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1. What do I do if I cannot reach a work area from my scaffolding?

􀀀 I climb out of the collective protective equipment.
􀀀 I put on a safety harness and, on my own initiative, climb out of the collective protective equipment.
􀀀 I ask for the scaffolding to be modified or moved.
􀀀 I extend the metal deck with boards, after checking they are strong enough.

2. Work is considered “at height” as from...

􀀀 10 meters above the ground.
􀀀 5 meters above the ground.
􀀀 A level higher than the ground and in all cases as of 2 meters above it.

3. I have a task to perform from a scaffold. What must I check before accessing it?
􀀀 That it suits my requirements.
􀀀 That the top-rails, toe-boards, ladders and deck are correctly positioned.
􀀀 Its architecture.
􀀀 That there is a conformity tag authorizing access to it.

4. What do I do if I find that my safety harness shows signs of wear?

􀀀 Throw it away.
􀀀 Inform my line manager and ask for a replacement harness.
􀀀 Try to repair it.
5. Can a mobile elevating work platform (an aerial lift) tip over?
􀀀 No, the counterweight is sufficient.
􀀀 Yes, if aspects of its use do not meet manufacturer recommendations (wind, position of the outriggers, safe working
load, etc.).
􀀀 That depends on its brand and design.
􀀀 Never, because the design safety factor is sufficient to avoid this kind of incident.

6. If I need to perform a task without collective protective equipment...

􀀀 I attach the lanyard of my safety harness to an appropriate anchorage point.
􀀀 I do not have to attach myself provided I have a medical certificate saying I’m fit to work at height.
􀀀 I do not attach myself; I’m used to working that way.

7. If I am in an aerial lift…
􀀀 I must systematically attach my safety harness to the aerial lift.
􀀀 Attaching my safety harness is inadvisable, in case the aerial lift tips over and I need to get out.
􀀀 I only need to attach my safety harness in windy conditions.

8. In the safety domain, a lifeline is:

􀀀 A crease in the skin on the palm of one’s hand.
􀀀 Respect for the safety rules in all aspects of one’s lifestyle.
􀀀 A cable, installed by specialists, to which I can attach the lanyard of my safety harness.
􀀀 A rope that enables fast descent from a high point if necessary.

9. What risks would I be running if I remove a scaffolding top-rail without authorization?

􀀀 A colleague could suffer an accident.
􀀀 I could be sanctioned.
􀀀 I might fall.

10. In your opinion, can this ladder be used?

􀀀 Yes, provided that non-slip treads are put on it.
􀀀 No, because it is in poor condition.
􀀀 Yes, no problem as it’s made of aluminum.
􀀀 No, because the use of ladders is strictly prohibited.

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