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By Z Games


This document follows the sequence of play structure. For each step in the sequence and each action that
can be taken, this document lists a range of issues which may present rule complications or which may be
easily overlooked. The purpose is to remind players to resolve the full effect of actions and processes,
especially in edge cases. This reminder sheet should be very practical to use in game play as it is relatively
concise. It does not repeat most basic rules but warn players against easy to miss rules. This sheet could
be more useful for those players who are already familiar with the basic rules as it does not repeat the
basics. If you are completely lost in how to execute some actions, you are better off to check my flowchart
series at or .

The issues are classified into three categories. Green category is basic rules which are included in the
rulebook before page 18, where things are mentioned for the first time in the rulebook. You can safely
skip these reminders if you are already familiar with the rules. Yellow category is about additional
conditions, restrictions, special cases, optional rules, advanced rules, and other issues. These issues are
often omitted when things are mentioned for the first time in the rulebook. These issues are most likely
only mentioned in the rulebook from page 19 onwards. All players should pay attention to these as even
veteran players may sometimes forget the less used rules. Red category is about issues which are not
specifically explained in the rulebook, ambiguity in rules, clarifications from Discord and BGG discussions,
and other complications. You may even need to house rule some of these. This guide also includes a key
word in the category column as a quick reference for users to search for what they need.

If you suggest any addition to this chart, please contact me through Discord in, My id is Z Games, or reply in the BGG thread, or comment in the Google


0. Principles....................................................................................................................................................5
Principle 0: RAI overrides RAW..................................................................................................................5
Principle 1: Distinguish effects from different sources...............................................................................5
Principle 2: Restriction often takes priority over general allowance..........................................................5
Principle 3: Apply relevant rules where applicable....................................................................................5
1. Draw Cards Phase..................................................................................................................................5
A. Reveal Events....................................................................................................................................5
B. Draw Action Cards............................................................................................................................5
C. Pay to Keep Action Cards..................................................................................................................6
D. Pick / Replace Missions.....................................................................................................................6
E. Action Cards Complications..............................................................................................................6
E0. Display Cards....................................................................................................................................6
E1. Subjugate.........................................................................................................................................6
E2. Royal Marriage.................................................................................................................................7
E3. Mercenary........................................................................................................................................7
E4. Central Authority / Increase Stability...............................................................................................7
E5. Revolutionary Ideas / Study Technology / Scientific Revolution......................................................7
E6. Counterespionage............................................................................................................................8
E7. New Alliance / Spy Network.............................................................................................................8
E8. Forced March / One Step Ahead / Logistic Master...........................................................................8
E9. Military Tradition.............................................................................................................................8
E10. Development / Man of the Church................................................................................................9
2. Action Phase..........................................................................................................................................9
A. Generic Action..................................................................................................................................9
A1. Event................................................................................................................................................9
A1.1. Event Card Complications...........................................................................................................11
A2. P2P Diplomacy...............................................................................................................................11
A3. Research Idea................................................................................................................................12
A4. Change State Religion....................................................................................................................12
A5. Change National Focus..................................................................................................................12
A6. Explore...........................................................................................................................................13
A7. Passing...........................................................................................................................................14

B. Minor Action...................................................................................................................................14
B1. Take/Repay Loan............................................................................................................................14
B2. Appoint Advisor/Leader.................................................................................................................14
B3. Call to Arms....................................................................................................................................15
B4. Replenish Manpower.....................................................................................................................16
B5. Cut Ties..........................................................................................................................................16
C. Administrative Action.....................................................................................................................16
C1. Increase Stability............................................................................................................................16
C2. Convert Area..................................................................................................................................16
C3. Colonize.........................................................................................................................................17
D. Diplomatic Action...........................................................................................................................17
D1. Influence........................................................................................................................................17
D2. Forge Alliance................................................................................................................................17
D3. Fabricate Claims.............................................................................................................................18
D4. Trade.............................................................................................................................................18
E. Military Action................................................................................................................................19
E1. Declare War...................................................................................................................................19
E2a. Activate Units (Land)....................................................................................................................21
E2b. Activate Units (Naval)...................................................................................................................22
E3. Recruit............................................................................................................................................23
E4. Suppress Unrest.............................................................................................................................24
F. Battle Resolution (Land).......................................................................................................................24
F1. Battle Preparations.........................................................................................................................24
F2. Play Battle Actions..........................................................................................................................25
F3. Roll Battle Dice...............................................................................................................................25
F4. Assign Casualties............................................................................................................................25
F5. Wounded Generals........................................................................................................................25
F6. Retreat...........................................................................................................................................26
F7. Proclaim a Winner..........................................................................................................................26
G. Battle Resolution (Naval).....................................................................................................................26
G1. Battle Preparation.........................................................................................................................26
G2. Play Action Cards...........................................................................................................................27
G3. Roll Naval Battle Dice.....................................................................................................................27
G4. Assign Casualty..............................................................................................................................28

G5A. Wounded Admirals......................................................................................................................28
G5B. Captured Enemy Ships.................................................................................................................28
G6. Retreat...........................................................................................................................................28
G7. Proclaim a Winner.........................................................................................................................28
3. Peace and Rebel Phase........................................................................................................................28
A. Remove Casus Belli and Truces............................................................................................................29
B. NPR Invasions......................................................................................................................................29
C. Rebels Siege or Move...........................................................................................................................29
D. Peace Resolution.................................................................................................................................29
E. Prestige Penalties.................................................................................................................................33
F. Interregnum.........................................................................................................................................33
G. Religious Dissent..................................................................................................................................33
H. Gain/Remove Unrest...........................................................................................................................34
I. Roll Rebel Dice......................................................................................................................................34
4. Income and Upkeep Phase...................................................................................................................34
A. Cut Costs..............................................................................................................................................35
B. Collect Income minus Costs.................................................................................................................35
C. Corruption............................................................................................................................................35
D. Collect Monarch Power.......................................................................................................................35
E. Score Prestige......................................................................................................................................36
5. Cleanup Phase......................................................................................................................................36
A. Update & Refresh................................................................................................................................36
B. Board and Status Mat cleanup.............................................................................................................36
C. Discard down to a hand size of 5 cards................................................................................................37
D. End of Age Routine..............................................................................................................................37
6. Other Processes which are not embedded in any phases....................................................................37
A. Bankruptcy...........................................................................................................................................37
B. HRE Emperor........................................................................................................................................38
C. Papal Controller...................................................................................................................................38

When there is ambiguity, take the advantage of active community on BGG and Discord and ask. Do not
argue over RAW. It is acknowledged that there are ambiguity and contradiction in the rule writing and
sometimes these are against the intention of design.


Effects (change of game board states) could be results from Actions, Action cards, Event cards, Mission,
Ideas. It is very important to distinguish the sources. Actions tend to be subject to highest level of
restrictions. Effects from Action cards / Event cards are often not subject to restrictions which only apply
to Actions. For example, when you place Influence using New Alliance card, you do not need to follow the
adjacency requirements as in Influence Action. Note that some Action cards / Event cards use bold-italic
text to specify that it grants Action instead of effect, in which case all restrictions for actions would apply.


Restrictions are not repeated everywhere relevant in the rulebook. When there is a conflict between text,
it is a principle that unless specifically instructed, normal restrictions would apply. For example, “if the
War is triggered by an Event, any exceptions are mentioned on the Event”, and only those exceptions
listed would apply (still subject to other DoW restrictions). For another example, it is said that Emperor
has free military access in HRE when Defend the HRE is activated, but it does not say that it ignores the
restriction of “military access not available in neutral areas where you have a claim token”. Thus, Emperor
still does not have military access in such neutral areas even during Defend the HRE. But there are also
exceptions to this principle. Rebels do not follow normal restrictions when Sieging. Rebels can siege blue
ports without Ships and rebels do not trigger Defensive Mentality, even though it is not specifically stated.


Since rules are not repeated in every relevant instance, it is important to identify when rules would be
applicable. For example, eligibility rule is not repeated in the section for Secondary Trade Node, yet it is
still a requirement for the Secondary Trade Node to be eligible to use it. For another example, the effect
of removing the Alliance from a DNPR with tax value of 10+ when it is an Active Ally is not specifically said,
but it is reasonable to apply the effect of losing an Active Ally as explained on p31-32 in the Refusing CtA


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
No. of Did you draw the correct P8. Normally number of players +1 but check
cards number of Event cards? scenario specific rules.
Revealed Did you flip the correct P39. Optional rule: Reveal 4 cards in 6 player game.
cards number of Event cards?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference

Drawing Do you know that you can P8. Players can decide whether to keep each card
draw Cards 1 by 1? drawn before drawing the next card.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Buy Have you paid for the P8. You should know it, but it is really easy to forget
cards cards kept? paying them when all players take this step
simultaneously. I would suggest that everyone sets
aside 6 Ducats before drawing so that you don’t
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Replace Do you know that you P8. You can replace any currently held Missions.
can change missions on
Announce Do you know that you P42. Missions can be completed at any time except
cannot complete in Phase 1.
missions in Phase 1?
Completion Have you completed P42. If you pick a mission where you haven’t
mission prerequisites? completed its prerequisites, this mission cannot be
completed, even if you meet the description.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Display Do you have more than 1 P18. You can have a maximum of 2 Display Cards, and
card display card? never 2 of the same card, in play at any given time. If
you play a Display Card when you already have 2 in
play, discard 1 of the cards in play.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Target Did you target NPR on P33. You cannot subjugate a Distant Realm, or Papal
eligibility Distant Continent, or State, or NPR HRE Emperor.
Papal State, or NPR
Pre- Do you meet the P33. Requirements
requisites requirements to 1. You need to be its Ally / Vassal
Vassalize / Annex the 2. Your base tax income needs to (a) be at least
target? Twice of the tax value of the NPR target if you DO
NOT have Marriage with it, (b) exceed the tax value
of the NPR target if you do have Marriage with it.
3. If the target NPR has its own vassals, you need to
have Royal Marriage with it to vassalise the target,
and/or its vassals.
Influence How many Influences do I P33. Discard influence from the target’s Areas equal
cost need to discard? to (their Tax Value + any Opponents influence in the
target’s Areas). Note 1. +1 Manpower token also +1
Tax value for NPR. 2. You discard 1 less influence
cube if you have Marriage with the target (p32)
NPR with What if my target NPR P33. You have two options.
Vassals also has vassals of its 1. You need to have Marriage with the Overlord NPR,

own? otherwise you cannot even vassalize the Overlord
NPR. Then, you MAY discard influence from the
vassals’ Areas equal to the vassals’ tax value plus
Opponent Influence (NOTE the “plus Opponent
influence” part is not mentioned in rule book), to
vassalize the overlord NPR’s vassals provinces
2. You can/would not vassalize the overlord NPR’s
vassals. Then the former vassals are released into
independent NPRs. Then you may choose ONE: (a)
Place AN Alliance token on the vassals’ capital. (b)
Place ONE claim token in ONE of the vassals’ Areas.

If the overlord NPR comes back into existence in the

future, the former vassals would become that NPR’s
vassal again, and lose independent status, thus
removing any alliance token there.
HRE Are you the Emperor? P44. Note that you cannot discard Imperial Influence
cubes for the purpose of the Subjugate Action.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Vassals Did you target a Vassal P33. You cannot. A Vassal can only have Marriage
Realm which is not your ties with their Overlord, and no other PRs.
Influence How do you use Marriage The text on the card is slight confusing “The Marriage
as an Influence? counts as 1 Influence which cannot be discarded”. It
means that this influence from Marriage is deemed
as discarded when you need to discard influence,
thus reducing the total number of influence you need
to discard by 1. It does not mean that this influence
from Marriage cannot be used when you need to
discard influence.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Reaction What is the Reaction Not explicitly explained. Before additional
timing for this card? explanation about the timing is published, you can
house rule to accept a very loose way to react to
anything (note this may lead to void Sieging and
other edge cases). Alternatively, you can house rule
to restrict to only react to being attacked.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Increase How does the card Note that both cards are considered as taking the
Stability interact with Increase Increase Stability Action (Strictly the text here is not
Stability action? italic, but that is the ruling). The cost is further
modified by status of Papal Controller and Orthodox
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Revolutionary Is your Stability Level at You cannot use this card if your Stability Level is

Ideas least 0? negative.
Study Is the target Realm Note that the target must be adjacent to your
Technology adjacent to your Realm? Realm. P4, a Realm is adjacent to anything that its
Provinces are adjacent to. Vassals do not provide
adjacency for their Overlord. Check p4 for further
Province and Coastal Province adjacency rules.
Scientific Does the Scientific Yes. Both cards use the bold-italic format to refer
Revolution Revolution Idea affect to the Research Action. Thus the Scientific
the two Action cards? Revolution idea discount would also apply to the
two cards. Other restrictions regarding Research
would also apply to the two cards.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Reaction What is the exact reaction Counterespionage can be played as a reaction.
timing timing for this card? An errata version of the text would read as:
“Cancel the effect of a Covert Action that targets your
Action or Realm, or affects any of your tokens”
This text would cover every Covert action as listed on
Note: tokens also include influence cubes.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Influence How do the cards interact Note that both cards are not considered as taking the
with Influence action? influence action. It means that you can place
Influence cubes without any restrictions described as
in the influence action. Those restrictions only apply
to the action but not to the effect of these two cards.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Forced How does this card Forced March directly grants movement which does
March interact with Land not follow Land Activation rules or restrictions, refer
Activation? to card text description for its own rule.
More specifically, it overrides restriction of moving
only 1 space on Distant Continents, and ignores
additional MP cost when crossing mountain.
One How does this card One Step Ahead directly grants movement which
Step interact with Land does not follow Land Activation rule or restrictions.
Ahead Activation?
Logistic How does this card Logistic Master uses the bolded-italic term of
Master interact with Land Activate / Recruit, which means you take the actions,
Activation / Recruit? and all restrictions of the two actions would also
Military What if you use Logistic Not specifically explained. It is Mikhs’ opinion that
Access Master to move two you would need to purchase Military Access twice.
for Armies/Units into a
Logistic neutral Area in the same
Master turn?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Superior How do you use this in You can take this action whenever after rolling your

Cavalry battle? Battle dice, can be during normal battle rounds or
during the Noble Knight resolution step. It is a one-off
VeteransHow do you use this in This is the only one battle action which lasts for only
battle? 1 roll instead of the whole battle.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Convert How does the card Note that these two cards are considered as taking
Area interact with Convert the Convert Area Action. There is no further Unrest
Area action? penalty when changing Area’s Religion when using
these cards.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Status Have you moved your marker to P12. A small bookkeeping task. Can be useful
marker Event Taken space? in a large player count game.
Ducats Have you placed 2 Ducats on P12. Do it before you resolve the Event text
each face up Events? so that you won’t forget it.
Face Have turn over any face down P12. Need to do that so those cards can get
down card Event card? the correct amount of Ducats accumulated
to them.
Active Have you checked the “you” P12 and p40. In Event text, “you” always
player part? refers to the Active Player.
Influence Do you know that you can P40. You may discard Opponent influence
displace Opponents’ Influence cubes if there is no space to make space for
cubes? your own.
Marriage / Do you know that you can move P40. If you don’t have available tokens, you
Alliance marriage or alliance token can take your Alliance or Marriage token
without penalty? from board, as long as they are not your
Active Ally or Disputed Succession.
Ally Did you lose any Active Ally? P40. If you lose alliance who is an Active Ally,
lose allied units as well. Wars against your
Active Allies are now separate.
Gain Have you checked restrictions on P40. If you gain military units, you cannot
something your gains from the Event? place them in Areas where they would
trigger battle.
If you gain Ideas, always research the Idea.
Add it if not already in play.
Imperial Have you checked Imperial P40. Events may cause it to change. If the
Authority Authority? Event describes that an Area leaves HRE, any
loss of Imperial Authority is already
accounted for in the Event text itself. Don’t
penalize twice!
Ruler Did you pay for the Ruler on P40. If it has a historical Ruler on unpicked
unpicked card? Event, the player associated with that Event

may pay 2 Administrative Monarch Power to
appoint the Ruler on the card.
HRE Emperor’s Ruler replaced due to P45. Advanced rule. Imperial Election
Historical ruler, or died due to If Emperor Ruler is replaced or discarded, an
health symbol? election must be held. Check p45 for further
Rebel dice Did you roll Rebel for a whole P37. Roll Rebel Dice Area by Area for All
Area? unrest in given Area.
Rebel dice rule is in itself a beast. Always
check p37 for penalties, rebel units,
liberation of provinces and more.
Rebel dice Did you leave Rebel battle to the P37. The battle between the defender and
end to resolve? the Rebels is only triggered after all Rebel
dice are resolved. This may include the
resolution of rebel dice of other players.
Rebellion You rolled a Rebellion side from P37. Note that allocating Rebellion result is
Rebel Dice? not Sieging. It will not trigger Defensive
Rebel Did you lose any P37. A PR whose Province is Liberated by
Liberation Province/Vassals due to them Rebels MUST place a CB token on the new
being Liberated by Rebels? Province Owner's Capital (any Truce is
DNPR Have you checked DNPR P41. Remember DNPR may expand to
expansion? territories from Age II. Also check other rules
on p41.
Infectious Did you identify Infectious Faith P41. Note that Areas inside a cluster must be
faith Clusters correctly? connected by land. However when spreading
the faith can be spread across sea adjacency.
Infectious Not enough tokens? If you run out of religion tokens for spread,
faith take one from elsewhere in the map. This
would also change the religion for the Area
where you just take away religion token.
Cardinal Did you mistakenly remove the P37. Roma Cardinal cannot be removed for
Roma Cardinal? this symbol.
Auto Have you done the auto P12. Note that auto resolution of last
resolution resolution of symbols if unpicked Event card is considered separate
applicable? from the last picked Event card. You need to
resolve the last picked card first, arrive at a
board state, then resolve the auto resolution
based on the new board state.
Auto Do you know that auto Dev: The intent is that your Turn is over once
resolution resolution card is not considered you resolve your Event and Icons, with the
your turn? Unpicked Event resolving outside your Turn,
and you not being the Active Player
This contradicts with Event action section on
p12, which includes auto resolution as step 6
in the Event action.
The implication of this ruling is that you must
finish your minor actions before the auto
resolution begins. And that all icons on the
Auto resolution card will resolve

independently of the last picked card.
Infectious Remember to identify clusters Faith token placed this turn does not affect
Faith before you start to spread the clusters for spread purpose. For
example, if a newly placed token connects
two clusters together, those clusters may still
spread on their own. Also, if a newly placed
token creates a new cluster (across the sea
zone), this cluster cannot spread this turn.
Infectious Do you have Spread Infectious Note that if you need to resolve two Spread
Faith Religion on the auto-resolution Infectious Religion icon on each of the last
card? card picked, and the card to be auto
resolved, they both spread 4 times, which
contradicts to p41 statement of “if… you
have placed less than 4 tokens this Turn”.
Conditions Have you distinguished between Eivind: Generally, if an Event says "Pay X to
vs Effects the requirements and effects of do/gain Y" that option can only be chosen if
the Event options? you can pay X. If an option however says
"You may pay X to do/gain Y" and you
cannot pay X, you can still take this option,
but you will not gain Y. If an option says
"Do/gain Y, then lose X", you may take this
option and do/gain Y regardless of whether
you have enough X to lose. Hope that makes
sense somehow. (link)
DoW Have you placed War token if Eivind: A War token should indeed be placed,
there is DoW in the Event? and the quoted section of the rules should
be corrected. (link)
I think new players may have a lot of questions over how certain Events effects are resolved. I will collect
more feedback from players to determine what to be included here.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
War status Are you at War? P12. You can only do Monetary Support transaction
if either of the parties of the negotiate is at war.
Core Did you exchange core P12 the party selling the core Province would lose
Provinces Provinces? Prestige points equal to twice of the provinces tax
Alliance / Are you at capacity of P32. If you are at maximum capacity of such tokens,
Marriage Alliance / Marriage you cannot enter into new relationships because
tokens? these tokens are not movable (p2)
Marriage Did you check state P32. Christian can marry Christian
religion for royal (Catholic/Counter-Reform/Protestant/Orthodox),
marriage? and Muslim can marry Muslim. Revolutionary
cannot marry any others.
Action Did you conclude any If you did not agree to carry out any transactions
transaction? prescribed in p12, it is deemed that you did not
take this action. You can still take another main
Negotiation Did you make any free- Note that free-style negotiation did not constitute
style P2P negotiation? to a P2P diplomacy action. You can negotiate

whenever you like without paying DP. You can still
take another main action.
While free-style p2p negotiation allows flexibility, it
is generally accepted that:
1. Any negotiation cannot override rules. So if
something cannot be done under the rule, it cannot
be done even if both parties agree.
2. No promise regarding the future is enforceable
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Prestige Did you score Prestige P12. If you are the 2nd or 3rd player researching an
Points for players who idea, players who researched this idea before you
have researched the idea can score 1 prestige point.
before you?
Government Did you research a P21. You can have only 1 Government Forms idea
Form Ideas Government Form Idea? at any given time. You lose the old one if you
research a new one.
HRE Are you playing as P44. You may play as >Netherlands or
Imperial Imperial Subjects? >Brandenburg as Imperial Subjects. When so, you
Subjects cannot research Government Form ideas if the
Emperor’s Imperial Authority level is 3+.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
State Check your state religion P13. This action is only available for Catholic Realms
religion eligibility. to switch between Catholic, Protestant, and Counter
Reformed. Orthodox, Muslim, and Revolutionary
Realms have nothing to do with this action.
HRE Are you HRE Emperor? P45. The Emperor is subject to more requirements
when changing state religion. The HRE official state
religion must be different than the Emperor’s state
The Emperor is able to adopt Counter-Reformed
Catholic while the HRE’s official Religion remains
Catholic. The applicable rule is that Counter-
Reformed Catholic is considered Catholic. Apart
from being able to spread upon Event icon, CR is the
same as Catholic and are affected by all things that
apply to Catholic.
Counter Are you changing to P13. You can only do so if there is at least 1 Counter
Reformed Counter Reformed? Reformed token on the map board.
P13. If you change from Catholic to Counter-
Reformed, you can choose not to suffer penalties
and you can place a Counter Reformed token in
your Capital Area.
Protestant Are you changing from You can change from Protestant to Catholic, but you
Protestant to Catholic? cannot change from Protestant directly to Counter-
Reformed. If you like, you can make another action
to change from Catholic to Counter-Reformed.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Status Have you already done P13. You cannot take this action more than once per

update so? round. Remember to put a cube in the “Changed Nat.
Focus” space on your mat NOW, before you resolve
the action so that you don’t forget.
Draw Did you discard cards to P13. The rule is to discard X to draw X-1 new.
new draw or pick new ones? From the X-1 new cards, you can pick 1 action card (1
cards at most) from discard decks. If you want to do so, you
will have to discard at least 2. Also remember to pay
the matching MP and 2 Ducats for hand picked cards.
If you have discarded more than 2, you can continue
to draw cards from face down decks after picking the
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
QtFNW Do you have the QtFNW P12. Note that the idea is not a prerequisite for
idea? taking this action. This idea only allows you to
explore Distant areas adjacent to your ships.
Without this idea, you may still explore Distant
Areas via land adjacency (relevant for Muscovy,
Ottoman, etc)
Ship Did you move a Ship? P12, 16, 26. Firstly, you cannot move into, or
through, Hostile Sea Zones. Secondly, you must
target a Distant Sea Zone destination.
Skull Have you rerolled? P12. Remember that you can reroll up to twice.
Adjacenc Have you checked P12. In order to discover an Area/territory, that
y adjacency? must be adjacent to your realm, or to your Ships
only if you have the QtNFW idea.
Trade Have you added Trade P35. Add all unused Trade Cards matching the
Cards Cards? number for this continent, along with the discard
and reshuffle the deck.
Have you checked all Note that you do not appoint a distant continent
explorable continents? where you want to explore. You can discover
anything that meets the adjacency requirements.
The new discovery does not have to be adjacent to
the Ship you just moved.
Skull Would you suffer the If you roll an icon with skull, you have 2 options.
Skull penalty? 1. Pay 1 DP and discover the Territory matching the
number rolled (Note you cannot discover a Distant
Area with NPR province, Province disc or vassal disc,
in contrast to die result without Skull). The discover
must be legit (meeting adjacent requirements. If
there is no legit Territory to discover, you cannot
choose this option.
2. Fail and remove 1 of your Ships on distant
continent. If you opt to fail, the skull penalty would
always be applicable as long as you have Ships in
Distant Continent. The explore action does not have
a specific target Continent and the failure will always
affect your Realm as a whole.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference

Event Have you taken the Event P8. You cannot pass until you have picked Event.
Minor Do you know that you can P8. You can take minor actions this turn. Even
action take minor actions? repaying loans immediately with the Ducats awarded
for pass early.
First Did you pass/take First P8. If you are the first to pass, you will get the First
Player Player token? Player token at the end of the round (not now),
unless you are already the First Player, in which case
the player who pass second will get it later.
End of Did you trigger end of P8. Remember to check player count.
Action action phase?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Limit / Have you had 5 Interest P14. You cannot take loans anymore. Note that this
Repay tokens already? is different from taking five loans because you may
get Interest token from other sources.
When repaying an interest token, always pay 6
ducats to remove 1 interest token no matter how
you get that interest token in the first place.
Reaction Did you check the P14. You are allowed to take Loan as a Reaction
Reaction timing? outside of your turn. Effectively whenever you want
to pay Ducats but you don’t have enough, you can
take Loan (if you haven’t reached the maximum
Bankruptcy Have you checked P21. Check bankruptcy rule if you are unable to
Bankruptcy rule? cover a mandatory cost.
Note that if you can avoid bankruptcy by Firing
advisors/Disbanding Units/Recalling ships, you must
do so.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Reaction Did you check the P13. If someone attacks one of your Armies located
Reaction timing for WITHIN YOUR REALM, you may, as a Reaction,
appointing general / Appoint or reassign a General to this Army. If the
admiral? army is outside of your Realm, you cannot take this
P28. In Naval battle, defender cannot appoint
Admiral as a reaction.
Reaction Did you check the P13. If your current Ruler is discarded without any
Reaction timing for replacement outside of your turn, you can replace. If
appointing ruler? it is a replacement of old ruler with new ruler (for
example through Historical Ruler on Event), you
cannot appoint a ruler manually.
General Checked what you can do P13, 19. You can Employ, replace/move, discard
/ to Generals/Admiral? general/admiral. You can appoint Ruler as General
Admiral (not the other way around). You cannot appoint
Ruler as Admiral.
Ruler / Do you know that Ruler P19. Ruler can be appointed as a General but not an
Admiral cannot be appointed as Admiral. Be careful to distinguish between Ruler and

Admiral? Leader. Leader is certain character on card from your
hand, which can be appointed as
Ruler/General/Admiral. Ruler is that character which
is already appointed to the Ruler’s position.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Eligibility Is the NPR Ally eligible for P13. NPR Ally needs to be (a) at peace, and (b) either
for CtA this CtA? adjacent to your Realm, or to a new Enemy. Note
that Vassals of the NPR Ally does not provide
Alliance Any Three-Way Alliance? P13. If a PR is Allied both to the Aggressor and the
defender, they may only be Called to Arms by the
It is impossible for an NPR to be Allied to more than
one PR.
Influence Did you discard correct P13. 2 influence per Activated Ally if an Offensive CtA
amount of Influence / 1 influence per Activate Ally if a Defensive CtA (in
cubes? their respective Areas).
NPR Ally Are you answering CtA P13. When accepting a CtA from an NPR Ally, you
from NPR Ally? may send Defensive CtA only to call your other NPR
Allies, No PR. This round of CtA follows the same
restrictions as Defensive CtA issued by yourself.
Activated Have you collected bonus P13. You turn NPR Allies into Active Allies when you:
Ally from CtA? 1. Send then Offensive / Defensive CtA
2. Accept their Defensive CtA, and choose to activate
them (Note when accepting their CtA, you may
choose not to activate them, allowing them to
defend at full MC)
3. Sending them Defensive CtA following accepting
Defensive CtA from other NPR Allies.

Turning NPR Allies to Active Allies will grant the

following bonus:
1. Flip Alliance token to Activated Ally side.
2. Gain Allied units to available manpower pool
3. Gain 1 MP if the activated Ally is adjacent to new
MP Did you resolve the 1 MP P16. This is only mentioned on P16 in DoW section.
Reward reward for accepting CtA However it should be part of answering Defensive
from NPR CtA process. Quote:
“PRs accepting any Defensive CtAs from NPRs
(Unless that PR accepting the CtA is already at War
with the aggressor), gain 1 MP.”
Offensive When answering CtA, P32. If you are answering an Offensive CtA, you must
CtA have you checked DoW adhere to the DoW restriction. If you do not meet
restriction? the restriction, you must Decline the CtA and suffer
any penalty if applicable.
If you are answering a Defensive CtA, you can ignore
all restrictions, even Truce.
Distant Does it involve any P32. Remember that Colonist in the Colonist Pool
NPR Distant NPR? count as Influence cubes in any Distant Continents
for Call to Arms purpose.

Activate Do you know that you can P32. You may choose whether to Activate the ally
Ally choose not to Activate the sending the CtA or not.
Ally that send you the
Alliance Did you check for Alliance P33. If you accept a Defensive CtA when you are also
with the Realms on the Allied to a PR on the opposing side, your Alliance
Opposing side? with that PR is terminated (without penalty).
Refuse Did you Refuse the CtA? P32. Check the refuse CtA process in P32. If you end
the CtA an Alliance this way, further check p33 for ending
alliance. Pay special attention to the penalties.
HRE Emperor refuses the CtA P44. If you are the Emperor of HRE, refusing CtA
from Imperial Subject? from an Imperial Subject will cause -1 Imperial
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Reaction Not a Reaction Note that this minor action cannot be used as a
Reaction outside of your turn. So if you get a penalty
to remove available manpower, you cannot take this
minor action to afford that.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Active Did you end Alliance with P33. You need to lose quite some. Check p33
Ally an Active Ally?
Ships Do you have Ships in P26. You need to move them to a non Hostile
and former Ally’s Ports? adjacent Sea Zone. If no such Sea Zone available the
Ports Ships will disband. You are not allowed to trigger a
battle here.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Papal Check Papal Control? P46. Cost is reduced by 1 AP if you are Papal
Curia Controller
State Check state Religion? P38. If you are Orthodox, cost is reduced by 1 AP if
Religion you increase stability from -1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Eligibility Check eligibility? P14. Own all provinces, or Own at least 1
Province, with other Provinces owned by Realms
of the same state religion as you.
Unrest Have you placed unrest? P14. Add Unrest to 1 Province and roll Rebel Dice
State Religion Check state religion? P38. If you are Protestant, cost is reduced by 1
Revolutionary What are you converting P38. If convert into other religion, replace any
Ideas into? existing religion tokens.
If converting into Revolutionary Idea, place on top
of any existing religion tokens.
Areas sharing If the target Area’s In the case of one religion token controlling

same token religion controlled by multiple Areas’ religion, any Change of Religion
tokens in another Area? action must target the Area where the token is
located. You cannot change a sub-Area’s religion
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Connection Did you trace the route P14. The colonial claim needs to be connected to
to Capital to your Capital Area? your Capital Area through chain of Areas and Sea
Zones with Provinces and Ships.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Adjacency Have you checked P15. You can place Influence cubes in Areas
adjacency requirements? adjacent to any of your Province discs/Vassal
discs/Alliance token/Royal Marriage
token/Influence cubes that were there at the start
of this turn. BUT NOT Ships or Units.
Eligibility Checked Area eligibility? P15. 32. Distant Area cannot be placed Influence.
An area where all Provinces are Owned by PRs
cannot be placed influence. A full (5 influences
already) Area cannot be placed.
Removable Do you know you can P32. Influence cubes can be moved to where
influence move Influence cubes if needed.
cube you run out?
Placing Restrictions only apply to Note that the adjacency restrictions (the first issue
influence the Influence action in this section) only apply to Influence action. You
from may ignore the restrictions if you are instructed to
Action place influence due to other effects.
card, Specifically, the Action Card of New Alliances and
Event, or Spy Network involve placing influence cubes. When
rewards? using the two cards to place influence cubes there
are no adjacency restrictions.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
P2P Is the target an NPR? P15. This action can only target NPR. If you want to
enter into Alliance with a PR, you should use the P2P
Diplomacy action instead.
War Any party at War? P15. You cannot take this action if either party is at
status War.
Distant Does it involve NPR on P15. For Distant NPR, you need to have at least 2
NPR Distant Continent? colonists, and claim on at least one Area of the NPR’s
Capacity Are you at capacity of P32. You limit is 3, 4 if you have Cabinet idea. If you
Alliance tokens? are at maximum capacity of such tokens, you cannot
enter into new relationships because Alliance tokens
are not movable (p2)
Papal Did you Ally Papal State? P46. Remember to put a Cardinal on the Roma slot
State when you have alliance with >Papal State.

DNPR Did you ally a DNPR? P10. You can Ally DNPR. But note that if the DNPR
has a tax income of 10+ Ducats, the Alliance token
will be removed in Cleanup Phase, which is when you
lose the alliance. You won’t be penalized if alliance
ends this way. But you lose any benefits, especially
when the DNPR is an Active Ally.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
War status Are you at War? P15. You cannot fabricate claim if you are at War.
Distant Does this claim involve P15. You may fabricate claim on NPR or PR
Continent Distant Continent? provinces or vassals (through land adjacency). But
you cannot put claim on empty territory Areas. To
do so you need to take the Explore action.
Counte- Allow the opportunity for P15. This is a covert action and can be countered by
respionage Counterespionage from Counterespionage action card. If the to-be-placed
affected PRs? claim is a valid CB against a certain PR, then that
player is entitled to play Counterespionage. Check
p19 and the card for more information.
Power Is this an Active Power P43 Advanced rule. If so, cost to fabricate claim
Struggle Struggle or Upcoming here is only 1 DP.
Power Struggle Area?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Available Do you have an available P15 If you don’t have an available Merchant, you
Merchant Merchant? cannot trade. You cannot even take the 2 Ducats
Node Did you check node P15. The Trade Node must be connected to your
connection to eligibility? Capital Area through a continuous chain of
Capital intermediate Areas and / or Sea Zones containing
their Province disc, Vassal disc (Note, occupied
town and vassal town also count, p34), Influence
cubes, or Light Ships
P34. The actual Area where an Inland Node is
located is exempt from this requirement.
Ship Do you want to move the Check naval movement rules. Some notable
Ship? restrictions. 1. You cannot move into Hostile sea
zone during a Trade action. 2. You cannot enter a
Distant Sea Zone if you do not have Claim token,
Province disc, or Vassal disc adjacent to a Sea
Zone. You must take an Explore action to enter
such Sea Zone (p26). 3. This movement must
actually provide access to the trade node, or
increase trade power for the trade node selected.
If the Ship moved does not contribute to the
trade node selected, the move is invalid (p15).
P15, after making the move, you may enter trade
protection slot, if there is no space, displace
others’ ships and make room for yourself (this is
also the only way you can displace others Ships
which are already in trade protection slots.
Special Have you checked Trade P34. Some trade nodes have special

Requirement Node special requirements. Check those requirements.
s requirements?
Secondary Have you considered P35. Check rule for secondary trade node. It is
Node secondary trade node? available as an option if the active player has the
highest trading power in secondary node. It is not
available if there is a pirate in the secondary
trade node. Note that the eligibility rule also
applies. Any player must be eligible to the
secondary node to calculate trade power there.
Calculating Do you know that P35. Note the calculation methods of trade
trade power Provinces do not power for primary and secondary Trade node are
contribute to trade different. Also check other trade power
power in secondary calculation details.
Tie of trade Did you rank the players P35. Check for tie and the tie breaking rules, and
power correctly? pirate effect.
Gold / Slave Are you trading Gold or P34. Check additional rules for Gold and Slave
Slave? trading.
Other PRs’ Are there any other P35. Other players with merchant there may also
merchants Merchant in the trade collect trade income. Note that even if you
node? activated secondary trade node, other players’
merchants in main trade node may still collect
income, as long as they are eligible.
Existing The desired trade node No. Each player may only have 1 Merchant in a
Merchant already contains an given Trade Node. You cannot move available
figures Activated Merchant of Merchant into a Trade Node if you already have
yours? an activated one there. If you cannot actually
activate an available merchant there, you cannot
initiate trade from this node. Effectively, you
cannot trade more than once in a same Trade
Node in a Round.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Crusade Are you the Papal P46. You may want to consider the Call Crusade
Controller? option before DoW. It gives you CB against Muslim
Realm, Prestige, Free Mercenary units, and free
DoW action.
Also you may consider Excommunication, which
also grants you CB against Catholic Realm.
Multiple Do you know that you P16. Don’t waste MP DoW enemies one by one.
Enemies can DoW multiple Realms
in one action?
Casus Belli Have you checked Casus P22. Check a whole range of CBs that are available
Bellis? to you.
HRE Is this an Internal War in P45. If the Emperor does not have a CB when
HRE? Declaring War against one of their Imperial
Subjects, they will lose 1 Imperial Authority and
must remove 3 Influence cubes from HRE Areas.

HRE HRE subjects DoW P45. If there is no valid CB for such a DoW, the
another HRE subject? Emperor must place a CB on the Aggressor’s
HRE HRE may have additional P44. HRE has permanent Imperial Liberation Casus
CB Belli against Unlawful Occupants. (Note that in the
default 1444 map set up, the Unlawful Occupants
from the start of the game include >Burgundy,
>Venice, and >Denmark).
CtA Did you follow the CtA P16. Ensure you follow the CtA sequence. Timing is
sequence? critical and you do not have a second chance to CtA
allies once this opportunity passes.
CtA Have you checked the P13. Check the CtA section of rule again to make
CtA section? sure you have done it correctly.
MP reward Did you resolve the 1 MP P16. If a PR is a target of DoW action, that PR gets 1
reward for the defending MP. MP reward is also available for PRs who accept
PR? CtAs from their NPR Allies. Check CtA section for
Triggering Have you checked P27. Pay attention that if hostile units to that NPR
Battle whether a battle with existed in the area/sea zone before the current
NPR would be triggered? turn, a land battle/naval battle is not triggered.
Free action Have you taken a free P16. Go to the Activate Units action section and
Activate or Recruit action Recruit action section again to make sure you have
if no battle is triggered? done it correctly.
HRE Does any Defensive CtA P44. An Imperial Subject will send CtA to the PR
involve HRE Emperor? Emperor if the Imperial Authority is 1+.
If the Emperor chooses to accept the Defensive
CtA, the Emperor must activate Defend the HRE
status. Check p44 for additional rules for Defend
the HRE.
If Emperor chooses not to accept the Defensive
CtA, the Emperor will lose 1 Imperial Authority
Restrictions Have you checked DoW P22. Check a whole range of restrictions where you
restrictions? cannot DoW against a target.
Disputed Pay attention to how the P22. Disputed Succession token provides CB for ALL
Succession Casus Belli from Disputed PRs against the Realm that the token is on.
Succession works Then, if any PR declared war, or is at war against
the Realm with the Disputed Succession token,
other PRs obtain CB against that PR. Effectively, if
any PR is trying to intervene the succession, other
PRs may in turn intervene that PR.
Multiple How do you resolve DoW For DoW against multiple targets, you firstly place
Enemy against multiple targets? war tokens on all of those realms in step 1. Now
you are at war with all of them. You cannot add
more targeted Realms later to this DoW.
Secondly, resolve CtAs in the abcd order as on p16.
First resolve all your Offensive CtA, then resolve
defensive CtA that involves emperor. Then
defensive CtA for NPRs (this may involve sending
another round of CtA from the NPR’s PR Allies), and
lastly Defensive CtA for PRs.
Thirdly, when it comes to trigger Battle step, you
will fight multiple defenders in the same area all at

once, if applicable. Check p36 and p27 about
fighting multiple defenders.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Army Do you know that you can P16 Dropping off and picking up Infantry units.
arrange your army while P24 Calvary and Canons can only be deployed in
moving? Armies and cannot be dropped off on map board.
Siege Have you checked sieging P28. Calculate your sieging capacity, and check if
capacity and island you have ship in adjacent sea zone when sieging an
Province requirements? island province (blue port).
Siege When sieging, does the P28. Give the defender the opportunity to resolve
opponent have Defensive the effect of the idea, in step 4.
Mentality idea?
Siege Check Province P28. Pay close attention to liberating provinces
occupancy to apply when sieging.
correct Sieging outcome
After Siege Have you checked what P28. Check if there is any opponents Ships in sieged
would happen after Ports. Check is any player regain control of previous
sieging? occupied Provinces.
Roma Do you occupy Roma? P46. While Occupying Roma, you automatically gain
a Cardinal in the Roma slot. However this is the only
Cardinal you are allowed to have. If you have other
Cardinals, you must discard them immediately. You
are not allowed to gain further Cardinal either.
Military Have you checked P25. Check p25 for Access rule, especially
Access Military Access? complications for neutral Areas.
HRE Are you the Emperor? P44. While Defending the HRE is tagged, the
Military Emperor, and anyone at War against the Emperor,
Access has free Military Access through all areas within the
Free military access means that you do not need to
pay 3 ducats to gain military access in neutral areas.
However, you still cannot gain military access if you
have claim tokens in such areas.
Also, HRE areas without your or Enemy Provinces
are still considered Neutral areas and land
movement of Emperor’s army still must stop in
neutral areas.
Mountain Have you checked the P26. If you cross a sea zone by Naval Bridge, check
/Naval border that you crossed? the validity and capacity, especially when the Naval
bridge Bridge involves Allies’ Ships.
P25. If you cross a mountain order, check unit limit
and destination hostility.
Triggering Have you checked what P25. Check if a battle is triggered. If you have
battle would happen in the Area triggered a battle, your movement must
that you enter into? immediately stop
Mercenar Do you include Available P16. Optional Rule.
y Mercenaries in play?
Distant Does the land movement P26. Check movement rules on Distant Continents.
Area involve Distant Area? Most notably, 1. You can only move 1 Area. 2. You

can only enter Areas meeting the requirements.
Action Are you using an action Note: There are several Action Cards which interact
card card? with movement.
1. Forced March directly grants movement which
does not follow Land Activation rules or restrictions,
refer to card text description.
2. Logistic Master uses the bolded-italic term of
Activate / Recruit, which means you take the
actions, and all restrictions of the two actions would
also apply.
3. One Step Ahead directly grants movement which
does not follow Land Activation rule or restrictions.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Undocking When undocking, check P16 You cannot undock into a Hostile Sea Zone.
the Sea zone hostility?
Fleet Do you know that you P16. Note that the rule is different from land
can rearrange your fleet movement. Fleet can only pick up or drop off Ships
while doing naval (not Heavies or Galleys) at the start and end
movement? position of the movement, but not along the way.
Distant Does the movement P26. Check Distant Sea Zone relevant rule. Notably,
Sea Zone involve Distant Sea Zone? 1 you cannot enter Distant Sea Zone if you don’t
meet the requirements (check p26). 2. You
movement will immediately end in Distant Sea Zone
so your ships cannot pass through there.
Fleet Have you checked special P24. Heavy Ships and Galleys may only be deployed
rules regarding Fleet? in Fleets. Galleys will be disbanded in they move out
of the Mediterranean region with the fleet.
Port Is the destination a Port? P26. Port has capacity limit. If it is at, or will exceed
capacity after your entering, you cannot move into
the Port. Heavy Ships ended in Port will be repaired.
Triggering Have you checked battle P36. Check battle with NPR is triggered. Note that
Battle trigger in the destination? battle is not triggered if there were hostile Ships to
the NPR in the destination prior to this turn.
Trade Have you checked vacant P25. The Sea Zone must be non-hostile. You can
Protection trade protect slots? arrange Ships which just moved to occupy vacant
Slots Trade Protection Slot, but not displace occupied slot
(if you want to do so you need to make a valid Ships
movement and displacement in trade action).
Naval You want to use Naval P26. Note you only do the naval transport after
transport Transport after the naval Naval Battles are resolved. The naval bridge used in
(naval movement? the aval transport must include the Ships just
bridge) moved. Check requirements for naval bridge,
especially about using allied Ships.
Naval Would the naval P26. You are allowed use naval transport to move
transport transport trigger battle? armies into hostile Areas directly to trigger battle.
Ships in Do you know that you Ships in Ports may still move. Note that they start
Ports can also move Ships / from Port, and the adjacent sea zone would be their
Fleet in Ports if you first step in the naval movement.
choose the Naval

Movement option?
Naval Will your movement You Ships and fleets can only move if they are able
Movemen route result in illegal to arrive at the destination sea zone. If they will be
t movement? blocked halfway due to triggering a battle or
entering a distant sea zone, such movement is
illegal, and the associated ships or fleets cannot
move. Plan your route before execution.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Mercenary Have you exceeded cap P17. Max 3 Mercenaries per Recruit action.
of Mercenary per
Allied Units Do you know that you P17. You need to pay the difference if you want to
don’t pay to recruit Allied recruit Allied units as Calvary. Allied units cannot
units as infantry? be recruited as Canon.
Ships Did you check your P17. Maximum 1 Ship per port, 2 Ship per Large
maximum Ship build port.
Deployment Checked the Area P17. Your units and Mercenaries can only be
eligibility to deploy your deployed in your or your vassals’ Areas. Allied units
units? can be deployed in your, your vassals’, or your
Activated Allies’ Areas. Ships can be deployed into
Ports or adjacent Sea Zones but not into a Hostile
Sea Zone.
Mercenary Did you check units that P25. Mercenaries and Allied Units can only be
and Allied can only be deployed in deployed in Armies, not directly onto the Board.
Units Armies?
Galley and Did you check Ships that P24. Heavy Ships and Galleys can only be deployed
Heavy Ships can only be deployed into Fleets. Galleys cannot be deployed outside of
into Fleets? Mediterranean Areas.
Military Did you check MC for P22. Calculate your MC for each Area that you
Capacity Land Areas? would like to deploy. Most critical problems here
1. Overlapping MC if you would like to deploy in
more than 1 Areas this turn. A Province may only
provide MC once to one Area per Recruit action.
2. Check blocked MC, including occupied
provinces, and provinces in Areas with hostile
units, and coastal provinces facing hostile sea
Naval Did you check NC for Sea P23. Calculate your NC for each Sea Zone that you
Capacity Zones? would like to deploy. Most critical problem here
0. Your vassal Ports do not provide NC and you
cannot deploy there! (Note that NPR vassal ports
do provide NC to NPR, this is different for PR and
1. Overlapping NC if you would like to deploy in
more than one Sea Zone this turn, A port may only
provide NC once per recruit action.
2. Blocked NC from Ports facing hostile sea zones.
Vassals Do you know that Vassals P33. This applies to PR only.
do not provide NC to PR

Deployment Did you check P26. Ports have capacities.
in Ports deployment into Ports? 1. You can deploy a maximum of 1 Ship in a given
Port (2 Ships in a Large Port).
2. If there are already 2 Ships parking in a Port (4
Ships in Large port, or 6 Ships in a fleet in a Large
port), that port is full and you cannot deploy there.
Ship You want to deploy Ships This is ruled as a case of overlapping MC. Please
Deployment both into Ports and adhere to the intention of the ship recruiting
adjacent Sea Zones? process, where you effective link 1 ship recruited
to 1 port, then place the ship either in that port or
in an adjacent sea zone to that port.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Occupied Do you know that you P17 You cannot do so while the war is ongoing. You
Town cannot Suppress Unrest in can only do so after peace negotiated.
a Town that you Occupy?
Hostile Do you know that you P17.
Units cannot Suppress Unrest if
hostile units are present
in the Area?
Remove Are you instructed to Note that restrictions listed above only apply to the
unrest remove Unrest due to an Suppress Unrest action. Other effects from non-
from effect? action sources which allow you to remove unrest are
Events, not bound by the restrictions.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Battle Should a battle be P27. Note that a battle is only triggered under the
trigger triggered? four scenarios listed on p27.
Note that Rebels appearing in Areas would not
trigger NPR. Rebels are Hostile to PR only (p37)
NPR Would NPR enemy be P27. NPR will be triggered if Enemy units move in
triggered? Areas with NPR’s Provinces and Sea Zones facing
NPR’s Ports, unless there were Hostile Units against
that NPR in such Area/Sea Zone prior to current turn.
Note that NPR will trigger regardless of if other
Players have Units in such Area/Sea Zone or not.
Multiple Did you trigger 2+ Battles P36. If 2+ Battles are triggered at the same time, NPR
Battles with NPR on a single would also face overlapping MC/NC issue. In such
against Turn? case, NPR will prioritise 1. Its Capital Area / Sea zone
NPR adjacent to its Capital. 2. Area/Sea Zone with largest
Enemy force. 3. The first battle to be resolved.
Multiple Do you fight multiple P27. Units from different Realms will defend as one
Enemy Enemies in the same united force. Determine the main Defender. Check
Area? p27. Only main defender will have Generals, play
Battle Actions, use Ideas, and roll dice.
P36. All defending Units from the combined MC of

these NPRs will face you in a single Battle.
General Defender appoint P27, P13. Defender can only appoint General as a
Generals? Reaction if they are defending Areas of their Realm.
Military Do you have military ideas P27. Military Drill + Noble Knights
Ideas that takes effect now?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Lend a Do you include “Lend a P36. This optional rule says “All players may back
Helping Helping Hand” optional NPRs in Battles by playing Battle Actions, (in
Hand rule? clockwise order, starting with the Active Player).”
Multiple Can you play multiple P19. In each Round of Battle, each side may only
Card Battle Action Card? benefit from one use of any particular Battle Action.
You can but the benefits wont stack.
Battle Which effects last for the Only two effects are once off. Both are on the
Actions whole battle, and which Military Traditional Action card. Superior Cavalry is a
effect last for only one reaction which takes effects only once. Veteran only
battle round? takes effect for “a” Battle Roll.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Islam Is your State Religion P38. In any Land Battle, Muslim PRs may replace their
Religion Islam? basic 3 Infantry Dice with 3 Cavalry Dice.
Battle Do you remember to Remember to resolve all effects from Ideas or Action
Actions resolve effects that affect cards you played previously. A not-exhaustive list of
your battle dice? Battle action that adds dice include: Innovatory
Tactic, inspired leadership, naval maneuverer,
superior tactic, Military drill.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Alternative Did you assign casualties P27. Applies to armies containing Mercenary,
Order in alternative order? regular, and allied units. Assign casualty in this
Alternative Did you assign casualties If there are multiple Defenders (fx, Rebels + NPR
Order in alternative orders for units), it is most relevant to apply the rule to assign
the defenders? casualties in alternative order. This is not
specifically explained in the rule.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
General General Wound and P27. General is only wounded if the side suffers at
Casualty least 1 casualty in units.
General Did any General die? P27. Remember that you cannot use Appoint Leader
action again in the same battle. If the dead General is
a Ruler, also applies Ruler death procedures on p20.
HRE Did Ruler of Emperor die P45. Advanced rule. Imperial Election
in the battle? If Emperor Ruler is replaced or discarded, an election
must be held. Check p45 for further rules.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
NPR Have you checked if NPR P36. NPR will retreat if all are satisfied. (a) The first
retreat would retreat? round of battle is done. (b) NPR has fewer units than
their Enemy after any round of battle. (c) The current

Area is not their Capital Area. (d) The current Area is
not the last Area where they still control Provinces.
(e). NPR units are not fighting alongside with Rebel
Multiple Are there multiple P27. They may each pick the destination of their
Defender defenders? Retreat
Military Have you checked military P27. Military Access rules apply.
Access access for retreat?
Naval Can you use Naval Bridge P27. You can only do so if you initiate the battle
Bridge while retreating? through a naval bridge. If so, you must retreat back
across the naval bridge to where you embarked.
Under other circumstances, no. For example,
defender cannot retreat through naval bridge. The
use of Naval Bridge is only mentioned in Activation.
You can only use it as part of activation.
Retreat Are you allowed to It is not specifically banned (currently the rule only
triggering retreat into a Hostile Area says “Area that does not contain Enemy Units”).
battle? and trigger battle? However, it is expected to be errataed that it is not
allowed to trigger battle through retreats.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
MP Did you get 1 MP for P27. You only gain 1 MP for victorious battle if you
Reward battle victory? are the Active Player (your turn), and this is the first
victorious battle you resolve in the turn. Do not
reward yourself multiple times!
Rebels Are you fighting Rebels? P27. The reward does not apply to Battles versus
Rebels in the Peace and Rebels Phase.
NOTE! that the issues listed here are the extra points which only apply to naval battles. Also check the
issues in the Land battle section as some points over there are also applicable to naval battles. These
will be repeated but with the issues only. Check the previous sections for details.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Naval Have you correctly P35. An NPR's Vassals will always assist their
Capacity calculated the NC for NPR Overlord in Wars, as if they were the NPR's own
(effectively how many Provinces. Note that Vassals Ports contribute to
Ships defending)? NPR’s NC, this rule is different from PR (on P33,
vassal ports do not contribute to PR’s NC).
NPR Would NPR enemy be P27. NPR will be triggered if Enemy units move in
triggered? Areas with NPR’s Provinces and Sea Zones facing
NPR’s Ports, unless there were Hostile Units
against that NPR in such Area/Sea Zone prior to
current turn.
Note that NPR will trigger regardless of if other
Players have units in such Area/Sea Zone or not.
Multiple Did you trigger 2+ Battles P36. If 2+ Battles are triggered at the same time,
Battles with NPR on a single NPR would also face overlapping MC/NC issue. In
against Turn? such case, NPR will prioritise 1. Its Capital Area /
NPR Sea zone adjacent to its Capital. 2. Area/Sea Zone

with largest Enemy force. 3. The first battle to be
Multiple Multiple Defenders in the Check above
Defender same Sea Zone?
Admiral Do you know that P28. Defender does not have the opportunity to
defender cannot appoint appoint Admiral as a reaction.
Military Note that the no ideas will Both Military Drill and Noble Knight are only
Idea take effect in Naval Battle. applicable to Land battle.
Pirates Are you attacking Pirates? P25. Note that you must take a Naval Activation
action to attack Pirates. The Pirates must be in a
Trade node adjacent to the destination Sea Zone
of the activation, and The Ships used to attack
must all be in a single Sea Zone
Battle Have you counted all Note that if a naval Battle is triggered in a Sea
participants Ships in the Sea Zone? Zone where either side has Ships in the Trade
Protection Slots, these Ships will be moved off
Trade Protection Slots and participate in the naval
battle. After the naval battle, these Ships will not
return to the trade protection slots.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Lend a Lend a Helping Hand rule? Check above
Multiple Can you play multiple P19. In each Round of Battle, each side may only
Card Battle Action Card? benefit from one use of any particular Battle Action.
You can but the benefits wont stack.
Dice Note that extra infantry Cav dice do not have cannons, infantry dice do have
and cavalry dice can also one cannon. They both do have 1 Tercios symbol, so
be played. even though Cav dice won’t help get a casualty, they
may help get a capture.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Heavy Have you resolved Heavy P28. Heavy Ships applies 1 auto hits in addition to
Ships Ship auto hit? your dice results.
Battle Do you remember to Check above.
actions resolve effects that affect
your battle dice?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Heavy Have you assigned hits to P28. Heavy Ships can take 2 Hits before being
Ships Heavy Ship? removed. Assign 1 hit to them to save 1 Light Ship.
Make use of your heavy ships. Repair your damaged
heavy ships by ending a turn or round in a Friendly
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Admiral Admiral Wound and P28. Admiral is only wounded if the side suffers at
Casualty least 1 casualty in units.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Capture Do you meet the P28. There are three requirements.
ships requirements to capture 1. It must be the last round of battle. It is the last
enemy ships? round if a winner can be proclaimed at the end of this
round. Note that when fighting against NPR, the first
round can the last round because NPR will retreat
after first round, unless fighting in the Sea Zone next
to Capital.
2. You must be proclaimed as winner. It means that
you must have Ships remain in the Sea Zone.
3. You can capture a ship for each double infantry hit
icon rolled, if there are enough enemy ships for
You can capture Heavy Ships, still needs only 1 icon.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Pirates Are you fighting Pirates? Pirates do not retreat. This is actually not mentioned
in rulebook, but considering that Pirates only exist in
Trade Node, it does not make sense for them to
NPR Have you checked if NPR P36. For Naval battle, NPR will retreat if all are
retreat would retreat? satisfied. (a) The first round of battle is done. (b) NPR
has fewer units than their Enemy after any round of
battle. (c) The current Sea Zone is not adjacent to
their Capital.
Ports Do you know that you can P28. Remember that Port is a safe haven for Ships. It
Retreat into Friendly is not possible to trigger a naval battle to drag ships
Ports? in Friendly Ports into battle.
Retreat Have you taken Retreat P28. You must lose a Ship. You cannot take a hit to a
penalty casualty penalty? Heavy Ship instead.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
MP Did you get 1 MP for Check above
Reward battle victory?


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
CB Have you lost Prestige P9. If you are not at war with the Realm where you
Tokens Point when removing CB have CB tokens, you lose 2 Prestige points per CB
tokens? token removed.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Pre- Have you checked all 3 P36 Advanced rule, 1. Not an Active Ally. 2. None of
requisites requirements for NPR the Areas where NPR controls Provinces contain
invasion? Units hostile. 3. There is eligible Invasion target Area

Targets Have you checked which P36 Advanced rule. Area should: 1. Have Province
Area is to be invaded? controlled by hostile PR. 2. If adjacent by sea, not
blocked by hostile Ships. 3. Not contain units from
non-Hostile PR.
MC/NC Have you count NPR’s P36 Advanced rule. A Realm’s vassals are considered
vassals when calculating as the Realm’s own Provinces when at war, and thus
invading army size? will provide MC.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Defensive Do you know that Rebel It is intended that Defensive Mentality does not
Mentality Siege overrides Defensive trigger in Phase 3 Step C.
Blue Do you know that Rebel It is intended that Ship requirement is omitted in
Ports Siege overrides Ship Phase 3 Step C.
requirements to Siege
Blue Ports?
Rebel Did you place a cube to P37. This is only applicable to your Core Provinces. If
Occupied track Rebel occupied it is not Core Provinces, the Province will be
town town? liberated and return to its Core owner, and your
Town disc will be returned to your track.
Liberation Did you check for P37. There are three possibilities of Liberation.
Liberation? Check them on p37.
CB If your town is Liberated, P37. If your town is liberated, you MUST place a CB
did you place a CB on new on the new Province Owners’ Capital. You can
Owners’ capital remove any Truce token immediately.
Religious Do you include the P37. Note that this rule adds a new effect to the
Rebels Religious Rebels rule? Change State Religion action. Other aspects of this
action would work normally.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Sequence Did you follow the sequence in P29. The sequence is very important.
Peace Resolution? Firstly, Wars that meet Auto White Peace
terms will be forced to end. Secondly, all
Wars that meet Total Victory conditions
are resolved at the Victor’s discretion.
Thirdly, Starting the first player, each
player may resolve Partial victory or
inconclusive wars. Victors of at least
Partial victory may enforce applicable
Peace Terms. Peace terms for Inconclusive
Wars must be agreed by both parties at
Surrender Do you know that you can P30, if you do so, the Opponent is declared
surrender to force the end of Victor and can enforce any terms as if they
War? have achieved Partial Victory, or by
Active Ally How do you resolve Peace on P29/30. 1. If your Active Ally is fully
behalf on your Active Ally? occupied (total victory by opponent), then
its Peace is resolved in step 2 total victory,
which is outside of your control.

2. If your Active Ally is not fully occupied,
your opponent can only negotiate/
enforce one single peace term against you
and all your Active Allies. You opponent
cannot enforce different Peace Terms
against different Active Allies.
Ransom What is the cap of ransom for P30. The lower of (10 per Capital + 3(6) per
returned Provinces? (Large)Province returned) and (Twice of
Tax Income of the Loser after the return of
the Provinces).
HRE Does the War involve the P44. As long as Defending the HRE status is
Emperor? checked, opponents cannot enforce Peace
Terms on Imperial Subject unless they
have achieved a Victory (Total or Partial)
against the Emperor in the War. Emperor
would also negotiate Peace Term on
behalf of Imperial Subjects, which is very
similar to how Active Ally works.
White Did you consider vassals and P29. White Peace requirement is not met
Peace Active Allies when checking for if there is any occupancy on Enemy’s
White Peace? vassals or Active Allies Provinces.
Discard You can discard Claims to remove P30, 31. By default, all Occupied towns are
Claims Unrest from newly annexed / Unrest side up. If there are no special
vassalized towns. effects to flip them before peace
resolution, those towns remain Unrest
side up when annexed. New vassalized
towns in Areas where the Victor occupied
no Provinces are also with Unrest side up.
In all Peace Terms where you may
Annex/Vassalise towns (Keep Current
Board State, Vassalisation, Full
Annexation), you may remove the Claim
token(s) from any Area(s) to remove 2
unrests in that Area.
Note that if after peace resolution, all
Provinces in an Area are owned by you or
your vassals, then you must remove the
Claim token from this Area anyway.
Keep Easy to miss rules regarding this P30. PRs that lost any of their Provinces or
Current peace term. Vassal Provinces as a consequence of this
Board War MAY place a Claim token in each Area
State where they have lost at least 1 Province (if
they want).
Vassali- What if the NPR enemy has its P35. The “Vassals are…as if they were the
sation vassals? NPR’s own Provinces” rule applies here.
This includes the peace resolution. By
enforcing vassalisation peace term you will
vassalize the NPR enemy and its vassals.
However, note that once vassalized by
you, the NPR enemy and its vassals will be
treated as two different vassal realms of
yours, which means you need to subjugate

them separately later.
Vassali- Do you know that you can Enforce P30. If you meet at least Partial Victory
sation Vassalisation on PR and its Active condition against the PR, then that applies
NPR Ally, if you satisfy the victory to all Active Allies of that PR. Note that you
conditions? still need to fulfil other requirements for
Vassalisation (occupy the Active Ally’s
Capital and at least 1 of de jure Provinces
in another Area if any). Then you can
enforce the Vassalisation Peace Term on
the PR and its Active Allies. While the
Vassalisation Peace Term will not have any
effect on the PR (the PR will resolve as
White Peace without prestige loss), it will
apply to its NPR Active Allies and you now
gain the PR’s former Active Allies as
Humili- What is the cap of Prestige Point P30. Note that Humiliation is only
ation gained from Humiliation? applicable to PR Enemy. Enemy must
Surrender voluntarily. This term cannot be
enforced without surrender. The lower of
(10) and (twice of the Tax Value of the
Provinces returned to the Loser)
Full Some easy to miss rules regarding P31. If the Loser was an Active Ally of a PR,
Annexation Full annexation that PR loses 2.
Negotiated What can you negotiate? P31. Negotiated Peace is not free form.
Peace You still need to select from the prescribed
Terms to agree on instead of being
enforced upon. Thus you cannot negotiate
exchanging Monarch cubes or Action
cards. You cannot Humiliate each other,
Force Conversion upon each other, or
Secure Desired Succession.
The only diversion is that parties may
agree for ONE party to take a Cut-Ties or
P2P Diplomacy action. Relevant effects
from those actions may be included in the
negotiated peace terms.
Check Remember to check all effects 1. P32 If ALL Province in an Area now are
aftermath which are related to Province Owned by PRs, remove all Influence cubes
control and ownership after the from this Area. If some Provinces are only
resolution of peace, which results vassalized but not Owned, there can still
in change of hands of Ownerships be Influence.
of Provinces and Areas. 2. p15. If ALL Provinces in an Area now are
Owned by ONE PR, remove that PR’s Claim
token, if any, from that Area. That PR can
remove 2 Unrest while doing so. Note that
the PR cannot retain that Claim token for
future use.
3. P31 If an NPR is vassalized, remove all
Alliance tokens and Marriage tokens from
its Capital. (Note that if the NPR is
vassalized through Diplomatic Subjugation,

the new Overlord may retain their
Marriage token with the vassal.)
4. If an NPR is annexed, remove all tokens
on its Capital.
5. P46 If anyone Owns Roma, they place a
Cardinal on the Roma slot, and they
cannot have any other Cardinal. If they
have any Cardinals they need to discard
those. (They should have done so already
when they Occupy Roma).
6. P30. If any PR lost any of there
Provinces or Vassals from Peace
Resolution, the PR MAY place Claim tokens
in each Area where they lost Province(s).

HRE Check HRE Emperor needs to pay extra 1. P44, P45. Adjust HRE Imperial Authority
aftermath attention regarding the aftermath based on war outcome. If a War against an
of Peace Resolution. external Aggressor is won by the Emperor,
they gain 1 Imperial Authority if no HRE
Provinces are ceded to external Realms. If
a War against an external Aggressor is
lost by the Emperor, they lose 1 Imperial
2. The change of Ownership of Provinces
in HRE may trigger Leaving & Rejoining
HRE. Check P43-45. A quick summary here.
2A. Area Leaving HRE: Lose 1 Imperial
Authority; Lose all Imperial Influence in
this Area; If this is an Elector Area, further
check if Elector Areas falls below current
Imperial Authority -1, and lose 1 Imperial
Authority for each step short.
2B. Reincorporate HRE Area: Imperial
Authority +1.
3. P43. If the Emperor enforces full
Annexation Peace Term on an HRE
Member of the same State Religion, the
Imperial Authority decreases 1.
4. P43, P44. If after Peace Resolution, an
Elector Area ceases to be an Elector Area,
the Imperial Authority cap is reduced by 1
(IA cap is Number of Elector Area +1 (p43).
At game start there are five Elector Areas
so IA is capped at 6 by default).
An Area ceases to be Elector Area when
this Area does not contain any Capital of
HRE members. Quote “If all such Capitals
are Owned by Realms whose Capitals are
in different Areas, the Area is not counted
as an Elector Area”. This includes such
Capitals owned by Emperor.
Truce Have you placed Truce? P30. Remember to place Truce! Flip the

War token to Truce side (unless you
vassalize or annex the loser, which would
lose independence). Note that Truces are
not placed on the Active Allies of former
Enemies. This is one rare occasion where
you can DoW same target two rounds in a

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Disputed Pay attention to Dispute P9. If you want to avoid the penalty, pay close
Succession Succession resolution process? attention whether you meet the requirements.
The requirements are different for Disputed
Succession token on PR and NPR.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
HRE Are you HRE Emperor? P45 Advanced rule. If you are HRE Emperor
and you are during Interregnum, it means that
you must have discarded your ruler, which
would trigger an Imperial Election. If you have
not done so, you have made a mistake.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Vassal Did you check your P9. Note for your Vassal’s dissent, you compare your
Religious Dissent for your vassals’ state religion (which could be different from
vassal? yours) with the religion tokens in Areas with that
vassal’s towns.
1. If your vassal suffer any Religious Dissent, you only
selection ONE affected area to receive the penalty,
then select ONE of (a) remove 1 influence, (b) add 1
Unrest to vassal.
2. Your vassal must be an NPR before it became your
Vassal. Hence, its original State Religion is defined by
Realm Player Aids. Then, its state religion would
change if the Religion of their Capital Area Changes (a
different token covers the board or replace a
different token from game start). This rule for change
of state religion is true no matter that Realm is an
NPR or your vassal.
Religion Do you know that Diverse P38. You also suffer Religious dissent If these tokens
Faith and Revolutionary are on the Areas and are different from your State
Ideas also constitute as Religion.


No specific issues


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Occupied Do I roll for my towns occupied P37. No. The Occupier would roll for those
Town by others? towns as part of their resolution.
Area Did you roll Rebel for a whole P37. Roll Rebel Dice Area by Area for All unrest
Area? in given Area.
Penalty Did you pay for all penalties? P37. Note that Rebel dice penalty is
compulsory, which may lead the Realm to
bankruptcy if it cannot be paid.
Battle Did you leave Rebel battle to P37. The battle between the defender and the
the end to resolve? Rebels is only triggered after all Rebel dice are
resolved. This may include the resolution of
rebel dice of other players.
Note: It is said that this rule is about to change
to “Suffer 1 casualty for each Rebellion result if
you have Military Units in the Area you rolled
for” to simplify things, so no battle would be
triggered and this issue is no longer relevant.
Rebellion You rolled a Rebellion side P37. Note that allocating Rebellion result is not
from Rebel Dice? Sieging. It will not trigger Defensive Mentality.
It will not respect Sieging restriction either. It
is simply a town lost.
Also note that winning a battle against Rebels
in this phase does not award 1mp.
There is proposed change that if you have
Army / Units in the Area where you roll rebel
results, you will not trigger a battle but just
suffer 1 casualty for each rebel result rolled.
Rebel Did you lose any P37. A PR whose Province is Liberated by
Liberation Province/Vassals due to them Rebels MUST place a CB token on the new
being Liberated by Rebels? Province Owner's Capital (any Truce is


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Voluntaril Remember that you can P10. You can fire Advisors, Disband Units and Recall
y cut cost make voluntary changes Ships to Ports if in range to save costs.
to reduce cost Note that you can borrow loans voluntarily in this
phase. You are only forced to Fire/Disband/Recall if
you would go to Bankruptcy without doing so.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Loan Can you take loans to P14. Yes you can. You can continue to take loan
Reaction cover the cost for until you reach the maximum (5 Interest tokens in
Advisors and Units? Treasury) before you need to Fire any Advisor or

Disband any Units. You are only forced to
Fire/Disband/Recall if you would go to Bankruptcy
without doing so. You will only go Bankrupt if you
still cannot afford mandatory cost after Firing any
advisors and disbanding all units.

Occupied Remember to check your P28. Note that when your town is Occupied, you
towns occupied towns need to cover up the corresponding slot on the
track of their player mat with a Cube. Take this
opportunity to double check if you have covered
up correct number of Occupied towns.
Papal Are you Papal Controller? P46. Papal Controller pays 1 Ducat less per Advisor
HRE Are you the Emperor? Check your Imperial Authority and collect that
many Ducats
Bureaucracy Do you have the Check your idea.
“Bureaucracy” Idea?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Keep or Do you want to discard P10 Note that it is voluntary to keep or discard
Discard ducats? What penalty do Ducats.
Ducats you accept? If you have exactly 50 ducats, it seems reasonable to
discard 1 to avoid corruption cost.
You can choose to pay DP or to receive Interest token
as penalty
Interest You can have more than 5 P21. You can have more than 5 Interest token in your
token interest tokens. Treasure. More tokens simply prevent you from
taking more loans.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Adjustment All sources of additional P10. Sources include:
MP income or penalty  Ruler’ Skill
are already listed in  Advisor Skill
Phase 4.D.  +3 Stability
 -3 Stability
 Papal Controller
 Emperor of HRE
 Government Form
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Rebel Lost Prestige for Rebel P10. Lose Prestige equal to tax value of town
controlled towns? occupied by Rebels
Papal Controller Scored Prestige for P10. You must be the uncontested Papal
Uncontested Papal Controller to score this. This maximum is
Controller? meaningful for a game with 5 or more players.
HRE Scored Prestige for P10. Emperor scores 1 Prestige Point if
Emperor? Imperial Authority is 6
Check Idea Have you checked P10. Score 1 if your Stability Level is positive
Absolute Monarch (1+) under the Absolute Monarchy idea. Note
Idea? that this is a Government Form idea. You can

have only 1 Government Form idea.
Crusade/Power Check rules about P46 for Crusade and P43 for Power Struggle
struggle Crusade and Power
Crusade / Remember to remove P46. Excommunicated Token is removed in this
Excommunication tokens this step. step. Crusade token is removed once scoring
for Crusade is done.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Allied Disband vs discard Allied P9, if you are at Peace, your Allied units will be
Units Units discarded at Phase 3.D.4.
P10, if you are still at War, your Allied units will be
disbanded to available Manpower pool, which can
be recruited next round again.
Manpower Update Manpower P23, Note that when increasing Manpower, you
move units to your Available Manpower pool (max
20 Manpower in total). When decreasing
Manpower, you can move units from your
Exhausted, Available, or Deployed units pool to
HRE Are you Emperor? P43. When you are the Emperor you Imperial
Authority is also directly added to your Manpower
value. You Manpower reserve will change at this
step to reflect changes in Imperial Authority.
Colonist Maximum colonists P10. You can add a maximum of 4 colonists.
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Merchant Have you stood up It is a very easy to miss clean up task.
Remove Check DNPR tax income P10. Note that if the DNPR is your active ally, you
Alliance to determine if you need need to follow the procedure of losing Active Ally on
to remove Alliance p32 under refusing CtA section. This is not
specifically explained in rulebook
Imperial Have you adjusted P10, P45. Note that if Emperor is an NPR, you adjust
Influence Imperial influence and its IA at the end of round by rolling d6. This should
Imperial Authority? happen after the adjust imperial influence step, but
it is not explicitly explained in rule.
Crusade Have you updated the P10. A bookkeeping task.
and status check?
Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Hand Hand size is checked now P18. Hand size is only checked in Phase 5 Step C. It
size and only now means that you may keep more than 5 Action cards
in hand after drawing cards in Phase 1.

Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Lowest Did you allow the Player P11. If there is a tie, no one is entitled to pick.
Prestige with lowest Prestige
Player’s Points to replace 1 Idea or
benefit Milestone?
Royal Have you resolved Royal P11. Follow the sequence
Marriag Marriage 1. Score 1 Prestige Point if you have at least 1
e Marriage token
2a. Remove 1 Marriage token (from NPR first), or
2b. Pay 2 DP, not to remove Marriage token.
3. If a Marriage token is removed from a PR, then
that PR must also remove the Marriage token from
the corresponding PR (because Marriage tokens
always exist in pairs among PRs, like real couple). This
forced removal does not constitute to completing
step 2.


Category Common Issues Rule Reference
Interest Cap of interest token? There is no cap of interest tokens in your Treasury.
token Once you have 5+ Interest tokens, you cannot
actively add more Interest tokens by borrowing
loans. However, you may still add interest tokens
through other effects.
Voluntary If you don’t have enough A compulsory cost includes Rebel Dice penalty, Event
cost ducats to cover a cost, is penalty, and Interest on loans (maybe others but I
the cost voluntary and am not 100% sure if there is any other type of
compulsory? compulsory cost).
A voluntary cost includes unit maintenance fees,
advisory salaries, and ducats costs for Action cards
or actions.
If you cannot afford a voluntary cost, you must first
fire advisor and disband units before claiming

A PR HRE Emperor would be subject to much more rules than an ordinary realm. I attempt to include the
elements discussed here in the previous sections where these elements maybe triggered or affected.

Papal Controller has 2 extra actions which are Excommunicate ruler and Call Crusade. Both are diplomatic
actions and both provide CB against targeted Realms. Check p46 for more details.


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