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In the first three sessions of "Personal Effectiveness Management" with

Professor Ekta Chauhan on October 10, 2023, I started my new semester of

PGPM. This subject doesn't involve midterm or final exams, focusing more on
class activities. It's exciting to learn directly from Prof. Ekta. I've decided to
maintain a journal for this class.
Key takeaways from the sessions are :
1. Learning how to enhance my reading, speaking, listening, and writing
2. Understanding the influence of people in my life through the concept of the
'Circle of Influence.'
Now, let's address the questions:
Q1. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Ans: I would define myself as creative, patient, and independent.
Q2. Ask yourself if your personality has changed since childhood? How?
Ans: Over time, my personality has evolved, with some positive changes that set
me apart from my childhood self. I appreciate these changes.
Q3. Is your personality like either of your parents?
Ans: Yes, I have a personality that shares similarities with both of my parents.
Q4. Which quality do you most admire about yourself?
Ans: I greatly admire my unwavering determination and focus when I commit to a
Q5. Which qualities do you want to get rid of?
Ans: One specific quality I'd like to change is my tendency to overthink
unnecessary ideas repeatedly, making it hard to let go of them.
Q6. What is your biggest weakness?
Ans : My biggest weakness is my strong craving for sweets. Once I start eating
them, it's challenging to stop.
Q7. What is my biggest strength?
Ans: My greatest strength is my ability to stay committed and complete tasks
with full dedication.
Q8. What is my biggest fear?
Ans: I don't have significant fears, but I'm concerned about inadvertently causing
harm or putting someone in a negative situation due to my actions.

Today, on 17th October,2023 I had my new PEM sessions and learned a new thing about
myself. I had a personality test on myself. Organized by our faculty to make us know about our

Then there was another activity which was held, where we have to mention our “Success &
For me Success - “It is the dream I dreamed, that I have achieved & through those I made my
loved ones proud”.
For me Happiness – “The inner Peace for me & financial freedom”

1.) Do you have a realistic image of yourself? On the grid, place a check in the first column if the
statement represents what you think you are like. In the second column, check statements that
represent what others think of you. In the third column, check statements that represent what
you hope will someday be true for you


1. In a conversation with a trusted friend or counselor, discuss the following questions and write
your responses.What are your special talents and abilities?
A.) I am focused, I learn new things quickly, hardworking + smart working, good at
understanding and listening, try to find new ideas.

What events in your life seem to conflict with your ideal self-image?
A.) In my ideal life I want to be more of a person with financial freedom, and lately I am not
working accordingly, but now from past 1-2 months I am more focused on it.

What would you like to change or improve about yourself?

A.) There are several things I am focusing on changing are my bad habits and improving are
things are those on which I lack, and require a bit more improvement.

What talents and abilities do you hope to develop?

A.) Be good at fluent communication, gaining more and more confident, and learning new things

2. Think about a time when you received praise. Also, think about a time when you received
constructive criticism. How did you interpret this information? Did you take criticism in the same
way that you took praise?
A.) I want to talk about time when I got results of my 12 class. So, I got 82% well I got praised
for it for a small duration of period, but soon it changed to be giving criticism to it would have
been better or I would have put more focus on it. Weel at that time I didn’t take the criticism as
same as praise, but later on I got the point of criticism.

3. Describe a situation in which you have seen someone criticized or reprimanded in a hurtful
way. How did that person react? What was your reaction?
A.) I am not able to recall any situation like this.

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