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€.$. () Exam, 20h. DO. NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL, YOU ARE ASKED TQ DG SO ‘T.B.C. : P-DTQ-M-QB TEST BOORLET SERIES: Serial TEST BOOKLET PAPER - IL Tune Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 200 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY.AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS THST BOOKLET DORS NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN, OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SQ, CRT IP REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET, 2, #NCODE CLEARLY THE TesT BOOKLET SERIES a, B, C OR D 4S-THS CASE MAY BH IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE. IN THE ANSWER SHEET, Se You have to. enter your Rell Numker-on the Vest Heoklet in {he Box provided alongeide: BO NOT write anyéhing else on. thé-Tast Booklet, 4, ‘This Test Bucket contains 80 items (questions). Fach itera is. pririted both. in Hadi and, English, ‘except for Questions rolating'té English Language Comprchension which are in English only. ash item comprises out responses’ (anawers). You will seleck the response whieh you want te mark onthe Answer Shoot. In eave, yau feel thet thero is oiore than one korroct aesponso, mark the response which you. consider the besi. 14 any case, choose ONLY ONE sesponse for each iter. 5. You have te mark all your responses ONLY on-the separate Answer Sheet provided. See dingetion: the Answer Shoct . 6. AN items carry equall. marke 1%, Belore you, progeed bo inark in, the Answer Shost the: roepoaso to various iLems isi th Tost Booklet, yeu have to fill in some pavticalars in the Answer Shect as per instructions sent to you wiih your Aduiissien Certificate, 8 “After you kave completed filling ir all your responses op the Answer Sheol und the examination has conclided, you should hand over te the Invigilaler ondy ihe Answer Sheet, You are permitted to take away with you the Tost Booklet, 9. ‘Sheets for rough work ard appended in the"Vest’ Rooklet at the end. 10, Pondliy for wrong answers: ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WROKG ANSWERS MARKED BY ‘TITS CANDIDATE, EXCEPT FOR QUESTIONS FROM 74 TO 80, WHICH DO NOT CARRY ANY PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWER. 41) ‘There ate four alternatives for the answer'to every yuestion. For each question which “has a penalty for which a wrong anawer has boen given, by tho condidate, one-third ef the marks aasigried to thet question will-be deducted as penalty, (iH) Ifa candidate wives more then ane enswer, it Will bo treated ax a wrong answor even if-one of ‘the given anéwors happens. to be corzoct and there will he same penalty as abeve ts hat question, ie it has.a penalty, {iii} Tv a question is left baak, ie, no enawor i8.given by the candidate, there will bene penalty for ‘that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTH. YOU ARK ASKED TO DO SO casi &: oe or RD son ga ghar S Rea ys K wre | Directions, for the following 15 {fifleen)|1, What do you understand. hy. the items: ‘instrumentalist’ view of education? * Read the following’ three paseuges (a) Education, is faristional and and, answer the items that foilow each utilitarian in‘its purposes passage: Your answers tu these ttems ~ should be based on the passcges only. fb) Education is meant-to fulfil human Passage -1 needs. Rduestion, without a doubt; haa an (2) ‘The purpose of eduction is to train important, functional, Instrumental ‘and " ea the human intellect. utilitarian dimension, ‘This ia revealed when one asks quéslions such as ‘what is (4) Education is meant to achieve inoral the purpose of eilucation 7. The answers, dovalopment tao’ affen, are ‘to acquire qualifications for employment/upward mobihty’, 2, According to the pasiage, odueatioa ‘widewhigher Gin terme af income) must’ be respected in tiself because opportunities’, and ‘te meeti the needs for (a) it helps to acquire qualifications for Hained homan power in diverse fields for | omployrieint national development’. Bub in its deepest sense education is Hot instrumentalist (b) it helps ia upward mobility and That is to say, it fa not fo be justified acquiring social status: outside of itself because it leads to: the acquisition of firmal ‘skills or of certain fé) it is an inner process of moral and desired-psychological ~ social -aitribates. it intellectual development, ast be fied in itself, Education i inast be rospected in itself. Education is fd) All the Ga), th} and (c) given above thus not 2 cammodity to he acquired or in thie content possessed and then used, but a process of are correct in this comtles! inestimable importance to individuals aad ! . ; society, altlioigh it can and does have {3 Education is a proctss in which enormous usé-value. Education then, is 3 is) students are converted. into trained process of expansion and conversion, not professionals. in the sense of converting or turning (b} opportunities for higher income ave students into doctors or engineers, Inst the goterated vidoning and turing out of the mind — SCGRING Snel Bening gut of tho miu (©) individuals develop —_self-eritieal the creation, stistenance and development , ! awareness and independence of of selferitical awatencas and hough independence of thought It is -an thought. iamer process “of more] intellectual (@ qualifications for upward mobility davolopment, are agquired. P-DTO-M-O8 (2-al P-BTO-M-QE Preveritaar 15 corae) suefell dy Bre Peter PoaGifier ate aftedal a alge site seb) sueia gedes qRede a were ox fae ae werie| a sae Ge 1 tweet & onmb ere ret oftegal oe af anemia ah? RE aftede - 1 fran a1, Preite, wes Hecregh odo, Sifts aan seehPienatt gare kere | ae at saute der 8 ae BS ga mee we WW, AT fe Ben or stom wa BY | eee SS eR.8, Rorysehit alae. Re sete aff wer, ok amass (ara & Fai A) oman rat een’, “oni aera. 2g fete dat 4 sft seats at srarasast at yt aor (ig one near amt af fren Af sé (eet a are ue 2, fh seam eT Re sires adl eae Sy went, als oe steefts. ale oy efi fata atibser airs ~ antes ph & anh Gh ok a add ae wad A A ermite 2 Fe oe fat Oe aeg wee fre ofS a, oT eRe SD) BAS GR, weary TeET Fete FEAT aig, as ae waftnel aan sara & fer sure age wa? wet in 2, aati gah sue sate age @ sea @ ote een Ft saws Rar Grane wt oaeee or war 2, feafial er Pied om seed A aaa aed fa a Te at Preareny 2d ofeeda — orn, Poor ed are Rterae du as ert car Bar ef serra wera wae ae Bae Sea — sifeas Rare Af sits viva B 1 L (3-A)d ay fara EPrae' gitar a var eae FP fe) Prer aeet oeisd oun uclferen’t #1 . ib) fier tr sige aerdia reverent ot gfe cal . fe) far ar sho warm fe @ fait TSI (ay. Ren or shea ARio fone of sifs F 1 afte 3 angers, fren at achat Y arrester ad dar ht eafee 2 aolfis ge Same & fee. afar & arstt wees ae 1 waits ag seit afield a aenfes eae arr wey Hast ae SL () wife ar dhe a aifee fre ot safes uff 3 (a) Ba da F caer ert @), &) a @) we 8 fa) ob) oan ea afar d, fart Gy Renfidl a1 oie qfet & se 4 acer arate (b) see sia 3 greet oi wa ae 2 to afisel & sre aarere de ot Ree & waaat or feos eat et ia) sedenht aBehaat & Ree seterall at art Bat et P-OTOAEOB Passage ~2 Chemical, pesticides lose their role in sustainable agriculture if the pests evolve resistance, The evolution’ of pesticide resistance is simply siatural selection in action. Tris alnest certain to. occur when. vast numbers of a genetically variable population are killed. One or a few individuals may be unusually resistant {perhaps because they possess an enzyme that can dotoxify the pesticide). If the pesticide is applied repeatedly, each successive generation of the pest will contain a larger proportion of resistant individuals. Pests typically have a high intrinsic rate of repreduction, and so a few individuals in one generation may give rise to-hundreds or thousands in the next, and résistance sproads very rapidly in a population, ‘This preblem was often ignored in the past, even, thaugh the first case. of DDT (dichloroiipheny!trichtoregthane) resistance Was réparted as early as 1946, ‘There is exponential increase in the numbers of invertebrates that have evolved resistance and in the nomber of pesticides against which resistance has evolved, Resistance has been. recorded in every family of arthrapod pests Garkuding dipterans such as mosquitoes and honse flies, an well as beetles, moths, wasps, fleas, Lice. and mites) as well as im weeds and plant pathogens. Take the Alabama leafwerm, @ moth pest of cotton, as an example. It has develaped resistance. in one ¢r more regions of the world to aldrix, DDT, dieldrin, .endrin, lindane and toxaphene. . If chemical pesticides brought nothing but problems, — if their use was intrinsically and_-acutely unsustainable —| then they would already have fallen out of widespread use. ‘This has not happened. Instead, theit rate of 4 14=-4) production ‘has inereased rapidly. The ratio of cust te bonefit for the individual agricultural producer has remsined in. favour of poaticide -use: Jn’ the USA, insecticides have been estimated to bonofit the agricultural products to the tine of around $6 for every $1 spent. Moreover, in many poorer countries, the prospect of imminent: mass starvation, or of an epidemic disease, are 50 frightoning that the social and health costs of using pesticides have to be ignored. In general the use.of pesticides is justified by objéctive measures such as ‘ives saved’, “economic cfficiency of food production’ and “total food produced’. In these very fundamental schises, their use may ho described aa sustainable, In Practice, sustainability depends on continually developing new pesticides that keep at Ioast! one step ahead of the pers, — pesticides that are less persistent, biedegradable and more accurately targeted at the pests. “The evolution of pesticide resistance is natural selection ini action,” What does it actually imply ? fa) Tt is ‘vary natural for many organisms to have _ pesticide resistance, tb) ‘Pesticide resistanes = among organisms is a—universal phenomenon, fc} Some individuals in any given Population show resistance after the appLecation of pesticides, id) Nove of the statements (a), (by and (e} given above is correct. PDTO-M-OB. uftads - 2 oat Sie Rites fifa ae Fat warafis Beane ence gt a aa qed a 2a S| dieters vitae ST art Ae wpie aon a fier 21 a srdferne-aieer serton & age a dean re et ont 2 ae gear dig dr any Bear F 1 ww Heat ge de werner an vA. gt wot g ize ahrar sefte fied ee ten waet Sar & Sh Gorree at Profican’ em wach 8) | aR ae Rea aa wiry Gra! soar 8, at ST Sow 2aOas He A ofa Aah ow aque ager set & (Be B sree WA w So BT 8 ag ate OA a, oor ew GA % ge a Sie amet serch AA Hest a gored Biel er ary 2 awd & atk gee eh Gomer ¥ sPitemar aga aa @ ter oh BI oan 2 ge wAEHT al ree gage ah <8, maf PRT aramtssinneggnen) wedreea wee oma at eer 1946 4B oe oy & 7) be oatedt at a der fire widen wr fare gk & ain tO adiersrel Arden Gres fea Witewd a fers Er &, Fo craiat gfe es Gs Sheree Stet ges Bat (Brat ede Se Bes aeoeafterey cer 4, ‘eet, waar, ey, stots geet witeiea BF ay wa apeae sega var saely Gays # piven af gg 8 1 care & wet ate, eorarr wel git ar dsm at i five om an aftys asi f wal Oe, DDT, ates. Rear Bw 2 aR wets dea baa wren & gas Oo —~ aff sae sear eter SIR OR OT the A) B aemechte eal — FS FAST Gauss: wer ww. oie ge Bat te i gr | we faata, Tre) sored ex Sah Bad BI feet pita & ie.ors i ame ey oo arg Peel win saa 4S or gw es] USA dearrat S pit-xaret ofa. Sr are Pert aren spre wir $5 & | gas afiftes, age 8 ws eel tof ares gant, seat seme Oi, Te * se woes € f deans sem as a saris aie wereer, eth ars FY rakes eet ugh &) ater sete wena Ret gh ws we, ae war aT Pieces att a wel ea’ HS Genet ard) arene wx Sarena Geeta SAT S| AH fea aps set Am wee wh oiler BAT al ena 2 1 sueer #, erecta Pree RY ae Gea a Bahia eet we Eng eet 2 sh et & eos ea wor ate — Bi dears at oer wart 2, daltecte iarditteasy & sik Het w aie wat gr mie dia et 1 ~Perre sheen o Rare wefre eo Bt Spar €. 1° gaa aredfees coer aa @ ? (a) Tea S Sei F Seoees ae Aa ‘Rirge opie et tb) ateh a eae wfetem gar es ferent er Et @) Hewes & wha & sea fet ow arene 4 gg sha vftteran catia & 1 (a) sa Ga), &) wer QA ay AR we Ta eI P-DTO-M-OB With reference to the passage, consider the following statements : 1. Use of chemical pesticides has become inoperative in all the poor countries of the world. 2. Chemisal pesticides should not have any role in sustainable agriculture. 3 Ono pest can develop resistance to many pesticides. Which of the statements given above iware correct ? fa) Land.2 only (>) 8 only fe) Land 3 only (@ 4,2and3 Though the problems azzociated with the use of chemical pesticides is knows for a long time, their widespread use has. not waned, Why ? (a) Alternal ts chemical pesticides do not exist at all. {8} New pesticides are nol invented at all, (e) Pysticides are biodegradable. {d} None of the statements (a), ¢b} and. (6) given above 18 garrect. How do pesticides act as: agerits for the selection of resistant. individuals in any pest population 7 - 1, It ig possible that in @ pest population |® the individuals will behave differently dus to their genetic makeup, 2. Pests do posséas the ability to detoxify the pesticides. 8. Evolution of posticide resictance ‘is equally distributed in pest population. Which of the statements given above is/are correct 7 (@) Lonly (b) 2 and 2 only {c) 3 only @) Lands £6-A} Why is the ust of clicmtical pebticides goncrally justified by giving tho examples of poor and developing ceuntries ? 1, Developed countries can afford to do away "with usa pf pesticides by adlapting to orgatiic farming, but it is imperative for developing countries to use chemical paaticides, poor and % Te poor and. developing coantries, the pesticide addresses the problem of epidemic diseases of erops and oxsce the food problem. 8. ‘The social and health. costs of pesticide use are generally ignored in poor and developing countries. Which of the statomonts givon above is/ére correct 2 fo) J only (). Land 2 only &) 2 only id) 3, 2 and 3 What does the passage inphy 7 {a} Alternative options to pesticides should be promoted. chemieal {b) Too much use of chemicals is not good for the ecosystem. to) There i Ho improvement of scope fer the pesticides and making their ase sustainable. (a) Both the statoments (a) and (b> above are correct. n P-DTOsM-88 ufc: & seh 4, Frefeifier wert «x fers. Be & 1, Ree & ih abe tei A cerns Bea wan start a vere | 2. SrercPen deoredt Bt erciia ge aig ahraraé et ae | 8, Wa Oe ag S Reenst & ofr venient ‘fared Ox aaa & | caedey ae Ores mer wet Be 2 (a) waa Laie 2 (b) Sar 3 {o) ear i ak 3 id) i, 237k 3 aati weehr dees! & wet Sarre erent a ara S och aw 2, meaty Sep eres wei TL Te Ta AE aT e ) aerate Micrel & ae feers feere tb) Fe caret ar anthers adh er | ter Gowns dehetowia wraettan) eae fd) 3H fe), (b} war (a POs Ah eT we age | sieves Fett dhe overt 7 wR vial & aa atten & ar Hae och at BP 1 Wea 2 fh Rath Be anardt F ow fate: Sow seek Sat ont angie 9. fae) eT & oro geet & fre dar at 2, ela aera ay Peer’ wa ant ward dak 3, Seanresftecm o Rare ate grant # aay ee 8 Rea Par EI an 48 asia oer wat 8 2 CE- AD wees sermat & viet earner 1a Sie faveeier tet ot acter tok sae welt water oneT SF 1 Rieter Aer Sagi ar sigges oe Slee & veer A yp gy or AE Tad & fog one sik Roneha eet & Se snakes Siete er want aPard & | g, a®e ate fared tet 4, death & TROT Gia & Shanes Vat eo waa St wes & ont 2 alk Ger aren BOE Fe am Re Brea Bt 8. ate ate Geraint A mer FtereRH vein sey Sh empie sik year teh ern rater ax & Tet S| ante? @ ahah wr ad ee ? (a) Bae] (by) Bar 1 ae 2 ie) Baa @, 1233 geutede or var werd eo 2 fa) Tees ses & tect ot tenes wer ay sneer & 1 ib) Terr ar gears trae Reis de fore sro ES | () Mears 9 gare aie ate ve ay anvic sat ot aS oie A Bt (@) sien oar (aj nar thy aa eA EI P-DTO-M-O8 ‘Passage - 3 ‘Teday's devélaping ceonomies use much less energy per capita than developed countries such as the United States did at-similar incomes, showing the potential for lowertcarhon, growth. Adaptation and mitigation need to be integrated into a. _climate-amart development strategy that resilience, reduces the threat of further global warming, itaproves development outcomes. Adaptation and mitigation measures can advance development, and prosperity can raise intomes and foster better institutions, A healthier population: living in bettor-buill, houses anit with access to bank loans anc social security is betler equipped to deal wth a changing climate and its coniséquencis. Advancing robust, tesilient development policies that promote. adaptation iz needed today because changes in the climate, already. begun, will increase even in the.short term. increases and The spread of economic prosperity has siways been intertwined with. adaptation. ta changing ceological conditions, But as growth has altered the environment and as onvironmental change has. accelerated, sustaining growth and adaptability, demands greater capacity to understand our environment, gerievate new. adaptive technologies and practices, and diffuse them widély. As ceonomic historians have explained, much: of hurankind’s creative polential has been directed al adapting to the. changing world. But adaptation cannot cope with all the impacts related to climate change, expecially as larger ebanges unfold in the tong term. 10, (B-AJ Countries cannot grow out of harm’s yay fast cnough to match thé changing climate. And some growth strategies, whether driven by the government or the market, can also add to vulnerability — particularly if they ‘ovetexploit natural resources. Under the Soviet development plan, irrigated —eétton cultivation expanded in weiter-stressed Central Asia and Jed to the near disappearance of the Aral Sea, threatening the livslihoods of fisherman, chorders and farmers. And clearing mangroves — the natural coastal buffers against: storm surges — to make way for intensive farming or housing development, increases the physical vulnerability of coastal settlements, whether in Guinea or in Louisiana. Which of tho following sonditiona of growth can.add to. valnerability ? i. When the growth occurs due te exeessivé exploitation of mineral resqurees and forests. 2. When the growth brings about a change in bumankind’s oreative potential. 3. When the growth is envisaged only for providing houses and social security to the people, 4. When the. growth oceurs due to emphasis on farming only, Select the correct answer using the eodes given bolow : {a 2 only (b) 2,8 and 4 only (e) Land 4only é@) 1,28 and4 P-DTO-M- 08. uted - 3 amRa 3 Roker tet Ae wes wh garg & ae ox adi Raveia aeterrent wie afte wel oy sot Sh wud ox até, Bee we tine Wea eat & fe orbrafe 1 ster wet GA Roars Bert on weer 2 | ew RA sears fara enhia aa Bh seas 2 Brat seqgeretean gar aes, waa Ft, Seed tae Bader A att a atx fee afters # ger area sires | sagen set Sethpert sad ane A Fears 1 ag Pra wat, Se Sale erga HFS oT ay asdt 3 aft dean aera wt tremen Ret a woot? | den Bir at 4 xe el es oe serio Sa amnises quer othe dey aor at “it Gler TET Ss weak serary athe Sus waa @ fivet & fau teu Adi 8) arr argeraicr eget Rann eh et agen OH sawéal & A seperti at steer apt cai wide ah ab sree weal seem ater a ag aid FI anf aaa an sire te: 8 oat uRRetrtts uRPRiRS a mer sggersicea aq erg | Pq ais 4 sR wier uftafia Shar @ atk walaedhia oad RST wafer Bar #, yO atk seggersicen BY sree wert & fire eet cofacn oh qaer ah deat apr wen =e orppernte shah sik gma fiefs axa ak xe cm oo ¥ rafts we ay oneeewar | SRA fe anki atewest Y oer a A age wf & aft siggemetin a cet at ste ayer eH BT fa ae sipperehern aerery feria & wah aod a aren eet At wad wel Bere sia Of afr ¥ afte fg oRee es mT c@-A) ae gat Ufadastes soar o AGE ea ge aan) att Sse, aft B anh S gee aa avame | af of ge write, age Re apie TET deter WY ga der Be age wedi @, fixvare o& & sapitet dere or aieien oat 2) oes Gera way aia Par ou ar Ga) an Prone ee carrer se efter fase ste Farerel Se TTT ga wer gon, ote aga, ayRTal atk gael & snsifier tae a wg ag | git see geen €, anes gy om soate flare & fe sta 8 arn, eda aRact Sh sities Sarat ad agrn @, fre ore ee RPT ar afore sat . Retin AS cht gla or chReiech tear ag BENE? 1. He Ge & ee veer denest ak omit ae afar ert 2 ya aie wa wife a qortars steaie A aka orb Bt erie geal gat we cos Viet eet él po 4. gr fe be a a Fae \ 2 fae ae ge ah sewer ws sae PT la) ode 1 tb) 2saer 2,3 He 4 @ Bae tak 4 @ 1,2, 93Re 4 AL 12, P-OTQ-M-08 What; does low-carbon growth imply in{13. tho present context ? 1, More emphasis on ihe use of renewable sources of enorgy. 2, Less emphasis on manufacturing sector and more emphasis on agricilturo. sector. 3, Switching over from monecalture practices to mixed farming. 4, Less demand for goods and services. Select tho correct answer using’ the codes’ given below : fa) 1 only ta ) 2,3 and 4 only {c) Land 4 enly (@ None cf the above iruplies low-carbon growth Which of the following. conditions is/are necessary for sustamable éeonomic growth 7 1. Spreading of economic prosperity more, 2. Popularising/spreading of adaptive technalogies widely. we 3. investing on research in adzptation and mitigation technologies. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : fay Lenly tb) 2 and 8 oaly (c) land 3 only id) 1, 2end 3 i¥o-a) Which of Uke followitig inferences: can be thade from the passage ? 1, Rainfed crops should nol be cultivated in irrigated areas, 2, Farming under watér-deficient areas should not be a part of development strategy. Select the correet answer using the codes given kolow : @ tonly (b) 2 only &} Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 ‘Consider the following assumptions + 1, Sustainable oegnomic growth donands the use of creative potential of man. 2, Intensive agriculture can lexd to ‘ecological backlasis. 3. Spread of economic prosperity can adversely affect the: ecology and environment. With reference to the passage, which of the absivé assumptions is/are valid ? (a) Lonly &) 2 and 8 only fo) Land 2 only {€) 1, 2nd 3 Which one. of the “following statsments constitutes the central theme of this passage ? fa) Countries with greater economic prosperity are better equipped to deal with ihe cinsequences of climiate change: (b) Adaptation and mitigation should be integrated — with development strategies, (©) Rapid economic growth should not be pursued by both developed and developing economies, Some countries resort we. overexploitation of natural resources for the'sake of rapid development {a) RL, 12, P-DTO-M-OB adam dad 3 Peoria-gf ar omer ene ? 1, sat dadanctte aie bee oe airs wet: 9, RGraio dew ae aet dex BHT Ar ae) after we On 3. TER wea at err ax fifia off SRT | 4, dept ake Sauit ahr wh OAT See ae Ge earsa & Sl HR Ge (a) Saget ¢b) dae 2, 8 silt 4 fo) Baw He 4 i anger 8 ak oh her wea al dan ate Ra@iea Fa dedh oifalyoRRutet cache siftie Reort & fe sand ee ? 1, see wap wy ar: A | 2, sapecsis send ar are. werent | 3, percha. cer aetna eifiist as tre a Pte ary Re we He ST aera Tw ae ge ta) Bae 1 @) Baa 2 otk 8 o. Bea Laie 3 2 1,293. jaa. {i1- At % a oes & Prefer FS cen Fred Frat HT Hea oP 1, feta dat at coisas weet Af et oA a ot afte | 2. gerorarr dat dt Bal act rere wortifer wa ain adi de uriee' sa fie we ge A weer Set AT GAT ta). baa. {h) Sat 2 ie) 132 dF} i aL Tae Sraftfisa eral we Bae aise + i, oe oie Ror a Be ager dF asthem akeefip & sae S) sree a) 2 nea gfe S witheafadis vlden Geter a yeast 3. aie agi anwar Ref, ar effexor oe WES ware SET Seah St wet vieic deh a, Shah she arama 49 2/ * (a baer 1 (b} tarsi 3 (c) Doar ota fay 1,231 3 . ‘Penfattea 4 aha ser ya see a7 fae dfs wean B 7 fo) aire sa 3 ate wpe ta sear a oti 2 Ait & Se Beat opted a anftad ear alee 1 Rofte at Rete ate ver a sorerrenst a aia ithe Gere & tre af cpr ofee | we ter ha frat Gl cee H sep Saery & sires ot BERT aa S| 17. 1. P-OTQ-M-Q8 Consider the following statements: 1, All artists are whimsical. 2, Some artists are drug addicts, 8, Frustrated people aré prone to become drug addicts, Fram the above three statements it ray be concluded that (a) Artists aré frustrated. (®) Some drug addicts are whimsical, ©} AN frustrated poople are drug addicts, (@) Whimisieal frustrated, people are generally Examine the following statements : 1, Bither A and B are of the same age or Ais older than B. 2, Either © and D are of tho same age or Dis older than C. 3, Biz older than C, Which one: of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements ? (a) Ais oldor than B (b) Band D are of the same age (Dis older than ¢ fa) A is older than C Examine the following statements ; 1, Only those- who have a pair of| binsoulars can become the members af the birdwatchar’s club, 2. Some. members of the. hirdwatcher’s dlub have cameras. 3, Those members wha have cametas can take partin photo-contests, Which of the following conclusions can he drawn from the abave statements ? (a) All those who have a pair of dineculars are members of the birdwatcher’s club, All members of the birdwatcher’s slub have a pair of binoculars. Al those “who take part in photo-contests are members of the bitdwateher's club. No conclusion. can be drawn. tbe ) ay 19. 20. {1Z2-ay Daring the last summer vacation, Ankit went to a summer camp where he took part in hiking, swimming and booting. This summer, he is Igoking forward to a music camp where he hopes to'sing, dance and learn to play the guitar, Based on. the above information, four conclusions, as given below, have heen miade. Which ane.of these logically follows From thw information given above ? (2) Ankits parents want him to play the guitar, ‘b). Ankit profes music ty outdoor Adtivitics. &) Ankit goes to some type. of camp every summer: (@) Ankit likes to sing atid dance. ‘Three persons A, B and C wore shirts of black, blue and ‘orange colours (iol necessarily in that order) and pants of aréen, yellow und cfange colours (nok necessarily in that ordex). No person wore shirt and pants of the. same colour, Further, it'is given that 1. A did not wear shict of black eojour, 2, B did net wear shirt of bide colour, 3. C did not wear shirt of orange colour, 4, A did.not wear panis of green colour. 5. B-wore pante-of orange colour What were the colours of the pants and shirt worn by C, respectively ? ta) (b) fe} ta) Orange and black Green and. bhue Yellow and biye Yellow and black 16. v7. 18, P-DTO-M-GB - Paafiften merit ox faa atic + a wm wae ad 21 2, Be Reve wee waif b-eanh PA EL 3, gerne wed Bs awit wari ot at ara oh dercen tenth 2 wiR@iee 2a wot 8 ae Rend Pest on cwaer. 2 fe (a) Sere wae orm (b) Sao coat ene ek Hg A ae 3) al oreeg witch ad sand oe rae fet 2 (ay Sey ee wea ater ome #8 £1 Poafafan aerti at ae dae: L maak BA wA age TB a Ass kt 2 marca pates & ay 8 order c Bdge 3 CABael or & eet o Petia 4 oa Pred fren st wert BP fa) BRA E ) Bok D&A es dh amg f ) Capame i CVAwe Se Ree wart on wha Ae « 1. eae Prtem eee tt oar Fe ef WaT Pred 8 fists ora BAP river) 2 2. sah Rees aca goer Ba oa t 9 BH ext & ae bR a FS Bra ofeeatiars sre aT S 1 sae wart } Beiter Fa ata Pet Freer on aan &? ah (a) fires ore BAF age) Ser A uett-Fertiae aera weed Be E | @) wifes ae S ah werd G 1a feet (egeheger) aha 2 | te) SL website Aw ge eS aa cah- Balers aes wees Be | (aj 2S ft Freed Framer seta Basa 1 19. foci tore oh gfbaliete eters, Sia er hos Rife Sa Set wey erent, aera SK Syosset orm ft | ger adore A se ate tie BK A oA wa aT t ae a, anny ak Gena dhe Bt ae Caer 1 qa & dren we, He ete a Pref Bort ae 8 1 ge 8 age ee B aedra ae A sept. dar = 2 (a) Sifter travian cea & fe ae fee gone | (b) sitar wet nfalaRred dt dar eta waar cde ag 24 (afer a dhe 4 Rafael ser & fafez 4 onat & | (a) aifeacten sit wast wee ETF 209. arrafedt a, Bate C8 ah, Ha car ae ae (aPerke sé pe 4 adh at otis: aot Bt, Ta een aR or caer gh ws A eh at fe vet Bh fart vt ate tae sé eit wy te sei wed yeve fear ran & fs 1. AS eri a oie ae veh 2. BA dt dois ae ett 3. CS wel en di ode ae or 1 4. APRS te ws vet 5. Bawa a de ett GA oe as af te oo wis cet fay aR gar eT wh er ae ter (het wen em, id) Sen cen wre 113 - A) 22, P-DTQ-M-O8, Ten new ws started in Junbary— 5 sitcoms, Saeed 2 nowe magazines, By. April, only seven of théneygshows wors shill on, fiveof them being sitcoms, Based oa the above information, “tour, conclusions, as given below, have been made. Which one of these logically. follows from the information given above ? 1a) Only one news magazine show is sill on. fb) Only one of the drama shows is still on. (©) At Jeast one discontinued show waa a drama, {@) Viewers prefer sitcoms over drama. Read the passage given below and the two statemonts thai follow (givon on the basis of the passage); Four men are waiting at Delhi airport for a Mumbai flight, Two are doctors and the other two arc busifiessmen. Two-speak Gujarati and iwe speak Tamil, No two of. the same profession. apeak. the. same language. Two are Muslims and iwo-are Christians; No two of the same religion are of the same profession, nor do they speak the. saié Tinguage. ‘The ‘Tamil-spoaking doctor is a Ghristian. 1. The Christian-businessnian speaks Gujarati, 2. The Gujarati-speaking docior is a Muslin. “Which of ‘the above statements isiare correct conctusion/conclusions ? {a} Lonly ib) Qonly (©) Both Land 2 {d) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following statement : “Though quite expensive, television is aot a luxury item, as one can learn tauny things through television.” Which ‘one ‘of the following ig a velia inference from the-abave statement ? (a) All expensive things are rogarded as luxury, (bh) All éésential things for learning are €) Television is essential for learning. 24, 25. 26, 27. not luxury, id Television isnot a luxury jem. tm-~ A) Mr. Kuinar’ drives to work-at an average speed of 48 kin per hour. The time taken to cover Ube first 60% of the, distance is 10 minutes more than the.tima taken to cover tlie remaining distance. How far is his office ? fa) 80. km (b) 40 km ©) 45 km (48 km Gita. is prettier than Sita but not as protiy as Rita, Then, (a) Sita-is not ae pretty as Gita. (b) Sita is prettier than Rita fo} Rita is not as pretty as Gita, (d) Gita ie prettier than Rita. Given that, 1. Ais the brother of B. 2, C is the father of A, &. D Is the brother of E. 4, Eis the daughter of B, Then, the uncle of D ig fa A tb) B to} @ & Examine the following statements : 1, Rama scored:miore than Rani, 2, Rani scored less than Ratna. 3. Ratna scored more than Rama. 4, Padma seored more than Rama but Jess than Ratna. Who scored the highest ? (a) Rama iby Padma fe) Rani (d) Ratna 21 22, 23. P-0TO-M:OB pat Frese TV st 3 gran sie sora SPS 1 ater aE 2 5 Fi RS RS oa wt Hae Sa, BAS 1 Gy garah ao ae we ant hae é (© ae fe a a aS eH ve ET a | @ aah gar ater Reais sere wee i praPitar vite ote sath sees wl ue & omer. ox Ru mg at wert wer: @y aWiaae Profatea oem ge fan difse : vgn vem EAB fiereraeg vai 8 aeifas detfage } ERI EF wana AS dhe eae B 1" rie wit G, Pfatee 7 eh-er var er Prat oP fey WARE age Bereag at omfg | ib) fret & fre ah srwtt aeqe feore-reg aa € 1 (oe) afer Bran fare aed Bs (a) di@ar era eT ama, ties ue |B. 25. 27. 118 -A} ie sa guc we ord eae nat shee ae 8 me sera STE T wed 60%, QT wet de ae aa we a anh an a tT stai“Lo Bee saen cert @ 1 ren weer feat et wet? (2) 30 bm tb} 40 kom {o) 45 km (dy 48 km tar, War Ro afte. gree 2 afer far Brett gee 8h ba (a) Si, hen Bra gree veh th) Gat, ta a yore |e FT

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