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Hurdles in Implementing Change in an Organization

The analysis delves into four common challenges encountered by managers during the

implementation of extensive organizational changes: cognitive hurdles, limited resources,

motivation issues, and institutional politics (How to Change Your Organization's Culture, n.d.).

These challenges are undoubtedly relevant to project managers aiming to align their teams

similarly to organizations. Just as organizations convey values and beliefs to staff, project leaders

carry the responsibility of instilling culture within teams by effectively communicating both

values and beliefs to members (Suda, n.d.).

The impact of culture, whether in teams or organizations, significantly influences achievable

outcomes. Maintaining a positive team culture demands considerable effort, while addressing a

harmful one should be a top priority. Successfully improving a poor culture may produce a

multiplier effect, addressing other issues simultaneously. Companies or teams with low morale,

hopelessness, poor leadership, lack of vision, low commitment, or similar collective attitudes

face minimal chances of success. Conversely, organizations or teams with an enthusiastic,

positive "can-do" attitude tend to be creative, adaptable, collaborative, and highly successful.

Companies like Southwest Airlines, Apple, Google, and small startups consistently maintain a

competitive edge through dedicated efforts (Billows, 2016).

The article "Organizational Culture: Creating, Measuring and Consolidating for Performance"

analyzes four common hurdles that managers face when implementing broad changes in an

organization. These hurdles encompass resistance to change, lack of clear communication, lack

of leadership support, and inadequate training and development. Resistance to change can

impede progress and success, especially if team members are not aligned with the project's goals.

Effective communication is crucial to mitigate confusion and resistance, both in organizational

and project contexts. Similarly, strong leadership support is essential for the success of change

initiatives, whether in organizations or projects. Additionally, providing adequate training and

development opportunities is vital for employees to adapt to change successfully, ensuring

alignment with project objectives for project managers and organizational goals for managers.

Influence of Leadership on Organizational Culture

The perceptions and convictions of a company's leadership significantly shape its organizational

culture. The actions, choices, and principles of the leadership mold the overall culture, which

subsequently impacts the company's modus operandi, including its products and services. Here

are some specific instances:

Google: Google's leadership, renowned for nurturing a culture of originality and imagination,

empowers employees to take chances and think innovatively. This has forged Google's culture of

ongoing enhancement and the creation of pioneering products and services.

Zappos: Zappos' CEO, Tony Hsieh, prioritized cultivating a favorable and customer-focused

culture. This emphasis on exceptional customer care and employee satisfaction has influenced

the company's operational approach, resulting in a reputation for exceptional customer


Apple: The late co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, wielded considerable influence over the

company's culture. His unwavering pursuit of excellence and emphasis on superior design

shaped Apple's culture of ingenuity, resulting in revolutionary products that transformed entire


In essence, the perceptions and beliefs of leadership are pivotal in shaping an organization's

culture, which subsequently impacts the company's operational style and its offerings of products

and services.

Ibidunni, S., & Agboola, M.G. (2013, January). Organizational culture: Creating, changing,

measuring and consolidating for performance. European Journal of International Management,

5(32), p 2222-2839.


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