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Fluid Mechanics

2023-24 Even Semester (Jan-Apr)

st Tutorial 4Amit Ranjan
1 Year (PE); Instructor/Tutor:
Homework #3 (Kinematics)
Due on: 12st February (Monday)

1. A gas flows in a pipe with a velocity of 10 cm/s and has an axial temperature gradient of 10oC/
m in the flow direction. On account of absorption of thermal radiation the temperature of each
gas particle is increasing at a rate of 1 oC/s. Find the rate of change of the gas temperature as
recorded by a stationary probe. Is the temperature field steady?

2. A sensitive electronic instrument on board a balloon must not experience a rate of change of
temperature larger than ±0.01 K/s for proper functioning. The atmopsheric pressure field is
given by the following relationship:
−3 −0.01t
T =288.3−6.5×10 z2−e K

where z is the height in m, and t is the time in hr aftrer sunrise. Find the maximum permissible
rate of ascent if the balloon is at the ground at t = 1 hr.

3. Will there be any fluid acceleration in a steady flow of a liquid through the nozzle shown? If
yes, then obtain an expression for it in terms of the volumetric flow rate Q̇ if the area of cross-
section is given by A x= A 0 1e . Assume 1-D flow. Note that the value of Q̇ is
independent of x.

4. For the velocity field v=2 y i x j0 k , obtain the material acceleration vector at x = 3 and y
= 1. At this position, obtain the components of acceleration parallel and normal to v.
5. The water tank in the figure shown below is being filled through section 1 at v1 = 4 m/s and
through section 3 at Q3 = 0.01 m3/s. If the water level h is constant, determine the exit velocity

6. As shown in the figure below, in incompressible fluid is squeezed outward between two circular
discs by the uniform downward motion v0 of the upper disc. Using the cylindrical control
volume shown ( region between the dashed lines) and assuming one dimensional radial outflow,
derive an expression for the outflow velocity.

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