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GRADE 6 Name: _________________________________


Bonus Questions

1. What is the active ingredient in pizza dough?


2. Why do some cookies take a long time to make?



QUIET PLEASE! Raise your hand if you have a question.

Please write neatly so that your words are understandable.

If you finish early quietly organise the kitchen closest to your seat.
Answer the following questions by filling in the blanks with the words provided in the
box below.

1. ___________________ are substances in food that provide energy and materials

for cell development, growth, and repair.

2. Water is important to the body because of _______________________.

3. The sun is a great source of ______________________ for our bodies.

4. Next to oxygen, _________________ is the most important factor for survival.

5. _________________ helps build muscles.

6. Our body's main source of energy is _________________________.

7. Fats help our bodies _________________ vitamins.

8. The key to good health is a _________________________________.

9. ________________ plays a major role in digestive health. We need it to poop.

10. We can find good ________________ in water.

11. It is important to remember that ____________________ is not the only substance

that we can find protein in. Beans are also a great source of protein.

12.You should not eat much _______________ or ____________if you want to be


Water Vitamin D Hydration

Fast Food
Carbohydrates Protein

Fiber Minerals Meat


Absorb Balanced diet

Give two healthy and two unhealthy examples and substances of each.

Unhealthy Healthy




Where can you find the following substances?



1. Why is it not important to read the instructions on the box to cook pasta each time?




2. What is the active ingredient in quick rise bread?

_________________________________ (hint, 2 words)


Answer the following questions. Circle true or false.

All bacteria are bad for our bodies. True False

Washing hands before preparing food is a good hygiene practice. True False

Meat should be left in the cupboard until it’s ready to cook. True False

Food that stays in the fridge will not go bad. True False

Lifting knives above your head is the best way to carry a sharp True False


Food waste should be disposed of daily in the kitchen. True False

Using hand soap to wash dishes is good practice. True False

It’s okay to be cooking food for yourself and others when you are True False


Wearing closed shoes when cooking in the classroom is True False


Ovens do not get hot enough to burn people when opening them. True False

Explain why keeping garbage and food waste out of the kitchen is important to safety.





Match the words with their definitions.

Personal 1. Someone who has the power to affect the

Finances purchasing decisions of others because of his or
her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship
with his or her audience.

Wants 2. Your earnings. How much money you have.

Consumer 3. Your spendings. How much money you spend.

Needs 4. Person who buys goods and services

Consumption 5. Things you like that go beyond your survival


Influencers 6. A public promotion of some product or service

Advertizing 7. What you must have to survive.

Give 4 examples of each in the table below.

Needs Wants

What is the difference between Consumption & Personal Finances?



Choose 2 of the 3 following questions to answer. Give a good clear answer.

Explain the difference between Consumer Knowledge and Product Knowledge?






Explain the difference between Advertising and Consumer Information.






Explain in your own words what Consumerism is and how it can affect our







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