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Gluten Free Profiteroles

Recipe makes approx. 9 large buns


Choux buns:
150g water
60g unsalted butter
75g GF plain flour
2 large eggs
1 egg for egg wash

Chocolate sauce:
85g Gluten free dark chocolate
1 tsp of honey and cream to make the chocolate sauce.

Extra thick double cream.

To make the choux buns
 Start with 60g unsalted butter and 150ml water.
 Heat until the butter melted and the water and butter mix started to
 Take the pan off the heat and add the 75g of gluten free plain flour
(This needs to be stirred vigorously until it forms a soft ball).
 Leave to cool before gradually adding 2 beaten eggs.
 Form a smooth paste
 Spoon mixture onto a buttered baking tray.
(Sprinkling a little water on to the tray too helps in producing a
small amount of steam).
 Brush egg wash on top of the choux buns.
 Place tray in a pre heated oven 220c for 10mins then turn heat
down to 190c for the final 20mins until golden brown.
 Cool the choux buns on a wire rack ready to fill later.

To make the Chocolate sauce:

 Melt gluten free chocolate then add 1tsp of honey and 2tbsp thick
double cream.
 Stir until we’ll mixed an creamy consistency.

Once the choux buns are completely cool, make a hole in each one and
pipe in the extra thick double cream.

Dip each profiterole in the chocolate sauce.

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