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Results well told

Where ever we go, whenever we do and whatever
we perform, we always try to offer best results.
The results will show our company’s culture and
VGU Building Automation

1. VGU Project Overview

2. VGU Advantages from Beckhoff
3. Beckhoff Building Automation Solution
4. Reference Projects
Building Automation System Requirement

• A Smart Holistic BA System for Present and Future:

- Integrated and Open System for HVAC, Electrical,
Security, Fire Alarm, Media and other systems
- Standard, Stability and long-term Components
- Independence, Flexibility Modification and Scalability
- Green Building for Energy Saving
- Future-Proof Platform for IOT Cloud communication,
ERP integration.

1. VGU Project Overview

2. VGU Advantages from Beckhoff
3. Beckhoff Building Automation Solution
4. Reference Projects
New Automation Technology with PC-based
Beckhoff BA_PC-base Control Traditional BMS_PLC-base Control
Operation • Real-time kernel or real-time Window OS for • Limit utilities with Embedded real-time operating
multitask applications system (RTOS) with a dedicated processor.
• Quickly upgrade to the latest PC technology • Depend on hardware platform support
(processor from ARM to core i7, multi cores)

Serviceability • Integrated and open platform • Commit to one or some hardware platform
• Easy to replace, extend or upgrade system with • Short product life-cycle for replacement.
standard modules and long life-cycle products • Additional devices needed when integrate or
upgrade system
Hardware • Flexibility in changing controller power for • Limited storage and processing capabilities due to
additional application while keeping legacy (for processor power.
example in media, data storage application) • Complexity in changing system structure or
• Free-choice and changeable topology without adding system in future
additional devices in future • Limit in support new protocol or additional
• Support almost standard protocol, especially gateway needed which takes more effort for ERP
Ethernet-base protocol, reduce effort of IOT and or IOT integration
ERP integration

Security • Preventing unauthorized access from outside • Data process capability at the field bus level.
• Unlimited user access with multilevel permission Need a PC platform support in management level

Programming • PC software typically operates as event-driven • A PLC has a mixture of scan-based and event-
• High speed data with EtherCAT, the current driven program, take longer execution.
fastest industrial protocol. • Limit in programming language IEC61131-3
• Supporting not only full of IEC61131-3, but also (ladder logic, instruction list, etc.) or some
C++/.NET and others from Visual Studio. proprietary vendor language
New Automation Technology with PC-based
Beckhoff BA_PC-base Control Traditional BMS_PLC-base Control
Cost More performance require, less cost spend. Flexible Typically start at a lower price at dedicated function, but
processor from Arm to Core i7 multi cores can handle can quickly get more expensive than PC Control
complex network loads and process a lot of data. Solution when high performance required

Expandability cost does not increase much with The cost increase galloping when a lot of additional
modular component and controller. devices are needed

Operating environment Industrial standard

component satisfy harsh environment, long lasting to
replacement or maintenance

Development time and cost decreases with high level Require a large resource familiar with IEC61131-3 to
programming languages and hundreds of ready- deeply intercede system.
library built-in functions from Beckhoff Depend on system provider in request to customize
closed system
VGU Project Benefit with Beckhoff System

• An industrial integrated and open Platform
• An independence, customizable system with long life-cycle support
• Security at Server level with capability of encoding data across the
entire data transmission
• Future-Proof Platform for IoT Cloud communication and ERP

Cost Saving:
• Sensor cost saving in comparison with traditional BMS system
• Access Control, unlimited number of users with multilevel
• Education Media Centre integration
• Green Building and Energy Saving with EU Standard
• Maintenance cost reduce with remote access capability
VGU Project Benefit with Beckhoff System
• Big data from other systems (ME, HVAC, Access Control, EMC, etc.) will be safe
and real-time stored in redundancy servers to limit down-time and continuous
data back-up process
• Every Bit-Data is real-time updated on cloud for remote access and analysis
• Friendly GUI with modular spare component
1. VGU Project Overview
2. VGU Advantages from Beckhoff
3. Beckhoff Building Automation Solution
4. Reference Projects
Reliable Investment
Building Application
Education Media Centre (EMC) Application
Flexibility and Open System Structure
Integrate Education Media Centre (EMC)
Smart Module Structure at Fieldbus Level
 Industrial standard hardware for all application -> Spare part profitability
 Intel® x86 processor family and Microsoft operating systems -> Long life
cycle, reduce risk of obsolescence issue
 Modulization structure and allows the migration of existing hardware and
software components into new solutions -> Cost saving in maintainance and
 High speed data exchange protocol -> Time saving means cost saving and
more safety
Independence in your own HMI and
Green Building-Energy Saving

ISO 16484 Building automation and Energy Performance of Building

Control systems (BACS) - Standard Directive (European Union)

National laws EN15232 Energy performance in

Eg. In Germany EnEv buildings – effects of automation
(Energieeinsparverordnung) and technical management on
Methods for calculation Energy consumption energy consumptions in premises
(DIN 18599) Part 11 of DIN 18599

National norms eg. Germany:

VDI 3813 Room Automation
VDI 3814 Building Automation
Green Building-Energy Saving
What is the impact of class A automation system in the end:
TwinCAT Software_Ready for Future

IOT and Industry 4.0

- Foundational technologies and tools to
implement Industry 4.0 concepts and
Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity.
- TwinCAT are available for Big Data,
pattern recognition as well as
- TwinCAT Analytics: analytics and
communication between controllers
and cloud-based services; saves the
process data locally, on the server or
in the cloud in synchronisation.
- TwinCAT IoT Communication supports
common protocols for cloud
communication and push messages to
smart devices.
TwinCAT Software_Ready for Future
Foundation for ERP communication and implement
1. VGU Project Overview
2. VGU Advantages from Beckhoff
3. Beckhoff Building Automation Solution
4. Reference Projects
Zaid University, Abu Dhabi
Realization of the complex
lighting control in relation
to daylight and
occupancy at Zayed
 The 80 ha site features 38
buildings, including a central
administration and library
building and separate
facilities for students.
 Approximately 42,000 DALI
Microsoft Cologne – Office of the Future
Integration of the latest IT and
media technology into building
 State-of-the-art conference and work
 Building automation encompasses:
the control of HVAC, lighting, sun
protection, individual lighting
scenarios and multi-functional room
control, e.g. via a ‘point of
 Microsoft ‘Unified Communications’
technology enables employees to be
reached anywhere in the building.
Tower 185, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The fourth highest building
in Germany
 Over 100 000 m² floor space, 50
floors high (Office space, kinder
garden, shopping space and
 60,000 datapoints to be monitored
and controlled (KNX/EIB, DALI,
EnOcean, SMI)
Widex A/X, Denmark
Widex head office with
innovative, CO2 neutral building
design base on renewable
energy source
 The concept includes a wind turbine,
solar cells and a geothermal system.
 Controller handles 10,643 data
 Integrated, trade-spanning control
platform (DALI lighting, HVAC,
burglar alarm)
 EnOcean radio technology reduces
cabling effort and offers full flexibility
for space utilisation
Thank you!

SaoBacDau Technologies Corporation

Lot U12B – 16A, Road 22, Tan Thuan
EPZ, Dist.7, HCM
T: (84.8) 7700968 F:(84.8) 37700969

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