Position Paper

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CNMUN’23 Position Paper

Committee: Disarmament and international security committee (DISEC)

Country: Federal republic of Nigeria

Topic: Rising tension in the Korean Peninsula

Delegation’s Institute: ST Patrick’s High school

The Korean Peninsula has long been a region of concern for global peace and security due to escalating
tension between north Korea and south Korea. As a responsible member of international community
Nigeria recognize the significance of addressing the issue to promote disarmament and international
security. Nigeria acknowledges the historical background of the Korean Peninsula which has been
divided since Korean war due to political differences and change in ideology. Nigeria strongly advocate
for the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula to through diplomatic means. We support all
diplomatic initiative including the Six-Party talks, as visible avenues for achieving disbarment. The federal
republic of Nigeria also recognizes the rising tension in the Korean Peninsula pose a grave threat to
international security. This tension can potentially escalate into a broader conflict that may involve
neighboring countries and impact global peace stability.

Recommendations for the committee:

The federal republic of Nigeria is deeply concerned about the rising tension in the Korean Peninsula and
firmly believe in the importance of disarment and international security. The federal republic of Nigeria
suggests the committee to take into consideration the following points:

1) Diplomatic engagement
2) The resumption of the six-party talks
3) Humanitarian aid
4) Sanctions and incentives
5) International mediation
6) Reunification of DPRK and ROK

The delegation of Nigeria will actively seek to have these resolution proposed to the committee, and
work towards a more peaceful world for all nations.

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