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Flow Chart

Provision of Lifesaving and Life Sustaining Services to Refugee Returnees and Children in conflict with
the law in Nangarhar and Balkh Provinces of Afghanistan.

Children and their families affected by involuntary evacuations from Pakistan and children involved in conflicts with the law in Nangarhar
and Balkh provinces reflected changes in job placements, mental wellbeing, and acquired access to civil dacumentation


1. Improved sense of well-being among returnee children through the provision of child protection services.
2. Well-being of Refugee returnee children and children in conflict with the law and their effective integration that contributes to the
prosperity and well-being of Afghan society.


Children and their

families with specific
UASC and Children Establishment of needs or
Improved access of Women headed HH
on the move GRM and improved vulnerability are
Rights holders to and child headed HH
reunified with their access of Rights reached with
DFA/NGOs received food kits
families and primary holders to relevant protection-oriented
protective services
care givers service providers. direct or
referral assistance

CFS /information
Children have access
dissemination Boys, Girls and
to quality Refugee returnee
centers established adolescent
rehabilitation learners
for providing familiarized with
service (calligraphy, demonstrating
recreational, context specific
shoes making, and desirable Pashto
education, civil cultural
mobile repairing fluency rates
documentation and considerations
MHPSS service


dissemination on
rights, available Group wellbeing/ Hygiene/food Kits
MHPSS service Case management FTR/Referral service
service and CFS service Distribution
procedure for civil

Child Protection
Sensitization Bridge Education
through religious Programs
leaders/ imams

Lack of GRM, Culture awareness, Protection, MHPSS, Hygiene services, Lack of safe play areas, Separation from families, Inability of refugee
returnee children to effectively integrate in Pashto medium Afghan schools

Root Causes:

Involuntarily Evacuation, Neglect, Exploitation, Economic hardship, Domestic Violence, Poor foundational literacy skills in Pashto among refugee
returnee children

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