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Dear Rhowny's Parents,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update on
Rhowny's progress in our English lessons. Throughout this past October, Rhowny has
been an exemplary student, showing a strong commitment to learning English
fluently. In our lessons, we focused on various important topics, including possessive
pronouns and possessive adjectives. Rhowny has demonstrated a clear understanding
of these concepts. Additionally, we delved into modal verbs, specifically the use of
"can," and Rhowny has been using them effectively. One of the highlights of the
month was our comprehensive study and practice of Unit 6. To ensure a deep
understanding of each key word, we incorporated exercises such as writing each word
10 times, engaging in spelling bees, and practicing pronunciation for each word.
Rhowny has shown dedication and a willingness to excel. Furthermore, we explored
the use of articles, including identifying when to use "a," "an," and "the." Rhowny's
progress in this area has been notable. Overall, Rhowny's dedication, enthusiasm, and
strong work ethic have made October a highly productive month for language
learning. I look forward to continuing our journey towards English proficiency in the
coming months.

Sincerely, Kevin

Dear Rhwoah’s Parents,

I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that Rhwoah has been
making excellent progress in their English lessons this past October. They have been
actively participating and showing a keen interest in learning. We have spent the
month studying Unit 6, which focuses on possessive pronouns and adjectives, as well
as modal verbs using “can”. To reinforce understanding, we added exercises such as
writing each word 10 times, conducting spelling bees, and practicing pronunciation
for each word. Furthermore, we’ve studied the use of articles “a”, “an”, and “the”, and
Rhwoah has shown a good grasp of these concepts. I am confident that with continued
effort, Rhwoah’s English proficiency will continue to grow.
Best Regards, Kevin
Dear Kai’s parents,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about Kai’s progress in
his English language studies. Over the past month, he has been following the lessons
diligently and has been very active in learning the language fluently.
Kai has been studying adjectives such as “great” and “young”, as well as prepositions
such as “by the map” and “at the desks”. He has also been learning affirmative and
negative forms of verbs such as “isn’t” and “aren’t”, and has been practicing speaking
skills related to school items. He is now able to read off school items such as ruler,
pencil, and paper, and has learned that some things are countable while others are not.
Kai recently took a test on units one through six, and he scored very well. In addition,
he has been making good progress in his reading skills. In particular, he has been
studying the recent story “Coyote and Bluebirds”, which has helped him with
pronunciation, speed, reading, and memorization. Finally, Kai has also learned about
author’s purpose and inference.
Overall, Kai is doing very well in his English studies, and I am confident that he will
continue to make great progress.
Best regards, Kevin

Dear John's Parents,

I am pleased to share an overview of John's achievements and progress in our English

lessons during the month of October. Throughout the past month, John has exhibited
great dedication to our lessons, actively engaging in the learning process and making
remarkable strides in mastering the English language. We focused on a variety of
language elements, including adjectives such as "great" and "young," as well as
prepositions, exploring phrases like "by the map" and "at the desks." John has
demonstrated a strong grasp of these concepts, both in affirmatives and negatives,
such as "isn't" and "aren't."

Moreover, we delved into expanding John's vocabulary with school-related items like
ruler, pencil, and paper, emphasizing the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. John performed well in a recent test covering units one through six.
In our reading lessons, we explored the captivating story "Coyote and Bluebirds."
John's progress in pronunciation, reading speed, and memorization of the story has
been remarkable. Additionally, we delved into understanding the author's purpose and
honed our inference skills.

John's commitment to learning and active participation in lessons make him a

standout student, and I anticipate continued growth in the coming months.

Sincerely, Kevin

Dear Kahyung's Parents,

I'm pleased to provide you with an update on Kahyung's performance in our English
lessons throughout the month of October.

During this past month, Kahyung has displayed excellent dedication to learning
English fluently and actively participating in our lessons. We delved into various
aspects of the language, including adjectives like "great" and "young," as well as
prepositions such as "by the map" and "at the desks." Kahyung has shown a strong
grasp of these concepts, both in affirmatives and negatives, such as "isn't" and

In addition to these lessons, we explored speaking skills related to school items.

Kahyung has excelled in reading and identifying school items like ruler, pencil, and
paper, and comprehended the distinction between countable and non-countable nouns.

Kahyung also performed exceptionally well on a recent test covering units one
through six. In our reading lessons, we dived into the captivating story "Coyote and
Bluebirds." Kahyung's progress in pronunciation, reading speed, and story
memorization has been impressive.

We also covered essential topics such as understanding the author's purpose and
inference.Kahyung's commitment to learning and active involvement in lessons are
truly commendable. I anticipate continued growth and success in the upcoming

Sincerely, Kevin
Dear Tiara's Parents,

I'm pleased to provide you with an update on Tiara's performance in our English
lessons throughout the month of October.

Over the past month, Tiara has shown a strong commitment to learning English
fluently and has actively engaged in our lessons. We focused on several important
language components, including adjectives such as "great" and "young," as well as
prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." Tiara has demonstrated a solid
understanding of these concepts, both in affirmatives and negatives, such as "isn't"
and "aren't."

In addition to these lessons, we explored speaking skills related to school items. Tiara
excelled in reading and identifying school items like ruler, pencil, and paper, and
understood the distinction between countable and non-countable nouns.

Tiara also performed admirably on a recent test covering units one through six. In our
reading lessons, we immersed ourselves in the captivating story "Coyote and
Bluebirds." Tiara's progress in pronunciation, reading speed, and story memorization
has been impressive.

We also delved into crucial topics such as understanding the author's purpose and
inference. Tiara's dedication to learning and active participation in lessons are truly
commendable. I anticipate continued growth and success in the upcoming months.



Dear Lily's Parents,

I'm pleased to provide you with an update on Lily's performance in our English
lessons during the month of October. Throughout this past month, Lily has
demonstrated a strong commitment to learning English fluently and has actively
participated in our lessons. We dedicated our time to various essential language
elements, including the exploration of adjectives, such as "great" and "young," as well
as the understanding of prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." Lily has
exhibited a solid grasp of these concepts, both in affirmatives and negatives,
encompassing "isn't" and "aren't." In addition to these lessons, we focused on
speaking skills related to school items, where Lily excelled in reading and identifying
items such as a ruler, pencil, and paper. We also delved into the concept of countable
and non-countable nouns. Lily performed exceptionally well on a recent test covering
units one through six. In our reading lessons, we immersed ourselves in the
captivating story "Coyote and Bluebirds." Lily's progress in pronunciation, reading
speed, and story memorization has been outstanding.

Furthermore, we explored the crucial topics of understanding the author's purpose and

Lily's dedication to learning and active participation in lessons are truly

commendable. I anticipate continued growth and success in the upcoming months.



Dear June's Parents,

I'm thrilled to update you on June's progress in our October English lessons. June has
been actively engaged and demonstrated excellent commitment to fluently learning
English. We covered adjectives like "great" and "young," along with prepositions like
"by the map" and "at the desks," mastering both affirmatives and negatives, such as
"isn't" and "aren't."

In speaking skills, we explored school items, and June excelled in reading and
identifying objects like ruler, pencil, and paper. Understanding the difference between
countable and non-countable nouns was also a focus.

June performed impressively on a recent test covering units one through six. In our
reading lessons, we enjoyed the story "Coyote and Bluebirds." Progress in
pronunciation, reading speed, and story memorization has been notable. Additionally,
we delved into understanding the author's purpose and inference.
June's dedication to learning and active participation are commendable, and I
anticipate continued growth in the upcoming months.




Dear Alice's Parents,

I'm delighted to inform you about Alice's progress in our English lessons in October.
Alice has been actively engaged in her language learning journey and has shown a
strong commitment to mastering English. In our lessons, we covered various aspects,
including adjectives like "great" and "young" and prepositions such as "by the map"
and "at the desks." She has excelled in both affirmatives and negatives, grasping
concepts like "isn't" and "aren't." Speaking skills related to school items were also part
of our curriculum, with Alice demonstrating proficiency in reading and identifying
items like rulers, pencils, and paper. Moreover, Alice has gained a good understanding
of countable and non-countable nouns. She performed exceptionally well on a recent
test that covered units one through six. We look forward to her continued growth in
our English lessons.



Dear Ellie's Parents,

I'm pleased to share Ellie's progress in our October English lessons. Ellie has actively
engaged in her English learning, showing dedication and a strong commitment to
improvement. Our lessons covered a range of important topics, including adjectives
like "great" and "young," along with prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks,"
where Ellie excelled in both affirmatives and negatives, including "isn't" and "aren't."
We also focused on speaking skills related to school items, and Ellie performed
exceptionally well in reading and identifying items such as rulers, pencils, and paper.
Additionally, Ellie gained a clear understanding of countable and non-countable
nouns. Her recent test results, covering units one through six, were impressive,
reflecting her solid grasp of the material. We look forward to continued progress in
our English lessons.



Dear Hoyoon's Parents,

I'm delighted to provide an update on Hoyoon's exceptional progress in our English

lessons this past October. Hoyoon's active engagement and unwavering commitment
to mastering the English language have been truly commendable. Throughout the
month, we explored essential language elements, including adjectives like "great" and
"young," along with prepositions such as "by the map" and "at the desks." Hoyoon
demonstrated a solid understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing
"isn't" and "aren't." We also delved into speaking skills related to school items, where
Hoyoon excelled in reading and identifying objects such as rulers, pencils, and paper.
Moreover, Hoyoon comprehended the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. Impressively, Hoyoon achieved an outstanding score on a recent test
covering units one through six. We eagerly anticipate Hoyoon's continued growth and
success in our English lessons.



Dear Leo's Parents,

I'm thrilled to update you on Leo's progress in our English lessons this past October.
Leo has been actively engaged and displayed a strong commitment to mastering the
language. We delved into important language elements, including adjectives such as
"great" and "young" and prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." Leo
demonstrated a solid understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing
"isn't" and "aren't." Our focus extended to speaking skills related to school items, and
Leo excelled in reading and identifying items such as rulers, pencils, and paper.
Additionally, Leo gained a clear understanding of the difference between countable
and non-countable nouns. Impressively, Leo achieved a strong score on a recent test
covering units one through six. We anticipate Leo's continued growth and success in
our English lessons.



Dear June's Parents,

I'm delighted to update you on June's remarkable progress in our English lessons this
past October. June's active engagement and strong commitment to mastering English
have been truly commendable. Throughout the month, we delved into various crucial
language elements, including adjectives like "great" and "young" and prepositions like
"by the map" and "at the desks." June demonstrated a solid understanding of both
affirmatives and negatives, encompassing "isn't" and "aren't." We also focused on
speaking skills related to school items, where June excelled in reading and identifying
objects such as rulers, pencils, and paper. Furthermore, June grasped the distinction
between countable and non-countable nouns. Impressively, June achieved a strong
score on a recent test that covered units one through six. We look forward to June's
continued growth and success in our English lessons.



Dear Rose's Parents,

I'm pleased to share Rose's impressive progress in our English lessons this past
October. Rose's active participation and dedicated approach to mastering the English
language have been truly commendable. Throughout the month, we delved into vital
language components, including adjectives like "great" and "young," as well as
prepositions such as "by the map" and "at the desks." Rose demonstrated a solid
understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing "isn't" and "aren't."
Our focus also extended to speaking skills related to school items, where Rose
excelled in reading and identifying objects like rulers, pencils, and paper.
Furthermore, Rose comprehended the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. Impressively, Rose performed exceptionally well on a recent test
that covered units one through six. We are excited to witness Rose's continued growth
and success in our English lessons, as her commitment and active engagement are
truly remarkable.



Dear Ella's Parents,

I'm delighted to provide an update on Ella's outstanding progress in our October

English lessons. Ella's active involvement and dedication to mastering English have
been truly commendable. Throughout the month, we explored essential language
components, including adjectives such as "great" and "young," along with
prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." Ella demonstrated a solid
understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing "isn't" and "aren't."
We also delved into speaking skills related to school items, where Ella excelled in
reading and identifying objects such as rulers, pencils, and paper. Furthermore, Ella
grasped the distinction between countable and non-countable nouns. Impressively,
Ella achieved an excellent score on a recent test covering units one through six. We
eagerly anticipate Ella's continued growth and success in our English lessons.



Dear Daniel's Parents,

I'm delighted to update you on Daniel's remarkable progress in our English lessons
this past October. Daniel's active engagement and unwavering commitment to
mastering the English language have been truly commendable. Throughout the month,
we explored essential language elements, including adjectives like "great" and
"young" and prepositions such as "by the map" and "at the desks." Daniel
demonstrated a solid understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing
"isn't" and "aren't." Our focus extended to speaking skills related to school items,
where Daniel excelled in reading and identifying items such as rulers, pencils, and
paper. Moreover, Daniel comprehended the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. Impressively, Daniel achieved an outstanding score on a recent test
covering units one through six. We eagerly anticipate Daniel's continued growth and
success in our English lessons, as his commitment and active engagement are truly



Dear James's Parents,

I'm excited to provide you with an update on James's remarkable progress in our
English lessons throughout October. James's active engagement and unwavering
commitment to mastering English have been truly commendable. Over the past
month, we delved into vital language components, including adjectives such as "great"
and "young," as well as prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." James
demonstrated a solid understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, including
"isn't" and "aren't." Our lessons also focused on speaking skills related to school
items, where James excelled in reading and identifying objects like rulers, pencils, and
paper. Furthermore, James grasped the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. Impressively, James performed exceptionally well on a recent test
that covered units one through six. We eagerly anticipate James's continued growth
and success in our English lessons, as his commitment and active engagement are
truly remarkable.



Dear Dohoon's Parents,

I'm thrilled to provide an update on Dohoon's remarkable progress in our English

lessons throughout October. Dohoon's active participation and unwavering
commitment to mastering the English language have been truly commendable. Over
the past month, we explored vital language components, including adjectives such as
"great" and "young," and prepositions like "by the map" and "at the desks." Dohoon
demonstrated a solid understanding of both affirmatives and negatives, encompassing
"isn't" and "aren't." Our focus also extended to speaking skills related to school items,
where Dohoon excelled in reading and identifying objects like rulers, pencils, and
paper. Furthermore, Dohoon grasped the distinction between countable and non-
countable nouns. Impressively, Dohoon achieved an excellent score on a recent test
that covered units one through six. We eagerly anticipate Dohoon's continued growth
and success in our English lessons, as his commitment and active engagement are
truly remarkable.



Dear Daniel's Parents,

I'm delighted to provide an update on Daniel's outstanding progress in our English

lessons this October. Daniel's active engagement and unwavering commitment to
mastering the English language have been truly commendable. In Unit 2, we explored
a short story, and Daniel's involvement went above and beyond. He diligently
practiced reading and pronouncing each word within the story, demonstrating a
remarkable grasp of the material. Translating Unit 2 enhanced comprehension, and we
used worksheets to further reinforce understanding.

Additionally, Daniel excelled in mastering the Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning

keyword spelling, part of speech, and definitions. He showcased his knowledge by
skillfully creating sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.

Furthermore, Daniel has shown significant progress in essay writing. Our lessons on
essay creation have been fruitful, and Daniel is doing an excellent job. He receives
valuable feedback and critique on his essay writings, focusing on aspects like
capitalization, pronunciation, punctuation, and refining key elements in his essays,
including the restated topic, thesis, and details.

I'm also pleased to note Daniel's remarkable improvement in penmanship, which is a

crucial skill for effective written communication.

Daniel's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and we
look forward to continued growth in his English proficiency. He has displayed a
strong work ethic and an eagerness to learn, which will undoubtedly lead to continued
success in the coming months.


Dear Chenny's Parents,

I'm thrilled to provide an update on Chenny's remarkable progress in our English

lessons during October. Chenny's active engagement and unwavering commitment to
mastering the English language have been truly commendable. In Unit 2, Chenny's
dedication went above and beyond as we explored a short story. Chenny diligently
practiced reading and pronouncing every word within the story, showcasing a
remarkable understanding of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced
comprehension, and we utilized worksheets to reinforce understanding. Chenny also
excelled in mastering Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of
speech, and definitions, and was able to create sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.
Furthermore, Chenny demonstrated substantial progress in essay writing. Our lessons
on essay creation have been fruitful, and Chenny is doing an excellent job. Valuable
feedback and critique on essay writings have been instrumental in learning how to
capitalize, pronounce words, punctuate effectively, and refine key elements in essays,
including the restated topic, thesis, and details. Additionally, Chenny's penmanship
has significantly improved, a vital skill for effective written communication.

Chenny's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and
we anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Chenny's hard work and
enthusiasm for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the upcoming



Dear Seoyoon's Parents,

I'm excited to provide an update on Seoyoon's exceptional progress in our English

lessons throughout October. Seoyoon's active engagement and strong commitment to
mastering the English language have been truly commendable. In Unit 2, Seoyoon's
dedication went above and beyond as we explored a short story. Seoyoon diligently
practiced reading and pronouncing each word within the story, displaying a
remarkable understanding of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced
comprehension, and we used worksheets to reinforce understanding. Seoyoon also
excelled in mastering Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of
speech, and definitions, and was able to construct sentences using the Unit 2

Furthermore, Seoyoon's progress in essay writing has been impressive. In our essay
creation lessons, Seoyoon has shown great improvement and receives valuable
feedback and critique on essay writings, focusing on capitalization, pronunciation,
punctuation, and refining key elements like the restated topic, thesis, and details in
essays. Additionally, Seoyoon's penmanship has significantly improved, a crucial skill
for effective written communication.

Seoyoon's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and
we anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Seoyoon's strong work ethic
and enthusiasm for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the upcoming




Dear Swan's Parents,

I'm pleased to update you on Swan's outstanding progress in our English lessons
during the month of October. Swan's active engagement and unwavering commitment
to learning English have been commendable. Throughout Unit 2, Swan's dedication
went above and beyond as we delved into a short story. Swan diligently practiced
reading and pronouncing every word within the story, displaying a remarkable
understanding of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced comprehension,
and we employed worksheets to reinforce understanding. Swan also excelled in
mastering Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of speech,
and definitions, and was able to construct sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.

Moreover, Swan's progress in essay writing has been impressive. In our essay creation
lessons, Swan demonstrated a strong understanding of brainstorming, outlining, and
the drafting process. They independently generated ideas for their brainstorm and
outline, showcasing remarkable creativity. Swan's work was checked, critiqued, and
provided with feedback, with a focus on spelling, indenting, and key elements like the
thesis, hook, restated topic, and supporting details.

Additionally, Swan's penmanship has improved significantly, an essential skill for

effective written communication.

Swan's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and we
anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Swan's hard work and enthusiasm
for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the coming months.



Dear Lily's Parents,

I'm excited to provide an update on Lily's remarkable progress in our English lessons
throughout October. Lily's active engagement and unwavering commitment to
mastering the English language have been truly commendable. In Unit 2, Lily's
dedication went above and beyond as we explored a short story. Lily diligently
practiced reading and pronouncing each word within the story, displaying a
remarkable grasp of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced comprehension,
and we used worksheets to reinforce understanding. Lily also excelled in mastering
Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of speech, and
definitions, and was able to construct sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.

Furthermore, Lily's progress in essay writing has been impressive. In our essay
creation lessons, Lily demonstrated a strong understanding of brainstorming,
outlining, and the drafting process. They independently generated ideas for their
brainstorm and outline, displaying remarkable creativity. Lily's work was checked,
critiqued, and provided with feedback, focusing on spelling, indenting, and key
elements such as the thesis, hook, restated topic, and supporting details.
Additionally, Lily's penmanship has improved significantly, a vital skill for effective
written communication.

Lily's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and we
anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Lily's hard work and enthusiasm
for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the upcoming months.



Dear Isabella's Parents,

I'm thrilled to provide an update on Isabella's outstanding progress in our English

lessons throughout October. Isabella's active engagement and unwavering
commitment to mastering the English language have been truly commendable. In Unit
2, Isabella's dedication went above and beyond as we explored a short story. Isabella
diligently practiced reading and pronouncing each word within the story, displaying a
remarkable grasp of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced comprehension,
and we employed worksheets to reinforce understanding. Isabella also excelled in
mastering Unit 2 vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of speech,
and definitions, and was able to construct sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.

Furthermore, Isabella's progress in essay writing has been impressive. In our essay
creation lessons, Isabella demonstrated a strong understanding of brainstorming,
outlining, and the drafting process. They independently generated ideas for their
brainstorm and outline, displaying remarkable creativity. Isabella's work was checked,
critiqued, and provided with feedback, focusing on spelling, indenting, and key
elements such as the thesis, hook, restated topic, and supporting details.

Additionally, Isabella's penmanship has improved significantly, which is a vital skill

for effective written communication.

Isabella's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and
we anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Isabella's hard work and
enthusiasm for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the upcoming


Dear Aaron's Parents,

I'm delighted to update you on Aaron's exceptional progress in our English lessons
during October. Aaron's active participation and strong commitment to mastering the
English language have been truly commendable. In Unit 2, Aaron's dedication
surpassed expectations as we delved into a short story. Aaron diligently practiced
reading and pronouncing each word within the story, showcasing a remarkable grasp
of the material. Translating Unit 2 further enhanced comprehension, and we employed
worksheets to reinforce understanding. Aaron also excelled in mastering Unit 2
vocabulary, effectively learning keyword spelling, part of speech, and definitions, and
was able to construct sentences using the Unit 2 keywords.

Furthermore, Aaron's progress in essay writing has been impressive. In our essay
creation lessons, Aaron demonstrated a strong understanding of brainstorming,
outlining, and the drafting process. They independently generated ideas for their
brainstorm and outline, displaying remarkable creativity. Aaron's work was checked,
critiqued, and provided with feedback, focusing on spelling, indenting, and key
elements such as the thesis, hook, restated topic, and supporting details.

Additionally, Aaron's penmanship has improved significantly, which is a vital skill for
effective written communication.

The Aaron's dedication and active participation in lessons are truly commendable, and
we anticipate continued growth in English proficiency. Aaron's hard work and
enthusiasm for learning will undoubtedly lead to further success in the upcoming


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