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Sample IP Question Bank

Module-2 Front End development

1 . Explain JavaScript data Object with example
2. Explain exception handling
3. explain built-in object with example
1. explain json format with example
1. Java Script email validation program

Module-3: Back End Development

2- Marks
1. What is a Web server and Web client?
2. What is JSPinit() ?
3. What is Scriptlet.
4. What is server-side scripting language? Write name of language for the same

5- Marks

1. Write a short note on JDBC Driver.

2. Explain and Draw Java Servlet Achitecture
3. Write a code to create HTML forms by embedding JSP code.
4. Write a JSP program to enter name, DOB and Email ID.
10 Marks

1. Explain all 4 JDBC drives in detail?

2. Explain JSP life cycle with diagram?
3. Explain JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Libraries) in detail?

Module-4: Rich Internet Application (RIA)

2- Marks

1. What is XMLHttpRequest object?

2. Explain Callback function?
3. Explain RIA?
4. Define jQuery?
5. Define AJAX.

5- Marks

1. Explain commonly used jQuery Event Methods.

2. Difference between AJAX vs Traditional Approach.
Sample IP Question Bank

1. Explain characteristics of a Rich Internet Application

2. Difference between Traditional web application and Ajax web application with its architecture.
3. Describe the architecture of Rich User Interface using AJAX with example.
Sample IP Question Bank

Module-5: Web Extension: PHP and XML

2- Marks
1. What are the different ways to create an array in PHP? Explain with an example.
2. What are the features of PHP?
3. State the built-in function in php
4. State any two String Manipulation functions with examples.
5. List the various Data Type in PHP.
6. Define SAX (Simple API for XML).
7. What is XML?
8. Brief note: XML Parser
9. State main parts of XSL Document

5- Marks

1. Explain XML DOM (Document Object Model).

2. Explain form handling using GET and POST method in PHP
3. Explain user define function in PHP with example.
10- Marks
1. How can a cookie be created in PHP script?
2. Differentiate between simple and complex XML Schema types?

3. Explain XML Schema and its types.

4. Create a Html form that accepts First name, Last Name, Department and Designation from the
user. Create a PHP page that stores this information in mysql database named with an existing
table emp_details having appropriate schema and acknowledge user with appropriate message
about success and failure during data insertion. Assume suitable username and password to access

Module-6: React js
2- Marks

1. What are the features of React Js

2. What is NPM? Why is it required in react Js.
3. Write a code to display “Hello World” using JSX
4. Explain JSX.


1. Advantage and disadvantage of react JS

2. How to install and set up the new app in react js. Write down the command.

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