Rangkuman Strategi TEOFL iBT Writing (Template)

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TOEFL iBT Writing (2 Questions)

- Task 1 (20 minutes):

1. Reading a passage (3 minutes) and listening to a lecture (will be a refutation of the reading
2. Being able to take some notes from the passage and the lecture
3. Being able to check the passage while writing
4. Aim to write for 300 words
5. Don’t state any opinion (only pieces of information you got)

- Task 2 (10 minutes):

1. Spare a minute to check your answer

2. * Make sure every idea you type is fresh (hasn’t been stated by other students, your own
idea). It is also necessary to acknowledge the point of view of one of the speakers (do you
agree or disagree. As usual, add ERE “Explanation, reason, and/ or example.”)
3. Write 130 words

Template for task 1

To do:

- 300 words
- 4 paragraphs + 1 short conclusion (1 introduction and 3 well-developed body paragraphs)
- Catch the
o Topic and its definition
o Who does stand with for and with against
o 3 ideas in both reading and lecture completed with their explanation
- 3 minutes to edit
- I have to look for:

Par 1

The article introduces the topic of … (the topic, can be just one word), which is … (definition of that
topic). The writer elucidates that … (main idea of the passage), however, the lecturer has a starkly
different viewpoint. He states that … (the topic) has many consequences/ benefits, and attacks each
of the claims made in the reading.

Par 2 – 4 + 1 short conclusion

To begin with, the author says that (first idea), and states that (a supporting explanation for the first
idea passage). The professor believes there are downsides in the author’s position. He/ she contends
that (opposing statement for the main opinion of the writer “… should not be done since …/ need to
be continued and escalated”) due to the fact that (first contrast idea).

According to the writer, … (second idea), and it … (a supporting explanation for the second idea
passage). The speaker, on the other hand, points out that … (second contrast idea). He feels that (a
supporting explanation for the second idea audio)

Also, the reading passage notes … (third idea), and it is, therefore, … (the result of third idea). The
professor rebuts this argument explaining that (third contrast idea). In fact, he claims … (a supporting
explanation for the third idea audio)
As you can see, the author and lecturer hold obvious contrasting views on … (the topic)

Template for Task 2

1st (State your opinion): My personal belief is that ….

2nd (example): A worthwhile illustration of this happened when … (the real example). In addition, …
(second real example)

3rd (acknowledge other student’s perspective + the related reason):

 Agree: I understand the concern of … (another student) over … (the topic), but I believe he/
she misses another critical point. … (main idea). … (the detail or explanation of the main
 Disagree: I totally agree with the point … (another student) about … (the topic), and I would
like to add … (main idea). … (the detail or explanation of the main idea)

4th (summarize the main idea): … (Restated main idea “3rd ” with different pattern)., which is why I
believe … (paraphrase of “1st”)

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