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Top Tables for SAP B1 Reporting

ID Module Table Remember Description Common Columns Used (Key in Bold,

Linked table in {})

Business Partners

Business Partner Master OCRD business Customer and Vendor master CardCode, CardName,CardType,
CaRD. data Address,ZipCode, City Country, Balance

Marketing Docs
(A/R) & {A/P)

Sales Orders ORDR sales oRDeR Information about a specific DocEntry,

sales order; find items ordered CardCode{OCRD},CardName, Address,
in RDR1; use if tracking sales DocDate, DocDueDate, NumAtCard,
DocTotal, OwnerCode, GrosProfit,

A/R Invoices OINV sales INVoice Information about a specific DocEntry,

A/R Invoice; find items CardCode{OCRD},CardName, Address,
ordered in INV1; use if DocDate, DocDueDate, NumAtCard,
tracking money to collect DocTotal, OwnerCode, GrosProfit,

Purchase Order OPOR Purchase Information about a specific DocEntry,

ORder purchase order; find items CardCode{OCRD},CardName, Address,
22 ordered in POR1 DocDate, DocDueDate, NumAtCard,
DocTotal, OwnerCode

A/P Invoices OPCH PurCHase Information about a specific DocEntry,

goods A/P Invoice; find items CardCode{OCRD},CardName, Address,
18 ordered in PCH1 DocDate, DocDueDate, NumAtCard,
DocTotal, OwnerCode

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ID Module Table Remember Description Common Columns Used (Key in Bold,
Linked table in {})


Inventory Item OITM inventory ITeM Individual Inventory items, ItemCode, ItemName, OnHand,
4 including Raw materials, labor, IsComitted, OnOrder, AvgPrice
fees, and finished goods

Bill of Materials OITT InvenTory Combination of inventory Code,Qauntity,PriceList

Tree items to make a subassembly
or finished good which items
are in BOM are in ITT1

Production Order OWOR WORk order DocEntry, ItemCode{OITT},Status,

202 PlannedQty, CmpltQty, RjctQty,
PostDate, DueDate, CloseDate, RlsDate

Child Tables(Rows)

Marketing - Rows XXX1 Rows for Marketing tables DocEntry, LineNum, ItemCode{OITM},
above when needed Replace BaseType, LineStatus, Dscription,
XXX with three letter identifier Quantity, OpenQty, Price,LineTotal,
above DocDate

Inventory - Rows INV1 inventory ITeM Prices for items ItemCode,PriceList{OPLN},Price


Bill of Materials ITT1 Line items in a boM Father,Code{OITM},Quantity,Price,Price

66 List{OPLN},OrigPrice,Uom

Production Order - Rows WOR1 WORk order Rows in a production order DocEntry, LineNum, ItemCode{OITM},
202 BaseQty,PlannedQty,IssuedQty

Marketing addresses XXX12 Actually tax information but DocEntry, StateB, CountyB, StreetB,
contains shipping(S) and BlockB, BuildingB, ZipCodeB,StateS,
billing/Payment(B) info for CountyS, StreetS, BlockS, ZipCodeS
marketing documents

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ID Module Table Remember Description Common Columns Used (Key in Bold,
Linked table in {})

Special Tables

Drafts ODRF DRaFts Marketing documents in draft; DocEntry,

they do not exist in the system CardCode{OCRD},CardName, Address,
112 anywhere but here; DocEntry DocDate, DocDueDate, NumAtCard,
will change between a draft DocTotal, OwnerCode, GrosProfit,
and a marketing document TrackNo

User field values UFD1 User FielDs Fields for UDF validation TableID,FieldID,FldValue,Descr
values for value descriptions;
requires multiple keys to get
proper value

User defined tables(Objects): User Defined tables DocEntry, Name


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