Year 7 Health

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What is bullying?
Bullying is the use of force, or threat to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively impose domination
over others. The behaviour is often repeated and habitual. Bullying can be described as an
unwanted aggressive behaviour towards an individual that involves a power imbalance,
whether real or perceived.
Bullying may look like kicking, punching or pushing. It may sound like racist comments,
saying mean words and swearing at other people.


Abuse is when people treat others with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.

What is extortion?

Extortion is the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

What is victimisation?

Victimisation is the action of singling someone out for cruel or unjust treatment.

Physical- involves the use of physical force. Unwanted physical contact.

Verbal- the bully tries to verbally upset the victim.

Emotional- emotional bullying is the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level

Cyber- bullying using technology.

Which type of bullying do you think is the worst?

Every type of bullying is the worst.

Which type of bullying do you think is okay?

No type of bullying is okay.

Which type of bullying do you think is the most harmful and why?
ALL types of bullying are harmful and unacceptable.

Self Esteem

• Self Esteem is our belief of our own self-worth. It is about how you see yourself and how
you feel about your achievements.

• Self-esteem isn’t bragging about yourself and how great you are. It’s about you knowing
that you’re worth a lot (priceless). It’s not about you thinking you’re perfect – nobody is,
but knowing that you’re worthy of being accepted.
Do now

What is self-esteem?

It is about how you see yourself and how you feel about your achievements.

List 4 types of bullying with an example.

1: Cyber. Example: bullying using technology.

2: Physical. Example: involves the use of physical force. Unwanted physical contact.

3: Emotional. Example: the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level.4

4: Verbal. Example: the bully tries to verbally upset the victim.

Low self-esteem

Binge eating on junk food

Problems with anger

Taking drugs




Show love and affection.


W= walk away

I= ignore

T= tells someone

S= stand up

Drug Education

What do you know about drugs?

Drugs can be harmful to your health, and they are addicting once you have one.

List all the drugs you can think of:





What is a Drug?

A drug can be defined as any chemical substance which alters the way a person’s body or mid

This does not include food, air and liquid which our bodies need to work properly.

Why might someone your age take/use drugs?

Some people might take drugs because they want to seem cool and for popularity.
Why might some people start to use drugs

 Unhappy at home
 Friends do it
 Parents do it
 Because its cool
 To forget about problems
 Because life sucks
 Just want to try it

Do now:

A healthy diet and our body

If our bodies are human machines food is our fuel. How well we eat, affects how well our bodies
work, and how long we live. It is especially important that we eat healthily as children, as we are
still growing and developing; a young plant not given proper nutrients grows up to be a poor
specimen. Oils, fats, sweets, foods high in fats and sugars, take only small amounts from this
group. Meat, fish and dairy: take something from this group. Fruit and vegetables: take 5 portions
a day from this group. Carbohydrates: take most food from this group (rice, pasta, bread,

The main food groups:

Fruit and vegie

Grain group

Dairy group

Meat group

Fruit and vegetables give us fibre and vitamins and minerals.

Grains and Pulses

This food group includes wheat, corn, barley, rice, lentils, beans etc. Grains and pulses give us
carbohydrates and proteins.

Dairy foods give us proteins and fats. They are also a good source of calcium which is good for
bones and teeth. Cheese, yoghurt, milk.

Meat, fish and eggs

The main nutrients derived from meat are proteins, but it also gives us fats and some minerals.
Chicken, fish, beef, eggs.

Starches, sugars and fats

Starches includes foods like potatoes and provide mainly carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give us
the energy to carry on with our day-to-day lives.

A small amount of fat is important for health but eating too much fat is unhealthy. It leads to
clogged arteries (restricted blood supply), high cholesterol and becoming overweight.

Do now

List foods that have

Carbs: Bread, noodles, pasta

Proteins: Eggs, fish, seafood

Fats: Ice cream, butter

Vitamin A Helps maintain eyesight Sweet potatoes, carrots

Vitamin B Help body make protein Green leafy vegetables
Vitamin C Healing skin, preventing Citrus fruit, tomatoes
Vitamin D Strengthen bones Milk Sunlight
Vitamin E Helps strengthen cells Vegetable oils, nuts
Iron Healthy blood Green, leafy vegetables
Bar box

Servings in pack: 6

Serving size: 40g (1 bar)

Carbs per serving: 23.3g

Protein per serving: 3.2g

Fat per serving: 7.8g

Protein in whole cartoon: 19.2

How many grams/ml in whole cartoon: 240g


Servings in pack: 5


Servings in pack:12

Serving size: 21g

Carbs per serving: 1.0g

Protein per serving: 4.2g

Fat per serving: 5.2g

Protein in whole cartoon: 20.1g

How many grams/ml in whole cartoon: 250g

Do now 27/6

Homework: Health assignment poster due first/second week of term 3

Anatomy and sports injuries

What does anatomy mean?

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body.

Functions of the skeleton

The skeletal system includes all the bones and joints in the body. Each bone is a complex living
organ that is made up of many calls, protein, fibres, and minerals.

Shape, support, movement, protection, blood cell production and storage.


The structure of the bones gives the underlying shape to the body. Shape develops over the
growth of an individual and the skeletal system will determine if they are tall or short, wide or
narrow, and other factors, such as the size of hands and feet.

The skeleton provides support to the boy and holds internal organs in their place. The vertebral
column allows for standing erect while cavities, or hollow spaces, of the skeleton are designed to
hold organs within them. For example, the skull holds the brain, the chest cavity holds the lungs
and the heart.


The skeletal bones attach to each other by ligaments and further attach to muscles by tendons.
The muscular and skeletal system work together to carry out bodily movement, and thus are
jointly called the musculoskeletal system. When muscles contract, bones are pulled along to
produce a movement allowing people to walk or run.


The skeleton protects vital organs from damage by encasing them within hard bones. The
cranium encases the brain, while the vertebral, or spinal, column protects the delicate spinal
nerves, which control all bodily functions by allowing all body parts to communicate with the

Blood cell reproduction and storage

The spongy tissue inside long bones such as the femur, or thigh bone, have two types of marrow
responsible for blood cell production. On average, 2.6 million red blood cells are produced each
second by the bone marrow.

















Carpals, radius, humerus, scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle

Rum - radius, ulna, middle

Tuesday 15th august

What will be in the next test: Drug ed, healthy diets, anatomy and sports
Common sports injuries

A sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by tearing of the fibres of

the ligament.
A dislocation is a separation of two bones where they meet at a
A fracture is a break or a crack in a bone.
Strain is an injury to a muscle in which the muscle fibres tear as a
result of overstretching. It’s also known as a pulled muscle.
Ligaments are bands of tough, elastic connective tissue that
surround a joint to give support and limit the joint’s movement.
When ligaments are damaged, the knee or ankle joint may become
A concussion temporary unconsciousness or confusion and other
symptoms caused by a blow on the head.
Injury treatment
R Rest
I Ice
C compression
E elevation
Rest explanation: reduces further damage, avoid as much movement as possible, do not put any
weight on the injury.

Ice explanation: apply to injury for 20 mins, continue treatment for 48-72 hours. Don’t apply
directly to skin, use towel. Reduce swelling and inflammation.

Compression explanation: apply bandage to area as well as just above and below it, reduces
bleeding and swelling, be careful not to make it too tight!

Elevation explanation: elevate the injured area, put on a pillow for comfort and avoid movement,
reduces swelling and blood flow to the affected area.
What is C.P.R

Stands for: cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If someone isn’t circulating blood or breathing

properly, CPR can restore circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Without oxygen,
permanent brain damage or death can occur in less than 8 minutes.

What are some things to remember when doing C.P.R?

A- Airway
After 30 compressions have been completed, the victim’s airway must be open for
breathing to be restored. The airway may be blocked by the tongue when someone loses
consciousness or may be obstructed by food or another foreign object.

B- Breathing
Rescue breathing is begun after 30 compressions have been completed and the airway
is open. Someone performing rescue breathing essentially breathes for the victim by
forcing air into the lungs. This procedure include breathing into the victim’s mouth at
correct intervals and checking for signs of life.

C- Circulation
Chest compressions can sometimes restore ethe flow of blood to the heart, brain, and
other organs. CPR begins with 30 chest compressions, followed by two rescue breaths.
This cycle is immediately repeated and continued until the child recovers or help arrives.

Brainstorm- what’s in a first aid kit?

Medication like Panadol and pain killers
Equipment like needle and tweezers
Instant ice packs
Thermal blanket
Bobby pins
Vomit bags

Do now: sexuality.

I think sexuality is your gender

Friend Best friend Boyfriend/girlfriend

Loyalty Respect Respect
Supportive Loyalty Loyalty
Forgiving Honesty Honesty
Empathy Supportive Supportive
Caring Trustworthy Trustworthy
Kindness Forgiving Forgiving
Reliable Empathy Empathy
Differences of friend and best friend:
Your best friend is more trustworthy, reliable, and supportive.

Differences of best friend and boyfriend/girlfriend:


Most important

1: trustworthy, so you feel comfortable around them and you can tell them anything
without worrying about them spreading it
2: reliable, so
3: respect
4: humour, so it’s more interesting to be their friend because their funny
5: funny, makes you happy and laugh
Least important

Best friend

1: Trustworthy
2: reliable
3: Honest
4: Kind
5: Humour


1: Trustworthy
2: Protective
3: Honest
4: Kind
5: Humour


1) What first impressions do we make of people?

If they are kind and caring

2) Where have you met your friends?

At school, in the neighbourhood,

3) What are questions could you use to start a conversation with?

What’s your name?

How are you?

Brainstorm: what breaks up friendships?


Freindship Problems
Friendships develop and change all the time. Sometimes there are disagreements,
or one person may do something that disappoints the other. That person may feel
hurt, sad or even angry.
Why are good communication skills needed?
Help learning at school.
Allow you to make friends.
Relate well to your friends.
Help you in all relationships.
Interactions with other people

To send messages effectively you need to:

Speak clearly.
Face the person
Keep a comfortable distance.
Have good eye contact.
Use words that will be understood.
Get to the point and do not ramble on

To receive messages effectively you need to be an active listener:

Listen carefully.
Face the person
Have good eye contact.
Show interest in the message.
React to what is being said.
Respond to the speakers feelings.
Give the speaker feedback.
Do no fidget or distract the speaker
Do not interrupt.

Tuesday 10/10/2023 Do No w
Different relationships: Friends, Best friends, boyfriend/girlfriend.
Yes, because a friend might not always be on your side whereas a best friend will.
Honesty, loyalty, kindness, trustworthy, supportive
Arguments, lack of respect and communications
Relationships can change by lack of communication, not seeing each other as much
and arguments.
Communication is important because it helps improve relationships and let people
know each other better.
We use communication when:
We talk to each other.
We text each other.
We can communicate better by talking and texting more.

Nonverbal communication is the unspoken communication that goes on in ever face-

to-face encounter with another human being. It tells you about their true feelings
towards you and how well your words are being received.

Means that your rights and the rights of others are respected.
For example: standing up for yourself and stating your opinion of others.
For example: When communicating assertively they speak politely and confidently.

Means that it is their views and feelings that are more important than are those of the
They speak a lot, speak loudly and don’t listen.

They allow other to disregard their rights, have their own way and don’t speak up or
give their point of view.

My support System
My parents because I have someone to talk to and their always there for me. I can
rely on them.
My best friend. Because she’s there to support me.
My brother. He can defend me, and I can rely on him.
Friends. They help me and make me feel better.

Tuesday 24th October

Last topic: Sun Smart

Above the Earth is the Earth’s Atmosphere. There is a layer in the atmosphere known
as the ozone layer. The ozone layer is very important because it stops all the UVC
radiation and reduced the amount of UVA and UVB radiation that reach the Earth.

What about New Zealand

Sometimes we hear about the recorded hole in the ozone layer that is observed
every year in Antarctica. Some people think there is an ozone hole over New
Zealand. There is not an ozone hole over New Zealand, but the ozone layer over
New Zealand and other countries is not as thick and is not as effective in screening
out the UVA and UVB radiation as it was 100 years ago.

Why New Zealand has the highest rate of skin cancer.

Ozone layer depletion

Cool to have a tan.
Outdoor Lifestyle – Beaches, sport
Ignore the slip, slop, slap, wrap message.
Been around for too long.
Type of employment- outside jobs
Only happens in older people. Arrogance – It won’t happen to me attitude.
Ignorance- lack of knowledge/education.

Tuesday 7th October

Why does Nz have highest skin cancer rates?

Ozone layer depletion

Cool to have a tan
Outdoor lifestyle – beaches, sport
Been around for too long.
Only happens in older people.
Outside jobs.
Conditions which increase UV Radiation:
Higher altitude
Less atmosphere
Season changing
When the sun is directly above us.
If there are thin clouds or patches of clouds in the sky.
When you are on snow, water, concrete.

What is the Ultraviolet Index (UVI) and why is it important to me?

The UVI measures levels of UV radiation in our environment. It is a scale starting
from 1 and reaching 13 or 14 In New Zealand in summer. In new Zealand the UVI is
6 or above almost daily between October and March, and this can also happen in
winter, especially at high altitudes and in snow.

Asymmetry Border Colour Diameter Evolution

1. He is because he just slops the sunscreen on his face and doesn’t put it on

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