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Self- esteem is in the form of confidence and worth that one has on their own abilities and
capabilities that can be affected by varying ways such as environmental or the internal factors.
Parents who are practicing authoritarian parenting style are very strict and rigid. They use
corporal punishments such as spanking without explanation that destroys a child’s self-esteem
as well as his/her problem-solving abilities. Diana Baumrind found that the children who grew
with authoritarian parents are more moody, less cheerful and more prone to stress and

Social media and social networks influence student community and becoming an everyday part of their
lives. Social media refers to computer-mediated technology facilitating the growth and sharing of ideas,
awareness, career interests, information and other method to express through social networks and
virtual communities. As a result of engagement in this kind of platform, students’ behavior is affected.
Due to being dependent on the information and data that is easily accessible on social networking sites,
students’ focus is reducing which causes them to dedicate less time to their studies. Students spends
more time on social media that results for them to spend less tie in socializing face to face conversations
that reduce their communication skills.

Globalization is a multi-dimensional concept because of the fact that it covers a lot of areas; such as
economic, political and social areas. According to (Lietao, 2012), globalization increases economic

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