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LC26420 / LC36420 Family & Child Law

Written Assignment

This assignment forms half of the assessment for this module.

Your assignment must be handed in via TurnItIn by 2:30pm on Wednesday 2 nd December

2020. Any work submitted after the deadline will be awarded a mark of zero.

The overall word limit for the assignment is 2,500 words. There is no 10% leeway on the
maximum word count. For further information please refer to

You must declare your word count at the end of your essay.

Please list in a bibliography at the end of the essay the main sources (books and other
materials) consulted in writing your essay. Any quotations should be accompanied by a full
reference with page numbers. In all Law modules, footnotes for referencing purposes will
not count towards the word limit.

Assignment topic

The traditional position in English and Welsh law is that pre-marriage contracts carry little
weight in a courts consideration of an application under the MCA 1973.

This view has recently been rejected by the Supreme Court.

Do you think that pre-marriage contracts are contrary to public policy in that they require
people to enter marriage while contemplating its breakdown?

Provide analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of prenuptial contracts. Include

examples and case law.

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