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VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.

MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.

Cordillera Career Development College

College of Teacher Education
Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet
Tel. No.: (074) 422-2221/ Email:

Vision: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.

Mission: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible and
inclusive learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible
global citizens and leaders.
Date: September 4, 3023

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of African literature

as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading
styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of
meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered
orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in
mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Learning Competency / Competencies:
EN7LT-I-b-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the
theme of a particular literary selection

At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the different elements of a story;
b. Appreciate the use of element of the story in the material viewed; and
c. Use the elements of a story in .


Topic: Slang and Colloquial Expressions
Reference: Quipper Study Guides: Grade 7 Unit 2 Slang and Colloquial

Study Guides
VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.

White Board Markers

a. Preparation
-Checking attendance

b. Motivation
“Story Writing”
Instruction: The students are going to write a story by starting once upon a
time. Give one minute to write the story after one minute they will pass it
to their groupmates to continue until they finished the story. Choose each
representative to read the story that they write.

c. Lesson Proper
1. Character
-a person or an animal who does the actions in the literary work

The following terms are useful for describing characters:

a) Protagonist
-main character in the story
b) Antagonist
-character who struggles against the main character
c) Major Character
-one who plays important role in the literary text
d) Minor Character
-one who plays a lesser role
2. Setting
-the time and place in written work of prose happens
-often revealed through description of the landscape, scenery,
buildings, furniture, seasons, or weather

3. Mood and atmosphere

VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.

-the emotion created in the reader by a piece of writing

-created through descriptions of the setting, characters, and events

4. Conflict
-a struggle between two or more people, things, or concept in a literary
a) Man vs. man
-protagonist might struggle against the antagonist
b) Man vs. nature
-against the forces of nature
c) Man vs. society
-against a larger group of people
d) Man vs. self
-against a part of himself or herself
5. Plot
-a series of events related to central conflict or struggle
Series of Events
a) Exposition-talks about the setting and introduce the characters
b) Rising action- the event that introduces the central conflict or
c) Climax-the point of highest interest and suspense
d) Falling action-the part in which the story’s loose ends are tied
e) Resolution/denouement- point at which the central conflict or
struggle is ended, or in some cases, causes another inciting
incident which leads to another story.

The plot is usually illustrated by Freytag Pyramid:

VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.

6. Theme
-a central idea in a literary work

d. Activity
Answer the following questions:
1. It is a type of conflict wherein the protagonist might struggle against
the antagonist.
-man vs. man
2. It is the emotion created in the reader by a piece of writing.
3. It is often revealed through the description of landscape, scenery,
furniture, seasons, or weather.
4. It is a series of events related to a central conflict or struggle.
5. It is a series of events that introduces the central conflict or struggle.
-rising action
6. It is a series of events that introduces the characters.
7. A person or animal who does the action in the story.

b. Generalization
-Ask the students to organize the information based on the material viewed and let
them give its importance relating it to real situations.

Instruction: Read the story entitled “How Wisdom Became The Property Of The
Human Race” silently and answer the following questions provided.

There once lived, in Fanti-land, a man named Father Anansi. He possessed all the
wisdom in the world. People came to him daily for advice and help.

One day the men of the country were unfortunate enough to offend Father Anansi,
who immediately resolved to punish them. After much thought he decided that the
VISION: The center of quality education for culturally diverse and global learners.
MISSION: Deliver quality education and services through holistic, accessible, and inclusive
learning experiences sustaining culturally sensitive and responsible global citizens and learners.

severest penalty he could inflict would be to hide all his wisdom from them. He set to
work at once to gather again all that he had already given. When he had succeeded, as
he thought, in collecting it, he placed all in one great pot. This he carefully sealed,
and determined to put it in a spot where no human being could reach it.

Now, Father Anansi had a son, whose name was Kweku Tsin. This boy began to
suspect his father of some secret design, so he made up his mind to watch carefully.
The next day he saw his father quietly slip out of the house, with his precious pot
hung round his neck. Kweku Tsin followed. Father Anansi went through the forest till
he had left the village far behind. Then, selecting the highest and most inaccessible-
looking tree, he began to climb. The heavy pot, hanging in front of him, made his
ascent almost impossible. Again and again, he tried to reach the top of the tree, where
he intended to hang the pot. There, he thought, Wisdom would indeed be beyond the
reach of everyone but himself. He was unable, however, to carry out his desire. At
each trial the pot swung in his way.
For some time Kweku Tsin watched his father’s vain attempts. At last, unable to
contain himself any longer, he cried out: “Father, why do you not hang the pot on
your back? Then you could easily climb the tree.”
Father Anansi turned and said: “I thought I had all the world’s wisdom in this pot.
But I find you possess more than I do. All my wisdom was insufficient to show me
what to do, yet you have been able to tell me.” In his anger he threw the pot down. It
struck on a great rock and broke. The wisdom contained in it escaped and spread
throughout the world.
1) Who are the characters in the story?
2) Describe the setting of the story?
3) What is the conflict in the story?
4) Explain the climax.
5) How would you describe the general mood of the story?
6) What is the theme?
7) How did father Anansi hang the pot of wisdom? Where is he bringing the pot?
8) What was the realization of Father Anansi about wisdom?

Observed by: Checked by:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperative Teacher

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