different age-groups, by sex ment. Am J Physiol 1987;161:2031-41.

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1990 345

8. Mendelsohn FAO, Lloyd CJ, Kachel C, Funder JW. Glucocor- 10. Strittmatter SM, Thiele EA, De Souza EB, Snyder SH. An-
ticoid induction of angiotensin-converting enzyme production from giotensin-converting enzyme in the testis and epididymis: differ-
bovine endothelial cells in culture and rat lung in vivo. Clin Exp ential development and pituitary regulation of isozymes. Endocri-
nology 1985;117:1374-9.
Pharmacol Physiol 1982;Suppl 7:57-62. 11. Velletri PA, Aquilano DR, Bruckwick E, Tsai-Morris CH,
9. Krulewitz AH, Baur WE, Fanburg BL. Hormonal influence on Dufau ML, Lovenberg W. Endocrinological control and cellular
endothelial cell angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Am J localization of rat testicular angiotensin-converting enzyme (EC
Physiol1984;247:C163-8. Endocrinology 1985;116:2516-22.

Downloaded from by University of Cape Town Libraries user on 13 February 2020
CL1N.CHEM. 36/2, 346-348 (1990)

Aminotransferase as a Prognostic Index in Infants with Liver Disease

Philip Rosenthal’ and Michael Haight

To assess the utility of the serum aspartate aminotrans- been reported in adult patients with alcoholic liver disease
ferase/alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) ratio in a group (5, 6).

of infants with liver disorders, we retrospectively analyzed the In an attempt to identify an easily measured and reliable
charts of 73 infants with chronic liver disorders. Patients were index that would assist in the early evaluation of infants
with liver disorders and offer a prognostic guide to their
considered as having either a good outcome (n = 40) or a
outcome, we assessed the utility of the AST/ALT ratio in
poor outcome (n = 33), based upon the clinical course. AST
the serum of a group of such infants.
and ALT in serum were measured simultaneously at the time
of initial presentation and at various follow-up visits during Patients and Methods
the first 13 months after birth. At presentation (mean age
We retrospectively analyzed the charts of 73 infants with
1.65 months), there was no difference in the AST/ALT ratios
chronic liver disorders, who had been referred to our
between the good (1.61 ± 0.62; mean ± SD) and poor (1.65 division for evaluation and treatment between October
± 0.78) outcome groups (P = 0.81). However, over time, the 1976 and September 1988. Diagnoses were confirmed on
AST/ALT ratio increased in patients in the poor-outcome the basis of appropriate clinical, microbiological, radiolog-
group and decreased in patients in the good-outcome group. ical, biochemical, and histological criteria. The study pop-
Calculating the AST/ALT ratio appears to be an easy, early, ulation included 42 infants with extrahepatic biliary
and reliable prognostic indicator for infants with hepatic atresia, 12 infants with cytomegalovirus (CMV) hepatitis,
disease, and may be a useful measure for evaluating liver- 11 with idiopathic neonatal hepatitis, six with alpha-
disease patients. 1-antitrypsin deficiency liver disease, and two with arterio-
hepatic dysplasia (Alagille’s syndrome). There were 39
Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric boys and 34 girls.
liver disorders have markedly improved survival rates for Patients were assigned to either a good-outcome (n = 40)
children with liver disease (1).Unfortunately, a substan- or poor-outcome (n = 33) group, based on their clinical
tial number of children continue to die from complications course. Poor outcome was defined as evidence of cirrhosis,
of their primary hepatic pathology while awaiting liver portal hypertension, esophageal varices, ascites, liver
transplantation. Given the limited number of donor organs, transplantation, or death. Patients in the good-outcome
identification of the infants at greatest risk who might group had no signs of chronic liver disease or any of the
benefit from earlier hepatic transplantation could be of findings used to define a poor outcome. Follow-up assess-
considerable utility. ments were made from three months to 10 years later
The ratio between aspartate aminotransferase (AST, EC (mean 23 months). and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, EC, AST and ALT activity concentrations were measured
AST/ALT, has been found to be a useful indicator of hepatic simultaneously in serum of each patient at the time of
disease in adults (2).In adult patients with nonalcoholic initial presentation and at various intervals at follow-up
liver disease, an AST/ALT ratio increasing to >1.0 sug- visits with an automated procedure (Abbott Bichromatic
gests cirrhosis, whereas a ratio <1.0 is usually seen in Analyzer, ABA-100; Abbott Labs., Abbott Park, IL) in our
patients with chronic hepatitis, survivors of acute viral clinical chemistry laboratory under standard laboratory
hepatitis, and patients with chronic cholestatic syndromes conditions (7). The serum AST/ALT ratios during the first
(2-5). An AST/ALT activity concentration ratio >2.0 has 13 postnatal months were calculated from these serial
values. We used Student’s t-test (two-tailed) to compare
values obtained for the two groups.
Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Department of This study was approved by the Committee on Clinical
Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, University of South- Investigations and Publications of the Childrens Hospital
ern California School of Medicine,Los Angeles,CA 90027. of Los Angeles.
‘Address correspondence: Department of Pediatrics, Cedars-
Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd., Suite 4310, Los Ange- Results
les, CA 90048-1869.
Received September 15, 1989; accepted October 24, 1989. For the good-outcome group, serum AST values ranged

346 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1990

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