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1. Problem: Lack of physical exercise. What is the solution to this problem?

In today's fast-paced world, a growing concern is the unhealthy lifestyle that many
individuals lead, resulting in a lack of physical exercise. To combat this, a comprehensive
solution is needed, involving changes in working hours, transportation habits, and dietary
First, we must acknowledge that the main reason for lack of exercise is that many people
nowadays, especially those in a 9-5 job, do not have time to pursue physical activities or even
hobbies. Therefore, a reevaluation of working hours is needed. Lengthy workdays leave little
time for individuals to engage in physical activities, because by the time they are finished with
work they are already exhausted from the day’s stress. Employees can allocate more time to
exercise and prioritize their health by advocating for reduced working hours. Employers could
implement flexible schedules or encourage breaks for physical activity during the workday.
Secondly, we should tackle people's transportation habits. However, cars are convenient,
it contributes to a sedentary lifestyle. Raising car taxes could help people explore alternative,
more active modes of commuting, such as walking or biking. This reduces reliance on cars and
promotes a green environment and incorporates physical activity into daily routines. Unhealthy
food products are often more accessible and budget-friendly, which leads to poor dietary choices.
By increasing the cost of unhealthy snacks and processed foods, people will be inclined to opt
for healthier, more nutritious alternatives. Workplaces should also have healthier meal options
such as a salad or nuts instead of chips or fries to snack on.
In conclusion, advocating for reduced working hours promotes a healthier work-life
balance, while increased car taxes encourage more active transportation choices. Also, adjusting
the pricing of food products creates economic incentives for healthier dietary choices. By
implementing these solutions, society can take significant strides toward fostering a more
physically active and healthier population.

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