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Lesson 4 Passion for Reading

Lie the Sun During lunch time, Sekhar received a note from the

by. R. K. Narayan chief editor: "Please see me before you go home."

Sekhar believed that truth is like the sun. No human
Sekhar thought to himself that it must be about the
being can ever look at it directly in the face without
horrible feature articles that he had to write. He
blinking or being dazed. He thought that the essence
hadn't completed five articles that were due soon. He
of human relationships consisted in tempering truth
had avoided the work for weeks, which put him
so that it might not shock anyone. So, he decided to
under great pressure.
make today unique ― he had to give and take the

absolute truth, whatever happened. Otherwise, life

He entered the chief editor's room with a very polite
was not worth living. The day ahead seemed full of
"Good evening, sir.”
possibilities to Sekhar. He told no one about his
The chief editor looked up at him in a very friendly
manner and asked, "Are you free this evening?”

"Yes, pretty much. Do you need me for anything,

The very first test came when his wife served him his
sir?" asked Sekhar.
morning meal. He hesitated over the dish, which she
"Yes," replied the chief editor, smiling to himself.
thought was her best cooking. She asked, "Why, isn't
"You didn't know about my interest in music, did
it good?" At other times, he would have considered
you? I've been learning and practicing secretly, and
her feelings and said, "I feel full, that's all." But today
now I want you to hear me this evening. I want your
he said, "It isn't good. I can't swallow it." He saw her
opinion. I know it will be valuable.”
wince and said to himself, "It can't be helped. Truth
Sekhar's opinions about music were well-known. He
is like the sun.”
was one of the most serious music critics in the

town. But he never thought that his interest in music

His next trial was at his office when one of his
would lead him into this kind of situation.
coworkers came up to him and said, "Did you hear
"It's rather a surprise for you, isn't it?" asked the
the news? John got fired without notice. Don't you
chief editor. "I've spent so much money on learning
think it's terrible?"
and I've kept it a secret.”
"No," Sekhar answered.

"He was such a fine man...." The other coworker

began to say. But Sekhar interrupted him and said, "I

don't think so. He always treated me poorly.”

They started going to the chief editor's house. "I All the way home he felt worried. He felt that his

wasn't fortunate enough to have children," the chief office life was going to be difficult from now on.

editor said sadly as they walked, "but I prayed to at

Everything depended on the chief editor's will.
least have the comfort of music in my life." He
When he arrived home, his wife looked angry. He
chattered endlessly about music: how he began one
knew that she was still upset with him for his
day out of sheer boredom; how his teacher at first
comment that morning. Two casualties today, Sekhar
laughed at him and then gave him hope; how his
said to himself. If I do this for a week, I won't have
ambition in life was to forget himself in music.
a single friend left.
At his home, the chief editor invited Sekhar to sit on

a luxurious couch and put several delicious dishes

before him. He treated Sekhar like his son-in-law. He He received a call from the chief editor the next day.

even said, "You must listen with an open mind. Don't Sekhar answered with a worried voice. "Your

worry about those articles. I will give you an extra suggestion about my music was very useful. Thank
week to write them.”
you," the chief editor said, "By the way, where are
"Make it ten days, sir," Sekhar begged.
those articles?"
"All right," the chief editor said generously.
"You gave me ten days to finish them." Sekhar
The chief editor now began to sing a song and
responded, surprised.
continued with two more. Sekhar started commenting

to himself. He croaks like a dozen frogs. He bellows

like a buffalo. Now he sounds like old window "Oh, I've reconsidered. I must positively have them

screens in a storm. here tomorrow." Five articles in a day! That meant

As the chief editor finished singing, he asked "Now working on them all night long!

let me know your opinion." "Give me a couple of days. sir," Sekhar asked
"Can I tell you tomorrow, sir?" Sekhar asked
"No, I must have them tomorrow morning. And
"No, I want it immediately ― your honest opinion.
remember, every article must be completely accurate,"
Was it good?"
the chief editor responded.
"No, sir," Sekhar replied.
"Yes, sir," said Sekhar. Staying up all night long
"Oh! Do you think I will improve if I continue my

lessons?" writing articles was a small price to pay for the

"Absolutely not, sir," Sekhar said with his voice luxury of telling the truth directly without respect to

shaking. He felt unhappy that he could not speak the chief editor.

more supportively. Truth, he thought, required as

much strength to give as to receive.

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