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Discussion: Imagination x Knowledge

Part I.
1. How would you define knowledge?
2. How would you define imagination?
3. What’s the difference, or what are the differences between knowledge and imagination?
4. Are there any similarities? If so, can you describe some of them?
5. Which do you think you use more often? Why?
6. Which do you think is more important? Why?

Part II.
1. Consider the following quote: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited
to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be
to know and understand.”
a) Have you ever heard that before?
b) What’s your opinion of that statement? Justify your answer.
c) If you don’t know, find out who said those words. Does it surprise you? Justify your answer.
d) Do you think science, imagination and/or knowledge are connected? Why or why not?
e) Would it be possible to learn more just from knowledge, or is the imagination necessary as well? Does the
same work the other way round? Justify your answer.
f) Do you consider yourself a dreamer or a realist, or both? How?

Part III.
1. Consider the following:
A) Knowledge/Reason
B) Imagination/Dreams
C) A and B working together

2. Choose one of them (1.A, 1.B or 1.C), and…

a) Search for a definition of that in one or more reliable sources (e.g., insert “” if you search at
google, or use the following:, and use your own words to
describe it. Don’t forget to provide the link(s) to your source(s).
b) Explain why you chose this option. Give at least two good arguments to sustain your choice.
c) If somebody said that the other options are better and/or more important than yours, how would you try to
convince them otherwise?

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