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FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts | FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple

workplace task | FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information | TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

Student Name: James Nolan Email:
Trainer / Assessor Name: Miss O’Brien Email:
Qualification Code & FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for work and vocational pathways
Unit/Units of FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks
Competency Assessed
FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts
FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information
TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

Contributes to Project Project 3 ICT

Evidence gathering tool Observations
Folio of Work
Evidence-Gathering Tool Code: FSK2_OBS01_P3
Assessment Items Demonstration of the following skills:
 Use of digital technology to complete workplace tasks
 Safe use of computers
 Using software applications
 Writing Documents
Duration (weeks)
Start Date Due Date

Competency-based The assessment tools are mapped to the unit/s providing evidence of validity.
Refer to overall mapping document for mapping
Instructions for the Students are to complete evidence gathering requirements and all aspects of this unit as
Learner: per instructions. These activities, questions, assignments, and observations collate a body
of evidence of understanding the process, skills and knowledge obtained through the
unit / folio.
Students are to follow all instruction provided and complete the required practical and
written tasks with set specifications and requirements for each task to be completed
Students are to attach any additional evidence to this document as required by the task.
Electronic submissions will be kept by you teacher for evidence towards competency.
All materials and resources provided are to be used safely as per industry requirements.
Clarify any questions regarding this assessment with your trainer
Context/Scenario Unless otherwise stated the following activities are based on a small business where you
work as an Online Warehouse Assistant, your job duties include, but are not limited to:
 Managing order logistics; processing and dispatching of online orders
 Managing all customer service enquiries in regard to online orders
 Communicating with clients and ensuring all paperwork is been completed
Instructions for the  Explain to students how the project and evidence gathering are structured and what
FSK2_OBS01_P3 Version 1 | 19 November 2019 Page 1 of 5
FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts | FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple
workplace task | FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information | TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

Trainer/Assessor: they have to do to successfully attain the qualification

 Explain to students how their progress is recorded and how to can access records
 Explain the project, time frames, quality requirements, RPL and how to get help
 Conduct a safety induction on tools to be used and safe workplace practices
 Use the evidence gathering instruments to record gaps and learning strategies
 At completion of the activities, questions, assignments, and observations record the
 Update the student profile based on the project and evidence gathered
Assessor is to date and initial upon successful completion of the activity.
Any gaps are to be noted in the ‘gap identified’ column
 Students are to be provided with further opportunity to undertake the observable
behaviours as noted in gaps identified
 When/if satisfactory, circle gap and date and initial
Students must be observed at least once for each demonstration
 These activities may be observed on different dates and times.
Conditions:  Assessment texts and tasks reflect those typically found in the workplace.
 Advice and support is available if requested.
 Culturally appropriate processes and techniques suited to the language, literacy and
numeracy capacity of individuals and the work being performed must be used.
 Tasks to be your own work and completed in class time
 This assessment is Open Book and therefore: course materials, handouts, internet
sources, etc, may be used to assist you in completing this assessment.
Requirements Students will require access to: computer, internet, office software (Word, Excel, PPT,
Outlook, or similar
Reasonable Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with
Adjustment disabilities.
Reasonable adjustments are made where necessary to take account of individual
learner’s needs. Refer to policy and procedure on reasonable adjustments
Submission Your trainer/assessor will complete and retain a copy of this observation record
Student Declaration I declare:
 The assessment requirements have been clearly explained to me
 I received copies or links to the relevant unit/s of competency
 I understand what evidence is to be collected
 The work submitted is my own work
 I have been made aware of the RPL process and how to request when applicable
 I understand I have the option of Credit Transfer for units already completed
 I understand I have the right to appeal the assessment decision
 I am aware that reasonable adjustments are available where necessary upon
consultation with the Trainer/Assessor

Student Signature: Date:

Assessor Checklist Adjustments Provided: (Assessor to tick to indicate adjustments provided to learner)
Assessment broken into stages
Task simplified, but competency integrity not compromised
Use of scribe / writer / modelling
Extra time allowed
Assessment method changed (provide details)
Assessor Checklist: (Assessor to tick once complete)
All student sections completed

FSK2_OBS01_P3 Version 1 | 19 November 2019 Page 2 of 5

FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts | FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple
workplace task | FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information | TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

All Evidence-Gathering tool sections completed

Written feedback provided
Verbal feedback provided
Student Profile Record updated

Assessor Signature: Date:


Evidence Gathered Assessor to tick on completion
Demonstration of the following skills:
þ Use of digital technology to complete
☐ ☐
workplace tasks
þ Safe use of computers ☐ ☐
þ Using software applications ☐ ☐
þ Writing Documents ☐ ☐
Feedback for the Assessment
Feedback to Learner:

Feedback to Assessor:

Refer to the following files/handouts:

- Computer Use Policy (OPW Policy & Procedure Manual)
- Safe use of laptops
- Office workstations

FSK2_OBS01_P3 Version 1 | 19 November 2019 Page 3 of 5

FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts | FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple
workplace task | FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information | TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

Student name:
Student demonstrates the following Date Gaps Identified
Use of digital technology to complete workplace tasks following workplace requirements
Logs in using own username and password
Uses keyboard to enter
Uses mouse to move cursor as required
Access and opens files as per task requirements
Uses printer to print final document in line with task
Data is saved on designated drive as per task directions
Selects and uses technology and software application appropriate
to the task.
Safe use of computers following WHS legislative requirements
Safe use of computers and equipment
þ Appropriate posture (feet flat on floor, back straight)
þ Monitor at eye level
þ Arms at right angle to keyboard
Adjusts the chair, including seat height, to meet own ergonomic
Places the keyboard and mouse within easy reach to minimise
Taking appropriate breaks from entering data into the computer:
 Micro breaks - lasting 10-15 seconds every ten minutes.
During the break:
o rest your hands in a relaxed, flat, straight
o stretch, stand up, move around
Safe Tablet/iPad/Mobile Digital Device Use
 While standing keeps neck in neutral position (not bent
 Positions device just below 30O angle to line of sight
 Maintain comfortable viewing distance (45cm-70cm)
Writing Documents
Proofreads and edits document to ensure accuracy and
Uses a dictionary to check meaning/spelling
Provides draft and asks for feedback
Submits drafts for feedback
Prints and presents documents as per requirements
Saves and files documents as per specified requirements
Completes tasks within designated timelines
FSK2_OBS01_P3 Version 1 | 19 November 2019 Page 4 of 5
FSKWTG008 Complete routine workplace formatted texts | FSKDIG002 Use digital technology for routine and simple
workplace task | FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information | TLIK2003 Apply keyboard skills

The candidate’s performance was: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

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