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Patrick’s Boys High School

Bible Knowledge
Class 10 A, B and C (Cambridge) Paper 2

Objectives (50 marks)

Section A

Attempt any one of the following two questions from section A

Question 1
They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with
them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to
a) Explain why the religious leaders opposed Jesus, and plotted to kill Jesus
b) The death of Jesus or His Resurrection is more important for Christians today? Discuss
c) What does the suffering and death of Jesus teach us today?

Question 2
”At midnight the cry rang out: Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”
a) Give an account of the parable of the 10 virgins.
b) Explain what this parable might teach Christians today?
c) What Christians of today, learn about the kingdom of God from this parable?

Section B

Attempt any 2 from the following questions. Do all parts of the chosen question
Question 1
a) Explain the political and religious background at the time of Jesus.
b) The first three Gospels called synoptic. Why?
c) Explain the Jewish attitude to the Roman occupation of Palestine at the time of Jesus? (8)

Question 2
a) Was Jesus making a point with an acted parable or righteous anger in the event of the
cleansing of the temple? Discuss.
b) What do the nature miracles reveal about Jesus’ ministry, and the kingdom of God?
c) Explain the extent to which faith is required for a miracle to occur?

Question 3
a) To what extent do miracles play an important role in the Gospels?
b) What does the conversation between Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman might teach
about Jesus’s relationship between the Gentiles?
c) Evaluate whether Jesus could have avoided his Death.

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