States Week1 PDF

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About States.

The one taking option to rule and implement laws and orders to abolish anarchy are absolutely
fundamental of the state, therefore, they should be executed efficiently. This is where government now
takes on key role. The government functions as an organization that creates and carries out laws for the
protection of individual rights of all citizens and the general public welfare of the society. It functions as
the executive branch that makes decisions with regard to resource distribution, arbitrates, and simplifies
governance. State governments that do not maintain an effective social contract that ties individuals
together in the state are bound to disintegrate completely resulting in anarchy and the breakdown of
social cohesion. Therefore, the authority, serving as the second most ranking entity in the state, takes a
great responsibility both in the ensuring order discipline and providing the security of people's rights and
public tranquility, thus allowing the growth and development of the state as well as its citizens.

With sovereignty, the honorable element and the third highest component of a state system, the
foundation and developments of the sphere of a right society are guaranteed. It's the symbolic
formulation that manifests the state's power and autonomy in making bill inside its territorial limits. The
point here is that the government that is law-making one is sovereign which simply implies that this
government derives its authority from being the only one that can make laws in this area. Without
Sovereignty, a country can be a target for external meddling when the influence of foreign powers is
desired, with the consequences of ineffective governance difficult to avoid. A state intrinsic shows that it
has the right to determine its laws and policies as well as priority of the masses. First, it provides a means
of exchange which in effect contributes to the foundation of international relations as they are produced
on an equal footing. Making simple sovereignty has therefore become the basis and on which the
government rests to hold the reigns of justice over which the rights of the people are safeguarded. Hence,
the ultimate role players are none other than individuals and government which however cannot be
denied the fact that they do need the sovereignty that provides the frame for a state to be governed
autonomously and cohesively in the global arena.

Finally, territory, one of the most important constituents of the state and our last-mentioned. It defines
the geographical area preserving the state’s authority, where the law is implemented, and where the
sovereignty is occurring. There is a single entity that shapes and controls the legal and regulatory systems
in the territory – the government that administers the jurisdiction within the borders of the state. Indeed,
the location after territory underlines that even though pushing territory boundaries is still important the
need for territory may change from time to time, for example in an era of international cooperation where
mass of territory is not the only way for thus country to excel. In terms of economic strength or even
political influence, a small-sized state could exceed our expectations almost reaching the levels of bigger
entities. However, territory still plays although, s a region on and on it which the state shows its functions
take place. It defines boundaries, implementing resource management and shaping up people's
geographical identity for the flow of whom the state administers. Basically, the possibility of the state to
become smaller or bigger will not affect the main concept of the territoriality of the state.

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