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Name: Shahzaib Jillani (b-27443)

Muhammad Hussain Riaz (b-27291)

Ghilman e Muhammad (b-27436)
Instructor: Mam Shumaila Ghafoor

Simple Proposal for a Smart Trip Planner with Genetic Algorithms

Big Idea:
We want to build a super smart travel planner. It's like having a personal assistant who plans
your perfect trip without any hassle. It uses special computer tricks—called Genetic Algorithms
—to figure out the best travel schedules that fit exactly what you want. It's easy to use for
everyone, and it will pay attention to even the small things to make sure your trip is just right.

Cool Stuff It Will Do:

1. Easy Peasy Use:

The website will be super easy to use. You'll just tell it what you like, how much you want to
spend, and when you want to go. Then, it will help you figure out your flights, hotels, and fun
stuff to do.

2. Smart Planning Brains:

The Genetic Algorithms are like the brain. They'll keep making the travel plan better and better
until it's just perfect for what you need, thinking about costs, time, the best seasons to visit, and
cool events happening.

3. Trip Pieces Fit Together:

Every trip will be like a puzzle made of different pieces—or 'genes'—each piece is a flight, a
place to stay, or fun things to do, all organized in a smart way.

4. Choosing the Best Trips:

There's a special method that checks which trips are the best. It looks for direct flights, hotels
that are easy to get to, and the cream-of-the-crop sights, all while keeping your wishes and wallet
in mind.

5. Mixing Things Up:

The system will sometimes mix and shake things up to create new trips that could be even better,
by combining good parts from other trips or adding something new and surprising.

6. Great Starting Points:

It begins with a bunch of ready-to-go trips based on what people usually like. This gives the
system a head start in finding something you'll love.

7. See Your Trip Come to Life:

Your trip plans will look great and be super clear. You'll get to play around with it, see different
options, and find ways to make it even better.

8. You're the Boss:

You can decide how long the system should work to make your trip perfect. More time means it
might find an even better plan.

9. Share the Adventure:

Once your trip's all set, you can easily share it with friends, or make sure it fits in your calendar.
Tech Talk:

- For the website, we'll use HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (maybe with tools like React or
Angular) to make it look nice and work smoothly.
- On the back-end, we'll use Node.js and Express.js to make it all run.
- We'll keep track of your trip plans and what you like using databases like PostgreSQL,
MySQL, or MongoDB.

That's the plan to make planning trips super easy and fun!

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