MCP Report Part 2 Rubric MOODLE

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100% FAIL: HIGH <50% PASS: 50-59% CREDIT: 60-69% DISTINCTION: 70-79% HIGH DISTINC : 80-100%

Brief background of company and current Some of the following Most issues such as Outstanding executive summary
Inadequate coverage of most areas Background, situation, purpose
situation, purpose of report, outline of adequately covered: background, situation, providing clear direction for the
such as background, situation, and problems clearly identified
key problems, theory used to analyse background, situation, purpose and problems reader presenting an overview of
purpose and problems. * and summarised well.
them and why must be solved. Maximum purpose and problems. outlined well. all key report details.
one page, presented on a separate page.
PROBLEM - IDENTIFICATION 20% Identified through some use
Identification and description of ONE Very good identification and Excellent identification and
of evidence and basic Clearly identified and
Major management problem from the Not identified or described description of problem, supported description of problem, well
description of the problem. supported by some good
case with a clear problem statement correctly/weakly. Very weak by accurate, specific and supported by integration of
Evidence integration integration of evidence with
supported by integrated case evidence integration of case evidence.* appropriate evidence that is strong, accurate, specific and
sometimes weak and/or good description of problem.
that is accurate, specific and appropriate. integrated well. appropriate evidence.
Use of relevant management Wrong, none or little Some relevant Relevant theory/concepts Very good use of relevant Excellent use of theory/concepts
theory/concepts covered in MCD2040 to theory/concepts used and/or theory theory/concepts correctly discussed & used to clearly theory/concepts in identification through using different
analyse and explain why and how the mentioned is not discussed or used, discussed or applied analyse the problem with and analysis of the problem. A theoretical aspects to show a
problem has developed. applied sufficiently leading to very enabling some analysis of some good application of good discussion of how and why deep understanding of why &
weak analysis. * problem. theory. problem developed. how problem is occurring.

RESEARCH 10% Insufficient research conducted OR The research selected, used

Use of quality research in supporting
selected research is not relevant. and discussed is not always Good use of sound and Excellent and thorough use of
problem analysis. Minimum (min.) Very good research usually used
Does not meet min. requirement or relevant. Meets min. reliable research to support research using high quality
requirement: at least 3 peer-reviewed to support analysis. Meets min.
unable to identify research details. requirement. Some analysis at times. Meets min. sources to support analysis.
articles (published after 2010) AND the requirement.
Sections are plagiarised limiting application of research to requirement. Meets min. requirement.
textbook are used.
research ability. case.
(In text citations) No or inaccurate citations according Report contains several
Accurate citations with Excellent and accurate citations
Correct use of APA 6th/7th ed. to the APA 6/7th ed. system. MUST inconsistencies and errors in Very good citations with very few
minor errors and/or using the APA referencing system
referencing system including accurate consult the Q Manual to attend to citations. MUST consult the errors and/or inconsistencies.
inconsistencies. with hardly any errors.
citations with only the sources that have this. Sections are plagiarised. Q Manual more.
actually been used.
No or inaccurate referencing Reference list contains Excellent and accurate
Correct use of APA 6th/7th ed. Accurate eferencing with
referencing system including a Reference according to the APA 6/7thed. several inconsistencies and Very good referencing with very referencing using the APA
minor errors and/or
List on a separate page with only the system. MUST consult the Q Manual errors in referencing. MUST few errors and/or inconsistencies. referencing system with hardly
sources that have actually been used. to attend to this. consult the Q Manual more. any errors.

Quality of expression, grammar, format Report is neatly formatted &
Report is poorly presented/ Report is formatted in a Report is formatted in a correct Excellent professional
and layout which is appropriate for a presented. Not always
formatted or sections missing. business‐like manner and business‐like manner with clear presentation and formatting.
business report. This includes: Title Page, business appropriate.
Written expression grammar, clearly presented. Correct presentation. Very good written Excellent written expression
headings/numbering, executive Written expression,
spelling is poor. NOT within word third person tense used with expression with some minor with hardly any errors in
summary, font, spacing and page grammar, spelling adequate
count requirement. clear expression. errors. grammar, spelling etc.
numbers. Meets word count but with errors.

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