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Mise-en-scene is a French phrase that means ‘placing on

stage’. It is used to describe the design aspects of film
through cinematography and stage design, and also through
direction. We need to be able to analyze what we can see by
describing what we can see in accurate and detailed
language. We also need to explain what it means or what it
is trying to communicate to the audience.

Student name Areebah Fatmi

Mise-en-scene is a French phrase that means ‘placing on stage’. It is used to
describe the design aspects of film through cinematography and stage design,
and also through direction. To analyse and discuss mise-en-scene we need to
identify and analyse 5 main areas; settings and props, position of people and
objects, costume, hair and make-up, facial expression and body language and
lighting and colour.

Each aspect of mise-en-scene has two meanings to it; the explicit details and the
implicit suggestions.

For example: what is the prop he is holding?

Explicitly, we can see that the prop is a gun.

What is the meaning behind it though? What does the use of it in the film tell
the audience?
Well, implicitly, we know that this person is either going to want to kill someone or
protect himself from someone or something. The prop of a gun therefore
implicitly that there will be violence.
The setting of a whole film or a key scene is vital. These, often without anything being said
verbally, tell us where the film or scene is set and who lives there. It also helps to establish
when the film is set and what country, time of day or even what planet the film is set on.
This is why you will often see a new scene begin with an extreme long shot that shows
the audience where the story is going to take place. These, called establishing shots, are a
simple and brief way of telling an audience where the film or scene is set.

Look closely at the establishing shots below. For each, aim to explain the explicit details
first: describe what can we see. Then, consider the implicit meaning-where/when is this film
set, and in one sentence explain where/when you think this film is set, explaining why you
came to that ideas in as much detail as possible.

EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that out)
I can see a house, a man staring at a sofa, an The place is set in the suburbs as it looks like in an
outdoor grassy area, sunset area not too busy. the huge amount of area that is
covered also gives off a suburban vibe

EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that out)
A boat, evening/sunset time Its set in sea because the boat is pictured in a way
where it looks like the boat is at sea
EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that
Graveyard, hills, greenery
it is set in the mountains as the mountainous and hilly
landscape can be seen.

EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that
buildings, men dressed up in suits, a street sign, trees in
the background It is a bus stop as there are people waiting with their bags
dressed up on formal attire

EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that
Grass nicely patterned, a lady standing next to a
wheelchair, kids playing garden of a castle or mansion because the lady is also
dressed in a posh way and the garden is also well kept

EXPLICIT (describe what you can see) IMPLICIT (where this is set and how you worked that out)
Pink and purple skies, a cliff/plateau, a house It is set in an abandoned area because no people are
shown and it’s a just a plain landscape.
Setting is just as useful when we see an interior (indoor) shot. It helps an audience
to not only learn about where and when a film or scene is set but also help the
audience to learn about a character or a situation.

When analysing setting, you need to first of all describe what you can see and then
work out what that setting suggests about the film and the characters in that scene.

EXPLICIT: How would you describe this location?

This looks like a kitchen, a shelf in the background holds the jars with food items. There are mugs hung as

IMPLICIT: Who do you think lives there? What kind of person?

Someone who is organized and likes things in place. They cook well since there are so many different

EXPLICIT: How would you describe this location?

This is an extravagant and fancy location, there are waiters and a lot of people dressed formally and what
come off as expensive dresses
IMPLICIT: Who do you think lives there? What kind of person? What is happening?
It looks like a mansion and someone very rich lives here. There’s a party going on and everyone seems to
be wishing the guy who entered.
EXPLICIT: How would you describe this location?
There are a lot of people dressed in coats, a lot of control buttons as well, a rocket is placed in between. It
looks like a lab of some sort where experiments are taking place.
IMPLICIT: What is happening here? How can you tell? What situation may be happening?
They look like scientists who are experimenting or testing the rocket that is placed in the middle. This can be
seen because the team can be seen working.

EXPLICIT: How would you describe this location?

This location has a lot of photo frames and action figures on the desk. The room has a bit of sunlight coming
in but there’s no actual light and it is a dark room.
IMPLICIT: What is the situation here? How can you tell?
The man is reading the news that is printed on the frames which seems like some heroic news and hes aklso
looking at the old pictures with it.
Props, or to give them their full name, theatrical property, are the objects in a scene
that help to make a scene appear realistic. They can help to make somewhere look
old or new, busy or quiet or just show us what is happening. Props can be almost
any item that is included in a scene, such as food, furniture or photos but they can
also be items that people use or things that people own.

The props here help to show that the scene tales The huge number of props in this screenshot from
place in a local corner shop in SHAUN OF THE NINE makes it clear that this is a film studio.

As with most aspects of film language, props can work on two levels-the explicit
description of what we can see, but also the implicit suggestion of what the
props suggest. For this reason, a setting may have been carefully created so
that it includes a specific set of props to suggest what the person in the person or
people in the scene is like, such as in these screenshots below.

In this shot from FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, props This screen capture from TAXI DRIVER shows how
not only show that this is an ornate and luxurious props can tell is that the scene takes place in a messy,
setting, but also that the character is intelligent and shop, but also that this character is violent and carries
calm: playing competitive chess in front of a crowd a gun.
but happy to relax and smoke a cigarette as he does

Look closely at the shot below. Paying close attention to the props, firstly explicitly
describe what props you can see and then implicitly analyse what the props
suggest about the character or scene.
Describe what props you can see in
screenshot number 1 on the left.
I can see machinery and a few screws and
different types of materials that go into building
the project being made by the character.

Describe what props you can see in

screenshot number 2 on the right.

In screenshot 2 a car can be seen and a lot

of metallic tools and equipment which tells
us that the character is someone who
understands engineering and mechanics
since they have the ability to build and
create different objects.

What does screenshot number 1 tell us about Tony Stark, based on just the props you can
see? Look at his desk and the things we see on there. What does it tell us about him as a
person? Be sure to explain why you think that, using your answers form the top right hand
box as evidence.

Screen shot 2 gives us a better view of the workshop. From this we can learn what kinds of
things Tony Stark likes because of the props used. What hobbies does he have and can you
describe what he is like as a person based on what props are being used in the scene? Be
sure to explain why you think that, using your answers form the top left-hand box as
Tony Stark seems to be a more creative person with a vision beyond the usual. He uses his creativity in the work
he does and the machines he creates. A lot of very professional equipment is pictured and Tony Stark is seen
working on a car which shows his ability
position of objects &
The position of objects and people is important as it helps to tell us about people, props
and the world in which the film takes place. Put at it’s most basic, someone, or something,
close to the front of the screen suggests importance or power. The further away they are
and the less central they are, the less important they are. Of course, every person and prop
on screen is important in some way-that’s why they’ve been included in the scene, so the
key is to first explicitly describe where someone/something is and then to analyse what
the implicit suggestion is of them being in that place is.

Look closely at the cube below. Imagine that the front is the screen and that the ‘cube’ area
behind it is the world of the film (if it helps, imagine a stage like in a theatre. Then, use the
words below to accurately label the blank cube.
This will allow you to explain positions in film studies accurately.
Front | Middle | Back | Left | Right | Top | Bottom

1. Below is a screenshot. There are two people in the screenshot. Firstly, describe, using
the words above, where they are.
2. Next, try to analyse why they are where they are. Consider what the reasons might be and
why we need to have two people in two very different positions in the frame.

Now that you know where and how to label where someone or something is in a scene,
complete the table below. The first column focuses on the explicit description of the scenes,
using the screenshots on the previous page. The other columns help you to analyses why the
people and objects are where they are for a reason. Finally, the last column helps you to
combine these ideas into one detailed explanation of each shot.

In the scene the man and The robot is in the center The woman is in the
woman seem to be having of the frame so its more shower and her face
a conversation while important. The woman is expressions show that she
having food. They’re both touching the robot which is distressed. She is more
facing each other can be a way of important in the scene as
communicating with it. the person in the
background is blurred.

the woman is more The robot is important The woman is important

important as she is getting
more space on screen

A table is pictured with A woman is seen with a I see a woman and a

cutlery and food. Two robot. There is a red light shadow in the background.
people are sitting in what lit. There is a shower and a
looks like a restaurant. shower curtain
There’s a large window
which shows what’s
happening outside.
costume, make-up & hair:
These three things tend to be analysed together when looking at mise-en-scene. To
clarify- costumes are clothes, hair is obvious and make up are the products used to
help make a character look a certain way. It does not just mean things like lipstick or
eye shadow, it can be used to create scars or cuts, to make a character look pale, to
create a creepy looking character or to help someone appear to be warm and kind.
Johnny Depp for example is an actor who uses costume, hair and make up to really
help create a detailed, authentic, and interesting character.

What does the use of hair, costume and make up tell the audience about
this character?

Begin by describing what you can see and then analyse what these things tell us
about the character. Consider colour, materials and special effects in the make
up. Then, analyse what you think this implicitly suggests about the character.

I see a man with messed up hair. He’s in a black costume with a lot of sharp pins and also has sword type
structures on his hands. The make up shows scars on his face
This shows he has a violent and evil character
Costume doesn’t always have to be a dramatic thing. For each screen shot below,
again describe what you can see (the explicit) and then describe what the costume
tells us about that character/s:

One man is dressed in The man on the right seems
a plain t shirt while the to be a little carefree and
other guy on the left has easy going while the one on
a proper shirt on with a the left seems more
tie and properly made organized.

There are 4 people They have a mean look on
dressed in a uniform with their face which gives an
a white tie. idea of how they might be
bullies in a school also
because they’re in uniforms

Two policemen in The policeman on the left
uniforms. They are is a senior because he
standing outdoors and the has a different hat and
one on the left seems to they policeman on the left
be calling for someone. is working under him

Costume can also signify change in a character. For this screenshot, explain what the
change in costume tells us about how the character has changed. Around the image,
describe what the character is like based on their costume and then describe how the
costume has changed and what that tells us about the person and how they have changed.
Pay careful attention to each character below. Study how each of them looks
and first of all, use the space around the characters on these page to annotate
what you notice. Then, using the table on the next page, describe how each
looks referring to colour, shape, size and style of costume.
Finally, explain what you think that character will be like based on your ideas
and descriptions.



Character Explicit description Implicit analysis
He is wearing a red and blue shirt. There is dark make up around the eyes The character looks evil according to the makeup and expressions.
and hair is parted sideways
Wearing a plain white shirt with eyes that show a lightning effect. The hair This tells us that the character may have some special powers as well

also has the same lightning effect

He is in a suit and tie and has black glasses on. There’s no special effects He looks like the main and most important character around which the
or makeup story will be based.
Plain black jacket and no extra make up The character seems to be a normal guy who has a more neutral character.

She is wearing a black outfit with black make up around the eyes. The hair The character looks evil.

is blonde and tied into two pigtails

She has pink hair and a soft make up look. She looks like a positive character who has a main part in the story and

isn’t violent.

He is in a simple red t shirt and hair is also done normally. There is no He looks like an innocent character due to the simplistic facial

make up expressions.

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