Cy 404 Operating Systems

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4 PreaPaer a Re oe fe er PRR 3) ori ari 5) rare im eit Rear ®) afew a oe rer e¥-404 (05) Total No.of Questions: 8} (Total No.of Printed Poges:: 4 RollNo.. C¥-404 (GS) B.Tech., IV Semester Examination, June 2023 Grading System (GS) Operating Systems Time : Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks : Note: i) Answerany five questions rl eset ot er fi) All question carsies equal marks. wit pero aa ci fi ii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version auestion should be treated as final. re ft ere keg tea Ree 2 PAR BIA aT emer a sie rT TTI 1, 4) Discuss the functions of operating system. 7 iA Rare t et ARC 1) Listand explain the types of system calls. 7 ‘aren afer & sean Gee wi otk TET, 2. 4) Discuss the characteristics of operating system. 7 t SRE Farce A RATS A wal EI 1) Waite and explain the process states with aneat sketch 7 she Reet ah ea Renter wee & fay ae wT ev04 (05) Pro hitps:/ » 43) » sa) » a Define semaphore. How does the semaphore work. ‘Mustrate with an example, 7 Sarak ah oer Be STEN era 8 TIER or are! List the conditions that must be present for deadlock to eecur and foreach condition give brief example of ‘reason that illustrate the disadvantage in preventing the contition. 7 Ree AO aera Soci Oe ES eT ‘afte ta ea Rr i era TEE TET fee a hot ara wh eae Differeniat between intemal and external fagmentaton. 7 es teen Rete Bs ee wk Explain the procedure that ensure protection using Paging <7 fen a scr are ee GPR ae ache rere Write short notes on memory management in UNIX. 7 aes 5 eg ders Se Reo TEL ‘Suppose the head of amoving head disk with200 tacks, numbered 010 199, is curently serving a requests tack 143 and has just finished a request attack 125, Ifthe queue of requests is kept in FIFO order: 86, 147,91, 177,94, 150, 102,175, and 130 ‘What isthe total head movement to satisfy these requests forthe FCFS dskscheduling algorithms? 7 cv-404 (05) Cont B ry ahfre R08 199 << 200 efter ee dbs Rew arg adr ger 143 re ew aTgIU we art ote a 125 oe ow seg wh a et ‘eg a ee wh FIFO wad: 86, 147, 91, 177, 94, 150, 102, 175 sf 130 FCS foeer seein Genito & ferg er argh ah RT wreh & fae gets etic act? 6. Discuss in brief the following diskspace allocation methods 3) Linked 7 Indexed 7 ares Rees cnr anit Pat a A ef 2) ergs 2 sari 7-8) Explain in detail about asyachroaous operations in YO management 7 Yo oted yaar slthin at# rae 2 aa by List out the differences between distributed and multiprocessor operating systems. 7 fae site Meche Stn fren 2s Ate sie ata ‘Write short notes on any nwo of tie following: “ 3) Uslty programs &) Virwalconcurency ©) Pagedsegmentation 4) File Systemsin UNIX ev404 (6) Pro hitps:/ Total No.of Questions : 8} [Total No.of Printed Pages : 4 oll NO wenn CY-404 (GS) ‘B.Tech. LV Semester Examination, une 2022 Grading System (GS) Operating Systems Time : Three Hours "Maximum Marks : 70 Answer any five questions. ferdt aie rei at er AL fi) All question caries equal marks. salt eet & wart ies ft 4ii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version ‘question should be tested 2 final set of sera id ore Peary oY RAAT oh aT 2 we aN Sie oT 1.) With a neat diagram, explain the layered structures of ‘UNIX operating system. aprrs sitetién Rees ah afta dearsi A ere oS 2 are BET wy b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the same system call inierface for manipulating both file and device? core oe argc a ede awe eg wa RCT spter Sete a eet ee Hae IR hte HHRTIT BP cv4o8 65) Pro, tps ay 2, a), What arg the advantages of inter process * Cormunicltion? How cormuntion kes place ina Shared memory environments Explain gear argh ae ae 2 TT ey ATTEN Beare tet der fete RL 1) Assume the following work load in @ system a freer A Pree aoe se AFT Process Arrival Time Burst Time PL 5 5 2 4 6 Ps 3 7 Pa 1 9 Ps 2 2 P6 6 3 raw a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these jobs using Round-Robin algorithm and also calculate ‘average waiting ime and average tumaround time. gs RA ee Re aT ue as were ET a caf are er Gantt me were ate te i HE tbe fe efor 5 or ff ky 3. a) What is a Process? Explain about various fields of Process Control Block. ew tba ea 87 ARPT Pity sts 2s FA at Ms aT A ag 1) What is dining philosophers problem? Discuss the solution to dining philosophers problem using monitors ‘safe Rifetant SRT gen 7 athe a ue es wan Roe Bs erry eet ak cx40465) on Intpsuw 1 2) Explain the concepts of demand ‘paging in detail with 1 peat diagram, fonts OR eH ara wh ere ot ts er Pe SETI b) Given memory partition of 100 Kb, 500 kb, 200 kb and 600 kb (in order). Show with neat sketch how would cach of the first ft, best fit and worst fit algorithms place processes of 412 kb, 317 kb and 326 kb (in order) 100 kb, 500, 200 xb 600 kb GP) eh Ret aah Sead ge eae ware ds eer ara fr wet he, ey fire site aed Gee fine Goren FB Hee 412 kb, 317kb ie 326 kb (or A) oes ad we 5. a) What is a Virtual Memory? Discuss the benefits of vvirtal memory techtiques. agfrer Mahe ae 7 afer HoH areal B a Te a i b)_ Explain Resource Allocation Graph algorithm for deadlock avoidance. tpstwwiergpvonine com aferter & wey fergie onder aK Veer = arom Bt i 6,8) Write in detail about file auributes, operations, and types and structures spree eter, Sarees ate se ate sera a free & fre ; )_Explain in detail about various ways of accessing disk storage Bey eARG aH eh gt arte aR HAT 2 eee x40 5) Pro oy 4) Baplnin and compsfe the FCPS and SSUF disk scheduling algorth™ CES sie SSIF Fw TALK govhRRerr Ht earwat A werretl Explain the I examples. fe ecm ages ker ah rer aR TATE! indexed allocation of disk space with Discuss the following, i) VO buffering fi) Kernel VO subsystem iii) Concurrent VO iv) Interrupt Driven Pre ar RaaT =wEL ) vO meRr ‘ ii) wher VO-wARRE iit) wrest VO iv) ater Be Intips:/ Whatsapp @ 9300930012 ‘Send your old paper & get 10 area Gort er 8 ate 10 6 eR, Paytm or Google Pay & cxaon os)

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