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A Life in Progress: My Story of Growth and Discovery

Hi, My name is Judith Angeline G. Naval. I was born in Palo Leyte in March 18, 2006 and I

am currently 17 years old. I grow up without my father but I have a loving mother, her name

is Jocelyn Sison and my Lola, who I treasure the most. I love writing, so much! Not writing

about lessons though, but I like writing stories and poems. I also like to dance and sing, I just

don’t want everybody to hear it. I spent my Elementary days, in Caluctogan Elementary

School, it was fun learning there, I met my best friend there and until now we are good

friends. But Yolanda happened. I was grade 2 at that time and I had to transfer in Cabuyao

Laguna where my tita is staying to continue my studies. Though I graduated elementary at

Jose Rizal Memorial School in Calamba Laguna. It was the hometown of my stepfather who

is always there to support me. In my Highschool, I went to Saint Joseph Highschool of

Dagami Inc. It was so fun to meet friends. My highschool life is never boring as I get to learn

more things. I also realized back then when I was grade 8 that I have so many potential to

show. I mean, all I know was to be silly and be goofy, I didn’t know I have so many talents

that I discovered here at Saint Joseph. Joining sports, and joining activities that happens every

month. It was a wonderful Junior High Experience for me, even though after I graduated in

Junior High I had to stop for 1 year to help my family with financial needs. I learned that life

has more to offer, as I work hard to earn money, I know now how to spend my money

carefully, because I understand what hardship my parents are going through just to support

me. Currently, I continued to study here in Saint Joseph, As I entered the Senior High school I

was feeling anxious because I did stop for 1 year, and I can’t remember any of my lessons

before, so it is hard for me to adjust. But as you can see, I am still here, I met a lot of friends,

new classmates. I learned new things that can help me to identify what I really want to do in

my college. I now understand what was my cousin ranting about her projects and reports in
her Senior years, because I too, experienced it. But I know God will always guide me, as I do

my best to study hard. No matter how many are those activities, I will still do my best,

because I know that is the best thing that I could give my parents in exchange of there

undying love for me. For me, It is all fun and adventurous, I could learn more and develop

more through my experiences and to prepare myself in the future. Life has more to offer, I

should strive to the fullest and enjoy the future that is waiting for me ahead.

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Ms. Nericca Jane Yu. Judith Angeline G. Naval

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