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Ethics of the Engineer

(Source : Kishor Thapa)

In 1790, Govt. of UK published as a public notice

The Government of UK would like to purchase an
“Elizabeth Liner” to accommodate 50,000 people
at the rate of GBP 5 million.

Ethic is a Personal Responsibility

QC Er. Jagadiswar M. Shrestha
2nd Falgun, 2077
Responsibility of Concrete Quality
❖Almost 90% of the construction defects are caused
due to lack of awareness/knowledge on part of Civil
❖A poor concrete not only give a bad name to an
individual or organization but also to Civil Engineering
Community as a whole

Therefore, it is often said that

An Engineer is as good (or bad) as his or her concrete is!
Ethic in Rana Dynasty
यो दृश्य राणा शासनको बेलाको हो l कर्मचारीहरुलाई हनर् ु ानढोकाको काल-
भैरव छुन लगाएर घस ु खान्दै नौं, राष्ट्रको सेवा गछुम भनेर सपथ ख्वाइन््यो l

फोटोग्राफर दीघमर्ान चचत्रकारले आजभन्दा १११ वर्म अघघ सन ् १९१० र्ा यो तस्बबर चखचेका हुन ् l
Who is an Engineer?

• Who plans, designs and constructs infrastructure,

machines, equipments or systems.
• Who ensures quality, efficiency, sustainability and
cost effectiveness.
• Who believes in logical process, rational thinking
and firm decisions.
• Who prepares ‘lagat estimate’ (social perception)
What Society demands from an Engineer?
• Reliable, durable and innovative infrastructure, services,
equipments or systems.
• Timely completion of the tasks with quality assurance.
• Cost effectiveness
• Sustainable infrastructure.

Engineers’ Image on the Social Mirror

• Somebody who earns a lot of money and enjoys extravagant life.
• Somebody who is corrupt.
• Somebody who builds low quality infrastructure
• Somebody who never delivers products on time.
• Somebody who does not care about people’s needs.
Some observation on attitude and behavior of Nepali Engineers

• More emphasis on planning and design and less on supervision

of construction and maintenance.
• More energy consumed on bidding process than construction.
• More time devoted inside office than on site.
• Less accountability.
• More reliance on contractor’s people.
Weakness & Strength of Engineers
Weaknesses Strength
No innovation particularly in civil Expertise in handling social and
works political problems despite
technological incompetency
Gap in modern technological A lot of knowledge and
innovation and the practice information but less skill and
Low managerial capability Skillful in pleasing politicians
Kathmandu centric Survival with minimum resources
Absence of teamwork feeling Capacity with individuality
The process of Change

• Lets believe in hard work and the long path of success (no short cut).
• The society has trusted us and let us not betray them.
• Lets not undermine life, safety and comfort of users of infrastructure
built by us.
• Lets take responsibility of what we do.
• Lets respect the contribution of our forefathers and inspire future
• Lets consider engineering ethics as core value of our profession
What to do ?

• Lets be a good human being before being an Engineer.

• Lets develop compassion, service, sacrifice and patience in
our work.
• Lets learn from each other. Always review the completed
projects and document the lesson learnt so that next time
we do much better.
• Lets develop working tools (type designs, specifications, guidelines,
standards, procedures).
• Lets ensure our presence at construction site.
Tee Shirt wear by Lab-boy in Segment Plant, BBDMP, Surkhet
Some Construction quality issues in Nepal
• Quality of Infrastructure is also one of the development indicators, but
National Policy of Nepal government does not emphases on this matter
• Research work on major development work should compulsory in major
development work
• About 1-2% of budget must be expend in quality control mechanism for lab
& human resources
• Lab establishment for quality control must established in each district
(Some of major cities has already standard Lab but most are not in operation
due to lack of human resources and emphasis)
• Sufficient training to the human resource shall develop
Quality of Viaduct & Road Junction Designed & Constructed by ?
Some Inspirational Persons & Book for Life

Nick Vijucic Hirotada ototade Stephen Hawking Shrishti KC

Jhamak Ghimire with Taiwan President

Thank You for Kind Attention

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