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Title : Bahasa Inggris 1/Dasar Task Meeting 10

Name : Nicolas Simorangkir

NIM : 17230790

Campus Branch : UBSI CILEDUG

Date : 24 NOPEMBER 2023

Please choose whether the word below is countable (C) or uncountable (UC).

Water (C/UC)

Sand (C/UC)

Lemons (C/UC)

Rice (C/UC)

Book (C/UC)

Snow (C/UC)

Traffic (C/UC)

Bird (C/UC)

Intelligence (C/UC)

Hair (C/UC)

City (C/UC)

Homework (C/UC)

Parrot (C/UC)

Oil (C/UC)

Tree (C/UC)

Choose the best option from the sentence below.

Mathematics (IS/ARE) my favourite subject

Wood (COME/COMES) from trees.

Her advice (WAS/WERE) useful.

The news (IS/ARE) being broadcast by all TV stations.

Your furniture (IS/ARE) so tasteful.

Butter (CONTAIN/CONTAINS a lot of fat.

Your hair (IS/ARE) so shiny.

Japanese (IS/ARE) difficult to learn

Dali's works (IS/ARE) on display in Madrid.

The peoples of Europe (IS/ARE) hoping for a change.

This company (HAVE/HAS) six branches all over Europe.

That jewellery really (SUIT/SUITS) you.

Your scales (IS/ARE) not very accurate.

Measles (IS/ARE) highly infectious.

The staircase (IS/ARE) too steep for my grandmother to climb.

Flu (MAKE/MAKES) you feel miserable.

A loaf of bread (COST/COSTS) more now than it did ten years ago.

My favourite pyjamas (IS/ARE) the ones with the red stripes.

Gravity (PULL/PULLS) things towards the earth.

Your trousers (GO/GOES) nicely with your shirt.

1. Below are verbs related to asking and giving directions except...

A. Turn left
B. Turn right
C. Go straight D. Choose one.

2. A room is located in the middle of two other rooms. What is the right preposition for that
A. Between
B. Beside
C. Behind
D. In front of

3. The Principals' room is located next to the toilet. It means that the principal's room is ....
the toilet.

A. Between
B. Beside
C. Behind
D. In front of
4. "Di depan" in English is...
A. Between
B. Beside
C. In front of
D. Behind

5. If you want to know the location of the library, what should you say?
A. I want to know the library
B. Can you tell me where the library is?
C. I can give you the direction to the library.
D. I don't know

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