Lms Structure

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Vincentian Collaborative

Learning Environment
Learning Management System

Information Communication and

Educational Technology
A Learning Management System (LMS)
is a software application for the
administration, documentation,
tracking, reporting, automation and
delivery of educational courses, training
programs, or learning and development
programs. The learning management
system concept emerged directly from

Why Choose ViCLE?

Learning Management Cost effective – ViCLE is at an

affordable price, but in very high
System (ViCLE-LMS) is a software quality of e-learning services.
that is designed specifically to create,
distribute, and manage the delivery of
educational content. Safe server data protection -
ViCLE has onsite server to ensure
the safety and excellent services
The ViCLE-LMS can be hosted as a and it is powered by MsSQL
Server 2012 which is easy to back
stand-alone product on the school up and restore.
server, or it can be a cloud-based
platform that is hosted by the software Built for learning and
teaching - developed by people
firm. in the education sector who have
direct experience and
ViCLE-Learning Management System understanding of how to apply
as technology that can improve online technology to learning and
learning, make it faster, productive,
cost-effective, and what is more Extensible - ViCLE can provide a
important - trackable. huge library of educational

platforms to meet the unique

requirements of each educational

Ease of use - ViCLE is easy to use
and user friendly Learning
Management System that everyone
can easily understand and learn.

Branding - We design ViCLE with

your school colors and logo so that
ViCLE-LMS operates inside of a web- your learning platform is instantly
browser, and can be access at recognizable to learners and teachers.
http://www.laconcordia.edu.ph (school Our designers also ensure that ViCLE
website) behind a secure sign-on process is user -friendly interface.
(student number and student’s password).
This gives all students and instructors easy Hosting
Our servers are backed up, secure and
access to courses on-the-go, while
stable, which guarantees that there is
administrators, faculty and leaders can


no downtime. This means it can be

monitor student progress and make used 24 / 7 a year.
ViCLE two different solutions:

Support - We offer technical support The hosted is the entry-level option and involves
over the phone and via email and School anywhere managing the hosting
training to ensure the quality, of your school’s ViCLE.
effectiveness, reliability, accessibility
The in-School allows your ViCLE to be hosted on a
and excellent services.
dedicated server at your school.

In-school V i C L E has been shown to give a number

Training - All our training sessions of notable advantages, significantly:
are designed to provide you with the
skills and knowledge to optimize the The entire system is backed up and
ViCLE for your school. Our training remotely managed by experts
sessions are delivered in two different
Should your internet connection fail,
• Onsite, hands-on, group
ViCLE will still be accessible (local
teachers training sessions and
one-on-one online training
• Remote training sessions Integrates with internal services, such as
Active Directory for single sign on

Course Layout Management - We Pages generally load 2-3 times quicker,

work alongside your teaching staff to automated quiz, can design interactive
structure ViCLE according to your content, embed external learning content
needs. and communication platform


Reduced load on your internet

System Requirements: Domain Application Requirements:
• Internet – 50mbps dedicated • SEC Registration
• Server - Intel processor XON 8core CPU • Letter from the Head of the Institution to authorize
32G RAM, 1TB SSD a person to apply the domain
• Domain – Domain Name • Payment to Philippine Network Foundation Inc.
• NS Host – Name Server / DNS Authoritative (RCBC or Union Bank)
for Domain
• Operating System - Windows Serve 2012 or
• Database – MSQL 2012 or higher
• PHP – 7.0 ver.
• IIS – updated Website Requirements:
• IF – Information Facilitator
• Internet
• Website Server
• Domain for website
• Web Developer (Subscribe or buy)
• Web Content

Information Communication and
Educational Technology
Mr. Alex C. Gutierrez
ViCLE Trainer and Facilitator
Mr. Norman C. Picorro
ViCLE Developer and Administrator

09275264586 / 09058720556

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