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CIS4930 Big Data Analytics

Individual Assignment 1: Predicting Airfare on New Routes

What to Turn In:

1) An MS Word file that contains your answers to the questions. You can use screenshots to
report the required results if it is convenient for you.
2) An R script that contains your code.

Note: Please do NOT submit any other file format. Failing to submit in the correct file
format will cause the loss of homework grades!

Problem: Predicting Airfares on New Routes

Several new airports have opened in major cities, opening the market for new routes (a route refers
to a pair of airports), and Southwest has not announced whether it will cover routes to/from these
cities. In order to price flights on these routes, a major airline collected information on 638 air
routes in the United States. Some factors are known about these new routes: the distance traveled,
demographics of the city where the new airport is located, and whether this city is a vacation
destination. Other factors are yet unknown (e.g., the number of passengers that will travel this
route). A major unknown factor is whether Southwest or another discount airline will travel on
these new routes. Southwest's strategy (point-to-point routes covering only major cities, use of
secondary airports, standardized fleet, low fares) has been very different from the model followed
by the older and bigger airlines (hub-and-spoke model extending to even smaller cities, presence
in primary airports, variety in fleet, pursuit of high-end business travelers). The presence of
discount airlines is therefore believed to reduce the fares greatly.

The file CSV_Airfares.csv contains real data that were collected for the third quarter of a year.
They consist of the following predictors and responses (i.e., the target variable):

S_CODE Starting airport's code

S_CITY Starting city
E_CODE Ending airport's code
E_CITY Ending city
Average number of coupons (a one-coupon flight is a non-stop flight, a two-coupon
flight is a one stop flight, etc.) for that route
NEW Number of new carriers entering that route between Q3-96 and Q2-97
Whether a vacation route (Yes) or not (No). Florida and Las Vegas routes are
generally considered vacation routes.
SW Whether Southwest Airlines serves that route (Yes) or not (No)
HI Herfindel Index - measure of market concentration
S_INCOME Starting city's average personal income
E_INCOME Ending city's average personal income
S_POP Starting city's population
E_POP Ending city's population
Whether either endpoint airport is slot controlled or not; this is a measure of airport
Whether either endpoint airport has gate constraints or not; this is another measure of
airport congestion
DISTANCE Distance between two endpoint airports in miles
PAX Number of passengers on that route during period of data collection
FARE (the response) Average fare on that route

Note that some cities are served by more than one airport, and in those cases the airports are
distinguished by their 3-letter code.

For this homework, the categorical variables Vacation, SW, Slot, Gate have been transformed
into the following dummy variables:
- VACATION_YES: =1 if Vacation is YES; and =0 otherwise;
- VACATION_NO: =1 if Vacation is NO; and =0 otherwise;
- SW_YES: =1 if SW is YES; and =0 otherwise;
- SW_NO: =1 if SW is NO; and =0 otherwise;
- SLOT_FREE: =1 if Slot is FREE; and =0 otherwise;
- SLOT_CTRL: =1 if Slot is CONTROLLED; and =0 otherwise;
- GATE_FREE: =1 if Gate is FREE; and =0 otherwise;
- GATE_CONS: =1 if Gate is CONSTRAINED; and =0 otherwise.

Complete the following tasks (write necessary R code):

a. Partition the original dataset into training (60%) and validation sets (40%). The model
will be fit to the training data and evaluated on the validation set. (1 point)
b. Build a multiple linear regression model for predicting the average fare on a new route.
Include all numerical predictors in the regression. For the four categorical variables (i.e.,
Vacation, SW, Slot, Gate), do NOT use the original variables. Instead, use the four
dummy variables: VACATION_YES, SW_YES, SLOT_CTRL, and GATE_CONS.
Finally, do not use S_CODE, S_CITY, E_CODE, and E_CITY in the regression, because
they are not numeric. (1 point)
c. Report the model estimation results. Based on the estimated values in the results, write
out how the linear regression model looks like. Note: you need to put the estimated
coefficient values in the square brackets.
e.g., FARE = [Intercept value] + [coefficient 1]*SW_Yes + [coefficient
Also, interpret the meanings of the two model coefficients for SW_Yes and
Provide the corresponding estimation results to support your answer.
(Model estimation results: 1 point)
(Coefficients interpretation: 1 point)

d. Use a “Backward” variable selection to reduce the number of predictors. How many
variables are being selected? Report all the variables selected. Provide the estimation
results. (Estimation results: 1 point, variables selected (or removed): 1 point)
e. Compare the predictive accuracy of the full model in (c) and the “Backward” model in
(d). Focus on measures such as RMSE and Adjusted R2. Which model performs better,
and why? (Prediction accuracy for two models: 1 point, performance comparison: 1
f. What suggestions/insights can you provide to the airline company? For example, how do
they price the new routes? (2 points)

Submission checklist
[ ] Answers to questions c, d, e, f
[ ] R script that includes your code

TIPs by JJ: remove "$" from FARE and convert to numeric

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